4th Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-20

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I tli DA PC 1s Miles iyearoliLs and upward Claiming March ii7 4111 llAUt ly l 15U 5 117 117THE THE VENGEANCE ch f 4 103 By The Finn Catherine Carson by Ben Stroras StrorasTrainer Trainer L H Tryon Owner L H Tryon Breeder W R Estill 68315 Tijuana 51 f 1 07 ifast C 106 11 12 y Si F WatrouslS Shelbyville TCmven Poaclier 08263 Tijuana 1 l45hvy 11 102 6 2 S5 8 F Watrous 9 Power Poor Puss Plow Steel 08184 Tijuana Im70y l49hvy 39 101 7 1 1J 3 = 1 F Watrous S Sanlledron PlowSteel I wisH 681 2G Tijuana 5S l01fast 62 109 S J 8 SI 7 F Watrous 9 SisSusie LyRrbon Dane Girl 08040 Tijuana 1 l50hvy 710 10 103 3 1 VI 1 = W Pool 7 Dissolute Tag Day Figuration 7996 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 5 111 2 2 2 = 21 D Hurn 11 Caunzel jharlutta Smith Car C7915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 23 105 S C 0 = 43i P Walls S Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk 07873 Tijuana 34 l16muu 21f 110 11010 10 9 71 G A Claver 10 MEinmaO Noonhoiir MKarnea 67787 Tijuana 1 142 fast 1S5 i5 112 6 655 i iLITTLE = 3 J A Claver 12 Hackamore Plunger Glenzar LITTLE DEAR b g 5 WiselyT 105 105Trainer By Olambala Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer J S Baldwin Owner T Harris Breeder R T Wilson 68312 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 6 110 1 S 61 41 E Petzoldtll Tom Craven Cobrita MikeDaly 08239 Tijuana Im70y 153 hvy 8 113 3 4 4 3 3J M Andson 8 AnitaK Plurality LLaehmnnd 08140 Tijuana 1 1S 202mud 31 113 2 6 3s 3 = M Andson 9 Bacchus Plurality Gen By tig 07978 Tijuana 1 14 2l5mud 2 115 3 3 3h 2 AV Gargan S LonePine Tawasentha Veteran 0783 Tijuana 1 14 2OSVast 13 105 3 C 41 ii M Andson 9 Fireworth YorkLassie Argento ArgentoS OG918 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud S 113 4 5 oJ 3i J Pevic 7 MislressPoIly Dora My I iddia C 37l Akron Ab 1 1S l55Vifast 5 101 1 J Pevic 9 Puzzle Le Itlenet Drifting 06540 Akron Im70y l50fast 1 110 3 = J Pevic 7 Cavalier MelbaPolly Ptender CAAMANO ch S 8 110 By Celt Cantaloupe by Hastings HastingsL Trainer L Knifong Owner L Knifong Breeder W Garth 08279 Tijuana 34 l16slow 1710 10 107 G C 21 Ih E PetzoldtlO Dovesroost Cannonball Norain 68183 Tijuana Im70y 1 0fehvy 4 110 2 3 S5 3 E Petzoldt S Tawasentha Anita K Silex II 08144 Tijuana 34 119 mud 1910 107 6 C 6 C11 E Fetzoldt 9 BFlower Gl s HesYoung 08103 Tijuana 34 116 fast 6 107 S 11 7 5 E PetzokU12 View Plurality Cannonhall 67785 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 4 110 10 S S1 7J E IVtsoldlll OHomestd MissDbar Review 67701 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 11 110 S 9 C 33 E PetzoldtlJ Kirkwood Plunger Clearfield 07409 Tijuana 118157 fast 6 103 4 1 li 4 = 1 II Molters 9 Drifting Argento John Arbor 67339 Tijuana 1 1S l54 fast 29 111 2 7 7 78i F Serembu 7 Kugciiiu K Vic Dolph CAR ch g S 110 By Suffragist Dixie Dixon by Sir Dixos Dixosr