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9th RAC 154 lilc J5ycarolds and upward Claiminsr Dec O lilG 111 5 11O EL ROBLE ch c 3 100 100Trainer By Honeywood Pepperwood by Eddie Jortei JorteiBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder McKecn Christenson G8774 Tijuana 34 114 fast 3 112 4 1 21 F Cantrell 10 Kof thiSpa Ladylxonid Straps 08591 Tijuana 34 l15livy 13 101 S 1 1 F Cantrell Kndivc Clock Stocking Beap 08559 Tijuana 13 93 1 1S 7 AV Martin 8 Span Maize Mondella AMrginiiu 68546 Tijuana S 102 7 1 4 1 F Cantrell 7 Clock Stocking Reap Endive 08400 Tijuana 1 1S l5riifast 21 99 4 U 2s I Hurn 10 TumOwens ih Little Dear 68362 Tijuana 34 l147 fast 21 119 7 4l 43 F Cantrell S Norfield Athanna ClkSlockg COL SNIDER ch g 6 115 By Firemaa Helen Scott by Costcstor Trainer J Edwards Owner Maple Leaf Stable C808I Tijuana 1 IMl fast 31 113 1 1 r1 1 D Powell 11 Tom Owens Flame ColonelMutt C850I Tijuana 51 f 1 OS fast fastC3 FdllopeGS 9 113 8 S Ci 41 D Powell 11 PliWard Van Welles Fdllope G8319 Tijuana C3 101 fast GS 112 7 7 7 4 3 D Powell 7 Anteln Settle Ask Jtsse G7622 Tijuana 24 l142ifast 4 102 11 9 S1 7 J Thomas 11 Royal Maid Poacher Kl Itoble 07493 Tijuana 1 l42tfaiit 21 10S 6 1 1 331 H Long 7 Charloy SnmrSigli Giiwy Joe 07396 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 41 107 G 5 5 2 = 1 II Long i Man Cornctiltir ItoiaAtkin 07201 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 710 109 5 5 33 1 II Long S DonIose IWHppr F G Corley 07210 Tijuana 34 l161ialow 9 101 3 S S 7 F Cantrel S Bill Head Cafeteria Romulus HAY MAULSBY ch m 8 113 By Stalwart Kisberdale by Jim Gore Trainer H T Griffin Owner J W Uarchbank Breeder P Lansing C8051 Tijuana 34 l13fast 1110 10610 7 7 03 J Merimee 12 Da lion Finplace Vibrate 68528 Tijuana Ci f l07 fast 3 1C6 5 7 5 C3 M MiPrlcIt S KisStiiic Hordpr HrigansIIcir 07748 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 33 104 2 1 3J In J Thomas 11 lloringa Harslleir MBarnes 07611 Tijuana 34 l13 ifast 135 105 4 4 4l SIM luomas t Iutle Beach Settle Sam Kelt C7601 KeltC7601 Tijuana 24 lUVkfast 75 lOu 6 5 6 = 14 = J Thomas 8 IlarryD SamReli Billltlkwell 07455 Tijuana 31 ll fast 3J 101 1 6 53 31 F Stevens 10 Dr Cotbett Coffield Tassel 07249 Tliuana 51 f 103 fast G 1C S 6 Gi 1 1 Thomas S PhUard AnIiegina ConCola 03984 MHghta 51 f l09 islop 910 107 31 W Bosski S Aunt Agnes Cuba Jack Ledl LedlNO NO AVONDER ch g 8 110 By Fireman Belle of Portland b G W Johnson HcPhceC8733 Trainer JohnsonTrainer H T Palmar Ownar H T Palmer Breeder Mrs I HcPhce C8733 MisriBoy6H422 Tijuana Cl f l07fat 37f 1W 6 9 S3 6J F AVatrousl3 Trusty MissManag MisriBoy 6H422 Tijuana 34 l13ifast 1i 113 S 5 51 5i W Pool 10 Amkassin KmWilms Hltudr 08379 Tijuana 51 f lOSfcfast 12 lir 2 1 13 1 = AV Pool 9 Peg Martin Onvva KrenchNtirse 68297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 51 113 4 3 3 23 AV Pool 10 DelancOy Cannonball Flame Flame6G398 6G398 SpaGG3l Akron Ab 5S l03mud J 109 7i T Duel S Virge Chlsca gneeii cf the Spa GG3l Akron Ab 5S I00 