3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-07

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192OoiU Qrrl RAPT K8 Mile yonroltl i and upward Claiming May 2O 192O oiU nAUt so i 107 107JOE JOE CAMPBELL ch c 4 107 By Boots and Saddlt Welccr ty Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer W P Gaines Owner W P Gaines Breeder C B Head C8542 Tijuana 51 t 110 mud 1110 10 1W 5 2 2 Z M Milrlck 8 MissKdna LittleSmile JayMac 08420 Tijuana 51 f 0 6fast 10 106 3 33I 2 21 23 M Milrick 10 Vibrato Dancing Cirl Bittern 08399 Tijuana 3I 143ifast 2310 10 107 2 1 21 2n M MHrickW Mistake PinkTenny Miss Edna 08340 Tijuana 58 01fast 32 112 3 4 3 = 1 3J K Dugan 9 Cannball 15 Meyers MrKruter 08 125 Tijuana 58 02 fast 135 35 106 2 2 2I 2JtF Stevens 12 SGtlcman 11crsPolnt Review C7891 Tijuana 34 18imud 2310 10 112 3 35S 4 6 6 II S Jonesll YlcdCnrn Criirasbk MnFIukc 07805 Tijuana 5S 01 fast 1 109 7 75S 10 101 10 II S Joncsll Pay Off Vibrate Noonhour G7G79 Tijuana 5S 01 fast 34 111 6 10 101 Si H S Joncsll Angela Joe Tag Full Mocn Mocn6S 07 04 I Tijuana 34 13Hfast 6S 111 3 35S 3 3 5 i H S Jones 0 LitI5each Settle MayMnnlsby 075I5 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 4 111 3 3GS 1 I1 21 E Taplin 12 OllioWood Mayfler MKsEdna 074 IM Tijuana GS l03 = ifast 25f 112 10 4 31 2 H Taplin 11 Candorosa Alajali Yukou GALLOtTBEEEY b g 113 By Galatine Kate KHtleberry by Cerasus Cerasusff Trainer H E Davis Owner H ff E Davis Breeder J E Seagram Seagram29f 08524 Tijuana TijuanaG8502 CS l0mfast 29f 113 7 75S 5 5 = 3 M AmVsonll IitPointer JoeTag StanleyH G8502 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 3 113 2 2 3 2t M AndsonlS Chrome Klmer W G Trimble TrimbleD 08218 Tijuana 34 l19imud D 112 6 1 I1 5J M Andson 9 Circulate Review An Revoir RevoirS3 08197 Tijuana Tijuanaf8124 34 llS mud S3 115 9 95S 9 9 9 J Glass 9 Kifle HillyGibson Nelliellarper f8124 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 5 113 4 45S 3 21 2s M Andson 11 lianeKiitli TDimcan FrNurse 07722 Tijuana TijuanaG7072 5S l02vifast 13 11311 11 Pi S T Wilson 11 Yukon Delsneey Phyllis K G7072 Tijuana TijuanaG7G58 18 102 fast 17 1J4 9 95S 967 SSJ 1 Fletcher 11 Fondllopc NebraskaLad Nizam G7G58 Tijuana 5S l01fast 9 112 11 6 31 3 I Fletcher 12 Molohoir Noorhour Elgi 07595 Tijuana 58 I02 = ifa3t 2 115 7 4 4 4 M Andsonl2 Philanderer Viva Bacchus TILLOTSON br 5 11 108 By Marta Santa Black Banner by Masetto Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E McGrejor Breeder S C Lyne C8380 Tijuana TijuanaC8297 5 f lC9Hfast 3 Hi 110 7 S 6 = 43 E Petzoldtlli Krmitana IVonnebelle DAdams C8297 Tijuana TijuanaG7850 51 f I OS fast 12 10 108 6 B G S E PetzoldtK Dolancey NoWder Cannonball G7850 Tijuana TijuanaG7785 51 f 111 mud 3 11 11fi 113 5 4 G 53 A Clavcr 10 Alizon MaiidieWilson Coombs G7785 Tijuana fi f lOSfast 2 11 115J 113 8 7 51 42 R Carter 11 OHomestM SlissOlur Review 070 10 Tijuana 5J f 109 Wast 35 111 111M 115 5 1 2 i 2 II Carter 10 JParmcr GMtiehlebh Clearfld 07574 