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15ycarolds and upward Claiming OJareli 11 POWER br f 3 02 02Trainer By Rapid Water Surecome by Delhi Trainer F Brooks Owner RL Baker Breeder T Piatt 08715 Tijuana 1 115 l4Gfast 35 83 3 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 AV Tipan 7 Fk Fogarty Regreao Roisterer 08030 Tijuana 1 141 fast 2110 10 SI S 1 2 = 1 2 W Dean 10 McGsPink Horinga Mnikinll 08591 Tijuana 34 1 USTill vy 2 103 6 4 5 5 = 1 AV Dean 0 Kl Ruble Knciivc C Storking G8317 Tijuana 1 l407ifast 1S5 S5 84 3 3 4 C AV Dean Hyinpom BlkBetty A Patrick 1 l45 l45shvy shvy 3 S3 3 1 1 1 = 1 AV Dean 0 Toorliiss PlowSteel Pea el lug 34 l12 ifast 40 103 7 6 G G II Long Dilante CK ui ine Knighthood GG581 Latonia 24 l12 ifast 37 106 3 10 91 Si E Scobie 1J Gofllonor Away RompMary RompMaryG OG212 Latonia 61 f lOSy5fast G 101 10112 12 1 1 1 AV Pool 1 AVernor PaudTakp FCanadn GG1G2 Latonia 34 114 fast 41 103 6 642 2 J Owens 12 Cash Lucky Run CAUeiuIiart FRANK FOGARTY or ff 5 1M By AVracU Irish AVit by Colt Trainer L R Knifong Owner L R Knifong ng Breeder A a Hancocit G8715 Tijuana 1 116 l 6ifast 21 114 5 3 41 2 = 1 F Stevens 7 Power Regreso Roisterer 08011 Tijuana Irn70y l474slow 2 10S 6 3 nk i w Martin S Aic Ilcrace Lerch Rcgrsso 08590 Tijuana 1 116 I5l7ihvy 2710 111 3 2 1 = 1 I4 AV Martin 7 Rajah Itippze Torsida 08168 Tijuana 1 116 l47ifast IS 113 S 8 S 7 G Co jper S B House Philanderer Sum Sigh 08299 Tijuana 1 216 201 ifast 45 121 32 1 = Il E Dugan Dominator Gipsy Joe Baeehna 08220 Tijuana Ini70y lJ3 imud 2 111 6 4 4 25 E Petaoldt 0 Rajah MarcellaBoy C Stocking CSIJJ Tijuana lmvy l49temud 95 106 3 2 21 11 D Hurn 7 Glen Well Loiianna Hyanpom 68059 Tijuana Im70y l33javy 1310 113 6 4 Z 23 P Marlines U Bill Head Barriskane Torsida BLACK BETTY br f 4 103 103Trainer By Black Toney Macaroon by Marco MarcoBleeder Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Bleeder E R Bradley 08796 Tijuana Im70y l43 = 3fast 41 93 7 S 7 = 1 73 AA Martin 8 Pol Wale PcoDirect Hyanpom 08732 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 30 109 4 4 4 433 G Rose 7 DCbett PWale WMtgomiry 08527 Tijuana Im70y 1 45Tsfast 7 103 4 6 6G84G8 4 4j G Itose S Vlatrifk Delhimar SilfiitKiii G84G8 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 2710 105 3 4 3 = 1 1i F Cantrell 8 B House Philandere SumSigii 08405 Tijuana Im70y 141 fast 7 100 1 3 3G83I7 21 33 D Hurn 10 Ma reel la Boy S Mia II I BlHcue G83I7 Tijuana I lIOfa t 6 S3 6 4 4682G2 2l 21 AV Martin 7 Ilyanpom Vlalrick Philander 682G2 Tijuana Im70y IMUTihvy G5 106 3 5 5C80S8 43 41 II Long 9 DdeMorny Lonriiina Hyanpom C80S8 Tijuana 1 11G 149 ladt 910 102 G 2 2 = 3 I1 W Pool S WarPenny SumSish 1oistcrer 671504 Tijuana ImVOy l42Tifast 7 4 3 7 S S P Hum 15 Siiuiiyland Coffield Aladane WiODIE MONTGOMERY ch g 10 107 107Trainer By First Chip Duchess of Montebellp by Banastr BanastrBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder S L Waiisr Waiisr3ii 68797 Tijuana 1 1S l34fast 11 ICG 5 3 3G8732 3ii 51 F Cantrell S J Dundee Fan Nail FrOriont G8732 Tijuana 34 l13ifast 17 113 1 3 3G80S9 33 33 P Martiner 7 DocCorbett PolWtle Bl Betty G80S9 Tijuana Im70y l3fast 21 102 3 4 G GJ F Cantrell 0 Reap Sundial II Bios House 68GG8 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast 23 110 110G8G30 