5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-07

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Mile yearolds and upward Claiming June 17 1 S O5 WALTER DANT ch p 8 108 By Harrigan Willie T by Albert AlbertTrainer Trainer C B Irwis Owner C B Irwinl Ereeder B A Jone G8545 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 6 110 3 3 3 1 P Cantrell 7 Dolph Doctor Tubbs Leta 08138 Tijuana 1 12 2S6fast 4 105 2 3 2 i P Cantrell C Charley Boy Dolpli Ita 08125 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 8 110 4 8 5 5 F Cantrell 8 Vic Ioaclier Hackaciore 08361 Tijuana 1 14 2C9ifast 9 108 1 5 3l S F Cantrell 7 Reydo Charley Boy Balfonr 08304 Tijuana Im70y l40fast 2110 109 6 8 6l 7J H Long 9 Ilackamore Dolph N K Bcal 08117 Tijuana 1 31G 2OS mud 19 110 a 3 4s 4 D Hum C Whippet Torsida Gipsy Joe JoeG810G G810G Tijuana 1 l42 ifast 3 112 1 3 31 21 D Hum S Nebraska Lad Olympiad Lets LetsC8001 C8001 Tijuana ImTOy l51 = imud IS 115 S S 7 7 D Hum 8 IlillUead PeaceFlag Barskane BarskaneG7749 G7749 Tijuana Im70y l4rfast IS 112 4 6 4 1 5 i D Hum 7 Louis KRankin Ulack Thong 8 Tijuana ImTOy l45Xfaat 9 115 1 6 4l 4l D Hum 7 Tasentha SnmSIsh LManning LManningLEWIS LEWIS B ch r 8 108 By Prospero Lady Marchmont by Marchmoat IL ILTrainer Trainer G W Crippen Owner Blacfrwell Sc Crippen Breeder S A Beckham 08301 Tijuana ImTOy l46i fast fastG8184 41 104 9 51 4i G Rose 9 Hackamore Dolph X K Beal G8184 Tijuana Im70y l49hvy l49hvyG8171 10 10S S 41 41 G Rose 8 SHcdron PlowStM TV seance G8171 Tijuana 34 l18hvy l18hvy0805C l18hvy0805C 13 112 I IS 6 3s G Rose 12 Philander SHcdron DocTubbs 0805C Tijuana 1 l51 ihvy S 10S 2 1 H Howard 8 Lariat GMuehlcbach Olympd 08019 Tijuana Im70y l53mud l53mud0795C 2 103 1 I1 1 W Pool 7 Cabin Crook Rhymer Car 0795C Tijuana 1 1S 202 hvy 4 112 7 31 21 G Rose S PonzaRay Railbird EHarrigan 07828 Tijuana 31 l15 = fast 135 115 1 21 in A Claver 10 WCDooly PTenny SantliiaC 7702 Tijiiana 5 f 103 fast 12 110 1 1GG08C S 7 1 M Milrickll St Angelina RosaAtkis Coombs GG08C MHghts 51 f l12jmud 19 106 106GEORGE 3 P Gross S CantnGirl Punctual BackBaJ GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b s 7 103 103Trainer By UcGce Stolen Moments by Kingston Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale Breeder C W Moore 08437 Tijuana ImTOy i45fast 29 113 10 9 103 11 A Claver 13 NebrLad HarRudder WJudge 08383 Tijuana TijuanaOS129 1 l42fast 9f 108 4 7 51 53 G Rose 11 CoIMatt NebraskaLart Yukon OS129 Tijuana 1 1S l55 fast 5 110 3 3 11 1i E Petzoldt 9 At Wick JudgeDavid Montona 08055 Tijuana 1 l51 ihvy 6 104 3 4 3l 3 F Stevens 8 Lewis B Lariat Olympiad 08020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 110 4 4 4 3 = 1 W Pool 7 Vera Rita