Tijuana M f lOS ifas t 1310 10 11 115 3 1 1 2 H Carter 12 Isptiam IMniiKor Cave Man 07490 Tijuana 5S l02 ifast 2710 10 113 7 75S 3 21 21 R Carter 10 Vera Kita Norfield PokeyJane 074 SO Tijuana 5S l013sfat 41 111 1 2 3 6 J R Carter 9 stanleyll Slielbyville StyMiss 02587 Omaha 51 f J10Rlow S 112 101 L Mills 10 Herder LitPointcr HelenMajor 1270 Tijuana 58 l0Ufast 16 112 8 8 S 7 1 P Hurn S CoverUp AskJessie KllaWaldo 01203 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 13 112 3 35S 343 = 3 P Hurn 8 Don Jose Cover Up ColMurpby 01151 Tijuana 5S l01sfast fi o 110 4 2 22 3s P Hum 9 Alajali IWHarper Rafierty ONWA ch e 9 103 By Dalhousie Thistledon by Eothen EothenPilUnsK Trainer G Boyd Owner R Pillcns PilUnsK Brnedcr T Clyde C8399 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9 115 C 8 S1 6 J Merimeel Mistake JoeCampbcll PkTenny 08379 Tijuana 5i f lOS fast fast5S 30 115 6 6 5 3 J Merimee 9 NoWonder PMartin FcbNurse FcbNurse1C 08340 Tijuana 5S l01fa = t 1C 113 8 7 6 5 1 E Fator 9 Canball BMeycm JCampbell 08260 Tijuana 51 f 1 13 hvy 5 10S 3 5 63 3 1 G Rose 8 MMeelick TDuncan RMeyers 08218 Tijuana 34 l19mucl 41 111 2 6 651 41 F Watrous 9 Circulate Review Ail Revoir 08190 Tijuana 51 f l12 mufl 7 10 7 6 5s 3i G Rose 7 ItliickPnt Cannonball PerfDay 08145 Tijuana 34 119 mud 15 107 7 10 92 915 R Bauer 10 CloverJmiia Plunger AuRevoir AuRevoirn 08035 Tijuana 51 f l14 ihvy ihvy5S n 110 8 7 33 y G Rose 11 RaRDoll TpyDuncan Ulk Pat 67970 Tijuana 5S l05rimud 21 105 3 7 7 3 G Rose 10 Squash Racclius Operator THSILLS b m 8 AyrshireC 106 By Coy Lad Aviston by Ayrshire Trainer J Crofton Owner H C D Gates Breeder H H Hewitt 08218 Tijuana TijuanaG3197 34 l19mud 9 103 3 3 8 8tl G Rose 9 Circulate Review An Revoir G3197 Tijuana 34 l18mu l 29 1C8 2 2 4 S G Rose 9 Rifle RillyGibson NellieHarper NellieHarperS 08145 Tijuana 34 119 mud S 105 3 1 2 4 G Rose 10 ClctverJunia Plunger AuRevoir 08101 Tijuana 34 116 fast 20 103 2 1 II 31 AV Martin 12 PlowSteel Halfour Canvasback 08038 Tijuana 51 f l13Jihvy 11 108 1 2 2 2 W Martin S II Rurgoyiie Hacclius JamesG JamesGS 080 1 8 Tijuana 41 f Jflimud S 10G 7 6 S 4 i AV Mirtln 10 CtlieWay TpyDnncan RRuth RRuth4f 07955 Tijuana 34 l19Vihvy l19Vihvy5S 4f 105 2 3 31 3 = G Rose 7 Slielbyville CharSniith LPearl 79 IS Tijuana 5S 101 mud 13 109 3 5 S 818 G Rose 8 Olympiad Krmitana Sm Again OPERATOR b e 6 113 By First Chip Gracio Gejild by Register Trainer G Edisoa Owner G Edison Breeder S Waring 08523 Tijuana 5S l01fast llf 115 10 8 71 63 H Molters 11 Lobelia RngcoeGsc RosaAtkin 08314 Tijuana 6 f l08 fast IGf 107 7 9 91 915 F Vatrousl2 Norfield Nizam Merry Lass 0801 7 Tijuana 41 f 58Hmud H 113 1 7 5l 2i II Molters S QyWard Xordlloner PokeyB G797C Tijuana 58 l05mud 10 110 4 45S 3 31 41 H MolterslO Squash Racclius Onwa 07GS9 Tiiuara 5S l01 ifast 54 110 6 65S 6ISf 6 6l 6 J H Molt rs 7 Full Moon Mildi Alajnh 07597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf 110 3 7 71 65i II Molters 12 Lobelia Delancey View ViewBy TRENCH