2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-02

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ty oarolds and upward Claiming May liO 4 1O7 CANDOBOSA b f 4 4Trainer 107 B Wherewithal Hslen Harvey by Star Buby BubyManalo Trainer J Hanale Owner Manalo Owens Breeder A L Jones 67746 Tijuana 1 143 fast 17 108 9 S 9h 9 F Stevens 11 HUmlder FGCorlpy Mflower 67727 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 6 110 4 5 5 65i V Stevens I 1ayOff DarkAfres MorceDeen 67512 Tijuana 5S l01fast 13 105 5 2 2s 21 F Stevrns S Icon Zimlo Ollie Wood 67491 Tijuana 6S l03ifast 185 105 4 2 2i In F Stevens 11 Joe Campbell Alajali Yukon 67283 Tijuana 5S Itflfast 39 112 5 66 GJ A Claver C HarryD AskJessie Hon George 67246 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 8 106 7 7 7 Gl A Claver 8 Ask Jessie Joe Blair Milda 65151 llstings Ab 5S 597 slon 3 1CS 5s H Molters 7 Aryanna HKAslier EugenlaK QUZENCUP II ch f 3 55 By Discontent Oueencup by Kine Faustni FaustniW Trainer C W Officer Owner Trowbridge Officer Breeder H H Trowbridge Trowbridgef 68123 Tijuana f S l02fast ll10r 103 1 1 1s I3 E Petzoldtll SmAcain ElmerW Ndllonoy C7827 Tijuana 41 t 44fast 2 of 2 3 i 3J E I otzoldtl2 Norfield NorHoney LitSmile 63390 Ucno 4 f 54 ifast 96 100 5 M Fator 7 LrLeoaid Marlluncli KlmerW 63018 Reno 4 f 55fast 1710 103 2 SI Fator S CEnrique Lyl onid FKicrce 627G8 Reno 12 Cl alow G 112 2 F J Baker G O Henry Frank Kiprce BUutli G1080 Tijuana 12 497jfast 39 113 1 1 41 6J E Taylor 9 Tnle Irosity Gilliflower 61 040 Tijuana 12 49 fast 6 111 5 5 7 73 J Majestic S NWinet IMierson IUampson PERCH b m 8 8Trainer HirayarZ 103 By Ivan the Terrible Skeptical by Hirayar Trainer H Barnett Owner Z E Barnett Breeder E S Gardner GardnerIS 66044 Hthorne 51 f l14hvy IS 5 III 1 2 2 = 1 2 M Slghter 7 DiffertKyes Railbird Bon Blue 65830 Hthorntj Ei f 109 fast 12 111 6 6 C G M Slshterlli End Man BMeCloy Ed Le Van 65638 Omaha CJ f 107 fast 6 107 6 J M Rrdson KIilaukwl H Welch EdLeVan 65423 Omaha 5S l02slow 36 112 I4 M Slghter 8 L Pointer FashiiGirl Indianola 65377 Omaha 5S l01fast l01fast653G8 13 112 1J M SlchterlO Don Jose Edl Van Litlointer 653G8 Omaha C8 l01fast 9 114 7 1 M srghterll DaisvStevens BrnOick OldColil 64873 Bghouse 5J f lCS5 fast fastf439J 7 IOC Gl It Dugan 10 Cascade Blaek Top Ktl Ix Vai f439J Hastinirs Ab 58 59 mud 37 109 4 H Duggan 7 JtaFredick Mai Rule FFuwy 64038 Brhouse 58 102 fast 96 112 1J T Wilson 9 BandStars CCannpll PliyllisK 63986 Brhouse 51 f l07fast 6 112 S T Wilson 9 Uinjjlcader Cascade C Canncll IOCH LEVEN b m 5 5Ho By Bleelick Bona Hamilton by Donald A CTrainer B J Ho well Owner Owner4i B J Howell Breeder G L Blackfovd 67579 Tijuana 4i f 54fast 49 107 1 6 7 7 O Atwell S Settle Sister Susie PlironeWnrd PlironeWnrdCO K7552 Tijuana 58 1 01 fast fast5S CO 111 2 4 72 8 O Atwell 8 Honest George Hazel Dale It 67342 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 28 107 5 5 4 4J H Long 7 Pueblo HamiltonA Corncuttcr 6 72 08 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 9 102 2 C 6 = 7i W Martin 9 Pay Off Jolm Jr Fill Moon G7ir G Tijuana 51 f l12Uhvy 3 102 2 2 2J fn C Rails G Silk Sox Harry 1 Count Boris G7119 Tijuana 61 f l10imud l10imud5S 7 111 2 1 2s 3s W Martin 9 Toombpola Itomuliis N Tower 67055 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 16 106 2 1 2 2 1 W llartin 9 llItrkwoll II George Cucufr G693G Tijuana TijuanaBEVIEW 61 f lOSlihvy 7 106 3 4 31 4 i A Claver G Joella J Harry 1 Komulus BEVIEW b e 6 6frrainer 115 By Deutschland DeutschlandStrita Alice Gary by Trappean TrappeanBreeder