Trainer R E Chandler Owner r G Buskay Breeder J E Madden 08241 Tijuana 5S lC5 ihvy 11 113 113G8082 4 0 C = i 2 = T Wilson S Midian FicklcFaney BFlower G8082 Tijuana Im70y l49V sow 85 5 113 3 2 2 l W Pool 11 Lit Gink P to Point Dalwowl 08019 Tijuana Im70y l53 = imud 6 10S 4 4 4 4 R Flynn 7 Lewis 1 Cabin Creek Rhymer 7996 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 31 115 10 C 5 4ci E Dugan 11 Caunzel TheVengoance CSmith CSmithSf 67911 Tijuana 58104 mud Sf lit 7 9 G 3s E Dugan 14 Cicely Kay You Iet L Gentry 66939 Tijuana ImTOy l4Sihvy 30 10S 1 3 6 C7J E Petzoldt 6 CavcadrII Itkhnil Poacher 6089G Tijuana 5S 104 slop 5 114 S 7 61 4 ° J Metcalf S Milda Plantagenet Jerrv 66425 Toledo 51 f 110 slow 41 106 7 6 Fell T Burns 10 ClpatralJoy PuffHall IrDelaa N K BEAL ch g 9 115 By Glorifier Puritan Girl by Yankee Yankeei i Trainer E E Lovell Owaer H T Palmer Breeder J H Shrove 68304 Tijuana Im70y l16fefast 20 109 2 4 4J 3 W Pool 9 Hackamore Dolph Lewis K 68186 Tijuana 1 12 242hvy 31 1WJ 422 21 F Stevens S Dominator Tag Day Ifalfour 8129 Tijuana 1 1S 55fast 41 115 977 5 1 D Hurn 9 GMhlebach AUVick 1 David 68041 Tijuana Im70y 54 hvy 195 10S 5 2 2 = in W Pool 10 PlSteel Tawasentha Plurality Pluralityj 07997 Tijuana Im70y 2mud 185 113 S 6 6 63 J Pevic 9 Cafeteria Olympiad lionocia 67981 Tijuana 1 4Smtd 14f 114 C 3 31 4s G BrdfootlO NthShore Gdltryan ChleyHoy ChleyHoyG7915 G7915 Tijuana 31 117 17 mud 62 110 5 7 1 75 6 61 J Shaffer S Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk 07748 Tijuana 31 114 Ufast 16Cf 116 U 11 11 11 = J Shaffer 11 MMatilsby Horinga Hs Heir SHOREACRES br m 9 113 113Trainer By Martimas Jane Shore by Pershore Trainer J OSuilivan Owner J OSullivan Breeder W Hammell 68300 Tijuana Im70y l46 IMClifast Jast 63 111 S 8 5 5i J Maiben 9 Don J e El Ruble Ueydo 08171 Tijuana 34 llS = ihvy 40 115 5 11 II3 10 J Maiben 12 Philander SHodnm Ixwis H 07800 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 5 10S 2 S 61 4J F Stevens S Philander Ella Waldo RcdMaa 67664 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 31 110 4 1 U 4 W Martin 8 WJudge JDavid Chklarkler 07551 Tijuana Im70y l45ifast 8 108 2 8 6J H Petzoldt 7 SumSiji Yerinak Cavaldrll CavaldrllG7515 G7515 Tijuana 1 116 1 4 irast 165 113 2 1 1 1 F Stevens S Lariat Rhymer Keydo 67357 Tijuana 1 1 42ifast 3710 105 3 4 31 3i J Thomas 6 DocTubbs Proclamatn GipJoa 67280 Tijuana Im70y l45ifast 5 100 1 5 31 Sl M Fator S FFogty McGsPk CvVdrIL CvVdrILSWENSON SWENSON BunjaivenTrainer b s 11 110 By Leonid Insolence Ty Bunjaiven Trainer P A Cornwall Owner S J Cornwall Breeder W McLemore 07618 Tijuana 1 1S 158 tifast 51 110 153 Ink C Rails S Al Wick Tag Day Steve 67548 Tijuana 1 1S l e fast Cl 110 7 7 7 C J II Long S Judge David Fireworth Dora 67471 Tijuana 1 1S 1 e fast 41f 115 9 6 61 5 = i S Sykes 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand 07153 Tijuana 1 l42ifasl 117 11210 10 10 = 9 ° E Petzoldtll WiscJudge TomCravon Flame DriftingM3 77 