8th Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-07

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1 HIIlc mill 7O Ynrils 4yca 8th RAG HI 1O2I5 142 5 S OS VIC b m 5 108 By Watervale Eastern Shore by Tie Bard BardTrainer Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder T Piatt PiattG8549 G8549 Tijuana 1 316 203 mud 1710 10S S 2 It 1 P Stevens S Sanlledron CharBoy PaccFlas PaccFlasC8487 C8487 Tijuana im70y l45 iast 12 10 6 4 21 1 = 1 F Stevens S Fannie Nail Purl Philanderer 68425 Tijuana n 70y 146 fast Cl 10S 3 5 3 1J F Stevens S Poacher irkamore OrleansGirl G834t Tijuana 1 1S l55 4fast 25 10S 1 4 H 14 F Stevns 8 Bacchus Tasentba BesYonnc 08283 Tijuana 1 l45slow 7 110 5 5C787G G 4s 4 i P Walls S FXail AlcsPink WMtsomery C787G Tijuana 1 14 213 mud 2 103 1 1C78SI 3 31 2J F Stevens 5 MadeF Dominator 1 David C78SI Tijuana Im70y l4r l4r4fast 4fast S 101 7 707GOO 7 G 5 F Stevens 9 Slie Devil My Rose Irosity 07GOO Tijuana Im70y l43fast S 101 3 3SAN 3 3 3 C Rails 9 FFosty SuiurSi li Tawaatlia SAN HEDRON blk gr 4 104 104Trainer By Disguise Kslherino G by Dick Finn ell ellManale Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale Breeder J H Rcsscter Rcsscterif 08549 Tijuana 1 316 203 mud 2if if 109 2 2C8504 1 2 = 2 E Fator S Vic Charley Poy Peace FlaK FlaKCS C8504 Tijuana 51 f OS fast CS 111 10 10G8300 10 91 S1 J Glass 11 PliWard VanWelles Fdllope G8300 Tijuana Im70y 4C fast 1 5 105 6 3 3 43 E Petzoldt 9 Don Jose El noble lleydo 08244 Tijuana 34 1S hvy 9 110 9 9C8184 9 7 = 1 C = F Watrous 9 LFlorence Delhimar DrTnbba C8184 Tijuana Im70y MDrilivy 2110 10 103 S 2 3 E Pctzohlt S PlSteel ThcYpeance IxvisH 08 08171 171 Tijuana 34 llShvy lShvy 3 109 10 10J8043 7 21 23 E Pctzoldtl2 Philander IewisB Doe Tubbs J8043 Tijuana 1 150 hvy 10 113 S 1 11 1s P Martinez S MEmG ChIeyBoy DocTWibs 67381 Tijuana 1 l4Smud 51 IOS 9 9TORSIDA C 5J 51 T Wilson 10 VtbShore GdlJrjan ChleyBoj TORSIDA b f 4 107 107Trainer By The Finn Recession by Woolsthorpa Trainer F Tracv Ownsr J Barlow BarlowG8299 Breeder J E Madden G8299 Tijuana 1 31C 201jfast 15 109 2 2r8147 3 4J o E Petzoldt i FkFogarty Dominator GipJoe r8147 Tijuana 1 216 2OS mud 41 114 4 4GS05U 422 = 2 T Wilson 6 Wbippet Jipsy Joe WalterDant GS05U Tijuana ImTOy 53hvy 15 IOS 3 354 4J T Wilson 6 HIlend FkFosarly Uarriskane 68001 Tijuana ImTOy 51mud 6 103 7 7 C = 6 = T Wilson S Itillllead IeaceFlap Barskane 67952 Tijuana 1 316 07hvy 10 IOC 1 1G7678 3 2 t j T Wilson G Whippet Rajah Fireworlh G7678 Tijuana ImTOy 43ifast 11 IOS 4 7 6 6 1 T Wilson 7 Tasentlia SumSish I Mann 671 91 Tijuana 1 11G 54 = ihvy 145 15 110 3 5 3l 3s T Wilson G Vic YermaK Caamano 67036 Tijuana 1 11G 545ihvy 35 15 IOS 2 2K7002 3 2l Ih T Wilson 7 Poacher Sllex II Uhymer K7002 7002 