8th Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-13

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Qfh 1O1IOLM DAP1 I 4 Mile nycarolds and upward Claiming Dec O 1O1I nAUc OLM 111 i5 no POACHER ch s 8 110 110Trainer By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow LongfellowBreeder Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Breeder J E Madden C8G10 Tijuana 1 114 slow 5 10S 4 1 I1 l ° k 1C Ericksn 7 Trraveii Tawafcntha Anita K 08564 Tijuana jin70y l49imud 6 303 3 3 3s 3 1C EricksntO Yonnak Tawasontha Car 68484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 3110 102 1 4 4 SJ 1C Ericksntl Flame KtrKwood McCeesPink 68425 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast Cl 110 1 1 is 2J K Ericksn 8 Vic Hackamore Orleans Cirl 08384 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 31 112 3 3G8315 1 li 1 K EricksnlO PeaceFIag OrlcassCirl Tlieresa G8315 Tijuana 5J f l075sfast 23 310 10 6 31 33 1C EricksnlS Sliolbyvillc Tom Cravon View 08281 Tijuana EJ f lOSslow 13 108 4 4DELANCEY 3 31 4J II Ericksn S Sister Susie Conichon TCraven DELANCEY b g 10 110 110Trainer By Rock Sand Delusion by Meddler MeddlerBreeder Trainer E Valdez Owner E Valdez Valdez08G27 Breeder A Belmont 08G27 Tijuana a t l07ifast 19 111 I 41 5 i E Fator Fator3i 12 PrirPeat I dciJuise VcraRita 68504 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 39 115 1 1G8423 1G8423 3i 9 E Fator 11 Ph Ward Van Welles Kdllope G8423 Tijuana 31 lllfast 135 113 5 5C8297 5C8297 21 2 W Pool 12 July Fly Virce Vera Rita C8297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast S 113 1 1C8145 1C8145 1 = J I1 E Fator 10 No Wonder Cannonball Flame C8145 Tijuana 34 139 mud 4 312 2 10 10 E Taplin Taplin2s 10 ClororJitnia Plunger AuRevoii 68102 Tijuana 55 f lOSifast 2 113 1 1G778G 1JG778G 2s 2 E Taplin TaplinII 12 PrivatePent SanthiaC ThrceX JG778G G778G Tijuana 51 f lOSifast 5 115 1 1OLLIE II 2 E Taplin 11 Goldllryan RosaAtkin Pokey U OLLIE WOOD ch g G 115 115Trainer By Doncaster Seddie King by Leonid Trainer W DMillard Owner W D d Breeder G E Reynolds 08545 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 7 110 fl 61 6n G Rose 7 Walter Daiit Dolph Doc Tubhs G84G7 Tijuana 34 113 fast 2 2J O Powell 9 HarryRuddcr Yukon Col Matt 08137 Tijuana ImTOy J 43 H fast 4 4s G Hose 13 NebrIxul H Rudder WisrJtidcc 08422 Tijuana 34 l13 irast 7J 4J F Watrousll Amkassin EinWilms HRudr 8264 Tijuana 5J f lWvshvy 6 G Thpson 9 Km Williams Kimono JkLcdi 68202 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 6 5T C Thpson S Jack Lcdi DrTulibs HazcIDale 68085 Tijuana 5S l01 Sfat 31 FellW Pool S Philandcrpr Pueblo QiiinWanl 68044 Tijuana TijuanaC7805 51 f l13hvy 3i 3J H Lone 7 JoeTag Jaikl di 13 William C7805 Tijuana TijuanaG7G38 5S 101 fast O3 9 E Fator 11 Pav Off Vibrate Noonhour G7G38 Tijuana 5S l01sifast Tl 0 = 1 H Long i Ctlloris H Rudder 67545 Tijuana 5S l01sfast 2 2s 11 H Long P JCamnhell Mayflower MEdna Continued on eleventh page TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from tenth pace CARL ROBERTS eh g 