I00sfa3t sfa3t 31 112 41 J Pevic 7 Flip Right Augle Aunt Agnes lik C Games 0 Midian Marchtont Auier Roe 61 F Lux U Ncg L Gentry Git JIT By Norita Bemay by Albert Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Hillvrd Breeder W D Millarc1 C8588 Tijuana 95 113 7 5 3i 21 D Powell S Double Aan Aora Rita KiHtTSj C8504 Tijuana El f 1OS fast 7 114 9 9 7h 5 i C Thpson 11 Ph Ward AanAAelles FiIHoi i 68223 Tijuana 58 l04 jmud 41 113 7 7 7 2 C Thpson 7 Hazel Dale Tor Tag C Mastei 07746 Tijuana 1 143 fast 31 110 876 6s II Long 11 H Rudder FGCorley Mfoner 67724 Tijuana 4 112 1 2 11 3s H Long 10 Pml Horace Lerch Doi Jose 67552 Tijuana 58 101 fast 13 105 5 G 4 33 H Long S HonestGrse HazelDale PiyOf PiyOfil10 G7537 Tijuana 58 101 fast 3110 110 7 5 E3 5 = 3 W Pool 7 Settle Corncutter Don Just 67408 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 5 10S G 1 3J 13 H Lons 7 Zindo Angela Hazel Dale DELANCEY b 10 115 By Rock Sand Delusion by Meddler MeddlerValdez Trainer E Valdez Owner E Valdez Breeder A Belmont 68794 Tijuana 58 l02fast 10 115 S 3 21 E Fator 2 PvatcPrat BessAAelch QAVard 68716 Tijuana 34 l14Vast 11 115 2 2 2s 2 E Fator 12 OllieWood KAViUms CHobcrts 68627 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 19 111 1 3 41 0 i E Fator 12 PrivPcat D doGiiisc VoraHil 68504 Tijuana 61 f 1OS fast 39 115 1 3 3n 9 FJ Fator 11 Ph Ward VanAVclles Fdllope Fdllopei5 68423 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 135 i5 113 5 2 2J 23 AV Pool r1 inly 1 ly Virci Vera Hita 8297 Tijuana TijuanaC8145 51 f 1OS faat 8 113 I 1 1 1 I3 E Fator 10 No Wonder Cannonball Flame C8145 Tijuana 34 119 mud 4 112 2 3 10 19 E Taplin 10 ClovcrJunia Plunger Anltcrol 68102 Tijuana 51 f lOS7ifast 2 115 1 2 2 23 E Taplin 12 FrivatePcat SanthiaC ThrecX 67786 Tijuana 51 f lOS ifast 5 115 1 2 li 2n E Taplin 11 GoldHryan HosaAtkin PokpyH E1IMA WILLIAMS b f 100 By Light o m Life Imprint by Knight of tin Trainer C W Officer Owner Trowbridge Officer Thistle ThistleSreeuer Sreeuer R Giffin 68716 Tijuana 34 l14fast C 111 3 3 31 3 M Garrctt 12 OllieWood Delanccy CRoberts 68587 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 175 106 4 4 5J 63 E Petzolilt S Due deGuise IxmePine Conichon 08565 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 7 106 8 9 71 5 1 II Long 11 Red Man Joe Tag Neg 68526 Tijuana 1 l41fast 6 110 2 B 73 Sl R Carter 9 HHudder ColMatt Flame 08422 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 11 103 3 3 3 = 21 F Stevens 10 Amkassin H Rudder Ol AVood AVoodC8264 C8264 Tijuana 51 f l10ihvy llf 101 2 5 4s 1 E Petzoldt S Kimono Jack Lodi II Rudder 68172 Tiiuana 34 119 hvy 11 107 1 3 4 4 2 E Pctzoldt 9 Choir Master Nog Kimono KimonoNONSUIT NONSUIT ch g 5 110 By Martinet Hxl ix wery by St Florlan Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E McGregor Breeders Williams Bros 68685 Tijuana 1 l42Vsfast 30 113 1 1 31 6 J R Carter 10 WalterDant Car GMuchlrlmch 68588 Tijuana 34 l17hvy S 110 1 2 61 6J E Petzoldt 8 Double Aan It A ra Rita Rita5S 68524 Tijuana 5S 101 