7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-07

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7th RrtPC 1 Mile yearolds anil upward ClaiiuiiiK June 17 1O1G III nrtUC 138 y O5 YERMAK ch p 10 10F 113 113G By Ormondalo Lady Alicia by Sir DLron Trainer G F Horn Owner G F Hnra Breeder J O Cc G H Keens C85G4 Tijuana TijuanaG8483 75 113 4 1 1T3 I1 1 P Hurn Hurn5l 10 Tawasentha Poacher Car G8483 Tijuana TijuanaG8437 1 l42fast T3 113 7 5 5l 4J1 E Fator Fator6i 11 Yukon Midian Little Gink G8437 Tijuana ImTOy 45ifast 17 113 7 5 5It 6i 6 P Hurn Hurn4s 13 NrbrLad IlarUudder AVJudce 58383 Tijuana TijuanaG8304 1 42fast It 113 1 4 4s 4JJ D Hum HumSt8 11 CoIMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon G8304 Tijuana TijuanaG80J5 ImTOy 46Vifast 14 109 5 5 St8 J P Hum 9 Hackamore Dolpli X 1C Beal G80J5 Tijuana TijuanaG7981 1 59 hvy 145 115 5 6 61 7 D Hum S SHedron MKmG Chley Boy G7981 Tijuana 1 4Smud 1710 113 3 4 6 S11 D Hurn 10 XthShore Jdltryan ChloyBoy 079 1 6 Tijuana TijuanaG7791 ImTOy 49imud 5 115 2 3 3 3 J P Hurn 8 Rajah Silk Sox Peace Flag G7791 Tijuana TijuanaG7GOO ImTOy 45fatt 4 115 3 6 21 5 i D Hurn Hurn5l Donatello ClileyBoy Fireworth G7GOO Tijuana ImTOy 4iast 19 115 7 5 5l 5 P Hurn HurnI1 9 FrkFogarty SummrrSisb Vic 07551 Tijuana TijuanaG7492 ImTOy 45fast 14 115 1 2 I1 2 D Hum HumI1 7 SumSigli CavaldrlL MyRoso G7492 Tijuana TijuanaTAWASENTHA ImTOy l4T rast rastch 65 109 4 2 I1 Il F Stevens S Walt Dant CtBoris Eilarsan TAWASENTHA ch m 5 108 By Vulcnin Belle of Arcadia by Plandit PlanditBreeder Trainer H Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herrint 08504 Tijuana ImTOy IMOXmud 4 IfW 1 2 2 2 W Martin 10 Yermak Poacher Car G8342 Tijuana 1 1S l55faat 47 113 4 3 31 3l G Cooper S Vic Bacchus Bessie Younc 08299 Tijuana 1 316 201fast 77 101 6 5 6 G Cooper 0 FkFosarty Dominalor CipJoo GS261 Tijuana 1 1S 202hvy 7 106 7 6 51 5J F Seremba S Cabin Creik IjrJat Dolpli G8183 Tijuana 75 114 5 2 II I1 W Martin 3 Anita K Caamano Silcx II 08105 Tijuana 1 l43faat l43faatImTOy 9 105 1 6 61 51 G Cooper 9 Don Jose Miss Kmma G Baisy 68041 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 7 111 6 3 3 3 G Cooper 10 N 1C Beal PI Steel Plurality G7978 Tijuana TijuanaPOACHER 1 14 215mud 5 108 5 2 21 3l J Thomas S Lone Pine Little Dear Veteran VeteranBy POACHER ch i iTrainer By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow LongfellowEreeder Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Ereeder J E Madden 08564 Tijuana ImTOy l4Pmud c 3 3 K EricksnlO Ycruiak Tawascntha Car 68484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 3110 4 5 K Ericksnll Flame Kirkwood McGeesPink 08425 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 