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LEADING JOCKEYS OF 1923 By riding four winners last week T Burns is now tied with F Stevens for first place on the American jockey list of 1923 Stevens did not have a winning mount last week Burns record surpasses that of Stevens as the for ¬ mer has had only 179 mounts to Stevens 247 giving Burns a percentage of 21 to 17 for Stevens P Groos was the real saddle star of last week with seven victories to his credit Others beside Burns who rode four winners were H Stutts li Pool B Harvey A Abel and A Claver The standing of the thirty leading riders is now as follows Jockey Mts 1st 2d 3d rnp PCLW Stevens F 247 41 33 42 120 17 0 Hums T Stutts II 131 3G 31 3J 125 16 Pool V 160 35 29 20 70 21 IVtzoldt E EMoin 2110 35 10 32 153 13 Moin 210 30 3ti 33 117 14 Hrothers T 119 28 24 It 51 24 firoos r 170 23 21 10 102 16 Corcoran J 177 27 19 21 110 15 IJOHK H 209 27 li 24 142 13 Halls C 172 24 28 31 89 14 Thompson 14Thompson C 143 24 13 14 92 17 Pool 17Pool E 130 24 23 17 fiG 18 Harvey 18Harvey H 157 23 13 IS 103 15 AIcDormott I Abel A 140 2t 14 15 915 14 Smalhvootl K 125 9 17 18 72 15 0 MolUn H 150 19 14 IS 105 12 1 Owens J 103 19 15 li 113 12 2 Hum I 103 IS 15 12 57 18 0 Martin W 155 18 22 19 90 12 2 Clavcr A 112 17 18 21 50 15 4 Williams G SO 17 10 12 4t 21 3 Iictons A SO 10 20 14 30 20 0 Jliik II 132 10 14 20 82 12 0 Morris 1 OS 10 12 11 29 24 0 ItniuuiT J 72 15 7 0 41 21 Fa Fator 21Fator tor K 127 15 IS 17 77 1 I nir C 107 13 14 18 02 12 Thomas 12Thomas II Ill 13 14 13 71 Yilson A 112 13 13 12 74 12