10 115 115Trainer By General Boberts Janice Marian fcy Rubicon Trainer E Sterrett Owner E Sterrett Breeder G K Van Gordon 08607 Tijuana 9 113 4 13 1 J Maihen 8 MarionFluke EmWoller URird OH4G2 Tijuana 58 liOJlifnst 8 113 12 12 Il 11 P Weinpr 13 lack Pot Huzzas 1hillipe IURO 7450 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2 116 2 B 6s 4 J R Carter 10 Harel Pale View Dclancej 67299 Tijuana EJ f 1 OSVif ast 7 109 1 2 21 43 E Fator 7 Owlwny TbirtySVn Al Porter 16949 Tijuana 24 l16 jslop 7 115 2 4 S3 3 i U Scoviile 7 Florence NthShore LTeiirl G6528 Toledo Ab 34 110 fast 20 113 5 5 6s 5J H S Jones 7 JFairman ThfEnqrr Magician 66426 Toledo Ab 34 lllVisIow 11 112 3 3 3 3 = i II S Jones 6 Nenette Has F G Corley 66325 Toledo All 34 109 fast 13 110 4 G P 5 J H S Jones G IMnBill SkFnce AmernEagle AmernEagle6G231 6G231 Toledo Ah 34 l10Vifast 7 114 6 7 71 71 II S Jones 8 Spinway Van Welles Jacobean JacobeanMISS MISS EDNA ch f 3 88 By Semprolns Edna K by Bonus Res ResTrainer Trainer J J Dnrean Owner Shafer Conway Breeder L L Allen G8542 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 135 SS 4 1 1 = 1 H Long S JCampbell IitSmile Jay Mac 58399 Tijuana 34 l14Hfast 1S10 101 4 3 3l 451 W Pool 13 Mistake JoeCampbcll PkTenny 07870 Tijuana SS lOCmud 75 9S 2 4 4 4 P llurn 11 TomRoach Squash Plantagenet PlantagenetC7GGO C7GGO Tijuana Cl f 103 fast 9 105 3 3 SZ1 3 P Poirier 7 BrnKent Fabor NorfonUIoney NorfonUIoneyC7545 C7545 Tijuana 5S l01 l01sfast sfast 4 32 1 4 4J 4 J ThomaslS 01 Wood JCampbell Mnyflocr 67513 Tijuana SJ f lOSfast 18 95 6 3 3 = 1 45J II Long 8 Bowsprit EIRoblo I adyl conid conidG7433 G7433 Tijuana Gl f lCSfast 9f 102 7 7 7 6 W Pool 7 Bowsprit ULeonid Peace Flag FlagG737G G737G Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 38 94 4 4 3 = 44 II Long 10 Alhannn El lloble Sir I conid conidG7265 G7265 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 20 104 6 9 7J 711 A Claver 12 BriaiiKent Vyl eonid Bowsprit BowspritVERA VERA RITA gr m 5 103 By J F Crowley Cisne by Flaml an Trainer 77 L Sbuifield Owner W I Stan field Breeder W L Stanfiald 7 Tijuana El f fcOTHfast Ct 103 2 4 S 3J1 J Maiben 12 PrivPeat Ihic deOuise Lneve 8 Tijuana 34 l17Xhvy 62 113 2 3 2J 3 = J Maiben 8 Double Van It Rafferty 1 Tijuana 5i f 1OS fast ISt 113 6 6 0 i W Martin 11 PhWard VnnWelles Fdllopo 3 Tijuana 34 l14fast lOf 108 3 C Cl 4 F Stevens 12 July Fly Delancey Virge 4 Tijuana 5S 102 Rood 20 IDS 7 S 71 73 F Stevens 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg 0 Tijuana 34 119 mud C 10S 3 3 3s in F Stevens 7 Midiin GMitclilehacli TKoacii 0 Tijuana 5S l01 imu l 15 114 2 3 4i 4 1 M AndsonlO Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe 3 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 22 111 G 8 6 = Gl H Moltcrs 11 FdHopc Philanderer FullMoon FullMoonQUANA QUANA b f 3 93 By Master Robert Miss Cynthia by Joe Carey CareyTrainer Trainer J Crofton Owner K D Gates Breeder C B Head 68588 8 Tijuana 34 l17 = ihvy 18 93 8 7 7 7 1 V Martin S Double Vn It Vcra Rita 68241 1 Tijuana GS l05hvy 6 96 8 S 