frrainer J T Strita Orntr Strite Valentino Breeder Nevada Stock Faro 68481 Tijuana 51 f l08fast S9 59 112 7 75S 6 5 912 T Wilson 12 Conicbon Miss Mpelick Anjiplo C8257 Tijuana 5S l05jhvy 2110 0 UG 7 2 2 I1 T Wilson 8 Ch Smith JamesG GTrhnblu G8218 Tijuana 34 l19mud 95 5 112 5 4 3J 2 T Wilson 9 Circlatc Au Kevoir Onwa G8125 Tijuana 53 102 fast 9 113 7 75S S 6i 4Ji T Wilson 12 SCtleman J Cpbell HPoiit 67977 Tijuana 5S l04mud 10 0 116 7 6 6 3 T Wilson 9 Zainer Tabloid American Maid G79i Tijuana 58 104 mud 2 116 6 7 51 4 T Wilson 8 Olympiad Ermitana Srn Aciin 67849 Tijuana TijuanaBOSA 51 f l10mud 3 115 5 3 2 2 T Wilson 9 MissDunbar PliyllisK Onwj BOSA ATKIN br m 5 5M 103 By Jack Atkin Montrosa by Plaudit PlauditOwner Trainer B M Hollenbeck Hollenbeck5S Owner R M Hollenbeik Breeder R T Wilson C8404 Tijuana 5S l011ifast 43 108 6 4 Sn 11 AV Martin 12 IIizclDile JotBlair MissriBoy 8223 Tijuana 58 l01 imud 6 108 5 6 5 6 i G Rose 7 Hazel Dale It Joe Tap 68198 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 196 10S 2 1 2 = 3 = 1 G Rose 7 Ited Man Pueblo Midian 68024 Tijuana 58 l04mud 133 111 2 1 1 = 1 1J G Rose 6 StAnselina SisSusie GipsyJoc 67982 Tijuana 5 f 111 mud mud5S 11 108 4 4 5s 5 K Petzoldt 0 DdeGuise BillyJoe Hazel Dale 67U29 Tijuana 5S l04 = yivy 5 111 2 1 21 21 B Petzoldtll MKmC Piniiiiini 11enMajor G7848 Tijuana 51 f l10mud 910 108 2 1 1 = 1 1 G Rose 8 Olympiad JollySailor Ptender 6778G Tiiuana 5i f l08 fast 45 108 3 3 3 3J C Rails 11 GoldBryan Delaneey Poky B CUBA blk m 6 6Trainer 113 By Bard of Hope Salvation Nell by Salvation SalvationL Trainer L Hackins Owner L Hankins Breeder K N Gilpin 68008 Tijuana 5S l04 imud 01 114 6 9 7s 6 J W GarganlO Yukon Plov Steel Billy Joe 67511 Tijuana 58102 fast fastG7133 65 113 7 8 8 S T Rae 8 HazelDale KLOwen FullMoon G7133 Tijuana 5S l04 l04shvy shvy 9 114 6 4 Sl In T Rae 8 Piiiaqiiana Celebrate Virge 67079 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 50 112 8 G fib 4 1 T Rae S It Cascade Chrome 5 f 111 hvy 7 114 9 11 11 11 A Claver 11 Silk Sox It Clioir Master 66148 MKghts 51 f l13imud 7 109 1 T Rae S Efficient Punctual Jack Ledl 66020 MIlghts 34 l17hvy l17hvyCHROME 2 104 4 P Gross 10 IMVrack OMcKenna M Dixie CHROME ch e 8 115 By Sigurd Quecncnp by King Faustus FaustusR Trainer B Connor Owner B R Connor Breeder H H Trowbridt G8380 Tijuana 10 115 9 4 8 HIS F J Bakcrl2 Krmitana Bonncbello DAdams 67595 Tijuana 58 l02fast 9 11G 2 3 3 57 F J Baker 12 Philanderer Viva Bacchus j 6718 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 7 112 7 6 G = J 5 ° F J Baiter S HorLercli CicelyKay PliyllisK G7079 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 13 112 4 4 4 35 F J Baker S It Cascade Cuba 67035 Tijuana Gi f 112 hvy 12 114 1 4 4h 3J F J Baker 9 Count Boris Jerry Merry Lasi 67000 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud mud5S 25 112 4 7 51 5 1 F J Baker 8 Harry D North Shore Pueblo GG895 Tijuana 5S 104 slop L7 114 1 2 2 = 21 F J Bakerll Tuft Virjre Nee 65181 Hstinss Ab 58 l00 = ihvy 22 114 3 B McEwen 7 Torsida FickFaney LadyEUeen LadyEUeenluB LOBELIA b m 9 108D 108 By Dr Lceeo Otbale by The Judge Judgener Trainer W D Millard Owner ner W D D5S Millard Breeder A B Spreckelf G8404 Tijuana 5S l01ijfast 42 10S 4 45S 11 llllO F Watrousl2 Hnzellhile JneBlair MissriBoy 7933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 11 111 1 4 71 S = P Walls 11 Fdllope Philanderer FullMoon 67896 Tijuana 51 f l09imud 4 108 7 C S S W Martin S Cornciitter N Shore EyeBrisht G7802 Tijuana 51 f l07ifaat 10 10S 6 1 1 I1 TV Martin 10 