Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-13

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps HAVANA HAVANAThe The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are Oriental Park Havana Cuba March 12 123 1 Merry Bells Sleigh Bells Liborlo 2 Currency Bloominston Shifty 3 Guardsman Who Can Tell Gupton 4 Whippoorwill Frankenia Frascuelo 5 Mumbo Jumbo Ruddles Spods 6 Chile The Ulster The Gaff 7 JOHNNY OCONNELL Lotta Speed Indian Chant ChantT T K Lynch LynchNew New Yorlc Handicap 1 Sleigh Bells Liborio Auntie Millin Merry Bells 2 Courtier Currency Gray Bonnet Bloom ¬ inston Who Can Tell Guardsman Little Niece Kathleen K 4 Machine Gunner Betty Mae Frankenia Good Enough 5 Redmon Spods Salamander Mumbo Jum ¬ bo 6 CHILE The Ulster The Gaff Newport 7 Indian Chant Johnny OConnell King B Lotta Speed SpeedChicago Chicago ami Ilnffnlo Handicap 1 AUNTIE MILLIN Liborio Sleigh Bells Suzuki 2 Shifty Currency Courtier Gray Bonnet 3 Who Can Tell Gupton Nellida Guards ¬ man 4 Polar Cub Frankenia Betty Mae Whip ¬ poorwill 5 Mumbo Jumbo Redmon Ruddles Port Light LightG G Chile Newport Faithful Girl The Ulster 7 Johnny OConnell Jno R Roche Indian Chant King B BObserver Observer Handicap 1 Liborio Merry Bells Sleigh Bells Auntie Millin 2 Shifty Currency Courtier Bloomington 0 Who Can Tell Guardsman Gupton Kath ¬ leen K KI I POLAR CUB Whippoorwill Frankenia Frascuelo Mumbo Jumbo Redmon Ruddles Mc Lanc LancC C Chile Newport Eastern Star The Gaff 7 Indian Chant Johnny OConnell Lotta Speed Sir Jack JackConsensus Consensus uC Handicaps 1 Merry Bells Sleigh Bells Auntie Millin 2 Shifty Currency Courtier Gray Bonnet 3 Who Can Tell Guardsman Gupton Kath ¬ leen K 4 Polar Cub Whippoorwill Machine Gun ¬ ner Frankenia 5 Mumbo Jumbo Redmon Ruddles Spods 6 CHILE The Ulster Newport The Gaff 7 Johnny OConnell Indian Chant Lotta Speed King B TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are Tijuana Hex March 12 1923 1 Ray Palmer Jr J W Marchbank entry entryOdd Odd Seth 2 Limerick Inspector Hughes Olive D 3 Coombs Roscoe Goose Dough Girl 4 Beverwyck Cedric May Bruen 5 Private Peat Red Man Rifle 6 REBUKE John Paul Jones Jim Daisy 7 Due de Morny Frank Fogarty Bill Head S Carl Roberts Poacher Ollie Wood WoodG G W Schilling SchillingNew New YorU Handicap 1 Ray Palmer Jr A Lester Rock Heather HeatherSeths Seths AkSarBen 2 Limerick Inspector Hughes Mr Kruter KruterBonnebelle Bonnebelle 3 Dough Girl Roscoe Goose Emma Weller WellerCoombs Coombs 4 Beverwyck Ccdric May Bruen Ruth E 5 Rifle Private Peat War God Shelbyviilo C REBUKE Coffield John Paul Jones Ten TenButtons Buttons 7 Due dc Morny Power Regreso Frank FrankFogarty Fogarty 8 Yera Rita Delancey Poacher Emma EmmaWilliams WilliamsChicago Williams Chicago and Buffalo Handicap 1 Ray Palmer Jr Rock Heather Lovelace LovelaceA A Lester 2 Phillippe Lugo Stylish Miss Bonnebelle BonnebelleMr Mr Kruter 3 Perch Emma Weller Roscoe Goose GooseCoombs Coombs 4 Beverwyck Cedric Scraps Plutrel 5 Rifle Private Peat Syncopation Bills BillsLuck Luck 6 REBUKE Coffield John Paul Jones Jim JimDaisy Daisy 7 Frank Fogarty Bill Head Regreso Silk SilkSox Sox SoxS S Poacher Delancey Ollie Wood Carl Rob ¬ erts ertsCIiscrvcrK CIiscrvcrK Handicap 1 Rock Heather Ray Palmer Jr A Lester Seths Flower 2 Mr Kruter Phillippe Lugo Limerick In ¬ spector Hughes 3 Roscoe Goose Emma Weller W C Dooly Coombs 4 Beverwyck Cedric Cave Man Ruth E 5 RIFLE Private Peat Mistake Red Man ManC C Rebuke John Paul Jones Sunnylarid Ten Buttons 7 Bill Head Frank Fogarty Due de Morny Regreso 8 Carl Roberts Poacher Delancey Vera Rita RitaConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 Ray Palmer Jr Rock Heather A Lester Lovelace 2 Limerick Phillipe Lugo Mr Kruter In ¬ spector Hughes 3 Coombs Dough Girl Perch Roscoe Goose 4 Beverwyck Cedric May Brucn Ruth E 5 Rifle Private Peat Ped Man War God 6 REBUKE John Paul Jones Coffield Jim Daisy 7 Due de Morny Frank Fogarty Bill Head Rcgrsso RcgrssoS S Carl Roberts Vera Rita Poacher ollie Wood JEFFERSON PARK Wire trouble resulting from Sunday nights storm made it impossible to obtain the track and Xew York selections for Jefferson Park ParkThe The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are Jefferson Park Xew Orleans La March 1923 1923Chicago Chicago and Buffalo rrnndicap 1 Sultan Reformer Eau Gallic Alluring 2 Jacobean The Nephew Col Taylor Ben ¬ gali 3 Body Guard Raffles Lady Rose Slan ¬ derer 4 BARRACUDA Rapid Day Hadrian HadrianTranslate Translate Fannio Bean Neddam Ralco Gondolier GondolierG G Kirklevington May Roberts Little Am mie Dark Hill HillObservers Observers Handicap 1 Sultan Alluring Reformer Kitty Car ¬ penter 2 Bengali Col Taylor Ardito The Nephew 3 BODY GUARD Superbum Kent L Irish Pat 4 Translate Louis A Barracuda Rapid RapidDay Day 5 Fannie Bean Ralco Neddam Gondolier GondolierG G Loveliness Kirklevington Repeater Dev oiiite

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923031301/drf1923031301_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1923031301_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800