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wssaBssSmSSim AIloivanccK June 7 1O1G ABADANE BabelaUTrainsr I g 8 102 By llaboul II Alby by BabelaU FontarceC828U Trainsr C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Bred in Trance by V de Fontarce C828U Tijuana 1 116 147 slow 65 123 1 2 I1 I1 E Dusan 8 T I lit tons JPJoncs Indian Alleden0808G 58185 Tijuana 1 14 200hvy 2 117 1 2 I1 11 E3 Dugan 7 Haiti Tailor Maid Alleden DrCorbcttC8058 0808G Tijuana 51 f lC6 4fast 10 113 3 1 H 1 J P Martinez fi UrillIlay CoeaCola DrCorbctt C8058 Tijuana 1 l4CKhvy 65 91 7 4 3 1i II Long 9 TMaid Ituckhnll THuttons C780I Tijuana lmCy l42fast 2110 11615 10 41 1 3 T Euel 15 Suniiyland Cofficld Tassel 1 G7494 Tijuana 34 l12Vifast 21 116 4 4 4G7412 21 C Duel C Lion dOr LkylJutton Krewcr Krewcr5s G7412 Tijuana 5S 59fast 6 US 10 9 9G7321 5s C Puel 10 Lion dOr MotorCop L Uutton UuttonI1 G7321 Tijuana 34 l12Sifast 25 115 5 3 3TEN I1 C Buel 0 LkyHutton Cofficld BlkBetty BlkBettyBy TEN BUTTONS b ni 5 103 103Trainer By Ten Point Buttonhole by Stalwart Trainer 0 B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Brooder A L Aste G8301 Tijuana 51 f l06fast IOC 114 6 7 J E Duffan 9 llrilliant Ray Dolores Feylance G8282 Tijuana 1 116 147 slow CC IDS 2 i Feylancei 2s II Long 8 Abadanc 1 PJoncs East Indian G8200 Tijuana ImtOy l465imud 32 85 1 1 2J 33 P Hurn HurnG8107 5 Kebtike Serapis Sunny land i G8107 Tijuana 51 f l06Vsfast S5 113 5 3 2J 1 U D Hum Hurnf8058 7 nolores Joella J Coca Cola f8058 Tijuana 1 l46Hnvy 65 83 3 1 2 4 P Hum 9 Abadane TlorMaid Ifkhornll HurnG7874 7931 Tijuana 1 14 211hvy 46 115 1 4 6 6 61 D Hurn l u liuckhornll Tailor Maia MaiaV G7874 Tijuana 1 116 l4Smtid 4 10G 1 1G7789 V D Hurn C Carabosse Ifkhornll KIndian G7789 Tijuana 58 MTsfast 1710 110 4 i 551 DJ D u Hurn nurn nurnG7705 7 MotorCcp Krewer Dr Corbett G7705 Tijuana 34 l12fast 75 IDS 3 1 I1 H J Thorn ThornGEORGIE Thomas 7 Settle Messines Catli Marronc GEORGIE ch s G 102 By Star Sho Shoot Fair Atalanta by Knigit of th Trainer F Brooks Owner R L Baker Thistle ThistleG8170 Brooder J E Madden G8170 Tijuana 34 116 hvy 1310 115 S 7 51 4S3 W Pool PoolC772G S OilMan WildFlower ItcFrank C772G Tijuana 55 f 106 fast 1 116 7 S S T l B Fator FatorGG615 8 Krewer MotorCop Irilliaatliay GG615 Latonia 1 18 132 fast 95 113 8 9 S1 IrilliaatliayS1 7 i D Conn ConnGG37G ConnllylO Itunquoi Sway Cap Ilock j GG37G Kmpire I 11C IMe ifast l 115 3 2 2 11 E Sande 5 KsAlbert Violinist Chesterbrk 06190 Empire ImTOy l4lTifast 75 117 4 1 1 l E Sandc C Modo Juncttrass Flannel Shirt ShirtII G5899 Jamaica Im70y 143 fast 15 13 1 2 II IIG57GO I1 B Sand 3 Tutcr AVynncwoml I G57GO Jamaica Iru70y l41 faat 1120 120 4 1 1 I3 E Sando 4 Nosenive Uuncccap IVynwooil G55G4 Aqueduct 1 l37 faat 75 US 322 322FAIHWAT 2 lk E Sando 4 Pilgrim Quccreek llecount FAIHWAT br gr G 103 B BTrainer By Bryn Kawr Justly by HUhr Trainer J W Healy Owner A C Eostwiek EostwiekG778S Breeder T Clyde G778S Tijuana 1 116 