3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-20

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5S mio yenrol Is ami Olay HO ry 1 UT ELGA ch ra raTrainer By Free Lance Illustrious by Galon Trainer E J Howell Owner R J Breeder G J Long 57800 Tijuana 51 f OS fast Ot 110 1 3 51 0SJ V Jarrell 8 Philander KllaWaldo ItedMan 07786 Tijuana 51 f lOS fa t CO 11311 S S = 7 W Jam1111 Guhlliryan Dolaiicey KosaAlkin C7702 Tijuana 5 f 1OS fast 12 113 5 4 5J Sl E Fator 11 St Angelina KoxaAtkin Coombs G7GH8 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 7 109 6 3 4 4H F Stevens 12 Melihoir Nnliour tlalHeiry tlalHeiryC 07151 Tijuana 58 l02tifast C 114 1 3 31 6 J Pevic 9 Celbrate Theresa Liii rKk 67355 Tijuana 5S 1 02fast 11 114 4 3 3b 3J J Pevic 11 lUss Welch Hazel Dale Midian 67298 Tijuana kl f lOSrast 12 109 4 1 2 3J J Pevic 8 Mildn Nog Lariat LariatSS C7133 Tijuana 5S l0 4hvy SS 114 2 3 C 733 O Atwell S Cuba Piraijnaiia Celebrate 67078 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 4310f 112 267 = 7J O Atwell 9 Kyeliright MIlollins Master Masterch JOS CAMPBELL ch c 4 111 By Boots and Saddle Welcor by Dick Welles WellesP Trainer W P Gaires Owner W P Gaines Breeder C B Head Head5S 08 1 25 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 135 100 2 2 2 = 21 F Stevens 12 SCtleman HVrsPolnt Itoviow C7891 Tijuana 34 llSMmu 2310 112 346 C II S Jonet11 VlwlColn Canvasbk Mnlluku G7805 Tijuana 58 101 fast 1 109 7 10 10 10 II S Jcnesll Pay Off Vibrate Nooiihour Nooiihour5S C7G79 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 34 111 C 10 101 SJ H S Jonesll Angola Joe Tag Full Mocn 0704 I Tijuana MajMaulsbyCS 34 l137tfast CS 111 3 3 3 5i H S Jones C LitNeach Sttle MajMaulsby C7545 Tijuana CS l01fcfast 4 111 3 1 1 n E Taplm 12 OllieWood Mayfler MissKdua MissKdua6S 67491 Tuuuna 6S lOJJifast 3f 112 10 1 31 2 13 Tajvliii 11 Caudorosa Alajah Yukon ONWA ch s 9 By Dalhousie Thistledon by Eothes EothesBreeder Trainer G Boyd Owner R PHIos Breeder T Ciydo Ciydo5J 08200 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 5 10S 3 5 5J 31 G Rose 8 MMcelick TDunean BM cycrs 08218 Tijuana 34 l19mud 41 111 2 V 6 = 1 4J F Watrous 9 Circulate Review Au Rcvoir 0819G Tijuana 51 f l12V mud 7 110 7 6 Bl 3J G Rose 7 BlackPat Cannonball PerfDay G8145 Tijuana 34 119 mud 15 107 7 10 10B 9J 9 R Bauer 10 ClovcrJunin Plunger Aultevoir 0803D Tijuana 61 f l14hvy B 110 S 7 33 2 G Rose 11 RagDoll TpyDuncan Itlk Pat 07970 Tijuana 5S l05 l05smud = smud 21 105 3 7 7 3l G Rose 10 Squash Bacchus Operator G7S90 Tijuana 34 llSmud 19 10S 2 C C7f 6n C G Rose 10 DblcEyc LonePine MdieWiln 07819 Tijuana 51 f I10r6mud 7f 110 3 B 5e 45J G Rose 9 Miss Dunbar Bcvicw PhyllisK G77G3 Tijuana 5S l01fast 4 107 11 9 71 C G Rose 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsa DelsaBy DODE ADAMS br m 7 111 111Trainer By luck and Charity Tripod by Bonnie Joe JoeBreeders Trainer H Cassity Owner H Cassity Breeders J H Barnott G77G4 Tijuana 5S l02fcfast S S5S 2 = 4i II Txmg 12 Cancion Santhia C Woolday f3027 Tijuana 5S l ihfast 3S 105 5 C E Taylor 8 UAnglcton Pizarro WnltMack 52874 Tijuana 58 101 fast 7 105 41 in E Taylor 10 Quid Nunc El Sabio Chrome 526GS Tijuana 5S l04Hhvy 34 113 10 D Hurn 10 CamflagcIL DFshn LitJake 52504 Tijuana BS l04 hvy 185 110 C J B Mariellil2 IndBgadc MEurta JJMrdk 523CO Tijuana 51 f l09good 311 113 83 Rowe 11 Pty llaby Erniitana CMurphy CMurphyBy JACK LEE br g 5 By Jack Atkin Lady Gelopin by St Serf Trsiasr H Tullett Owner Tarn o Shanter Stable Breeder H P Headlev 5S l02fast 4 6 E Dugan 11 HabeRuth GalBerry