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5 12 Furlongs yearolds and npvrard HIuidenM Claiiiiinsr BIG INBIAN ch h G M 108 By Brigade Hattio Garrett by Eoanie Joe JoeTrainer Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan Breeder E E Buchanan Buchananijuana ijuana 5S 103 hvy G3 109 2 1 in 2SJ it Fator 8 Red Man Olympiad Billy Jo iiMnnft 5g l04hvy 10 103 5 3 2 2 = M Fator 9 ShermanA Nizam MariouFluke TRIPPAWA ch f 3 M MTrainer 98 By Ormesdale Helen Pink by Pink Coat CoatS Trainer J S Baldwin Owcer J S Baldwin Breeder F J Kelley G8398 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 91 G 7 G5 45J TV Dean 12 IetStuart Calithump Sthia C G8338 Tijuana 41 f 53fast 53fast5S 105 1 4 41 4 M Andsonll NorHoncy LitSmile Mae Seth C8237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 105 2 3 41 2J E Petzoldt 7 Elltoble Ndlloney Lola Fluke FlukeSS G7709 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast lOSfast5S SS 7 7 9 911 L Creery 9 MarnXorrn iz m Pinaquana 67742 Tijuana 5S lC2fast lC2fastr 110 S 2 4i 6 ° J Pevlc 11 Iris Girl liacchus Elmer W G7702 Tijuana r f 108 fast fastAb 93 6 5 CJ G7 T Pevic 11 StAncclina KusaAtkln Coomns GG298 Akron Ab 5S l01fast 102 Bled J Pevic 5 Queen Mazonin Any Futurette Futurette10S GG181 MHghta 5i f l13vflivy 10S 2 T Rae G Jota Frank Erb Nutty CONTRIGT ch h 5 M 116 116E By Patriot Concrete by Contostor Trainer T E Buoll Owner E Buell Breeder E Frazier 082 17 Tijuana 34 l18mud G 11G 3 3 C J Maiben 7 Sm Again CliarSmith Malzav G77CG Tijuana 1 143 fast 10 113 7 4 2l 21 E PetzoUH Ionza Itssy Dumiiiaiur Pattern G7531 Tijuana 34 l14fast 14 117 5 4 4 3 i E Petzoldtll LManning PceFlag Malzavena MalzavenafS G72G8 Tijuana 51 f 07fast fS 102 7 9 9 9i H Xander 9 Pny Off Juhn Jr Full Moon G7I19 Tijuana 5J f 10mud 21 IDS 9 9 71 7 E PeUolcU9 Toombcola Romulus Ixjclilieven G7021 Tijuana 51 f llmud TennileaY5 325 112 6 4 5si 451 II Zander 7 Kenwnrd XorthTowcr Tennilea 03622 Reno 51 f OS faat Y5 110 2s H Molters 7 LonePine Hrsloint CCannell 63452 Reno 51 f 07fast 55 102 6 1 II Molters 9 FlnrDeen AnnaRegina Money G3219 Reno RenoDISSOLUTE 51 f OS fast faste 6 103 3s W Gargan 7 PhyllisK Toyon LadyVoltrome DISSOLUTE ch e 4 M ML 112 By Theo Cook Marian Gay by Colt ColtA Trainer A L Briggs Owner A L Briggs Breeder E F Simmj G85GO Tijuana 1 147 mud 310 1C9 1 5 5 81 E Fator Alazon SGentleman Cansback Cansback1C G84G5 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 1C 100 3 2 6 6 b Vatious G Piedre Reydo Orleans Girl G8402 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast 13 105 5 4 4 4 F Stevens 5 Scot Id Vet Itastille Sacremento G8083 Tijuana 1 143 slow 7 103 Refused to goF Stevens G CBarthell GIryan LitFlorce G8040 Tijuana 1 l305vy 3i 103 1 2 2s 2s F Stevens 7 TheVgeancc TagUay Figurafn C7724 Tijuana 34 l14fast 45 112 4 Refused II Molters 10 Purl Horace Lereh II 67190 