l4u fast 1C5 113 433 433C7C77 31 E Dusan G Alleden Carabosse SpanMaize C7C77 Tijuana 1 11C Ii3iira = t 115 US 666 7 F Dusan S Adonis Paisley Aliciien G7550 Tijuana 6 a1 4 E Dutan 7 Adonis SupcrcarKo PceDIrect G7471 Tijuana 1 l40fefast 11 121 7 6 6GGG51 7 Ti E Dugan 7 JiraUaisy JoellaJ JSUeardon GGG51 Plmllco 1 116 I45i4fast 4 119 2 3 3GGGOS 31 2 E Sande i Knioiicn ComicSonK J P Jones GGGOS Pimlico 1 1S l52fast 2310 116 5 7 7GG490 4l 4 J IJutwell 7 IiisliKiss UabyGrand PaulJonca GG490 Laurel ImTOy I4j7 fast 4 IIS 2 3 3BE 3i 2 C Kummcr G OnWatcli Paul Jones PollyAna PollyAnaBy BE FRANK b e 7 102 102Trainer By Sir John JohnsonsFrankness by Miller j Trainer H TJnna Owner G P Fuller FullerG8170 Breeder J E Maddea G8170 Tijuana 34 116 hvy 20 115 6 6 6G2863 4 3 J Dcford S Oil Man Wild Flower Oeorsie G2863 Aqueduqt 1 l39sood 75 104 1 4 4G22G7 4 4s 3 C Lane H ItayJay Hephstos Myllcrcrie G22G7 llelmont 1 1S l52good 12 107 2 2 2C2151 2 2 21 II Thomas 2 Kxlenninator I C2151 Belmt 61 f MC l17 = ifast 30 103 6 1 1G18G7 7 G 6IS R Carter 7 Dimniesdalr Iloutledce Kxodiu j G18G7 Jamaica 34 112 fast W 130 3 C CJ1298 5 57 II Carter r irepriwl MusSeed Muskullonse J1298 Tijuana 1 1S l53iifast 25 115 1 1 1G12 I1 Il n Carter 2 Mulciber G12 7 Tijuana 24 l12fast 5 105 2 4 4G09G3 4 2 1 G Willims 4 CoffiolJ Motor Cop Kinglike G09G3 Tijuana 1 14 2OC7sfast C5 13t 5 6 6AliEDEN 6 6 U Carter 11 Mulciber Rifle Regreso AliEDEN b c 4 102 By Goldic Dakota Girl by Electioneer Trainer T Bolloway Owner C Dawson DawsonG8185 Breeder Z J Harmon G8185 Tijuana 1 1J 2rf95ihvy 20 S5 4 4C8058 1 2J 45J W Dean 7 Abadanc Ilalu Tailor Maid C8058 Tiluana 1 l4CKhvy 25 93 9 9G7788 9 9 91S P AValls 9 Abadane TlorMaid Itklionill G7788 Tijuana 1 116 145 fast 34 110 1 1G7G77 1 lt IB H Molters G Carabosse Fairway Span Maize G7G77 Tijuana 1 116 l45 ifast S S3 3 3 31 C II Howard 8 Adonis Paisley Ilastilie i G7378 Tijuana 1 l40Kfast 01 W 3 3G7245 2 3 3i H Lont G Feylance Supcrcarso CCIovcr G7245 Tijuana 34 l141ifaat 5 103 3 3CAVALCADOUR 1 1J I1 H Lens 7 Alazoti Proclamatn T Craven CravenBy CAVALCADOUR H b c 7 102 By Verdun Amazone III by Ladat I IBred Trainer U F Hum Owner G F Hum Bred in France by Baron M tia Rothschild G8088 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast E2 111 S SG7980 4 C T i P Hurn 8 Rckltetty AVarPcnny SumJXsh G7980 Tijuana ImTOy 130 mud 10 105 5 5G7832 6 6 6 P Hurn G VPatrk WFIower FkFocarty G7832 Tijuana 34 l1214faat 120f 105 7 7G77G8 7 71 7 P Hurn 8 Knighthd CoeaCola DrCorbt G77G8 Tijuana lm0y l445sfaHt 16 105 9 9G7551 7 6i 6Ji P Hurn 9 IfkhoruII VPatrick SdUiHI G7551 Tijuana ImTOy l45rast 43 110 3 3C7413 3 i 3l C Rails 7 SumraerSisli Yermak My Rose C7413 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast II 103 4 4G7280 3 2 1 = 1 C Rallj 7 SumiSiKb Silk Sox My Rcse G7280 Tijuana Im70y l15 fast 21 110 2 2G7171 4 51 3 i C Rails 8 FKocarly McGslink JKiglit G7171 Tijuana 1 l4SVtavy S5 97 5 6 6 5 C Halls G Rajah Louauna ISarrlskane