J4fast 7 11011 10 103 93 F Stevens 11 LitPointer JoeTag Gal Kerry 68195 Tijuana 51 f l12imud 25 110 2 1 1J 1 E Petzoid 8 Ermitana Lola Fluke Jazz 67801 Tijuana 51 f l07jfast 3 112 1 4 6 93 R Carter 10 Due dcGuise Theresa Don Jose 1 Tijuana 51 f l09ifast S5 113 3 1 1 2 R Carter 12 Prophecy Flame Plantacenet 62314 Omaha 4 l14 fnst 3 Ii7 2 L Mills 7 KirsticsCub Herder Hazel AV 61290 Tijuana 34 4 l14V l14Vifast fast 4 110 2 2 2K1245 21 2 M Fator 6 MMaulsby Tabloid N Harper 01 K1245 245 Tijuana 1 l41fast 5 10J 4 1 1FOND 1s 2 P Hum 7 FanNail Montona WaterWlo FOND HOPE b m 6 i 105 105Trainer By St Swithins Boll WeflTil by Cayuga Cayugach Trainer B Creech ch Owner B Creech Breeder E H Andrcrs AndrcrsS 68794 Tijuana 58 S l02fast 24 108 6 12 12 10 AA Martin 12 PratePeat Delancey HAVclch HAVclchf 68626 Tijuana 51 f l07faat 13 104 6 2 I1 3i F Stevens 10 VanAVelles Llointer llUudr llUudrf 68565 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 21 107 6 5 51 9 W Martin 11 Rod Man Joe Tag Nog Nogf 68501 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 31 128 2 2 2s 3 = F Stevens 11 P Ward VanWolles ColSnider 68084 Tijuana 58 8 102 good Sf 10S 2 1 1J 1 W Martin 9 LittlePointer Neg HHiirgoyuc HHiirgoyucf 67982 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 4 108 3 3 3l 4 1 F Stevens 6 DdeGuise HillyJoe Hazel Dale DaleS 67933 Tijuana 5S S 104 hvy 1S5 105 2 1 1 = 11 F Stevens 11 Philnnder FullMoon CtBoris CtBorisf 67897 Tijuana 51 f l09r mud 11 QS 4 422 2 2KIMONO = 21 W Martin 9 DdeGuise CountHoris FGCIey KIMONO b f 4 106 106Traiser By Horron Negligee by Marta Santa Santaildwin Traiser J S Baldwin ildwin Owner J S Baldwin Breeder J B Gorhain 68565 Tijuana 51 1 f 110 mud 8 101 10 10 S3 GT F Watrousll Red Man Joe Tag Neg 68123 Tijuana 34 l14faat 17 108 10 S 4 55 M Andsonl2 July Fly Dclaneev Virge 08264 Tijuana 51 1 f l10 l10shvy ihvy 14 IOC 5 3 3i 2 M Andson 9 KAVilUams JkLedi llHmider 68172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 710f 107 S 1 2 21 33 F Stevens 9 ChMaster Neg KminnWilliani 67897 Tijuana 51 f lC97imud 13 110 S 8 71 6 J Pevic ft DdeGuise Fdllope CoiintRoris 67746 Tijuana 1 143 fast 4 10S 10 9 71 7i J Pcvie 11 IIHudder FGCorley Mflowcr Mflowcr5S 67537 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 35 10S 6 3 4 45i M Andson 7 Settle Corncutter ixjn Jose 67375 Tijuana 51 t 108 fast C 113 4 3 3l 3lPOKEY 33 J Pevic 6 F G Corley Neg Tutt POKEY B b h 7 113 I ITrainer By Charivari Helen Burnett by AllanaDalt AllanaDaltSherman Trainer G P Sherman Owner G P Sherman ShermanC8560 Breeder W G Hiriij C8560 Tijuana 1147 mud 7C 116 2 7 7 F Stevens 9 Alazon SGentleman Cansbaek 68543 Tijuana 34 llGimud 51f 118 4 7 71 71 T Fletcho 9 Alazon I nc Pine Plow Steel Steelol 68281 Tijuana 51 f l06 l06Hslow slow 108 116 G 8 7 711 I Fletcher S Sister Susie Coniehon TCraven TCravenDi C8222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 3f 116 4 1 11 7 i E Dugan 12 Haisy SthnGentlcmaii Midian Midian5S 68166 Tijuana 5S 106 hvy 6 113 7 4 3s I1 E Dugan 9 JackPot An