Havana., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-02

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HAVANA HAVANAThe The horses which seem best in Fridays races are Oriental Park Havana Cuba 3Iarch 1 1923 1 Harold K Humpj McMurphy 2 The Gaff Illusionist The Ulster 3 Mannchen Koran San Diego 4 Quanah Ballynew Far East 5 Meadoworth Dr Shafer VVakefield VVakefieldC C CROMWELL Herron Approval ApprovalT T K Lynch LynchNew New York Handicap 1 Uncle Sonny Humpy McMurphj Walter WalterWhitaker Whitaker 2 The Ulster Eastern Star Jennie C The TheGaff Gaff 3 Spods Tonj Sue Hullo Koran 4 BALLYNEW Far East Quanah Miss MissCaltha Caltha 5 Homam Gratian Meadoworth Dr Shafer 6 Haman Tamper Top Rung Approval ApprovalCliieagro Cliieagro and Buffalo Handicap 1 Uncle Sonny Humpy Chevalier Harold HaroldK K 2 The Gaff Illusionist Eastern Star Sweet SweetCookie Cookie 3 Tony Sue Koran Spods FOJ 4 FAR EAST Ballynew Chow Advance 5 Guardsman Homam Mrs Grundy Zoie 6 Approval Tamper Haman Top Rung Observers Handicap 1 Humpy Harold K Uncle Sonny Walter AVhitaker The Gaff The Ulster Illusionist Jennie C 3 TOXY SUE San Diego Ras Koran 4 Quanah Far East Ballynew Advance AdvanceHomam Homam Gratian Guardsman Meado ¬ worth 6 Top Rung Approval Cromwell Tamper TamperConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 Uncle Sonny Harold K Humpy McMur ¬ phy 2 THE GAFF The Ulster Illusionist East ¬ ern Star 3 Tony Sue Mannchen Spods Koran 4 Quanah Ballynew Far East Advance 5 Homam Meadoworth Guardsman Gra ¬ tian Cromwell Haman Approval Top Rung

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030201/drf1923030201_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1923030201_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800