Swan Song For Harry D.: Sensational Winner at Tijuana Not Only Loses but Bleeds.; Jockey W. Pool Displays Superb Horsemanship in Riding Three Winners--John Paul Jones by Inches., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-02


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SWAN SONG FOR HARRY D Sensational Winner at Tijuana Not Only Loses but Bleeds Jockey V Pool Displays Superb Horseman ¬ ship in Riding Three Winners John Paul Jones by Inches SAN DIEGO Cal March 1 They cannot go on for ever There will come a day when they must bow to the inevitable If a cham ¬ pion could be secure in possession of his crown for all time there would be no incen ¬ tive to grow a new crop Its the kaleido ¬ scopic change the march of events the over ¬ throw of one and the making of another that keeps the sport from dwindling into only medium excellence excellenceThey They sang a swan song for Harry D yes ¬ terday and the sympathetic chord which a crowded grandstand struck had some tears and sobs and some heartaches too It was not alone the dethroning of this consistent winner Tijuana fans could have stood this They had endured it before when Harry D was defeated to come back later and continue at his triumphs but they could not bear the burden of seeing this gallant campaigner stricken when he was engaged in giving bat ¬ tle so heroically heroicallyIt It is not strange that Harry D should have been admired In his tempestuous march of this winters racing at Tijuana in eightyone racing days he had won fourteen firsts three seconds and only three times un ¬ placed in twenty starts For owner C B Irwin he had won 7520 in purses pursesA A pitcher can be taken to the well once too often This teils the story of Harry Ds temporary retirement yesterday afternoon In a race at five and a half furlongs he fell back He fell back as never before He was stopping The race was over There were no cheers for Coca Cola the winner All eyes were on Hairy D A gushing red line from his nostrils told the story He bled profusely profuselyIt It was a big afternoon for jockey W Pool This saddle star from Kentucky was astride three winners and in two instances he rode with that good judgment and skill which stamps him as a finished jockey His ride Continued on twelfth inige SWAN SONG FOR HARRY D Continued from first pace on John Paul Jones winner of the afternoon s feature a handicap at one and oneeighth miles was polished There was a lot of con ¬ tention here but Pool judging well his mounts ability and the distance kept John Paul Jones close up to Adonis the pace ¬ maker Adonis retired from the lead at the head of the stretch and Pools mount took the lead Then there came more challenges Running the best race since coming here Bastille moved up fast and issued a threat ¬ ening challenge It was only by a nose that John Paul Jones won and in victory Pool predominated East Indian which ran in third position all the way fell heir to third money moneyPools Pools other good ride of the afternoon was in a race at live and a half furlongs He had a game filly under him in Tassel and yet he was required to ride his best that his mount might dispose of Little Hope These two had the race much to themselves racing nose and nose for practically all of the dash Melachrino installed favorite at 1 to 2 did not show much It was his first start in a long time He was away slowly and then raced sluggishly sluggishlyThe The other Pool victory was scored in the third at an even mile Yukon beginning well from an inner rail position opened up a snug gap and proved much the best win ¬ ning by three lengths lengthsTom Tom Shaw wellknown eastern bookmaker and Bob Kennedy another veteran of the block made their first visit to the Tijuana race track today They are accompanied by Mrs Shaw and Mrs Kennedy and will be here for the next month The two easterners spoke words of praise for the sport at the border course They were taken over the plant by J P Atkin assistant manager and both said that Tijuana is certain to hold first place in winter racing racingFrank Frank Fuller one of starter Harry Mor risseys assistants underwent a minor op ¬ eration to day

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030201/drf1923030201_1_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030201_1_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800