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American TurFs Harvest of Gold Lavish as was the grand total of money distributed among the winning owners in North American racing in 1922 when the huge sum of 9096215 established a new record in this respect there is a possibility that the ten million mark may be reached this year if the Canadian tracks are given relief from heavy government taxes and are able to hold their full quotas of meetings meetingsCertain Certain it is the race tracks of New York Kentucky and Maryland will contribute the greater portion of the huge sum to be distributed among the horsemen this year as they have for many years past pastIt It is interesting to note that during the last twenty years the total distribution in turf prizes by the race tracks of New York has reached the tremendous sum of 26318367 During the same period Kentucky has contributed 12996535 and Maryland 9826741 9826741The The great prosperity of the turf in Kentucky and Maryland is due mainly to the adoption of the parimutuels as the form of wagering permitted by law the revenue de ¬ rived from this means enabling the racing associations to hang up stakes and purses of such value that was impossible under the old method methodNew New Yorks most prosperous days were prior to 1908 before obnoxious laws which came later almost wiped out the sport in the metropolis The records of the years from 1903 to 1907 when annually over 2000000 was distributed have not been equaled any ¬ where Last year was the closest approach to the old days when 1918216 was distributed distributedThe The following tabulation gives in detail the money distributed in each year from 1903 to and including 1922 by the tracks of New York Kentucky and Maryland showing the various transitions from the golden days to the lean and then again to the present glorious and prosperous years NEW YORK YORKYear Year Distribution 1003 52184230 52184230lOOt lOOt 232S265 100 2407470 2407470lOOli lOOli 2440833 1007 2018402 1908 1582S71 1582S71IflOJ IflOJ 839893 1910 790650 7906501D11 1D11 10900 192 30290 1913 402 i03 1914 CSOSGO 1915 r 39170 39170I9i I9i rro4r9 1917 972073 972073191S 191S 1118209 1919 13173S 1920 159840 1921 1889025 1918285 1918285Total Total 25318357 MARYLAND MARYLANDyear year Distribution 30 3 12200 1304 15SSO 1005 54241 54241Ijyjl Ijyjl 70415 1907 SH 0 1908 109050 1909 130290 130290J J l 109541 109541Iflll Iflll 2778 0 0If If 350930 350930IJlIt IJlIt 3551500 1814 a90 19 438374 1915 57872i 1917 715090 715090IJIS IJIS 705078 1919 1143512 1374099 1374099ItCl ItCl 139S40Si i 139S40S i 1349550 1349550Total Total 9826741 KENTUCKY Tear Distribution 1503 222355 1901 194750 1905 444955 1905 543700 1907 381iO 1918 325870 1909 208215 1910 355990 1911 453929 1912 445390 1913 539750 539750J914 J914 525495 1915 570881 1915 570439 1917 74CS95 1918 754155 1919 1147390 1920 1354959 1354959J921 J921 1439342 1922 1589075