3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-13

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anil uiiward Claiming May 2O 192O 3rd RACE s sZ Z PERCH b m 8 106 By Ivan the Terrible Skeptical by Himyar HimyarZ Trainer R Barnett Owner Z E Barnett Breeder E S Gardner 08587 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 24 108 7 S S7 L Armstg S Due deGiiise TxmePine Conichon G0044 Hthorne 51 f l14hvy 185 111 1 1i 21 2s M Slghtcr 7 Diff rftEyes Railbird Itonltlue 05830 Hthorne ti t 103 fast i 111 5 6 6 M Slghterl2 End Man BMcCloy Ed Lo Van 05638 Omaha 5i f 107 fast 6 107 6 i M Rrdson C HIUackwl ItWclcli EdLeVan 05423 Omaha 58 l02slov 36 112 1 M SlBhter S UPointer FashnGirl Indianola 05377 Omaha 5S l01fast 13 112 1 M SlghtcrlO Don Jose EdLeVan IitPointer IitPointer7s 05368 Omaha 5S l01fast 9 111 7s M Slghterll DaisyStevens BrnDick OhiCoin OhiCoin6s C4873 BRhoupc J f lOSVfa t 7 1C6 6s R Dugan 10 Cascade Black Top Kd Ix Van C139t Hastings Ab 5S 59 imud 4 R Duggan 7 TtaFredick MabHule PIjincy PIjincyI1 04038 Brhouse 58 102 fast I1 T Wilson 9 HaiuiStars CCannell PhyllisK 0398G Brhouse 5 f l07Vifast 34 T Wilon 9 Ringleader Cascade C Canncll CanncllBy EMMA WELLER b m G 10G 10GTrainer By Boots and Saddle Marty Lou by Marta Santa SantaBreeder Trainer J Green Owner P Glixmas Breeder D Lehan 08007 Tijuana 5S l03slov 51 1C6 3 35S 41 3 J F Watrou 8 CHobcrts M Fluke Iove Bird 08502 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 2 106 11 7k 971 p vatroaslS Chrome CalBerry Elmer W 08358 Tijuana 34 l15 ifast 7 111 3 1s 2U F AVatrouslO Woolday Modiste Emelda 08083 Tijuana 1 143 slow oT 108 4 3Z 41 E Fator C Mtarthell GBryan LitFlcrce 07891 Tijuana 34 llSviinud 195 110 5 3 4 ° T Wilson 11 VledColn Canvasbk MnFluke 0782 Tijuana 34 li fast 23 108 8 85S 41 45 W Wiley 9 Sheka View Cannonbali 07491 Tijuana 5S l03ifast 38 108 9 95S 0 9 W Wiley 11 Camlorosa JCampbell Alnjah 07431 Tijuana 5S lGlfast 22 108 7 75S 6 i E Petzoldtll Virge Alajali Sjncopation G7317 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2S 107 7 75S 3 43 E Petzoldt 9 Mayflr StanleyU Syncopation 07131 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 17 109 5 6 43J W Wiley 7 Cascade Alajali Vera Rita RitaBy ROSCOE GOOSE b g 11 103 103Trainer By Dick Welles Please by His Highness HighnessBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder J B Respess C8040 Tijuan 51 f lC8 ifast 31 108 2 2 2 = 25 F Cantrell 11 DodcAdams FdieFear BIndian 08007 Tijuan fS lOTSslow 1 113 2 1 6 S P Martinez S CarlKoberts M Fluke EWeller 08580 Tijuan TijuanC8523 51 f l09 ihvy 163 113 2 4 45S 41 G P Marfez 10 DanringCirl TiibbyA Charmant Charmant4l C8523 Tijuan 5S l011ifast 9 111 3 4 4l 21 F Cantrell 11 Ixibelia HosaAtkin Ixich Ixvon 08402 Tijuan 58 l02Mifast 2 108 1 4 41 a F CantrelllS Jack Pot Huzzas Phillipe Iugo IugoS 08283 Tijuan 1 l45slow 140 112 2 7 S S E Dugan IXril McsPink AVMtcomcrv AVMtcomcrv2l 05219 Hastings 34 l19risow 1S5 111 2l P Martinez S Jerry MissFrauland Gold Hose 01811 Dgiiouse 51 f lOS fast 2J 114 21 P llartinezll