61 li 2J K Ericksn 8 Vie Hackamore Orleans Girl 08384 Tijuana ImTOy l46fast 11 lh in K EricksnlO PcaccFIas OrleansGirl Theresa 68315 Tijuana 51 f lOT fast 23 31 3s K EricksnlS Shelbyville Tom Craven View C828L Tijuana 55 f lOSslow 13 31 4s H Ericksn S Sister Susie Conichon TCraven 08240 Tijuana 58 l05 hvy 12 51 21 K Ericksn 8 BillyJoe Helen Major Tabloid G8172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 47 9 9 K Ericksn 9 Choir Master Xeg Kimono 68100 Tijuana 1 l42 = ifast 61 64 6 E Petzoldt S NebkaLad WterDant Olympd 08055 Tijuana TijuanaANITA 51 f 113 hvy 2310 51 S H Ericksn S Jack Ledi Billy Joe Conichou ConichouBy ANITA K b f fTrainer By General Roberts Larinita by Reformation Trainer C E Groves Owner C CImTOy E Groves Groves9S Breeder G H Van Gordon C8384 Tijuana ImTOy l46fast 5 9S 7 7 7 1 II Lons 10 Poacher PeaceFlag OrlcansGirl 68345 Tijuana 1 1S l53 fast 16 16ImTy 93 4 3 6 6 10 H Lons 7 McellaBoy Roisterer Fan Nail 08239 Tijuana ImTy 153 hvy 45 45ImTOy 90 1 1 1 1 II Lons 8 Plurality LitDear LLa Iimiind C8183 Tijuana ImTOy lM ihvy 185 90 3 1 2 2 H Lons S Tawasentha Caamano Silex II G7721 Tijuana 51 f l09Vifast 8 90 7 10 101 lli H Lons 1 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 66527 Toledo 51 f lOT4faat 29 29Bl 109 6 7 7 7 J Majestic 7 Noonhotir Athlete Illusionist 66391 Toledo Bl f l13Ahvy 19 19EJ 112 12 10 51 5 1 G ManganlS Nowata Athlete Siler Maid GG228 Toledo EJ f UOSiast 16 110 4 5 6 6 T Burns 7 Argo Athlete Eau Gallic GG043 Hthorno 53 l08hvy 6 65S 110 3 6 5U 2 II S Jones C Kris My Lorraine Miss Edna 6582D lllhorne 5S 103 faat 4 108 5 5 5 Gi M SIshter 9 Crudenas Paula Zapatcs BAISY b m 5 5Trainer 111 Sy Reformation Miss Roberts by General Roberts RobertsW Trainer V Gargan Owner OwnerG83GI W Garsan Breeder G M Tan Gordon GordonSO G83GI Tijuana 34 l14 fast SO 113 9 It 11 11 W Garsan 12 Amkassin Shellvr Mltow 68204 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 22 111 9 9 S Sl W Gargan 9 KmWilliams Kimono TkLfdi 68222 Tijuana 51 f lllsmud 6 111 S S 6l Il W GarsanlS SouGenfman Midian Rafferty 68103 Tijuana 1 l43fast l43fastG8021 9 lit 2 7 3J 3 W Garsan 9 DonJose MissEmaG Ficuratn G8021 Tijuana 34 119 mud mudG7743 5 114 4 5 0 4 W Gargan S DonJose JackLcdl FickleFancy G7743 Tijuana 24 l14fast 5 116 6 6 81 T3 W Gargan 9 VanWelles CabsaCrk Poacher G7337 Tijuana 1 143 fat fatP7207 11 113 1 3 3 I1 W Garsanlt Ollie Wood Arcenlo Trinket P7207 Tijuana 34 117 slow slowTHERESA 32 112 1 4 31 4J D Hum 7 Jerry Chick Barkley Theresa THERESA b m 5 5Trainer 111 By Sain Eashford Belle by Falsetto FalsettoJ Trainer J Carney Owner J Carney Breeder G J Ions Ions45f C852G Tijuana 1 l41fast 45f 111 5 2 j 41 A Claver 9 