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and upward Claiming Itmu Ul FRANK FOGARTY br c 5 114 114Trainer By Wreck Irish Wit by Celt Trainer L R Knifong Owner L R Knifong Breeder A a Hancock HancockG C8G11 Jljuana IrnTOy l47islow 2 303 G 3 I 1 W Martin S Vic Horace I ercli Resreso 08590 Tijuana 1 315 l51 = ihvy 2710 111 3 2 11 1 W Martin 7 Rajah Rieeze Torsida G8IG8 Tijuana 1 116 IMT fast IS 119 5 S S 7 G Co ptr S Bllouse Philanderer SumSifih 08299 Tijuana 1 316 201 = ifat 45 321 3 2 I1 Il E Dugan i nominator Uipsy Joe Hacrlius G8220 Tijuana IrnTOy l49muil 2 134 6 4 4 2J H PeUoldt G Rajah MarcellalSoy CStockins G8UJ Tijuana ImToy l49Kmutl 95 306 3 2 21 11 D Hum 7 Clvn Well I ninna Hyanpom G8059 Tijuana 3m70y lL3vihvy 1310 115 6 4 3 2J P Martinez t Bill Head ISarriskare Torsida C8022 Tijuana ImTOy l51mud 3 106 5 2 2 2 D Hum 7 Louauna Whippet ILiJali BILL HEAD ch K 7 114 114McCoola By Doncaster Seddie King by Leonid LeonidBreeder Trniaor J McCoola Owner J McCcola Breeder W C NaiL 08262 Tijuana ImTOy l43 hvy D 187 3 3lm0y 71 711 K Petzoldt 9 DleMorny Louarna Hyannora 6S039 Tijuana lm0y l53hvy 6 119 2 2ImTOy 1J II W Pool G FkFoRariy Barriskane Torsida 6800 1 Tijuana ImTOy l51raud 20 110 4 4iJnTOy 4 H E Pctzoldt S PcnceFlag Barriskane SheDcTil U7577 Tiluana iJnTOy l4lifast 37 110 4 4ImTOy S C1 E Petzoldl 8 Ucgrcso JlannikinlL MManaga G7514 Tijuana ImTOy 14 5 fast IS 103 1 5J 6 i C Rails 7 Louanna Black Betty Breeze 67341 Tijuana 1 142 fast 2310 10S 2 1 U C Rails 7 Yennak Just Right Uomulus 67210 Tijuana 34 l163low 5 112 3 2 1 C Rails 8 Cafeteria Romulus Kinmno 07171 Tijuana 1 IMSJihvy 9 93 6 3 4 P Walla G Rajah Louanna Barrisksne 67117 Tijuana 1 116 l52mud 2fi 95 5 21 3l J Peic G Prince Direct Rajah Midia MidiaBy REGRESO ch g 9 116 By Hastings Arline by The Commoner Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin IrwinImTOy Breeder C C Patrick 08 04 8 Tijuana ImTOy l44 = 5jfast Ci 117 5 5 5ImTOy 6 6 P Martinez G Reap War Ponpy Purl G8G11 Tijuana ImTOy l4TVislow 21 113 S 5 5 4 i P Martinez S FrankFogarty Vic HoraceLcrch 68508 Tijuana 1 116 l4Tfast 12 115 6 6 61 57J F Cantrell Romany Hyanpom Old Ftliful 08365 Tijuana 1 116 17Kfast 38 313 9 8 8ImTOy 5l 4si F Cantrcll 9 Philanderer IS1 House SnmSisU 08262 Tijuana ImTOy l43 hvy 65 110 9 6 6ImTOy 61 6 E Uugan 9 DdcMorny Louanna Hyanpom 681S7 Tijuana ImTOy 14S slop 15 108 7 4 4ImTOy 4J 31 E Petzoldt 8 Rnjali Horace I rch Whippet 68109 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast 45 115 5 4 6 G D Hurn 7 Irosity Barriskane Donatella G7931 Tijuana 1 14 2llhvy 45 112 S 8 8ImTOy 8 S P Martinez S Ilalu Piickliorn II Tailor MaiJ 67801 Tijuana TijuanaSILK ImTOy l42fast T 104 13 S 9s 9 D Hurn 15 Sunnyland Coffield Abadane SILK SOX ch i 4 112 By J K Houghton Grade Valdebz by Campus CampusCloud Trainor Y Cloud Owner R F Cloud Brooder J A Black ell 68651 Tijuana 34 l13fast S2 110 11 10 10 30 1 D Powell 12 Dalton Fireplace Vibrate 67979 Tijuana 1 l4Cmud 3 114 5 3 4 4 G Rose 7 VledColn PrPuss MKmmaG MKmmaGIm70y 67916 Tijuana