Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-02


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Tho fiKtires under the heading Rcc in tho entries telow show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1020 ro matter where it finished In cases whore record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at lu p Superior mini runner Fair mud runner M Maidens llmranri It IIInkera First Race 12 Mile Purse 500 yearolds Maidens Track record May 12 191G 17J Ind Horse Wt Rec Rec6S461 6S461 Rock Heather 683781 Stargo GS4615 A Lester 634G1 Seths AkSarBcn AkSarBcnCS316 CS316 Irisii Buzzer GS378 Golden Orb C3161 Odd Scth G321G Seths Flower 08461 Mabel Howe GS378 Lady Zclma 634G1 San Dimaa Wolf Jr King Heather Second Race 58 Mile Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Track record May 10 1920 09 G7746 Cmdorosa 102 l00i 68123 Queencup II IIC60445 10 102 C60445 bPerch 114 100 G7579 Ix ch I ven 110 lOU CS4S1 Review 112 101 G3404 Rosa Atkin 107 101 6E003 bCuba 101 l0l l0lri ri ri10S 08502 Chrome 10S 101 s s10S 6B404 Ixbelia 10S 102 63055 Ternctte 103 10173 G325S Brclaski 111 l02Vi 63462 Rosccc Goose GooseC7746 113 l00ii C7746 bTutt 103 l03i C3314 Operator 103 102 Third Race 58 Mile Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Track record May L0 1920 09 CS1S5 NonsuU 112 1015 6846 Tack Pot 103 102 68280 Eye Bright 108 102 102G84G7 G84G7 Woe TaR 107 101 66743 Brown Belle 63422 Milda 109 101 68467 Little Pointer 103 101 101GS462 GS462 Pokey Jane 110 102 68338 Dud M 101 105 105CS404 CS404 Marion Zorriau 108 102 102CS481 CS481 liRafferty 114 102 102C C 522 Olive D 109 101 101CEC35 CEC35 Stanley II 107 100 685021 GallouBerry 108 102 102Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Purse 00 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 27 1921 i 117 68435 bGcbrita 110 135 8 111X725 68434 Glonzar M 103 1 57 4 107 720 6843G1 Spun tor Donlan 4 109 715 GB360 Christie Hollers HollersGS400 110 1 55 7 111X715 GS400 Little Dear 100 1 55 5 113X715 63437 bLorensi Mos 103 1 54 7 111X710 63364 York Lassie 109 1 57 G 111X05 68435 bllopover 7 113X705 63503 Silent Sam M 5 113 705 68435 Dehri 106 1 rfi 10 111X700 68435 Wilton Arrow 10S 1 T9 113 700 63436 bJohn Arbor 100 1 51 5 113X700 68436 Lava 115 1 9 7 113 700 Fifth Race 1 Mile Mileand Purse COO 3ycaroIds 3ycaroIdsTrack and vpward Claiming Track record June 1 7 1910 135 3 95 684C7 bIIarry Rnddcr G84G7 Colonel Matt 107 140 10 10SX720 68484 Flame 109 140 8 105X715 63501 bSan Hedron 105 144 4 105X715 63422 bAmackassin 113 14 S 10SX715 63381 Nizam 113 143 fi 113X715 113X7151CS 68483 Bacchus 1CS 144 3 97X710 C3425 bCaamano 112 142 S 108 710 68422 = Kmma Williams WilliamsG8501 92 143 4 108X710 G8501 Col Snider 107 143 G 113 710 61484 Just Right 107 1424 4 105 705 68481 Eugenia K 101 142 5 106X700 63509 Theresa 103 113 = 3 5 111X700 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsClaiming Claiming Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Jan 21 1923 112 S 98 986S4241 6S4241 Catharine Marrone 94 14G 4 10507 1050725 63507 an Patrick 99 114 3 98X7 98X720 5 95 715 GS365 hDuc de Morny 1073145 5 101X715 6S468 Black Betty 100 144 4 103 715 68468 Frank Fogarty 110 143 5 109X715 68385 = bDelhimar 103 140 140G850S 4 102X710 G850S bRfsre 119 111 11167S54 9 112X 67S54 Cioupier 110 111 5 107X705 68424 Wcodie Montgom ¬ ery 113 145 10 99X700 67713 bSilent Kinr M 100 148 4 100 700 Seventh Race 5 12 Furlonss 700 3ycaroIds and upward Claiming ck record Feb 25 1923 105 S 1 DARK AGES 112 107 4 lOOX bllerdcr 110106 8100X715 bMay Maulsby 95 107 107bJohn S 10G715 10G715bJohn bJohn Jr 101 105 105bllarrigans 10 102X710 102X710bllarrigans bllarrigans Heir 109 107 107Sister G 100X700 Sister Susie 105 1 106 06 06Norficld 10 10SX Norficld 104 110 110Maise 3 102 7 Maise John 104 107 Purse 700 3yearolds 3yearoldsTrack and upward Claiming Track record Feb 2 1923 105 8 122 122G 63150 Anna Regina 114 107 G 1O3X 631E1 Pay Off 100 107 8 105X720 63362 = Athanna 89 107 3 99 715 68441 blncognancc 104 107 4 110X715 66488 Horinga 111 103 4 102 710 63525s Trusty 104 l0 5 9 100X710 68188 M Johnxjn 123 111 m 8 117X710 C8426 Florence Deen 10r 107 4 10G705 63123 = bFireplace 110 1OC 7 110X705

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030201/drf1923030201_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1923030201_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800