TDuncan Si 7 E Dugan 10 Lewis U WCDooly P Tenny 07703 Tijuana 5S l01fast 165 112 6 6G7701 6 53 II S Joncsl2 Viva Hen Payre Irene Delsa G7701 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 4 115 1 15720S 3 7ci A Claver 12 Kirkwood Plunger Caatnaco 5720S Corght 5J f 1 09 good 25 106 3 3 35707S 4J 51 F Mirnhy 7 Al Pierce Kinetic Rib 5707S Connht 34 115 fast 52 103 5 6 6 = 6 ° H Stearns 8 PropaMa Gorilla GallouBerrr 56702 Dorval 34 lllfast 29 100 5 6 5 71 K Parton 10 Ladylvan Pinaid Diamd Dale 56622 Dorval 34 l125ifast 3S 101 1 7 7CANNONBALL 7 6 II Stearns 10 MGarncr TtheMark UWllldo UWllldoBy CANNONBALL b h 5 116 116Trainer By Irish Exile Betula by Bey del Sierras SierrasBreeder Trainer K Davis Owner H Davis DavisC8297 Breeder L L Allen C8297 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 21 116 2 21 2s J Glass 10 Delancey No Wonder Flame 08279 Tijuana 34 l16slow 95 115 1 1a 3 J Glass 10 Caamano Dovesroost Norain 08196 Tijuana 51 f l12Himud 31 114 3 11 2i J Glass 7 Itlack Pat Onwa Perfect Day 68103 Tijuana 34 116 fast IS 115 2 II 3 J Glass 12 View Plurality Obstinate 07829 Tijuana 34 115 fast lif 113 4 2J 33 F Stevens 9 Slieka View Emma Weller 67802 Tijuana 55 f l07 fast 35f 110 S 71 Gl F Stevens 10 Lobelia Poacher Yukon 67721 Tijuana S f l09fast 112 116 2 31 9fJ I Fletcher 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 67450 Tiluana 5S 102 fast 332 115 4 9 9 II AndsonlO Hazel Dale View Delancey DelanceyEy BLANCHE MEYERS br m 9 106 106Trainer Ey J F Crowley Prithee by Filigrano FiligranoBreeder Trainer B John Owner W Jenkins Jenkinsf8260 Breeder B Vilev Son Son3J f8260 Tijuana 5i f 113 hvy 64 10G 4 3J 4 I Parke 8 MissMlick Tom Duncan Onwa 68195 Tijuana 51 f l12mud 7 IOC C a G T Wilson S Nonsuit Ennitana Lola Fluke 08125 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 40 106 6 5 41 5s L Barber 12 SGtlenian JCpbell IlersPnt IlersPntS 07911 Tijuana 58101 mud 4G 110 9 S 12 = 11 L Barber 14 Cicely Kay You lor Car 67785 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 71 113 5 5f7597 5 7 = 652 B Parke 11 OHomestd MissDbar Review f7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast S 113 S 6 6i 73i B Iarke 12 I Lobelia bclia Delancey View 67432 Tijuana 5S l01sfast 14 IDS 9 955 53 L Parber 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela OPEPATOB b E 6 6Trainer 113 By First Chip Gracio Gould by Kegister KegisterEdison Trainer G Edison Owner G Edison Breeder S Waring Waring16f 083 14 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 16f 107 7 9 9 9U 9 F WatrousT2 Norfield Nizam Merry Lass 08017 Tijuana 4 f oSHmuil 14 113 175 175G797G 2 = H JMolters S QyWard Nordllonpy Pokey G797G Tijuana 5S l05mud 10 110 4 3 3 = 1 4 1 II MolterslO Squash Bacchus Onwa 07539 Tijuana 5S lOlVsfast 54 110 6 6 b1 bli CS II Molters 7 Full Moon Milda Alajah AlajahISf 07597 Tijuana 58 102 fast ISf 110 3 7 7 71 65J H Molters 12 Lobelia Dolancey View 07429 Tijuana 58102 fast 21 110 10 7 11G5223 11 108J II Molters 12 Lady Small Bookworm OlympM G5223 Hstings Ab 5S l00slow 6 114 45i H Molters C J Fountain ElmerW Onrllazel 04872 Bghouse 58 l02fast 7 109 109C43G1 21 II Molters 12 Red Man J D Sugg Kio C43G1 Hastings Ab 5S 59jslop 27 115 Pulled u uWILD up Perry G Yukon II K Asher Geo James WILD BEIEB br m 5 M 111 111Trainer By Joe Carey Woolen by Woolsthorpe Trainer H C Masters Owner H Masters Breeder 0 L Kogers Kogers25C 812 1 Tijuana 5S l02fast 25C 106 11 11 11 91S E Blind 11 Babeltiith GalBerry TDuncan 57891 Tijuana 34 llSVimud 13 101 S 10 10 ° 1017 F Stevens 11 VledColn Canvashk MnFluke 07828 