Midian Tom Roach 07927 Tijuana ImTOy l52hvy 17 115 6 7 7G7744 7s 7 D Hum 11 HnrLerrh NhSliore Pltagpnet G7744 Tijuana 34 liHrefast 42 113 7 6 5s 5 J F Stevens 8 Virge TomCraven NebrasLad 07630 Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 21 110 4 1 14 1 = E PetzoldtlO Seven Seas Pink Tenny Lara LaraBy PLOW STEEL ch c 4 104 104Trainer By Honeywood Deecency by Martinet Trainer W Walker Owner 7 Walker Breeder L Christeason 08543 Tijuana 31 l16mud 51 112 S S 5 Zl F Stevens 9 Alazon Lone Pine Tom Craven 68400 Tijuana 1 l55Vsfast 25 105 6 5 41 6i F Steven 10 TomOwens El Roble Dolpli 08304 Tijuana ImTOy IMGVifaat 13 104 3 7 71 6 J F Watrous 9 Hackamore Dolph N K Beal 082 C3 Tijuana 1 l45ihvy 4 101 5 5G8184 4 4 3 1 C Rails 9 Power Poor Puss Peace Flag G8184 Tijuana ImTOy IMD hvy 7 103 4 3 2 2n F Stevens 8 SHedron TheVgeance LewisB 08104 Tijuana 34116 fast 1 10710 4 31 11 F Stevens 12 Balfour Turills Canvasback 08041 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 1110 103 3 1 1 2 F Stevens 10 NKBcal Tawastha Plurality 8000 Tijuana 58 l04V mud 8 106 5 5 21 21 F Stevens 10 Yukon Billy Joe Vera Rita 079 15 Tijuana 34117 mud 6 102 6 6LITTLE 6 6 Ti G Rose S Pclamatn DaneGirl CabCrk CabCrkBy LITTLE ORPHAN ch p 9 108 By Brigade Amelia B by Sain Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan nan Breeder E E Buchanan Buchanan8l 08400 Tijuana 1 18 l55lifast 78 110 10 8l S G Rose 10 TcmOwotis Kl Itoblc Dolph 08219 Tijuana 1 f lllmud 9f 10S 8 8l T1 R Flynn 10 St Angelina Conichon Cnunzel 07377 Tijuana 1 116 l47 fast 11 110 4 51 5 E Petzoldt S HyRight Walter Dant Dolpa 07244 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 6 103 2 2G7153 2l Il C Rails 10 ReyUo Deckhand Dora G7153 Tijuana 1 18 2047invy 19 106 4 4G7115 4 5JJ JI Fator 7 Dolph Judge David Gen Byng G7115 Tijuana ImTOy l52mud 145 108 1 1G7077 31 3j M Fator 9 Leta Deckhand Drifting G7077 Tijuana Im70y l51nvy 4 103 1 1LARIAT 2i 2J M Futor 9 Kailbird UansTopaz J Arbor ArborBy LARIAT br r 7 113 113Trainer By Rapid Water Tourmaletta by Lissak Trainer V Cloud Owner Y Cloud Breeder G W J Bissell BissellIk 08261 Tijuana 1 1S 202Vihvy 26 113 1 1G8105 Ik 23 C Rails 8 Cabin Crcftk Dolph Argcnto G8105 Tijuana 1 l43fast 6 107 5 81 S11 P Martinez 9 Don Jcsc Mis Kmma G Raisy 8050 Tijuana 1 l51hvy 21 114 4 21 2 W Pool 8 LcwisH GMlilebach Olympd G7998 Tijuana Im70y 154 mud CD10 10S 5 6ii 7 R Flynn S Prtagenet CabCrcek ISedMan 07981 Tijuana 1 l4Smud 41 103 2 71 7 G Rose 10 NlhSliore GdHryau ChIeyBoy 07928 J8 Tijuana ImTOy l53 = fehvy 12 115 1 1s 2l P J Baker S SHedrcn ITkaniore Dominalor 07744 14 Tijuana 34 l14 = 5fast 34 113 3 6l Sl F Cantrell 8 Virge TomCraven XebrasLad 75 Tijuana ImTOy I4Tfast 710 112 