Poacher Yukon July Fly 67G43 Tijuana 58 l01fast iO 108 5 55S 61 CH W Martin 7 Mflower HiltoiiA LitPointer 67597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 19 108 6 65S 1 Ih in v Martin 12 Delaneey View Plantagenet I 67491 Tijuana 5S IrtS fast 10 108 2 6 Gl 7 i AV Martin 11 Candoiosa J Campbell Alajali M200 Tijuana 34 lloTigood 18 110 1 5 Gl 7i C Rails 11 DonJose DbleVan LyBourbon TEBNETTE ch m 7 103 By Barnesdale Tern by Black Dean DeanTrainer Trainer W Cassity Owner W Carrington Breeder E Watkins C8055 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 9f 113 5 2 8 S A Claver 8 Jack Lpdi Billy Joe Conichon 08024 Tijuana 5S Conichon5S l04mud 1C 111 6 5 G1 6 S E Kenger G ItosaAlkin StAngelina SSusie SSusieuS 67276 Tijuana uS l02faat 13 111 3 7 72 H Long 11 IdsStar Mryl ss MarnZorn 67114 Tijuana 58105 mud C 107 3 2 2l 11 H Iong 9 Hazel lile Thrills Benccia 6701G Tijuana 58 104 mud 10 ICG 7 3 4J 3 H Long 10 Ella Waldo Count Boris Virge 6G973 Tijuana 5S Virge5S l031ihvy 35 109 233 31 H Long 8 Harry D It Mew Lass I BBOLASKI TerryTrainer ch g 5 115 By Enfield Colusa by Joe Terry Trainer J Collinson Owner K E Holbrook Breeder S S Eakip 68258 Tijuana 5S 106 hvy 31 110 3 1 1s 1i E Dugan S Sunthia C Ennitana ThreeX 67785 Tijuana TijuanaG7G57 51 f lOS ifast 33 110 3 1 13 83 E Dugan 11 OIIomestd MissDbar Review G7G57 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 8 114 3 2 2l 4U E Dugan 12 Pewaukpe Slieka Fickle Fancy 67451 Tijuana 5S l02jfast 26 112 7 6 1 Sl E Dugan 9 Celebrate Theresa Limerick 67394 Tijuana 67317 Tijuana 58102 fast 10 114 4 4 5 = 1 6 1 K IJugan 9 Mayflr stanleyll Syncopation SyncopationROSCOE ROSCOE HighnessTrainer GOOSE b g 11 11J By Dick Welles Please by Hi Highness Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwia Breeder J B Respess 68462 Tijuana 58 l0Vsfast 2 108 1 4 41 5 = 1 F Cantrell3 Jack Pot Huzzas Pliillipc Lugo 68283 Tijuana 1 l l45 slow 140 112 2 7 S 8 E Dugan 8 lNail McVPink WJItgomery 65219 Hastings 34 l19TJsov 165 lit 21 P Martinez S Jerry MissFrauland Gold Rose 64811 Bgiiouse 51 f lOSifast 21 114 21 P Martinezll IidyBoHrbon Toyon TddySmall 04325 Hastings Ab S r9ifast 13 114 Ln P Martinez I Velvet Ed Ii Van Lariat 63931 Brhouse 5S l01ifast 65 112 in T Wilson 10 HKAslier BandStars SnCap TTTT T ch g 5 5Trainer 115 By Harrigan Beatrice Soule by Pesp oDay Trainer W H Sperling Owner oDayOwner J Pidgeon Breeder B A Jores 67746 Tijuana 1 143 fast 26 UG 5 10 10s 10 E Dugan 11 HUmlder FGCorley Mflower 67621 Tijuana 1 l44Mfast 7f 114 1 1 SI 10 R Carter 11 PceFlajr Piocination GenCzar 67512 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 32 113 C S S S15 R Carter S Icon Ciindorosa Xindo 67375 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 7 108 2 2 41 43 E Petzoldt G F I Corley Xpyr Kimono OPEEATOE b bTrainer 6 6Edison 115 By First Chip Gracie Gould by Eegister Trainer G Edison Owner G EegisterG Edison Breeder S Waring Waring16f 68314 Tijuana 51 f lOSVsfat 16f 107 7 9 9i 9s F Watrousll Xorfield Nizam Merrv TJISS 080 17 Tijuana 4i f 5Simud 14 112 1 7 5 22 H Molters S QvWaid Nordllonpy PokeyB 6797G Tijuana 5S l05mud 10 110 I 3 3i 4 I H MolterslO Siiuash Baiclms Onwa 67G39 Tijuana 5S l01jfast 54 110 6 6 b 63 H Molfrs 7 Full Moon Milda Alajnh 597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf AlajnhISf HO 3 7 71 Gbi II Molters 12 Lobelia Dulaneey View

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030201/drf1923030201_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030201_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800