5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-20

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5th RACE 34 111 Mile Claiming Dec 20 1JHG STYLISH MISS b f 3 By Granite Intricate by Hastings HastingsBreeder Trainer S Polk Owner C Harris Breeder J H Louchhcim 68710 Tijuana 5S l01fast 13 99 4 2 11 13 K EricksnlS MrKniter InsIluglies PhLiipo 67657 Tijuana 58 l01 fast 6 103 4 10 10G7546 10112I A Clavcr 11 Pewaiikee Sheka Fickle Fancy G7546 Tijuana 6S 102 fast St 96 9 10 10 = 7i V Hum 11 Full Moon Kling lied Alan 07430 Tijuana E8 loifant 15f 97 4 6 6CC527 6 = S1 C Rails 9 Stnulcyll Shelbyville Melchoir CC527 Toledo 51 f lC7 fast M 115 5 5 C1 6i A Tmhlcy 7 Xoonlioiir Athlete Illusionist 66357 Toledo 51 f l07fast IS 103 7 9 9CC142 S s5 E PetzoldtlO Argo Noonlioiir Kail Gallic CC142 Hthorne 51 f l15Hslow S 99 7 7 7GAEL 6 3s K Doylo 7 15 Head ClpatraHoy RcdChief GAEL ROBERTS ch n 10 115 115Trainer By General Roberts Janice Marias by Rubicos RubicosBreeder Trainer E Sterrete Owner E Sterrett SterrettC8716 Breeder G K Van Gorden C8716 Tijuana 34 l14fast 11 115 1 4 4C8G07 4l 4 J Maibcn 12 OllieAAood Delaneey KWilliams C8G07 Tijuana 58 l03slow 9 113 6 4 12 I1 J Maiben S MarionFIuke EmAVellcr I Bird 68462 Tijuana 58 l02Hfast 8 113 12 12 12G7450 11J It F Weincr 13 Jack Tot Huzzas Phillipe Ljigo G7450 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2 11C 2 5 5 4s R Carter 10 Hazel Dale View Delancey 67299 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 7 109 1 2 2J 4J E Fator 7 Galway TliirtySvn Al Porler 66949 Tijuana 34 l16j slop 7 115 2 4 3s 3i II Scoville 7 LFlorcncc NthShore UTrarl Continued on tenth pace TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from nlntli page VIRGE ch m mTrainer 113 By Leonid Virginia Liadsey by Pirata of Pen Trainer C E IKvison Owner C C5S E Daviwn zance Breeder Col M Younir 5879 Tijuana 5S l02fast 14 145S 113 3 C 41 23 T Rae 13 FortChurchill Neg JaekPot 08017 Tijuana 5S l01fast 4 11110 10 10 8 J F Stevens 13 LitPntcr ColMatt Gal Berry G8G27 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 1SC 103 12 9 9 9 1 J Merimee 12 PrivPeat D deGuise VoraRita 08125 Tijuana 34 l14fast 10 111 2 5 G 33 T Rao ily Hy Dclanccy Vcra Rita rS10t Tijuana CS l01 fast 51 515S 113 S G 41 3 T Rae 12 TTazelDilc JoeRIair MissriBov MissriBov10S 07872 Tijuana 5S l03V mud 10 10S 10 7 7s 7 J G Rose 10 Corncuttcr Mild Count Boris 07744 Tijuana 34 l14fast 17 111 4 1 13 1 AV Martin S TCravcn XcbrLad Philander 07672 Tijuana 58 102 fast 136 1365S 110 6 2 2 ICJ II Long 11 FoniHIopc NebraskaLad Nizam Nizam10S C7431 Tijuana 5S l01fast 101 10S 2 1 I1 I1 II Long 11 Alajali Syncopation FcliNurss MIDIAN b h 6 113 113Trainer By Meridian Veneta Strorne by Ben Strotas StrotasBreeder Trainer J D Rice Owner J D Rice Breeder R F CaTiitan 08730 Tijuana 1 l42jfast 9 US 1 51 4 1 H Lrfjng 10 Ollic Wood Kirkwood Rafferty 8G85 Tijuana 1 l42V fast 43 US 8 6l 5 i J Maibcn 10 AAalterDant Car GMuciilebach 08508 Tijuana 1 144 slow 3t 111 4 4I 8 7 II Zander 8 WaltcrDant DoubleVan Lariat 08500 Tijuana I 147 muil 2110 116 7 4 41 C Thpson 9 Alazon SGentleman Cansback C8I83 Tijuana TijuanaGS2U 1 l42 fast 78 111 4 45S 4J 23 R Flynn 11 Yukon Little Gink Yermak GS2U Tijuana 5S l05 hvy 2110 111 2 lh I1 H andcr S Car Fickle Fanry Belle Flower 08222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud IS 111 11 5l 3 II Zander 12 Itaisy SthnGtlcman Rafferty 08108 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 3S 113 0 41 4 1 II Zander 7 Red Man Pueblo Rosa Atkiu AtkiuBy TOM CRAVEN b jr 4 IDS IDSTrainer By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando OrlandoBreeder Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Breeder C Clar ClarSi 08753 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 