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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesJEFFERSON JEFFERSON PARK TUESDAY MARCH 13 13WEATHER WEATHER CIEAU TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rcc in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on otlwr than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mini runner X Jowl mini runner J Fair niml runner M Maidens Ajiprciitic nllovincc b Blinkers BlinkersTodays Todays Ind Horse Wt Hec AWtIIan AWtIIanFirst First Bace 5 12 Furlongs Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Maidens MaidensClaiming Claiming Track record Dec 1C 1919 105 1 112 Sultan Reformer 103 107 Kan Gallic 99 107 Alluring 99 109 Auntie Km 112 l0fl f Doris 112 103 Kitty Carpenter CarpenterAVarburtor 104 103 AVarburtor Lawnmower Royal Crown Ilarbnrn Palmer PalmerOld 108 110 Old Dave 107 l12h bForestierc Miss Claire 112 111 Nylorac 107 111 Gen Pctain 112 108 Hilly Connor 110 108 C II Robinson Second Bace 3 4 Kile Pnrsc 700 3yearolds and uirward Claiming Track record Dec 31 31B8511 1919 112 3 117 B8511 Jacobean 104 113 GS511 The Nephew 110 112 68245 = bCol Taylor 117 111 63512 Bengali 116 113 C8511 bTwopair 115 113 11310G B8270 bfiath B8511 Machiavelli 10G 112 GS511 Pliin Itill 109 113 68449 bArdito 108 l16h 68473 Consort 11C 116 G8511 Propaganda 109 113 68321 bRinnyo 105 114 68511 Little Romper 90 114 68512 bKlrsties Cub 117 114 06036 bCrest 100 115 68512 Ticklish 1 115X700 68512 bSandy II 100 112 C 115 700 700Third Third Bace 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 700 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Dec 23 1919 139 5 108 68634 Hody Guard 98143 i08X725 i08X725GS6341 GS6341 Raffles 111X720 111X7206S593 6S593 Lady Rose 103 715 71568575s 68575s Slanderer 99 143 110 715 68612 = Fleeting M 102 142 98X715 68575 Irish Pat 1O1 142 115 710 68575 Supcrbum 101 l40i 118X710 68204 Kent I 100142 113X710 65568 Mildred Ruth 101 144 103 705 68634 Lady Myra 102 l48m 118X700 118X700Fourth Fourth Bace 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1030 3vearolds and upward Handicap Track record Dec 31 1919 112 3 117 117G3G92 G3G92 BARRACUDA 97 111 4 105X750 63614 = bRapId Day 105111 7105740 68614 bHadrian 113112 7104X740 65569 bTranslale 112110 7118X735 68684 bLouis A 115 114 S 107X730 107X730Fifth Fifth Bace 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 700 3yearolds an upward Claiming Track record March 17 1920 145 7 110 68635 = bFannie Rcan 102 145 4 9SX750 68656 = Neddam Ill 145 6 114X745 114X745GSGSe3 GSGSe3 bRalco 112 145 6 104X745 68534 bGondolier 112 148 4 113X745 113X745682CG 682CG bllama 99147 C 104X740 68534 = Lampns 103 147 5 105X740 105X74068S48 68S48 bDantzic 112146 0104X730 0104X730Sixth Sixth Bace 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 17 192C 8617 Kirklevington 114 149 0 115 Y YS577 S577 = bMay Roberts 103 147 6 103X7 68652 Little Ammie 101148 4107X715 63652 bDark Hill 111145 7118X715 68535 Tom MeTaEgartll2 144 9 1150715 68636 bRepeatcr 110 147 6 115X715 115X715GSG33 GSG33 Ogarite 102148 4 10GX710 68695 Devomte 108 146 4 109710 63535 Tingling 114147 5 118X70 68616 Viva Cuba 100146 G107X702 G107X7026S617 6S617 Maize 108147 6102X705 63652 liveliness 100 146 5 110X705 110X7056861iJ 6861iJ Deep Sinker 113148 4117X705 68030 bUttle Patsy 104 149 4111X700 68593 bBuddugie M 107 151 3 105 700 68695 Scottish Chief 115147 5 115 703 70368568s 68568s Little Ann M 1051155h 3 87X700 68657 bTora Cassidy 108 130 4 112X700