IxidyBourbon Toyon I adySinall adySinall2n 4325 Hasting Ab cS itt fast 13 114 2n P Martinez Velvet Kd I Van Lariat 03931 Rrhousc 58 l017ifast 63 112 112COOMBS 1 J T Wilson 10 HKAsher BandStars SnCap SnCapBy COOMBS b g 5 113 113Trainer By Rucnymede Dorothy S by Dr Leggo LeggoBreeder Trainer L Hankinx Owner L Hankins Breeder A B Sprechcls Sprechcls3l 68379 Tijuana 1 f lOSifast 5 115 5 3l 551 W Gargan 9 No Wonder PoggyMartin Onwa 8339 Tijuana Sl02 fast 7 113 4 3 3 W Garganl2 Tabloid JackPot AmerMaid 68196 Tijuana 51 f l12smud 1110 113 1 3J 5J W Gargan 7 Black Pat Cannonball Onwa 07850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 1 110 1 3s 31 W GarganlO Atnxon MaiidieWilson Mistake 07702 Tijuana i f 10 fast IS 115 2 3J 31 W Garganll StAncelina ItAtkin CicelyKay 05511 NKton Ab 5S 1 00 fast IS 109 2si F Mooro 7 Currency McLane WealthyAnn 05009 XKton Ab 5S l03islow S5 112 1i F Moore 0 Hattie McCarty Sure Benecia 4709 Conlakc 34 113 good S 110 6s F Moore G Slip Silver Speedy Lady Virge 04711 Oonlake 4 l18Vifast 10 107 2 J Pevic 5 James G Hpcvdy Lady Salome 64630 ConLako 61 f 125 good 9 108 3 F Moore 7 Big Son Nelle Yorke Favour 04525 Erie Ab CS l01mud 21 108 2 F Moore 7 Hattie McCarty Itubula OldPop W C DOOLY b g 7 113 By Prince Frederick Millers Daughter by Belvl BelvlY Trainer D Y Elander Owner Elander Bros der Breeder W C Docly 08025 Tijuana 34 li fast 2110 107 7 5 3 35J F Stevens 11 Clearfield Dora Canvasback Canvasback5S 08167 Tijuana 5S l067shvy 10 16 9 8 S7 7H H Molters 1 IvyGray Youllet Victory Won 08101 Tijuana 34 116 fast 9 112 7 3 4 6 H Moltersl2 Plow Steel lialfotir Thrills 68039 Tijuana 51 f lll jhvy 21 115 5 S 71 6 T Wilson 11 Rag Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan 07892 Tijuana Tijuana07X28 34118 mud 1BG 112 9 5 5 = 1 5li T Wilson 12 Fiekle Fancy View Erinitana 07X28 Tijuana 34 l15 = ifast 10 115 9 6 21J 2 T Wilson 10 LowisH PinkTenny SanthiaC 07575 Tijuana 0722 I Tijuana DOUGH GIRL b m 5 111 111Trainer By Great Britair Blnok Tail bv Dis uije uijeBreeder Trainer H Unna Owner H Kennedy Breeder L B Combs 08120 Tijuana 41 f Msfast ISf M 0 5J C11 W Martin i muiagagc Incognnnce Angela 05910 Laurel 34 l13ffast 131 107 G Ci 76i J Wallace 15 Jock S ot IVrigourdine Rolo 05489 HdeGce 34 lH75fast 31 111 S SI 11 = A Allen 15 Caniouflage Fleer Ira Wilson 65342 HdeGce 34 l f fast 13 112113 10 lll 9i C Kummerli Tcimiiial Wrecker Whalebone 62861 Aqueduct 61 f 121 good 30 112 3 1 C = F Keogh lyntee Marie Maxim Lccliorn 61311 HdcCcc 31 l16Vigood 39 1051 S 12 12i 15 15 Parke 15 Kolo Dare Titania TRENCH NURSE b m 8 106 By Rey Hindoo Trained Nurse by To el Rey ReyTrainer Trainer G H Lambert Owner ilillerick Bros Bicedtr Lawrcncn fc Comstocl iSOOO Tijuana 58103 slow 13 112 S 12 103 S J Merimec 12 Gal Merry J Campbell Onwa 08379 Tijuana TijuanaOK339 f lOSifast 31 10S 4 G 4 4J M Milrick 9 No Wonder PeggyMartin Onwa OK339 Tijuana 58102 fast 13 106 7 10 Si G M Milrickl2 Tabloid Jack Pot Coomhs 08278 Tijuana 34 ll6slov 115 105 0 3 li 2 M Milrick 8 llOlyirpus Hopover Limerick 08124 