NURSE b m 8 111 By Rey Hindoo Trained Nurse by To el S y Trainer G H Lambert Owner Millerick Bros Bleeder Lawrence fJornstock 08379 Tijuana 51 1 f lOSHfast 34 10S 4 45S G 4J 44J M Mil ick 9 No Wonder PejrgyMartin Onwa 08339 Tijuana 5 5S 102 fast 13 106 7 10 Si 6 3H Mil ick2 Tabloid Jack Pot Coombs 08278 Tijuana 3 34 llCslow 115 5 105 G G5S 3 1 2 M Mir ick 8 HOlynipus Ilopover Limerick 08121 Tijuana 5 5S l02 ifast 59 10S 9 7 6i 4 M Mil ickll RabeRutli CalUerry TDuncan TDuncan2S 07955 Tijuana 3 34 l19Vfchvy 2S 100 5 6 7 7 M Mil ick 7 Slielbyville CliarSmith Thrills 67829 Tijuana 3 34 113 fast 17 108 7 6 7l S M Mil ick 9 Slieka View Cannonball 07721 Tijuana 51 1 f l09l fast 18 106 11 11 8 1 6 M Milrickl2 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 07015 Tijuana 5J Ei 108 4 S7J M MUrIckl2 Rafferty SwpUpII PonzaRay BONNEBELLE ch m mTrainer 111 By David Teany Dominica by Alvescot Trainer A Neal Owner Veal Bartholomew Breeder A Neal 08402 Tijuana 5S 1 02Mifast IS 112 11 9s SeS E Dugan IS Jack Pot Huzzas Phillipe Lnffo 08380 Tijuana 51 f l09ifast 7f 113 S Sri 31 2 ° E Dugan 12 Krmitana DAdams Tillotson 08297 Tijuana ri f lOS fast 24f IOC 9 7h 710 n J Q jo Ddancey NoWder Cannouball 08200 Tijuana f 113 hvy 16f 106 5 65 C3 R Lee S MissMlick Tern Duncan Onwa Onwa6l 08039 Tijuana 51 f l14 hvy 6S IDS 7 6l STJ R Lee 11 Ras Doll Onwa Tcmpy Duncan 07912 Tijuana 58 l04imud llf 110 G G5S Ch 9J C Thpson 11 Velvet Plantasenet IMM Pine 07722 Tijuana 5S 1 C2lfast 76 110 9 95S 6 6h 6J G Collins 11 Yukon Pelancey Phyllis K 07057 Tijuana 5S l01fast 91 105 7 G 6 55i G Collins 12 PewauUce Sheka Fickle Fancy 07017 Tijuana 51 f l09 fast 19 10S 9 S 91 Il l G Rails 11 Midian Cancion Delancey 0757S Tijuana 54 f 103 fast 43 10S 9 5 4 5C2 G Collins 12 Gen Czar Midian Revie7 07431 Tijuana 53 l01fast 14 113 5 8 S3 S A Claver It Virgo Alajali Syncopation 05184 Hstlngs Ab 5S l00 = hvy 11 19 6 H Molters 7 Torsida Fickle Fancy Chrome 65070 Hastings Ab 5S 100 mud 8 103 In II Molters 9 ValLady Tlvellells LySmall LADY BETTY b m 9 106 By Yorkshire Xad Lapenza by Lofrasco Trainer G Nibbs Owner G Nibb Breeder C E Wilkinson rSl0 fast 21f 111 10 12 12s 12 M Garrett IS Chrome GalHerry Klmer W 08257 Tijuana 5S 5Sl0hvy 1 lOVhvy 157 108 6 i 5 63 71 P Walls 8 Review ClinrlotSmith JamesG JamesG5S 08107 Tijuana 5S lCGrshvy 230 103 8 9 9s 9 R Bauer 10 IvyGray Youltet Victory Won WonU 08018 Tijuana 4i f r9 mud 9f 111 5 9 71 7s E DonhuelO CtlieWay Tpy Duncan RRuth RRuth5S 07977 Tijuana Review5S 5S 1 l04 04 = imu l 95 103 8 88 71 7 H Zander 9 Xaiutr Tabloid Review 07918 Tijuana 5S l03rimud 20r IOC S S05U79 8 8 S II Zander 8 HazelDale StleylL DdeGnise 05U79 Mneuve Ab 34 1 224mud S 104 3l A Sstrom 9 EdithK BrMorning CarBaker CarBakerVS 05789 Mneuve Ab VS l01fast 20 105 4si F Rullmaii l Two Eyes Sandab Carrie Raker RakeruS 05589 Kcmpton 5J Tf f 1 lOS OS = jfast 9 100 6 H T Moore 7 Iloliokus Nan Drapery 05408 Kcmpton 51 f l09 tfast 7 112 112ARGONNE 3s R Rail 7 St Just Satinmore Lava ARGONNE