8 S J P Walls S Midian Car Fickle Fancy 68219 19 Tijuana 51 f llUfcmud 41 96 6 9l 10 P Walls 10 St Angelina Coniehon Cnnnzel 08127 7 Tijuana 5S l01Hfast 63 96 6 5 G 9l G Rose 9 Aryamia Dark Ages Endive 68000 0 Tijuana 5S l04Vsmud 2710 9J 4 4 51 10s L Crecry 10 Yukon Plow Steel Pilly Joe 67929 9 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 19 101 6 4 31 3 G Rose 11 MKmC RAIkin Helen Major G7893 3 Tijuana 1 147 mud 1SG 92 4 1 li I1 W Martin 7 SilverMaid PrPuss SCochran 67799 9 Tijuana Bl f lOSfait S 52 I Z 3 31 W Martin 9 MnrnZorrian Nizani TParmer 67659 9 Tijuana E8 l01t fast 13 S3 5 5 41 4 AV Martin 10 LyBrbon RosaAtkin CaveMan CaveManKY KY PEARL b m 7 108 By Toddingtoa Mrs Sewall by Hasetto HasettoTrainer Trainer J S Baldwia Owner J S Baldwin Breeder W W Dardes 6 Tijuana ImTOy 1 47sfast C 10S 5 3 2 12 R Flynn 13 Senator Donlan McCroan Lflvn 0 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 7 104 4 1 2s 31 R Flynn 14 LittlcGink Glenzar Gen Byng 5 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 20f 10312 10 S1 7i R Flynn 13 ShcU yville TomCravcn Poacher 4 Tijuana 34119 mud 3 105 1 a 55J G11 M Andson 9 PelleFlower GNews BcsYoung 5 Tijuana 34 llShvy 4f 105 6 7 5 45J J Pevic 7 Shelbyville CharSmith Thrills 14 Tijuana 34 l16mud 46 105 f 8 61 a1 J Pcvic 8 Delhimar JustUisht Pretender 5 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 41 115 7 II 11 10 ° J Pevic 11 OHomestM MissDbnr Review 08 Tijuana 34 llfiMslow 7 112 G 5 Fell J Pevic 8 IxMiieve Conn t Boris Au Revoir RevoirA EMMA A WILLIAMS b f 4 111 By LighlTrainer Light o m Life Imprint by Knight of tht Trainer C W Officer Owner Trowbridge OfficerJ Thistle ThistleBreeder Breeder H Giffin 68587 Tijuana 24 117 hvy 176 106 4 4 5J 63 E Petzoldt 8 Due dcGnise LonePinc Coniehon 68565 Tijuana 1 f 110 mud 7 106 8 9 71 E l H IonB 11 Red Man Joe Tap NPR 68526 Tijuana 1 l41fast C 110 2 5 72 81 R Carter 9 IIRuddcr ColMatt Flame 68422 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 11 103 3 3 31 21 F Stevens 10 Amkassin H Rudder 01 Wood 08264 Tijuana GJf ifl10hvy l10hvy llf 101 2 5 4J I1 E Petzoldt 9 Kimono Jack Ix di II Rudder 68172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 11 107 1 1G8044 3 41 43 E Petzoldt 9 Choir Master Nejr Kimono G8044 Tijuana 51 ilfl13hvy f l13hvy 16 107 6 6 41 4 i C Rails 7 Joe Tac Jack Iedi Ollie Wood 67897 Tijuana 5J i f l09mud 9 106 5 7 9 9 E Petzoldt 9 DdeGiiise Fdllopc Countlloris 67493 Tijuana 1 l42faat 1C5 3 3EVALYK C 6 = 5 G l E Petzoldt 7 CharlJoy SumrSigh ColSnider EVALYK HARRIGAN ch m 7 113 113Trainer By HarrigantYancena by Batten Trainer V Leeds Owner Vf Leeds Breeder F C Marmot 68672 Tijuana 1 l41 + ifast 10 0 Ill 4 7 firl 6 J Mabeu 8 Itrecze Charley IJoy Theresa Theresa9f 68437 Tijuana ImTOy l454sfast 9f 111 6 7 SH Slt F Weiner 13 NebrLnd IlnrKndder WJudRe WJudRe9f 68383 Tijuana 1 l42Tifast 9f IOC S S 95 711 E OBrien 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon 68171 Tijuana 34 llShvy 53 115 2 6 71 7i H Lone 12 Philander SHedron Lewis H 68019 Tijuana ImTOy l53smud 13 111 