3 3HAN 1 I1 C Rails 11 Cigale Obstinate Lessie Yopng YopngBy HAN b h 0 111 111Trainer By Meridian Veneta Strorae by Ben Strome StromeBreeder Trainer J D Ric Owner J D Rice Breeder R F Carman CR5GO Tijuana 1 147 mud 2110 116 7 3 4 4 l C Thps Thpson 9 Alazon SGcntleman Cansback 08183 Tijuana 1 l42 fast TS 111 4 4 41 2 R Flynn FlynnG8241 11 Yukon Little Gink Yermak G8241 Tijuana 5S l05 hvy 2110 111 2 1 in 1 I1 H Xande Zander 8 Car Fickle Faucy Belle Flower 08222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud IS 111 H 6 E 3 H Zandc ZandcG8198 Zander 12 Daisy SthnGtleman Rafferty G8198 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud SS 113 6 6 4l 4 1 H Zand Zander 7 Red Man Pueblo Rosa Atkin 08055 Tijuana 51 f 113 bvy 9 113 6 4 V 45i H Zand Zander S Jack Lcdi Hilly Joe Conicbon 08020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 113 2 2 2l 2 H Zand Zander 7 VeraRita GMuehlehh TRoach 08000 Tijuana 58 l04i mud 52 119 1 8 6 6k 5 J D Hurn 10 Yukon Plow Steel Hilly Joe 07933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 38f 116 9 9 Sl Ti T Rae RaeRAFFERTY 11 Tdllope Philanderer FulIMoon FulIMoonBy RAFFERTY b 5 9 113 By Harrigan HarriganTrainer Picaninny by Cesarion Trainer 1 Karmet Owner T Marmot Breeder B A Jones 08481 Tijuana 5 f lOS faat 42 112 S 9 8 T1 H Long 12 Conichon Miss Mcelick Anjjclo 08301 Tijuana 34 lll fast 36 110 898 8 6 1 R Flynn 12 AnTkassin ShclbyvIe M flower 08280 Tijuana 51 f 109 slow 6 10S 4 6 E E1 l 5i R Flynn 8 KyeHright DoubleKye ShelbyIe 08222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 16 113 10 10 X SU 4 T Rae 12 Raisy SthhGentleman Midian 08199 Tijuana 51 f l10Vsniud 27 115 7 8 8 7 T Rae 8 Full Moon Cicely Kay Don Jose 68020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 1S5 110 5 6 Cl Tel W Mail MailDOUBLE Martin 7 VRita Midian G Muehlebach DOUBLE VAN ch g G 108 By VandergriTrainer Vandergri Lady Vanderzrift by Star Shoot Trainer J D Heard Owner G H Abbott Breeder Kccno Schorr 07230 Tijuana ImTOy l465igood 17 105 1 5 51 73 C Rails 8 Regrcso Poacher Dissolute 07130 Tijuana ImTOy 131 hvy 2 110 5 4 4 4 C Rails G Yermak Conicbou Rhymer 67041 Tijuana 1 l4G = ihvy 2710 102 3 4 6 5 1 C Rails RailsCC978 7 Rajah Frk Fogarty Sum Sigli CC978 Tijuana ImTOy l49 l49ihvy l49ihvyGG939 ihvy 6 105 1 1 1 1 I1 C Rails 7 Lavaga My I addie Leta GG939 Tijuana ImTOy l4Shvy l4ShvyCG901 IS 10S 4 41 5J W Pool G CdourlL Buckhornll Pacher CG901 Tijuana 1 l43 islop islopG3279 5 103 103G3279 4 41 4 W Pool 7 WMtgomy Rajah FFogart G3279 Hastings 31 113 fast 10 112 112G5222 3si S Smith G Cascade Overstep View G5222 Hastings 1 116 l51 slow 14 107 107G5150 3si W Dean S Cafeteria Dcckliiind HerniceB G5150 Hastings 1 116 l32 slop 