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 4 IOS 2 2G6035 3 1J I1 T Wilson 7 Poacher John Arbor Dolph G6035 Tijuana 1 l4GAhvy l4GVLhvyPHILANDERER 33 3 103 2 C 31 I1 E Petzoldt 7 Firewortli Silex II Lola PHILANDERER ch p 6 108 By His Majesty Pretty Maiden ly Kinestoa Trainer R E Lovell Owner J lIcGinn Preeder G A Cochras 08518 Tijuana Im70y l477imud l477imudG8487 7 110 5 5 2 2i M Milrick G MarIloy Glen Well WMtgomy G8487 Tijuana lm0y l4V fast fastG84G8 31 IOS 4 S 5 43 M Milrick S Vic Fannie Nail Purl G84G8 Tijuana 1 11C l47 = fast fastU8385 45 109 2 2 I1 2J M MiTriek 8 IHosHoiisc SumSigh BckBetty U8385 Tijuana lm70yl4G fast 31 IOS 5 5 51 11 M Milrick S Delhimar larriskane Purl 8SB5 Tijuana 1 116 l47 fadt fadtG831 25 101 231 IJ M Milrick 9 151House StiinmerSish Itepreso G831 7 Tijuana 1 l40fast 5t 101 S C G 4 M Jlilrick 7 Ilyanpom Plkltetty VPatrick 08244 Tijuana 34 11S hvy 15 113 4 1 21 5 II S Jones 9 LFlorencc Delhimar DrTubbs DrTubbsCG 68171 Tijuana 34 lSihvy GG 112 1125S 1 1 4 = 1 W Martin 12 Sanlledron IewislJ Doc Tubb 68085 Tijuana TijuanaHORACE 5S l01 fast C710 10 110 7 C 4 1 E Petzoldt 8 Pueblo QuincyWard Stanley H HORACE LE CH K 6 113 By McGee Sadio May by Cesarioa CesarioaC Trainer C E Bavison Owner C E Bavlscn Breeder Gorham Bros C8487 Tijuana Im70y l43 = ifast 163 113 S SG8318 6 7i 7 T Rae S Vie Fannie Nail Purl G8318 Tijuana Im70y l453fast II lir 4 4G8187 6 J 5 J T Uao G Rslerer WMtgomy S Sigl G8187 Tijuana Im70y 143 slop 41 113 2 S SG8012 2 2 2 J T Rae 8 Rajah Resreso Whippet 08012 Tijuana Im70y 153 hvy 2 115 1 1G7927 I 1 I1 1s T Rae G LittleFlorence Fireworth Dolph G7927 Tijuana Ini70y l52hvy 35 115 2 1 1 1 1 T Rae 11 NoniiSlioro ITtitgeiiet Veteran 67721 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 20 115 2 3 3 3 21 T Rae 10 Purl It Don Jose 67534 Tijuana IniTOy l47fast 23 115 7 i iG7247 2 i 4 T Rae 10 ISy Right Tom Owens Vic G7247 Tijuana 51 f lOTifast 12 113 5 533 I 2J T Rae 8 Herder Neg Vanessa Welle 67186 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 2110 10 112 3 2 1 = 1 Il T Rice S Cicely Kay Phyllis K Thrllii FRANK FOGAKTY br jr 5 103 103Tiaincr By Wrack Irish Wit by Celt Tiaincr R Cooper Owner R Cooper CooperG8468 Breeder A U Hancock HancockIS G8468 Tijuana 1 116 IMTajfast IS 119 S S SG8299 S S 7 G Cooper S ItIIouse Philanderer SumSigh G8299 Tijuana 1 316 201 = ifast 45 121 3 2 2G8220 2 I2 1i E Dugan G Dominator Gipsy Joe Kacchus G8220 Tijuana 2nTOy l49 muil 2 114 6 4 4 2i E Petzoldt G Rajah Marcellaltoy CStockins 6814J Tijuana Im7vy l49Vimud 95 106 3 i 2 21 11 D Hum 7 Ghn Well Louanna Hyanpoui 68059 Tijuana ImTOy l537ihvy 1310 10 115 C 4 4G8022 3 2J P Martinez ti liill Head Rarriskane Torsida G8022 Tiiuana ImTOy l51mud 3 106 5 I ICAVALCADOUR 2 2s 2 D Hum 7 Loiianna Whippet Rajah