s Sister AmMaiil 68017 Tijuana 41 f ESimud 14 111 5 S 4IJ Tt Fiynn 8 QyAAanl Operator Nordlloncy 67829 Tijuana 34 113 fast 4 113 6 4 G G6778U 6 AAr Martin 9 Slieka Yiew auncnbali auncnbaliEl 6778U Tijuana El f lOS5ifast uf 113 S 4 41 41 AV Martin H GoldHryan Delaneey HosaAtkln HosaAtkln5S 67355 Tijuana 5S l02 = 5fist 1G4 117 10 11 11 1 11 3 I Fletcher II Hess AVolch Hazel Dale IJIga 65212 Uorval 34 llslow 27f 111 S 8 103 1 1CUBA 10 J Simmonsll Mouse Flea Joe S CUBA blk ra 6 113 B BTrainer By Bard of Hope Salvation Nel by Salvation Salvationnklns Trainer L Hankins nklns Owner L Hankins Breeder K N Gilpin Gilpin5S 68793 Tijuana 5S l02 l02i4fast ifast 69f 113 12 9 SJ 1 10 i W Gargania Fort aiurchill Airgp Neg Neg5i 68627 Tijuana 5i f l l074sfast sfast I 23f 112 7 S Sh S i AA Garganl2 PrivPeat D deGiiise AeraRita AeraRita5S 68523 Tijuana 5S l01 l01ifast fifast 171 113 6 G S3 741 W Garganll lobelia HoscoeGse HosaAtkin HosaAtkin5S 68000 Tijuana 5S l04imud Cl 114 6 9 7 = 1 G J AAr GarganlO Yukon Plow Steel Hilly Joe Joe5S 67511 Tijuana 5S 58102 102 fast 65 113 7 8 S SC7133 S T Rae S HazelDale HLOwen FullMoon FullMoon5S C7133 Tijuana 5S l04shvy 9 114 6 4 3i I T Rae 8 Piniqiiaiia Celebrate Virge 67079 Tijuana 5J 51 f lllhvy 50 112 8 B 5 567C25 4 ° 1 T Rae S It Cascade Chrome 67C25 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 7 114 9 11 11 1 11 A Claver II Silk Sox It Choir Master NEG blk g 8 115 By Orimaj Lulu M by Maselts Maseltsirnett Trainer R Barnett irnett Owner R Baraett Breeder M Bovle 68793 Tijuana 58 l02lifast 23 110 7 7 5l Sl L Armstgl3 Fort Churchill Airge Jack Pot 68626 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 20 106 8 S 7l 63J L Armsts 10 AanAVelles LIointci Fdllope 68565 Tijuana 51 f 110 murt 39103 5 6 C1 Sl L Armsfg 11 Hod Man Joe Tag Stanlov 11 68467 Tijuana 34 115 fast i 110 1 7 Si 7i L ArmtK 9 HarHudder OIlie AAood Yukon 08122 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 9 108 4 4 4 6 J L ArmsfgMi Amkassin KmAViIms HHudr 68223 Tijuana 58 l04jmud 14 110 344 5C L Armstg 7 Hazel Dale It Joe Tag 68 1 72 Tijuana 34 119 hvy J2 112 5 2 1 2 = L Amsrng 9 CMaster Kimoo KmAVilliami KmAVilliami5S 8084 Tijuana 5S 102 good 27 110 5 4 3l S3 L Armstg 9 FHope LPointor ILHurgoyne LEWIS B ch g 8 115 By Prospero Lady Marchmost by Marcamont II Trainer G W Crinnen Owner Blackwcll Crippsn Breeder S A Beckham 68754 Tijuana ImOy IHCfast 32 10S 9 Sl S 3 E Kengerll DoiiAan AAOMcCck Tawtha 68681 Tijuana 1 l41 = ifast 66 108 9 9 101 10 i G Rose 11 Col Snider Tom OACIX Klane KlaneS 68608 Tijuana 1 141 slo slow S 1C8 7 G ui 6 i AAr Martin S AAalterDant DoubleVan Lariat 68301 Tijuana Im70y l46V fast 41 104 9 fi 51 4i G Rose 0 Ilaikamorc Dolph N K Hrai 68184 Tijuana Im70y lJ9ihvy 10 30S 6 G 4l 41 G Rose S SIItdion PlowStl TVgeance 68171 Tijuana 34 llShvy 13 112 S 9 G5 31 G Rose 12 Philander SHedron DocTubbs 68056 Tijuana 1 l31 fnvy 8 1C8 2 1 1 1 II Howard S Lariat HMuoliIebacli Olympd 68019 Tijuana Im70y lKimud 2 108 1 1 I1 1 AV Pool 7 Cabin Crock Itlijmcr Car