Im70y l19 imud 4 111 5 2 2 1 2 G Rose 8 Rajah Ycrmak Peace Flag 07803 Tijuana 1 116 IMTifast H 109 6 5 6 6s A Claver S PrceDircct Sumr Sish Flame 07725 Tijuana 34 l13 ifast 26 112 3 5 21 11 A Claver S Herder Barriskane Col Matt MattImTOy 07GOO Tijuana ImTOy l43fast 8 105 9 6 6 6 J Thomas 9 FrkFogarty SiimmcrSigh Vic Vicll42fast 07490 Tijuana ll42fast 3 110 7 7 5 2 A Clavtr S MsPink IVIamatn MKmO MKmOIm70y G7413 Tijuana Im70y lJj fast S 108 5 2 IK 31 A Claver 1 Cavaldrll SumSigh My Rasa POWER br f 3 85 85Trainer By Rapid Water Surecome by Delhi DelhiBreeder Trainer F Brooks Owner RL Baker Breeder T Piatt 68630 Tijuana 1 141 fast 2110 S S 2 = J 2l W Dean 10 MeCsPink Iloringa Mnikinll 08591 Tijuana 34 l la a hvy 2 103 6 6I 5l 51 W Dean 9 Kl Rohle Endive C Stocking 08317 Tijuana I IMOrifast 1S5 St 3 4 G W Dean 7 Hyinpom lUkHotty VPatrick 08263 Tijuana 1 l454hvy 3 S3 3 1 1 1s W Dean 9 PoorPuss PlowStcol IVareFlag 67358 Tijuana TijuanaGG581 34 l12 3fast 40 10S 7 6 6 6l H Long 7 Delante CEnritjup Knighthood GG581 Latonia 24 l12tsfast 37 106 9 10 9J ST1 E Scobie 12 GofHonor Away RompMary 06242 Latonia LatoniaGG162 5J f lOSlifa t 6 101 12 1 I1 I1 W Pool 12 AVernor PandTake FCanadn GG162 Latonia 34 111 fast 4 103 6 4 2l 2 J Owens 12 Cash Lucky Run CAReinhart DUG DE MORNT br g 5 112 By King James Hortense II by Troutbeck TroutbeckI Trainer J Crcfton Owner I D Gates Breeder H T Oxnard 832 T Tijuana ImOy l43 l43sfast = sfast 7 101 7 7 1 S W Martin S VPatrick Delhimar SilontKing 08305 Tijuana 1 116 l47Vkfast 32 112 7 2 6i 711 W Martin 9 Philintlercr III House Sum SigU 08202 Tijuana ImTOy l43hvy 4J 90 7 1 13 Il M Garrett 9 Louanna Hyanpom Blacklictty 08170 Tijuana 34 116 hvy 70 115 7 6 6 6 K Duban 8 OilMau WildFIower BeKrank G8149 Tijuana ImTOy l49Vsmud 17 D9 7 5 6J 6 G Kose 7 FkFogarty OlenWfll I iuanua 08022 Tijuana ImTOy l51mud 8 102 6 7 7 61 G Rose 7 Louanna FrkFogarty Whippet TijuanaI 07958 Tijuana 1 146 hvy 8 105 6 3 21 4 D Hurn 0 Dorius Hyanpoci Loiiannu 07931 Tijuana 1 14 2llhvy 16 S3 7 7 7 71 P Hurn 8 Halu Buckhorii II Tailor Maid 67895 Tijuana TijuanaROISTERER 1 144 mud 60 102 854 4J1 G Rose S CMarrone Dorius Bowsprit ROISTERER ch K G 112 By Ethelbert Rcranna by Rock Sand Trainer C E Groves Owner C E EImTOy Groves Bred in France by A Beltnont 68668 Tijuana ImTOy 145 fast 21 110 5 6 5J 5SJ F Watrous 7 McOsPink FXail Mannikiiill 08630 Tijuana 1 111 fast 15 104 6 6 G4 71 F WatrouslO Melees Pink Power lloringa GS590 Tijuana 1 116 l51 = ihvy 45 112 112Im70y 1 5 7 7 H Long 7 Frank Fogarty Rajah Breeze 08518 Tijuana Im70y l477smud 2 106 3 6 6 o1 J Merimee G MarPoy Philanderer OlenVell 684G8 Tijuana 1 116 347fast 22 115 115ImTOy 5 7 TI Sr W Tool S Bllouse Philanderer Sum Sigh 08405 Tijuana ImTOy 141 fast 60 106 9 8 9 95 II Long 10 MarcillnHoy SMialll Plltitty 08345 Tijuana 1 1S l 5Hfast 5 306 306ImOy 2 1 11 2J F Watrous 7 MarHoy FanuieNail CharIJoy G83I8 Tijuana ImOy l15 fast 2 110 2 2 2i 1J F Watrous G WMtgomy SimiSigh SDovil G8303 Tijuana 666 452 F Watrous 7 JackBauer CEnrique Doubtfil