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 25 11 J 5 C 6 = 1 6 = F Smith 10 Madge P Judge David Drifting M3 Tijuana ImOy l47fast 21 10S S 9 91 651 E Petzoldtl2 WGMcCtoek GHyng Obuate 07115 Tijuana Im70y l5mud 44 105 S 7 621 CJ E Petzoldt 9 Lcta Deckhand Little Orphan OrphanI I W HARPER b g 8 115 By J F Crowley Fenelon by Governor Foraker ForakerTrainer Trainer F R Irwin Owner F B Irwin Breeder H R Schrimsher SchrimsherC83I4 C83I4 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 16f 115 10 10 10 = 10 E Dugan 12 Norfiold Nizam Merry I iss 67950 Tijuana 1 1S 202hvy S 117 5 G 6 = 61 D Hurn S Ponza Raj Ixwis 1 Kailbird 07927 PltageuetC7004 Tijuana JmiOy l52ihvy 20 115 S 11 11 103 H Molters 11 HLerch NthShore Pltageuet C7004 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 11 112 6 6 6 = 7 G Rosj S WJmlge JDavid Chkltarkley G7547 Tijuana 1 1S l56ifast 17 115 4 1 1 = 1 = J Sington S Al Wick Meteor John Arbor Flamei ijuana 1 l42Vifast 14 117 3 11 11 ll lls s J Slngtcull WiscJndge TomCraven Flame i 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2 115 9 11 101 6 = J J Slngtoul2 I adySmall Bookworm Olyuipd 67391 Tijuana 34 1157fast 95 115 9 11 1 42 P ilartinezll Poorluas TouaOwcns Celebrate ARGENTO br g 9 9Trainer 115 By Jake Argent Ardeces T y Araico AraicoK Trainer C Edwards Owner K Martin Breeder Estate of E J Baldwin BaldwinGS G82G1 Tijuana 1 18 202hvy GS 113 4 3 31 4 J F J Baker 8 Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph 08186 Tijuana 1 12 242Hhvy 28 111 G 8 S 8 C Thpson 8 nominator NKRcal Ta Day 08130 Tijuana 1 18 liKifcfast 30 115 776 6 II Lone 7 Charley Boy Dolph nominator G7927 Tijuana ImTOy l529chvy 19 115 9 9 8 S C Kails 11 IILercb NthShorc Pltajjenet G787G Tijuana 1 14 2Kmud 11 108 4 6 6 6 E Petzoldt C Mndse F Tic nominator G7S3 1 Tijuana 1 14 208 fast 22 112 2 1 5l 4 C Kails 0 Firewth 1orkLassie LitDear MONTONA ch chTrainer 115 By Montgomery Ratona by Scarboroneli Trainer Pinkziaff Owns W Binkstaff Brooder A S WilliaTns WilliaTnsIS 08185 Tijuana 1 12 242Vihvy IS 106 8 5 C 7 G Rose 8 nominator NKBcal Tas Day G8129 Tijuana 1 18 l55 ifast 5 115 G G 41 4 3 C Thpson 9 JMhlcbach AlWIck J naTid G795G Tijuana 1 18 202hvy 10 117 3 8 8 8 C Thpson S Ponza Kay Lewis IJ Railbird 07834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSifast 31 112 5 3 33 5 C Thpson 9 Fircworth YorkLassic LitDcar 07C71 Tijuana 1 1S l56 fast fastImTOy 115 115 7 3 11 1 1 II S Jones 9 ncnKyng Pattern UessieYoang 07 98 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast fastImTOy 5 117 3 5 41 4el H S Jones 8 TomCrarcn Fircwth Cafeteria G7492 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast l47fasti 18 107 7 6 C1 fi11 II Moltcra 8 Yermak Walter Dant UIRoria G3527 Reno i 18 UKHfast 2710 10S 6C1 H Molters 7 WaLDant LorcnaMoss Sippara I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022001/drf1923022001_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1923022001_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800