HarryRudder Col Matt Flame Flame6K 08384 Tijuana ImTOy IMerefast 6K 110 t 3 51 4i H PetzoldtlO Poacher PeaceFlajj OrleansCirl 68127 Tijuana 5S l01Vifast 23 US 7 7 8l 7 A Claver 9 Aryanna Dark Ases Bndive 67801 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 9 108 6 6 31 2 E PetzoldtlO Due deGuisp DonJose HnMajor G7637 Tijuana ImTOy l4TVbfast S HnMajorS 108 4 2 23 11 E Petzoldt S Starlike Reydo Bacchus C7512 Tijuana 5S l01sfast 17 110 7 6 5 = 1 51 F And son 8 Icon Candorosa Xindo 67451 Tijuana 58 l02fast 195 109 S 6 51 2nn E Petzoldt 9 Celebrate Limerick Midian G7320 Tijuana 1 l4lfast 26 106 3 4 4l 4 II Lons ItiS Silk Sox Proclamation EVALYN HARRIGAN ch m 7 7Trainer 111 By Harrigan Vancena by Batten BattenW Trainer W Leeds Owner W Leeds Breeder F C Marmot Marmot9f G8I37 Tijuana ImTOy l451ifast 9f lit 6 7 Si S F Weiner 13 NebrLad HarRuddpr WJudce WJudce9f G8383 Tijuana 1 l42fast 9f 105 S 8 9 711 E OBrien 11 CoIMatt Nebraska I id Yukoa 68171 Tijuana 34 llS = hvy 53 115 2 6 7 TJi H Lons 12 Philnnder SHedron Ij wis B 08019 Tijuana ImTOy l53mud 15 111 2 5 5 = 1 6 C Kalis 7 Lewis It Cabin Creek Rhymer 67997 Tijuana ImTOy l53limud 10 111 5 7 7 T51 M Andson 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benecia 07956 Tijuana 1 1S 202jhvy 7 HO 4 3 4 = 1 4 R Flynn 8 Ponza Ray Ixnvis It Railbinl 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSfast 15 105 7 3 7s S J Thomas 9 Fireworth YorkLassie LitDear C7492 Tijuana ImTOy l4Traat 11 105 5 4 4J 4l J Thomas 8 Yermak Walter IJant CtBorU Continued on eleventh page TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from tenth page BELLE FLOWER b m 5 1CS 1CSTrainer By Meelick Apple Bloom by Cayupa Cayupaf Trainer W Hafley Owner W f Hafley Breeder G L Blackford 68461 Tijuana 1 144 fast 3 111 6 7 76X437 7 6 J 7 Seremla 7 Dovroost SGtleman IMurallty IMurallty9f 6X437 Tijuana ImVOy l45ifast 9f 106 S C CC8314 S 3 F SerembalS NcbrLad IIRnddcr WiseJwdce C8314 Tijuana oj f lOSfast 107 111 5 7 61 1 F Serembal2 Noificld Nizam Merry Lass 08241 Tijuana 3S l05 ihvy 19 106 7 6 6C8144 4J 4i F Scremba S Jlidian Car Fickle Fancy Fancy5f C8144 Tijuana 34 119 mud 3S6f 5f 105 2 2 2f7870 IJ 1 F Seremba 9 Glad News Iscssie Young Jazz Jazz32f f7870 Tijuana 5S l03mwl G2f 107 3 9 i 6 i F Scremball TomRoacli Squash IMantaccnet IMantaccnet40f 07672 Tijuana SS 102 fast 40f 107 10 9 105 9 J F Sercmball Fonilllopc Nebraska Lad Xiznm 05257 Hastings 1 116 l525iood 31 107 2 G Itroadft 8 SenlJonrnt Snmllill llHargan 65220 HstinKS Ab 5S lOOTJslow 35 1C6 1C6OLD 3 J F SerembalO VilLady Hookworm TvcBells OLD McKENNA b p 6 113 113Trainer By Trans7 al Kuhla by Gold Heels or TrentoU Bnzkay082G1 Trainer G J Baskay Owner G Bnzkay Breeder