4J 43J F Cantrell 7 McGsPinW FNail Mannikiull G8G30 Tijuana 1 141 fast 4 109 109G8548 1 8 9 10t D Hurn 10 MiGees Pirk Power lloringa G8548 Tijuana lm7Jy l47rimud 1GG GC 102 2 4 41 4i F Cantrell 0 MarUoy Philanderer GleuVell 08527 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 21 100 100G8424 2 3 G3 571 F Cantrell S VlalrlcV Iiclliiruar SilentKing G8424 Tijuana Im70y l44fast 61 101 101G8345 3 3G8345 4 Sl S10 F Cantrcllin IrDirett CMrone Buckhnll Buckhnllli G8345 Tijuana 1 1S l53faat It 106 3 3SUNDIAL 6 7 74 F Cantrell 7 MarBoy Roisterer FannieNail SUNDIAL II ch g 7 109 109Trainer By Faucheur Martha Gorman by Sir Dizon Trainer C Buxtan Owner C Buzton BuztonG879G Bred in Franco by J E Wiclener G879G Tijuana Im70y l13ifast 41 105 4 4C8G89 3 5 53J F Stevens S Pol VaIc PceDircct Hyanpom C8G89 Tijuana Im70y l43 fast 2710 10 103 1 2 2 23 F Stevens J Reap Bios House Fair Orient 68508 Tijuana 1 11S l57fast 63 108 3 3 3 = 4 M Andson 0 Romany Hyamuni O Faithful 08405 Tijuana Im70y 141 fast 75 103 5 56770H 1 13 a J MerimeelO MarccIlaBoy BlBetty BI House HouseC3 6770H Tijuana Im70y l44fast C3 115 5 5G7705 1 2l SUM Andson 9 Bkliornll VPalrick KBankia KBankiaCG G7705 Tijuana 34 l12fast CG 107 7 7G7578 7 G1 531 M Uuxton 7 Ten Buttons Settle Messines G7578 Tijuana 34 113 fast 1S4 112 S SGG870 S Gi Ge3 M Andson S BritRay LuckyBntton CofHcld GG870 Bowie 61 f l21ifast 17 105 12 12C0721 12 11 9 1 E Kummcrl2 Picnic Cahalan Wraith C0721 Pimlico 112233 fast 8 104 5 3 4 4 D Marielli 5 Yorkist Gallivant FrzySneezj BILL HEAD ch g 7 114 114Trainer By Doncaster Seddio King by Leonid LeonidI Trainer J McCoole Owner J I licCcole Breeder W C Nail 08715 Tijuana 1 118 8 l4Gfast 5 114 2 2y 7 5 = 1 5 F AVatrou 7 Power Frank Fogarty Regreso 08202 Tijuana Im70y y l43hvy 9 107 3 3y 7 73 7 E Ietzoldt 9 Dlellorny Louansia Hyanpom 68059 Tijuana Irn70y y USS hvy G 110 2 2y 2 IJ 13 AV Pool G lklogarty Rarriskane Torsida 6800 1 Tijuana Im70y y l31iniud 20 110 4 4y 4 4J 13 E Petoldt S PeaceKlag Barriskam SheDevil 67577 Tijuana Im70y y lll5fast lll5fastG7514 37 110 4 4y 6 6 = G E Petzoldt S Regreso MannikinIL M Manage G7514 Tijuana Im70y y 116 fast IS 103 1 3 5i 61 C Rails 7 Ioimnna Black Betty Breeze 07341 Tijuana 1142 fast fastG7210 2310 10 103 2 2 1 = 13 C Rails 7 Vennak Just Riglit Uomulus G7210 Tijuana S4 4 llGHslow 5 112 2 2s 4 2 li C Rails 8 Cafeteria Romulus Kimono BLOSSOM HOUSE b s 4 108 108Trainer By Bulse Agnes May by The Comiroser Comiroserr Trainer S Hesseltine Owner r S Hesseltine Breeder J W arrish 08G89 Tijuana ImiOy l43Jjfast l43JjfastC84C8 5 102 4 3 3 3J P Ilurn 0 Reap Sundial II Fair Orient C84C8 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast l47fastOK405 21 101 7 S J n F Wistrou S Philderer Sum Sigh BekBetty OK405 Tijuana Irn70y 141 fast fast083G5 5 9 10 3 41 43 F AAatrouslt MareellaBov Sdialll 151 Betty 083G5 Tijuana 1 116 l47ysfast 13 101 112 2 F AAatrous 9 Philanderer SumrSigh Bogreso C8128 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 109 112 9 8 Kl 8 R Bausr 9 PolIyWale Fireplace MarlnBoy 07875 Tijuana 1 113 l513mud 33 104 7 6 G 5 = AV Martin 8 Briskane WlilpfeS FkFogarty 07728 Tijuana Im70y l43fast 76 106 6 6 6 G31 G Rose 7 SumSigh Itoisterer ItlicBctty GG798 UadePrl 1 1S l35slow 13 S3 5 5 4l 3 R Doyle 0 JuIIoshor PlasUltra MnElder