CAVALCADOUR II b g 7 113 113Trainer By Verdun Amazone III by Ladai LadaiG Trainer Or F Hurn Owner G F Hum Bred in France bv Baron M d dRothschild Rothschild 08385 Tijuana Im70y 0y 14C fast fastG8343 12 113 4 7 T 6 D Hum S Philanderer Delhimar Rarriske G8343 Tijuana 1 l39iiast l39iiastG8088 124 102 4 4 6 C Gs P Hum G Auadane Srorgie lie Frank G8088 Tijuana 1 116 16 149 fast fastG7980 52 114 S SlOy 4 Oh 7si P Hurn 8 Hcklletty WarPenuy SumSigh G7980 Tijuana ImTOy lOy 150 mud mudG7832 FkFosarty120f 10 105 5 6 6 6 P Hum 6 VPatrk WFlowcr FkFosarty G7832 Tijuana 34 l12 itasi itasiC77G8 120f 105 7 7JOy 7 72 7 P Hum 8 Knighthd Coca Cola DrCorbt C77G8 Tijuana Im70y JOy IMIrifast 1C IOC 9 970y 7 6 63i P Hurn 9 HklioruII V Patrick Sdialll 07551 Tijuana Im70y 70y l4fastG7413 l4fast 45 110 3 370y 3 1 3 C Rails 7 SummerSigh Yermak My Rose Rosen G7413 Tijuana ImTOy 70y 143 fast 31 IOS 4 4I0y 432 1 G Rails 7 SnmiSiRli Silk Sox My Rose 67280 Tijuana Im70y I0y l45Hfast 21 110 2 El 3 i C Rails S FFogarty lIcGsPink JRight ORLEANS GIRL br n G IOC By Jack Atkin Lady Installitor by Installator Trainer L R Knifong Owner L R Knifontr 08549 Tijuana 1 31C 205 mud mudG8508 32 106 6 6OS 8 8 L Creery S Vie San Hedron Charley Boy G8508 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast OS 106 4 4S 6 fis E Petzoldt 0 Romany Hyanpom OFaithful 08405 Tijuana 1 1S l55tast S 105 4 2 3J E Petzoldt G Piidrn Reydo Gold Bryan 684 25 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast fastbS384 21 101 S A 4 M Milrick S Vic Ponrlier Ilackamore bS384 Tijuana ImOy l469jfast 21 105 5 51 3l M MUrlcklO Poacher PcaccFlng Theresa 07 928 Tijuana InVTOy l53 hvy 9 110 3 7s C Thpson 8 San Iledion Lariat Ilackamore 07915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 13 111 7 8 S11 H S Jones 8 Pclamatu DancGirl CabCrk G743G Tijuana 1 142 fast 23 103 5 6 6 J II Long 7 Regreso Yermak Cafeteria REGRESO ch g 9 103 By Hastings Arline by The Commoner Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder C C Patrick PatrickG 08508 Tijuana 1 116 l477jfast 12 115 C S S083G5 G 5i F Cantrell 0 Romany Uyanpom Old Ftliful 083G5 Tijuana 1 116 1 47kfast 18 113 9 f fC82G2 5 431 F Cantrell 9 Philanderer ItlHouse SumSigh C82G2 Tijuana ImTOy l49 = ihvy 65 110 9 6s 610 E IJugan 9 DiioMorny Louanna Hyanpom 08187 Tijuana Im70y 14S slop 15 IOS 7 I 41 3 E Petzoldt S Rajah Horace Lurch Whippet 08109 Tijuana Im70y l44 jfast 43 115 5 6 6s D Hurn 7 Irosity liarriskaue Douatcllo 67931 Tijuana 1 14 2ll = ihvy 45 112 S S S P Martinez S Haiti liuckhorn II Tailor Maid 67801 Tijuana ImiOy l42fast 7 10J 13 5 9s 3J D Hum 15 Sunnyland Coffield Abadane

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030701/drf1923030701_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800