1110 107 107G5079 1 II Molters G Lariat Weinland Conichon G5079 Hastings 1 14 214 mud 10 103 103G5038 3 P Seremba 8 Prince Direct Sample Jelliso G5038 Hghouse ImTOy l4THs ° o l 10 107 107POKEY 21 W Dean 10 SkyMan Hernice K Kenward POKEY B b h 7 111 By Charivari Helen Eursott by AllanaDale Trainer G P Sherman Owner G P Sherman Breeder W G Hirsig 085GO Tijuana 1 147 mud 7C 116 2 7 Tk S P Stevens 9 Alazon S Gentleman Cansback 08543 Tijuana 34 l16imud Elf 118 4 1 71 7UI Fletcho 9 Alazon Lone Pine Plow Steel 08281 Tijuana 51 1 f lOGvislow 108 116 6 6OS222 687 711 I Fletcher 8 Sister Susie Conichon TCravnn I OS222 Tijuana 51 1 f lllimud 3f 116 4 4081GO 1 11 74i B Dugan 12 Haisy SthnGentlcnian Midian 081GO Tijuana 5S 106 hvy 6 113 7 4 3 I1 E Dugan 9 JackPot Ans Sister AmMaid 08017 Tijuana 41 1 f 5S mud 14 111 S S Ok 4 R Fynn 8 QyWard Operator Nordlloney 07829 Tijuana 34 115 fast 4 113 6 6C778C 4 61 6 W Martin 9 Sheka View Cannonbali C778C Tijuana 51 f lOSifaat Ef 113 8 8G7355 4 41 41 W Martin 11 GoldHryan Delancey RosaAtkla G7355 Tijuana 58 l02jfast 164 117 10 11 11 I1 J I Fletcher 11 Hess Welch Hazel Dale Eiga 05212 Dorval 34 llYslow 27f 111 8 8G5171 S 10 10 J Slmmonsll Meuse Flea Joe S G5171 Dori = l 34 l21fehvy 21 109 S SG48J8 7 61 41 J Simmons 8 Ardito Al Pierce War Fox G48J8 liUrncta 34 l12faat 14 107 10 10 10 1C J Rowan 10 PeTcrlyHelle HkHaby Fornovo 04 180 KingKd Ab 53 59Hfast 39 111 9 I Fletcher 9 Kmdrn DFairbanks FairLassie 04390 KingKd lm0y l54UJlow 38 111 111HIGH 8 J Simmons 8 Old Red Edith K Ramona II HIGH OLYMPUS ch g S 113 113Trainer By Hastings Olympia by Rock Saad I Itfibbs Trainer G Nibbs Owser G Nibbs Breeder A Belmont 08312 Tijuana 1 18 l55ifast 2G G 110 5 7 71 7i F Watrous 8 Vic Bacchus Tawasentlm 08278 Tijuana 34 l16sslov IS 102 6 21 1 F Watrous 8 FrcnehNurse Hopover Limerick 67978 Tijuana 1 14 215mud 30 110 7 6 611 H Zander S LonePinc LitDear Tawascntha 07892 Tijuana 31 118 mud 15C 5f 103 10 10G7745 S 8 H Zander 12 Fickle Fancy View Eruiitana j G7745 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast S5 110 1 1G7G74 41 4 J II Zander 9 Rhymer Pessie Young Dora G7G74 Tijuana 1 1S l56fast EO 110 4 7s 6si H Zander 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate 07548 Tijuana 1 1S l56sfast 137 37 110 3 4 4 H Zander 8 Judge Darid Fireworth DOM j 67395 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 42S 110 8 11 It1 10 II Zander 12 LninaCocliion Lariat Riiymer G733C Tijuana ImTOy l4Tsfast 21f 10S 6 Sl Cl II Zander 11 ElynUgan LCochron Drifts j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030701/drf1923030701_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030701_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800