S K Nichols 082G1 Tijuana 1 1S 202fchvy 32 10S 3 S SC8182 8 S F Watrous S Cabin Crock Lariat Dolph C8182 Tijuana ImTOy l319ihvy 2t 109 3 1 1G8041 IJ I2 T Wilson 8 Mistake TOwens ChrisHolters ChrisHolters2Cf G8041 Tijuana Im70y 154 hvy 2Cf 10S 4 5 5i 613 E Kenser 10 NKBeal PlStcel Tawascntha 07891 Tijuana 34 llSimud 15 107 7 C 5i 57 G Studcr 11 VledCoIn Canvasbk MnKluke 07547 Tijuana 1 1S l53Hfast 55 110 6 C CC7453 63 G F Stevens S IWHarper AlWick Meteor Meteor6Sf C7453 Tijuana 1 l42JLfast 6Sf 112 4 8 8C7337 7JJ 7s J W Wiley 11 WiseJmlRC TomCravcn Flame C7337 Tijuana 1 113 fast 41 10S 7 10 S 7 3 F Stevens 11 Uaisy Ollie Wood Argcnto 05948 Tijuana 34 117 slop 33 110 Left at post J Thomas 7 Jolin Tr Whippet Shoreacres CG899 Tijuana 1 116 l51islop 17 113 6 6 M Andson C 1J111 Head Lcta Dolph CHOIR MASTER ch g 8 102 By Uncle Nethersole by Tournament TournamentBreeder Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern Breeder Headley Miller 08423 Tijuana 10f 113 12 II 12 12 = II Molters 12 July Fy Dclancoy Virgo 082H1 Rl Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 0 113 4 6 51 H Molters 9 KinWilliams Kimono Jkl edl C8223 23 Tijuana 5S l04 imud M 115 1 2 4J H Molters 7 Hazel Dale It Joe Taj 68172 72 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 7lOf 117 C 31 in H Molters 9 Xcg Kimono Emma Williams 68103 03 Tijuana 1 l43jfast 19 112 3 51 6 1 H Molters 0 Don Jcse Mis Emma G Uaisy 68054 34 Tijuana 51 f 114 hvy 4Jf 113 5 I Il II Molters 11 OHomestd Tltoach CieclyKai 37 Tijuana ImTOy l53V mud 14 113 6 810 S = J H Molters 9 Cafetcriii Olympiad Bcnccia 26 Tijuana 34 llShvy 61 111 6 6I 1 1 II Molters 11 Jack Ledi Halfour View I CRAVEN b g 4 109 109Trainer By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Breeder C Ciay 43 Tijuana 31 Icie mud 11G 112 7 4 4s J Jlertmeo 9 Alazon tone Pine Plow Steel 83 Tijuana 1 l42fast 41 10311 7 10 W Martin 11 ColMatt Nebraska Iad Yukon 13 Tijuana ui f lOT fast 1110 113 C 11 2 C Rails 13 ShpJbjville Poacher View 81 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 4 111 5 2 3 C Halls 8 Sister Susie Conlchon Poacher GO Tijuana 34 JlCHhvy 7f 107 3 6 Il C Halls 9 LitFlorcc IIGeorRe ItItlackl 16 Tijuana ImTOy l494mud 41 100 8 8 S M Wood S Rajah Silk Sox Ycrmak 55 Tijuana 51 f lOS = smud 93 95 8 8 S M Wood 8 Kinglike TubbyA C llarlliell 44 Tijuana 34 lH fast ll 115 5 2 2ii D Hum S Virgc Nebr Lad Philanderer 07598 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 12 1 = B Petzoldt 8 lirewortb Cafeteria Mrntona

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030701/drf1923030701_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1923030701_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800