Tijuana 68 l02 ifast 59 106 9 7 6s 4 M Milrickll BabeUuth Gal Berry TDuncan TDuncan2S 67955 Tijuana 34 l19 ihvy 2S 100 5 6 7 74 M Milrick 7 Shelbyvillc CharSmith Thrills 07829 Tijuana 34 113 fast fast5J 17 108 7 6 7 S9 M MiKriek 9 Sheka View Cannculall CannculallIS 07721 Tijuana Tijuana07C15 5J f l09Vsfast l09VsfastEl IS IOC 11 11 Sl 6 M Milrickl2 Piophecy Nonsuit Flame FlameBi 07C15 Tijuana El f lC3ifaat Bi 103 4 S E3 SJ M Milrick 12 Rafferly SwpUplL PonzaRaj POKEY JANE br m G By Angel Jim Vilhalla by Pezzam Trainer H T Palmer Owner K T Palmer Breeder W Garth 08462 Tijuana 32 112 4 5 G2 7 = 3 W Garganl3 Jack Pot Huzzas Phillipe Lugo 68315 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 20f Of 110 3 3 3ul 5 9J P Walls 13 Klifliiyvillc TomCraven Poacher 07786 Tijuana ul f 1 OSSfast 26 108 9 977 7 75S 9TJ E Petzoldtll Goldltryan Delancey KosaAtkin 07658 Tijuana 5S l0fast 14 110 G 4 4M 5Z 5J J Pevic 12 Melchoir Nnlioiir GalBeiry 07617 Tijuana M f 109Hfast 13 113 2 1 1fJ 3 = 4 H S Jonesll Midian aniion IMancey 07574 Tijuana fJ f lOS ifast 7 113 2 fi 7 Sc II S Jonesl2 Ispham Tillotson Plunger 07190 Tijuana 5S l02 ifast 33 113 2 2 33 33VALENTINE 4 = H S JoneslO Vcra Kila Tillotson Norfield VALENTINE LADY b m G SpinnerRail 106 By Transvaal Lady Levity by Gold Spinner Trainer D Howell Owner E Rail RailC8258 Breeder C Alexander C8258 Tijuana 5S 106 hvy 8 106 2 2 41 7 E Petzoldt S Biolaski Sailhla C Erritana 07977 Tijuana 5S l04smud 18 103 5 Pulled up G Rose 9 Xainer Tabloid Keview Keview3i 67913 Tijuana 58 104 mud 3i 103 4 412 1 2l G R Flynn 8 Olympiad Krmitana Sin Again AgainGf 7830 Tijuana 5S lOH4fast 7Cf Gf 10S 1 1 2 Rose 9 Due de Guise Neg Mayflower 5220 ratings Ab 5S l03 l03tslow = tslow 3 109 11 H Molters 10 Bookworm B Flower Tvellellj 5076 Hastings Ab 3S 100 mud 2 1C9 1C9iIKlU 2 W Divi 9 Ionnebelle TlvePells LvSmall iIKlU irghouse 1 f lOS lOSifast ifast IS 107 S5 II Molters 11 WotheVisp Mllilily Review 1425 Hastings Ab S 101 good 19 107 4 H Long 9 Fitkle Fancy llel Major Vodka 3983 Hrhouso ii8 l0i = ifast 6 112 112C3585 910 B MeEwenlO USiray Hel Major Irish Mlid C3585 Reno 53 l01Vifast 7 106 106PEGGY Gi AV Miller 7 J Gorman Marylay GoldieHose PEGGY MARTIN br m 0 10G By Martinet Peggy by Dr MacBride MacBrider Trainer C L Dickerson Oxvner r R Smith Breeders J EC H Barnett 08420 Tijuana 1 f 1 C6 fast 13 ICC S 7s CTi F Stevens 10 Vibirle JCnnipbeU DanesGirl 08379 Tijuana 51 f lOSVsfast 7 10S 10S5S 2 2i 2 F Stevens 9 NoWonder Onwa FrenchNurse 08257 Tijuana 5S 103 = 411 vy S5 110 4 4 4U c Thpson S Keview CliarlotSmitli JamesG 08167 Tijuana 5Sl06Sshvy 165 110 C 4 1 Ci C Thiison 10 IvyGray Youltit Victory Won 67394 Tijuana 3i I liHfast S 113 S 7 71 7 ° 1 C Thpson II Pimrliiss TomOweiis Celebrate 07298 Tijuana 51 f lOSvfast 51 103 55 61 = K Petxoldt 8 Milda Neg Klga 63635 Reno 34 115 fast C 101 Srretnba S RedMan FrNuise CloverJunia 63524 Ueno 34 l13 ifast 7 101 4 W Miller S Shelbyvle Pkwoim IVHer 03315 Reno 51 f 1OS fast 63 IOC 1 H Molters 7 L Kourlioii Jllko Dion Ethel 03272 Reno 51 f lOSlifast 