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 4 107 6 6 6 6 H Molters 8 MMink SilkSox Proclamation G743G Tijuana 1 142 fast 9 104 4 4 5s 4s E Petzoldt 7 lUgreo Yermak Cafeteria 07398 Tijuana 1 18 l54sfart 7 1C5 5 2 5 51 A Claver 0 Kegreso Just Right Madge F FH G7303 Tijuana 1 1S l531 fast H IOC 3 2 3J SJ A Claver G Uegreso Summer Sigh Vic j RITNGEORGE D h 5 M 113 By Runnymedo Georeia Girl bv Solitaire H HSan Trainer W T Anderson Owner San Biego Stable Breeder A B Spreckels G8398 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 21 113 7 G a1 5 1 C Studer 12 PotStuart Cjlitliump Sthia C 08244 Tijuana 34 118 hvy 291 113 7 7 9 95 0 Studer 9 LFlorence Delhimar DrTubba 68108 Tijuana 5S l01fast 254 lll 10 9 10 10 C Studer 10 Angela Pay Off Hazel Daic S31S1 Tijuana 51 f lOSfnst 1710 9S 9 9 9 SI 6 B Marl oil KS KKiirkin Pitlsbnrg VionaNail 53247 Tijuana 5S 1 02islop S 100 7 6 9 S1 9IS M SKghteriO UulyFasjioii WaltcrMack Mex 520SO Tijjana 51 f 103 fast 4110 98 21 J Callahan 9 lizirn Ola Lfe Mabel Kiiie 51093 Laurel 34 IflSVifast 13 100 6 6 11 11 10 J Caliahan 12 Chin Walsh Itriganna ISIaikTop 1 50S75 Ijiurel i 1 f 1CS fast llf 115 7 9 10 10 9 J Calahanl2 LSwilly M Marine Louchlaud ALICE RICHMOND br m 5 M 106 106Trainer By Edwin T Fryer Bunny bv Cottontown CottontownBreeder Trainer W Perry Owner F J Tankersly Breeder J W Kunter KunterSJ1 C8503 Tijuana 1 l44sfast GOf 1CS 4 47G SJ1 6i G Rose 11 SthiaC Occidenta Malzavena G8381 Tijuana 1 l43fast 7G 111 S S27f 8 8li F J Baker S Nizam GoldlSryan Dovesroost j G8359 Tijuana 34 113 fast 27f 110 G GGS 31 GJ W Pool 12 Flame Mr Kiuter Cave Man 8278 Tijuuna GS 100 4 4Gf S S1 O Rose 8 II Olympus FVhNursc Hopove G7SG9 Tijuana Gf 111 11 10 = 9 F J Ualerl2 Canen Zainer Cicely Kay 77C Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 80 103 G GJ S J Thomas 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsa G7G15 Tijuana i f lfl9fast 173 113 12 91 1011 F J Bakerl2 Unfferty KvpUpIL PonzaRay Cl125 Hastings Ab 5S 1J1 103 112 S D Powell 9 Fickle Fancy llelMajor Vodka VodkaBy THREE X b h 6 M 103 103Lambert By David Tenay Princess Vera by Ray del Sism SismBreeder Trainer G H Lambert Owner J Horn Breeder Mrs E J Schwartz SchwartzC1 G8434 Tijuana 1 l 3fast 13 102 S C1 7 M Milrickl1 SallieCarter SthiaC WannGirl G8359 Tijuana 34 115 fast 43 107 S SI 7 i M MUrickl2 Flame Mr Kiuter Cave Man 08297 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS fast 24 f 10S 7 51 3s M MHriclv 10 Delarccy NoWder Cannonball C8258 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 53 105 6 6lif 3J 4 = 1 M MiPrick 8 Irolaski Siinihia C Knnltana G81GG Tijuana 5S 106 hvy lif 105 C 6i GJ M Milrick 9 Pokeylt JaekPot AnnVSister G8102 Tijuana 51 f lC8fast 114 110 3 3S3 4 = 4 i M Mirrickl2 Privateleat nelanecy SthiaC G797G Tijuana 5S l03mud S3 103 5 5 53i M MiliicUlO Squash Itacclius Onwa G7870 Tijuana 5S l03imud 190 103 S 0 = i 911 M