FOREST ch m 5 M 106 106Trainer By Dr Hoot Ethel Scruggs by Tonss Trainer W W McCue Owner A Moser MoserG7S30 Breeder J H Barnett G7S30 Tijuana 34 1 rloifast 10 114 8 8071S7 8071S7 7 11 1215 F Stevens 12 Nizam Norfield Glenzar 071S7 Tijuana 1 l46hvy 20 107 C CG7070 CG7070 4 6 C A Claver 0 MvKoso Mollielarnes Dissolute G7070 Tijuana DrCnnd5S 34 121 hvy 2 108 S 5 31 23 G Rails 12 NTdsLast CaveMan DrCnnd 070 10 Tijuana 5S 104 mud 7 106 5 8 71 6 F SeremhalO Bl Waldo CountRoris Ternette 009 1 4 Tijuana 5S Ternette5S l03jmud 12f 109 10910 10910Gl258 10 G 2 23 F Peremball MarionZorn Caveilan Glenzar Gl258 Omaha 34 117 fast 28 107 107MIDNIGHT 8 C McCTkle 9 DofWratli WildFelw Apropos Aproposbli MIDNIGHT BELL bli f 3 M 96 96Trainer By Lay Low Violet May by Peep oDay oDayeeds Trainer W Leeds eeds Owner G Cooney Cooney083S8 Breeder G Cooney 083S8 Tijuana 41 f 55fast 02f 107 3 7 71 C53 E Fator 11 Norlloney LitSmile Mae Seth 08298 Tijuana 34 115 fast 83 110 5 6 6 C M Wood ti Monardella Cedric Nfordlloniv 08237 Tijuana 5S 58107 107 hvy 26 99 5 6 6s 7 M Wood 7 KlHoble Trippawa Nd Honey 07742 Tijuana 58 l02vifast 4G 90 11 6 9l 915 M Wood 11 Iris Girl Racclius Klnior W 0770 J Tijuana 12 4StfaHt 45f PO 6 6G3G20 6 5 5 1 M Wood 8 Hazel Dale Joe Tag Joe Blair G3G20 Reno 41 f 54 = faft 72 112 112OSS S P Caron 8 Remit Mart Bunch Elmer W OSS 14 Reno 41 f 55 fast 29 101 7IS W Davis 7 Ollciiry RiianKent L Leonid AITNT AGNES b f 4 110 By Bard of Hope Aunty Sunshine by Paladin PaladinBaldwin Trainer J S Baldwin Gilpin5S Owner T Harris Breeder K N Gilpin 0824 1 Tijuana 5S 1 I05 05 8hvy 10 104 5 4 4CG4GG S 6 J R Flynn S Midian Car Fickle Fancy Fancyi CG4GG Akron Ab i 5S 1 02iislow IS 110 110G0434 3 A Casey 7 MistJiggs Per aStler BlPat BlPati G0434 Akron Ab i 5S 103111 l03ilivy vy C 113 113GG331 4el A Casey S MeLane Almirante Starkader Starkader5S GG331 Akron Ab 5S l00Vfast S 113 3 T Rae 7 Flip Right Angle No Wonder 6598 1 MHghts 51 di5S f l09 isloi IT 110 110G387S 11 J Pevic S Cuba Maj Maiilsby Jack I di G387S Kempton 5S li ln = good IS 102 Ci C White 9 Rsli apt Greet Navico Navico5S 03840 Kempton 5S l lW7 lvifaat vifaat faat 32 107 1C7BON 7i W Bosski S Knd Man Mike Avion BON SANTE b e 7 113 113Trainer By The Sharper Lillypad by Blackstock Blackstocknehart Trainer F Riaehart nehart Owner F Rinehart Breeder W E Moody 07892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 124 107 8 7 10s 101S E Donhu 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana 07851 Tijuana 41 f 55 mud 9f 112 7 7 7E25IG 8 7 1C Donahue S Corncutter Fdllope QcyWard E25IG Tijuana EJ f 1 HUmud 25f X Q 9 D Powell 10 Mex Pastime Indian Itrigade ErSCJ Tijuana 34 1 Ull llliKOod good 32 105 91 H Jones 10 Hilly Joe Plunger Yukon 2237 Tijuana 58 5 l01fast 4110115 1K 115 11 A Zelgler 12 HtieilcCarty Chrome Lantern

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030701/drf1923030701_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030701_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800