Tijuana 34 l15fast ISf 10S 10 10 7 = C1 F Stevens 10 Lewis B WCDooly P Tenny 07765 Tijuana 5S l0tfast 24f 11013 13 11 = 11 = F Stevens 13 Augclo ChtaSmith T Duncan 07658 Tijuana 5S l01fast 29f 110 2 11 11 llJlt E Donhuel2 Melchoir Nnhour Gallterry 07597 Tijuana 58 102 fast ISf 10S 12 12 12 12G733G 12 E Blind 12 Lobelia Delancey View G733G Tijuana 34 llGsfast 91 11412 10 10 10 II Moltersl2 Nizam Norfield Glenzar GlenzarIT 00973 Tijuana 5S l03 hvy IT 109 8 S 8 S W Miiler S Harry D It Ternsttc HESTER H ch m 9 106 By Harrigan Hester Zorra by Cesarlon Trainer W C Hoover Owner Hoover Duncan Breeder B A Jones 08167 Tijuana ES lC6hvy lC6hvyC7763 Sf 10S 3 10 10 10 II Long 10 IvyGray YouBet Victory Won Won4f C7763 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 4f 110 9 8 10l 103 F Smith 12 Viva Pen Payne Irene Delsa Delsa19f 67659 Tijuana 58 l01 ifast 19f 105 4 6 Rak 91 E PetzoldtlO Lvllrpon RosaAtkin Cjvellan CjvellanISf 07597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf 114 9 10 91 9 F Smith 12 Lobelia Delancey View 07432 Tijuana 5S l01 fast fastC7224 24f 116 5 4 7 = 7 1 F Smith 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela C7224 Tijuana 5S l027sgood 792 114 6 S SSO 8 = 9 = F Smith 10 ColonelMatt MissDunbar Velvet VelvetSO 07075 Tijuana 5S l01 = jhvy SO 105 1 4 7 = 1 S2 H Long 9 ShermaiiA Big Indian Nizam 67016 Tijuana 5S 104 mud 83 111 3 9 10 10 F Smith 10 BlWaldo Countltnris Ternetta mudI COUNSEL br g 9 9Trainer 108 By Out of Beach Consuclo LT by Bradwardine Trainer G Nibbs Owner G Nibbs Breeder P T Chinn and F A AForsythe Forsythe 68144 Tijuana 34 119 mud 73 102 9 S S S5 L Armng 9 BelleFlower GXews IlesYounc 67573 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 75 110 12 12 12 10 ° i II Zander 12 Gen Czar Midian Review Review2J 65840 ilneuve 1 116 l524fast 2J 111 31 J Simmons 7 Homam Kainonall CRamhler C5693 Mnuve Ab 61 f 125 fast K 10 115 Il C OMahy 7 Jackllealey Red Post King B 65505 Kempton 1 116 l52fast 3i 112 2U C OMahy G SirGalahadlL Ramonall Parol 05410 Kempton 1 116 l53Vifast 31 113 23 II Gibson S DoyJv John Arbor El Coronel 65242 Dorval 1 116 149 fast 11 101 9 5 G1 5 = 1 A Sstrom 10 SMoney lirrcliff HMStevens 65020 Dorval 1 116 l4SJifast l4SJifastMR Sf 99 10 S 10 12 M Andson 13 SPeurlL Lavaga ThistleQueeD MR KRTTTER ch g 7 113 By Transvaal Iillin Kruter by Orimar Orimari Trainer F Marmot Owner R i Marmot Breeder M Doyle Doyle6f 08038 Tijuana 51 f l13hvy 16f 6f 115 4 3 7 = i S J Pevic 8 HarHurgoyne Thrills Bacchus BacchusS6 06571 Akron Cl f l24V5fast S6 104 2 P Gross 10 Cavalier Qof the Spa Itlacklat 00469 Akron 61 f l26low 11 11 45 T Rae S Star Banner Bashful Uranium 65659 NKton 1 147 fast 21 111 551 C Eames G Reveler Rapidan Ponderosa 05415 NKton 34115 fast 5 107 3l C Watson 5 Com Colin McLane St Kevin 05273 XKtoii Ab 0S l01fast 9 115 1 = C Watson 7 KittyChtham OurLAnn Cliow 04771 ConLake 34 120 good 1310 10 112 2l W Dks Dkson Jazz Favour Marchtone 64709 ConLake Ab 38 l01ifast 9 113 4 1 W Dkin DkinBIG Dkinsn 7 Pokey Jane Virge LuiMcme BIG INDIAN ch h 6 M 113 By Brigade Hattie Garrett by Bonnie Joe Joeicr Trainer E E Buchanan Owner icr E E Buchanan Breeder E E Buchanan 67152 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 65 109 2 1 I li 2J1 M Fator FatorC7075 8 Ited Man Olympiad Hilly Joe C7075 Tijuana 5S l04jhvy 10 105 5 3 23 2 = M Fator 9 ShermaiiA Nizam MarioiiFluke

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022001/drf1923022001_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923022001_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800