Milrickll Tomltoncli Stiasii Plintagcnet G7818 Tijuana 51 f l10mud 71 110 7 7s 710 M MUrick S IJosiAtkin Olympd JullySailor i C77G3 Tijuana GS l0lfast 24 107 3 71 7 i M Milrickl3 Angelo ClitaSmith T Duncan j SQUIRREL HAWKINS b h 5 M 1 By Flying Squirrel Addie Hawkins by Logan Trainer J W Shockley Owner W WC8462 Knapp Breeder A Hawkins C8462 Tijuana E8 l02 fast SC SCG8380 6 1 13 4J 13 Fator 13 lack Pot Huzzas Phillipc Lugo G8380 Tijuana 51 f lC9fast 25 25G8018 5 5 oh 7i M Mirrickl2 Eimltana Pciinebelle DAdams G8018 Tijuana 41 f G9 mud SC 3 7 10 10 1 M MUricklO HitWay TpyDuncan 15 Rutn 61377 Tijuana 5S l02fast 7 7C1334 3 3 351 Si El PctKgoIdH IjidyTipioe RuthJolinson Ethel C1334 Tijuana 51 f 100 fast 41 41G1271 5 7 61 4i E PPtzgoIull liookworm Apropos Iinkavotu G1271 Tijuana GJ f l08 fast 115 115G1210 3 3 3 4 i W Organ 10 Olive D Ispham Delanrcy G1210 Tijuana 5S l02tast 8 3 2 2U 2 D Hum It Joe Blair Olivel ISet Stuart 01 2 10 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 28 28611G4 2 8 S 73 E Petzgold S TliSrvm Uble Van KugeniaK 611G4 Tijuana 5j f l09 fast 135 3 3 31 2K E Donhue 9 17 Williams LcttyKec Striker 61081 Tijuana 51 f lOStfa3t 19 2 3 21 2 E DonhuelU Cascade ISookwurm Chippendale 113I THE CURE br h 6 M 113 By Ton Troaip Trained Nurre by To El Key I Trainer H E Davis Owner P Duffy Breeder KeyBreeder E Cebrian CebrianS i G8398 Tijuana El f lOSfast C7f 113 5 S 11 M Andsonl2 HetStuart Calitlinnip Sthia C i G8240 Tijuana 58 l03 hvy 232 1C8 S 8 S11 E KenBer 8 ISilly Joe Poacher HelenMajor G7851 Tijuana 41 f CG mud 2 If 112 S 8 S55 E Fator S torncutr Fdllopp QueyWml EC2C1 Reno 41 f oSfast 6 102 1025S C7 QueyWmlC7 E Taylor 0 MFrankliti J Small Comdatioa 50133 Reno 5S 102 fast 37 100 1005S 7 Perry 8 MDaly VirgdOr ClovcrJimia ClovcrJimiaG 501 00 Reno 5S lOU fast 30 101 G II Slighter 0 Pkagain TliirtyScvin Dandy V VS1 5VS36 Tijuana 73 127 fast 10 97 S1 O Yearcln Cila Jospnii 1oenie 47585 Tijuana 58 101 fast 52 1W 6 G Archbt 7 LSpider CAComy RIIarrigau KAHANI b g 8 M 108 By Miletus Hoopa by Keuilwcrth KeuilwcrthTrainer Trainer W A Fay Ownsr E OConnell Breeder G W Srhnte SrhnteG7908 G7908 Tijuana Im70y 154 mud SS 113 6 S S 8 H Molters S Pltageaet CabCreek Rcdilan G7890 RcdilanG7890 Tijuana 34 l185mu l lOf 107 4 9J S1 S SyUes 10 IVbScKye LiiuePinn MdleWiln 07703 Tijuana 5S l01ifast C9 112 4 10 91 9o S Sykes 12 Viva Hen Iayno Irene Delsa G7573 DelsaG7573 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 431 113 S G 7 ll S SyUes 12 Gen Czar Midian Kcriew G7432 KcriewG7432 Tijuana 5S l0t ifast S3 111 10 9 95 9 ° S Sykes 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela G733G AngelaG733G Tijuana 34 llCVLfaat 115 114 9 4 61 SeJ M Fator 12 Nizam Norfitld Glenzar GlenzarELMER ELMER W b g 3 M 100 By Tho Volf Mona Canonmajm by Elinor L Trainer T J Ogle Owner Hollywood Stable Breeder P A Klinstnin KlinstninG8502 G8502 Tijuana 5S 