2 5 571 616 C Rails 7 Lewis II Cabin Creek Rhymer 67997 Tijuana ImTOy l53 tmud 10 111 5 577 721 M Andsoii 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benecia 67956 Tijuana 1 1S 202ihvy 7 110 4 4BAISY 3 4i 4 R Flynn S Ponza Riy Lewis H Itailbird BAISY b m 5 113 113Trainer By Eeformation Miss Roberts by General Roberts Trainer V Gargan Owner W Garcan Breeder G M Van Garden 68610 Tijuana TijuanaG8361 1 114 slow 19 115 G 7 G1 GJ W Gargan 7 Poacher TCraven Tawasentha G8361 Tijuana TijuanaG8264 34 Ii4sfast Ii4sfastH 0 113 9 11 II1 II11 W Garcan 12 Amkassin Slitlsw le Mtiow G8264 Tijuana H f l10 = 6hvy 22 111 9 9 S2 SS W Gargan 9 KmWilliams Kimono Jkl di 68222 Tijuana Tijuana6S105 51 f lllmud 6 111 8 8 6l Il W Garganl2 SonGentman Midian Rafferty 6S105 Tijuana 1 l43Hfast 0 111 2 7 3J 35 W Gargan 9 DonJose MissEmaG Figurata 68021 Tijuana TijuanaG7743 34 119 mud 5 114 4 5 G5 45i W Gargan 8 DonJose JackLcdi FickleFancy G7743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 5 116 6 6 81 7J W Gargan 9 Van Welles CabinCrk Poacher 67337 Tijuana 1 142 fast 11 113 1 3 3 I1 W Garganll Ollie Wood Argento Trinket KIZAM ch h fi 115 By Withers Miuyon Trainer C M Berry Owner P Fuller Bred by estate of J Newman 1 l41ifast 10 113 3 7 9 9 J Merimee 9 HarryRudder Col Matt Flame 1 l43fast 5 113 4 1 Il I3 J Merimee 8 GdUryan Dovesrst SGtleman 68314 Tijuana 51 f lOS 4fast Bl 115 4 4r 2 2 2 C Rails 12 Norfield Merry Lass CicelyKay 68202 Tijuana r i f 111 mud 33 115 6 6 S SM II Zander S Jack Ledi DrTubbs HazclDale 67799 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 31 110 3 35S 3 21 2 C Rails 9 MarnKorrn Pquana JPanncr JPanncrG7672 G7672 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 4Qf 112 4 G 5 32 H Zander 11 Fondllope NebrLad Ispham 67546 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3110 112 C 3 3 61 C Rails 11 Full Iloon Kling Red Man ManCALITHTTMP CALITHTTMP ch f 5 M 113 By Ciaxriart Bay if Pl nr by On rtnn rtnnTrainer Trainer J Morris Owcer Pueblo Stable Breeder Miss E Eaingcrfield 68482 Tijuana 34 lU4 fast 4 113 7 GII G i W Pool 11 MManaRc GiadNews LyTiptoe 08398 Tijuana 51 f ItOS sfast 14G 111 2 4 3l 2h J Maibrn 12 Ket Stuart SanthhiC Trippawa 54001 Lexton 1 116 l51 hvy 17 103 1 7 9 9 9 9 N Barrett 9 NAVyatt TVirginn TFriend TFriend3S73 3S73 Lexton 34 l15ihvy 24 103 8 S 7 ol G E Martin 12 Itgalesc Advocate MPsperity 221 F Gnda 34 l Sifast 12 10610 10 11 II2 lli J Gruber 13 Nipbe Hopover Mountain Dew Dewf2123 f2123 Jefson 5S l02faat 12 112 4 3 4 2 3s A Collins 12 Philanderer Secretary SBoard SBoardRHYMER RHYMER ch p 0 U5 Salvation L Foeta by Honduras HondurasTraiBer TraiBer G W Atkinson Owner Vernon Stable Breeders Lavrreaca Comstock 68628 Tijuana 1 18 l55ltfast 19f 110 9 10 101 10 H Moltcrs 12 Itacchus Palfour Fireworth 67876 Tijuana 1 14 213Hmud 11 103 G F Seremba G Madge F Vic Dorsinator

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923031301/drf1923031301_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1923031301_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800