1 IOC 3 II Molters 10 Ind Brignle Toyon M Dunbai DunbaiHELFN HELFN HAYES b in 7 106 By Contestor GmteEouc bv Freak FreakTrainer Trainer C A Hawkins Owner C Brown Breeder E Frazer 07977 Tijuana S Iu4niud 111 10S 3 7 8 SJ M Andson yainr TaMoil Review 07114 Tijuana 58105 mud 73 112 3 b 9 CJ P Hum Trnelte Hazel Dale Thrills 01303 Tijuana 51 f 1 054iant Sf 106 3 10 11 12 T Wilson 12 J y Mac Dclancev Vodka 01 160 Tijuana 51 f 1 Csifast l 111 4 11 11 11 W Davis 12 Olympian Firo Capon 61088 Tijuana 5 f l09fast 42 1W 11 11 12 11 P Hurn 12 Daisy N ISiue Van ilex IRENE CaughnawacrTrainer DELSA ch f 4 M 110 By The Manager Princess Cog by Caughnawacr Trainer R H Chandler Owner G J Buskay Breeder H P Gardner 081 96 Tijuana 51 f l12 imud 11 103 2 4 1 7 3 R Flynn 7 Black Pat Cannonball Onwa 68125 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3f 109 6 4 8s S E Petzoldt12 SGtleman JCpbell HcrsPnt HcrsPnt5S 67763 Tijuana 5S l01fast l01fastGG5GI 5 106 10 3 31 37 H Howardl2 Viva Ben Payne McCronn McCronni GG5GI Toledo Ab i 34 l10Viifast l10ViifastGG529 5 99 4 C 5l 7i R Doyle 9 SqChief Momentum Van Welles GG529 Toledo Ab 34 l10Ufast 21 102 3 1 3 2 E Petzoldt 6 Arctic King Don Jose Gin 00425 Toledo 51 f 110 slow slowGG289 25 100 3 2 3J 3 1 R Doylo 10 CleopalraBoy Puff Ball I ent GG289 Toledo 51 f 109 fast 41 98 6 6 6 6 3 R Doyle 7 Lady Heart Gin S uiaw Chief C3G52 Windsor 3 34 114 fast 44f IDS 3 8 9 ll T Murray 11 Pietms Haraet Radical 03291 FortErio 51 1 f l077ifast CO 104 6 6 S5 811 P Walls 10 Gallipot Gallivant VanWelles BEN PAYNE b g 8 113 By Tim Payne Gottlieben by Rubicon RubiconTrainer Trainer C Berry Owner Russell Berry Breeders Lawrence Comstock 07911 Tijuana 58101 mud 41 116 8 7 91 12 C Rails 11 Cicely Kay You Itet Car 07763 Tijuana 5S l01 l01sfast sfast 4f 107 2 2 2 2s C Rails 12 Viva Irene Delsa McCroan McCroan54SC5 54SC5 Reno 5S l03 good 10 111 5s A Zelgler 9 Divland In Brigade GeoJarnea GeoJarneaf329S f329S Tijuana 34 l14islow 5f 11013 11 9 S 10J A Zeigler 13 MByng OrKing B IMackwell 251 Tijuana 51 f XOS Sslop 19 110 6 49 Sl 7 W Hinphy 11 Sedgegrass Ix nely B Blkwell BlkwellE20U E20U Tijuana 1116151 hvy 51 112 S 3 1 1 11 2 C Thpson 11 Salgcorge CHolters AudreyK 5005 Tiiuana 34 l14 ifast 26 112 2 64 32 2J A Zeigler 8 Claude Weaver John Jr Neg NegBIG BIG INDIAN ch h 6 M 113 By Brigade Hattie Garrett by Bonnie Joe JoeTrainer Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan Breeder E E Buchanan Buchanan68G4G 68G4G Tijuana 51 f lOS Jfast llf 103 S 3 3l 41 G Rose 11 DAdams RoscoeGse FdieFear 08605 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow 135f 108 5 2 2ft 33i G Rose 14 Rungeorge Contriot A Richmond 07152 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 65 109 2 1 V 21 M Fator S Red Man Olympiad Billy Joe 67075 Tijuana 5S l04ihvy 10 103 5 3 2J 21 M Fator 9 ShermanA Njzam MaricuFIuka

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923031301/drf1923031301_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923031301_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800