103 fast S 100 3 3 23 3i J Merimee 13 Chrome Gal1eny G Trimbte C833S TrimbteC833S Tijuana 4i f 5ifast G 107 6 Fell C Rails 11 XorIIoney LilSmlle Mae Seti C82GO SetiC82GO Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 4 100 7 G 4 u5 C Rails S Mi Mlick TcmDuncan Onwn 08123 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 13 107 232 33 A Claver 11 QnciipIL Sm Again Ndlloncy 07982 Tijuana 51 flll mud 22f 99 5 6 6 6 T Wilson 0 DdeGuise IillyJoe Hazel Dale 07827 Tijuana 4i f 54ifast Cl 110 6 5 51 5i F J Iakerl2 Norfield NorHoney Quncnptl QuncnptlG7742 G7742 Tijuana 5S l02sfast 71 112 2 5 31 SJ M Slghterll Iris Girl icchu Smile Again G7GIO AgainG7GIO Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 01 102 6 G S S M Slghter 8 Ucup Fallen Kl Noble G5223 NobleG5223 Hstings Ab 5S l00753ow 5 83 2Ji W Dean G J Fountain Ourllazel Operator G5 OperatorG5 118 Hastings Ab 5S l01alow 1 113 2A P Martinez 8 Ivy Gray SinileAgain DarrelLJ DarrelLJCABBY CABBY GirlTrainer 3 b c 3 M 100 By The Wolf Kismet Girl Trainer A Gibmey Owner A Gibniey Breeder A Gibmey G8237 Tijuana 58 107 hvy lit 100 G 7 7 G F Seremba 7 EIRoble Trippawa Nd Honey COUNTRY ch g 4 M By Harrlgan Tender Bloom by Sir Dixon Trainer H Tullett Owner Tarn o fihanter Stable Breeder B A Jones G8503 Tijuana 1 l44Hfast 350 IOS G C SI S1 E ICcnger 11 SthiaC Occidenta Malzavena G82I7 Tijuana 34 llS imud 30 103 G G 5 E Petzoldt 7 SmileAgain Contriot ChSmlth C8180 Tijuana 1 14S hvy 20 10S S S 7 74 K Petzoldt 8 Liciien Wann Girl Santhia C 6019S Tijuana 1 l49Tsmud 24 91 7 777 7 7 7 S 71S 7lSD D Huru S ITtageiitt Canrasbk Mistake G0225 Tijuana 1 l49 l49shvy shvy 9 93 5 8 8 S 7 G1 G14 C Studer 8Iavaga Plantaganet Mistake 39792 Tijuana 1 145 fast 7 S MistakeS 1 9 4 4 3 3 4 41 D Hum 12 Sippara Mimtperrl NeoshoDale 5S 89 Tijuana 34 liCHfnst 6 S7 12 11 13 12 10 D Hum 12 JewelCity MrsPat GrTrlmble 59iG6 Tijuana 34 llSslow 32 93 8 7 6 7 7 D Hum 10 Torsida TCraven GraceTrlmblo 59167 Tijuana 61 f 117 hvy 22 9 10 10 10 7 D Hum 10 Doctor Tubbs Jay Mac Kimono KimonoWILD WILD BRIER br m 5 M 111 By Joe Carey Woolen by Woolsthorpo Trainer H C Masters Owner H Masters Breeder 0 L Roers G8124 RoersG8124 Tijuana 58 l02ifaat 25f 106 11 11 11 9 E Blind 11 ISabcRuth GalIJerry TDuncan G7891 TDuncanG7891 Tijuana 34 IMHftmua 13 101 8 10 10MO1 F Stevens It VledColn Canvasbk MnFluke 07828 Tijuana 34 lilSTsfast St 10810 10 7 = 1 6 F Stevens 10 Lewis 15 WCDooly P Tenny G57G5 TennyG57G5 Tijuana 58 l0lfaat 24f 110 13 13 lll 11 F Stevens 13 Angelo ClitaSmith T Duncan J7G58 DuncanJ7G58 Tijuana 5S l01fast i9f 110 2 11 11S1U E DnnhurlJ Melclinir Nnhour OalBerry fiS97 OalBerryfiS97 Tijuana G8 102 fast ISf 103 12 12 12 12 13 Blind 12 l belia Delancvy View G733G ViewG733G Tijuana 34 l16tfast 91 111 12 10 10 10 H Molteral2 Nizam NorfleW Glenzar CG073 GlenzarCG073 Tijuana 58 l03Jthvy 27 109 8 8 8 8 W MIIer 8 Uarry D It TernstU