5 103 7 6 Si 5 J Merimee 9 SheDeyil WalterDant ColMatt 08010 Tijuana 1 144 slow C 103 6 5 2k J Merimee 7 Poacher Tawasentha Anita K 8543 Tijuana 34 llomud 115 112 7 4 4 4s J Mcrjmee 9 Alazon Lone Pino Plow Steel 08383 Tijuana 1 l42fast 41 103 11 6 6GS315 71 1is w Martin 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon GS315 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 1110 113 6 2 2i28l 1 2 C Rails 13 Sholbyville Poacher View i28l Tijuana 5i I lOSsow 4 111 5 2 2G79GO 2J 3s C Rails S Sister Susie Coaichon Poacher G79GO Tijuana 34 llG4hvy 7f 107 3 6 6G79IG C1 71 O Kalis 9 LitFiorce HGeorge BRlackl G79IG Tijuana Im70y l43 mud 41 100 S S S S M Wood S Rajali Silk Sox Yermak JULY FLY b m 9 IDS IDSTrainer By Marchmont II Locust by Gorman GormanBreeder Trainer J J Sharkey Owner J J Sharkey Breeder J W Fuller 08794 Tijuana 5S S l027ifast 11 113 11 10 9T1 SJ AA Garganl2 PvatePcat Dclancey BWelch 08104 Tijuan i 51 f 103 fast fastOX 3310 113 5 5 8 = 1 7s W Garganll Ill Ward Van Welles Fdllope OX 123 Tijuani 34 l14 ifast 2710 111 1 15S 1 I1 I1 W Garganll Delaiiciy Virse Vcra Rita 08401 Tijuani 5S l01fast 12 116 3 4 41 3i W Gargan 9 Dark Apes Tabloid Melclioir 07802 Tijuana 51 f l07fcfast 21 113 5 51G 5 31 4i O Atwell 10 Lobelia Poacher Yukon 07721 Tijuana 34 l14V fast 1G 113 3 1 2l f O Atwell 10 Purl Horace Lerch It 67192 Tijuan v Im70y l47Hfast l47HfastRAFFERTY 20 110 6 3 51 3 i O Atwell 8 YernaK Walter Dant CtBorU RAFFERTY b ff 9 115 By Harridan Picaninny by Cesarion Trainer F Marmot Owaer F Marine t Breeder B A Jones 08730 Tijuana Tijuana0860S 1 l42 l42sfast sfast 33 10S 6 51 31 F Stevens 10 Ollie Wood Kirkwood Midian 0860S Tijuana 1 141 slow 30 113 7 7l S11 H Ionff 8 WalterUant DoubleVan I ariat 08588 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 10 113 5J 4 H Lonff 8 Doublo Van It Vcra Rita 08 I SI Tijuana I IOS3G1 61 f lOSfaat 42 112 9 SU 71 ii LionR 12 Conichon Miss Meolick Angelo OS3G1 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast SG 110 9 S C5S R Flynn 12 Amkassin Shclbvvle Mflowcr 08280 Tijuana I 51 f 109 slow C 103 103SJ 6 51 05i R Flynn S EycBrisht Iotibeive SliolbyIe 08222 Tijuana f SJ f lll = imud 16 113 11310 10 Ri fM 4 T Ilae 12 liaisv SthiiGcntlcninn Midian 08199 Tijuana J 51 f l10 mud 27 113 8 7 T Rae S Full Moon Cicely Kay Don Jose JoseCl 08020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 1SG 110 Cl 7fJ W Martin 7 Vltita Midian G Mtiohlebacli 1 G CORLEY br By Jack Atkin Eglantine by Martinet Trainer J T Johnson Owner J T Johaioi Breeder R Warfield 08731 Tijuana 31 T TVilson 11 THkridse Sirbyville PSlcel 08072 Tijuana ll41 ifast 4Gf 113 S 2 2 4 i T Wilson 8 Ilrecze Charley 15oy Theresa 08107 Tijuana 31 115 fast 16t 115 9 6 K Fator 9 HarRudder Oliie Wood Yukon 08122 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 23 113 S 7i E Fator 10 Amkassiii KmWilms IIRndr 083GI Tijuana 34 l14fast 21 113 12 10 91 lOl P Walls 12 Anikiissiu Slielbyvli Mllowcr 08085 Tijuana 5S l01fast 21 115 6 4 G1 GJ K Fator 8 Philanderer Pueblo QuinWard C7933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 10 113 6 7 5l 5s E Fator 11 Fdllope Philanderer FullMoon 115 By Withers Minyon Trainer C M Berry Owner P Fuller Bred by estate of J F Newman 08710 Tijuana 34 l14fast 12 115 699 = 10 J Merimecl2 OllicWood Dclancey E Williams 08520 Tijuana TijuanaC8381 1 l41vsfast 10 113 3 7 9 9 J Merimee J HarryRudder Col Matt Flame C8381 Tijuana 1 l43fast 5 113 4 1 Il 1J J Merimee S Jdliryan Dovesrst 8tIoman 8tIomanEl 083 11 Tijuana 5J f lOSsfast El 115 4 2 2 2 C Rails 12 NorHeld Merry IIFS CIcelyKay 08202 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 33 115 6 6 S S II Zander S Jack Ledi DrTubbs HazelDale 07799 Tijuana 51 f lOSlifast 31 110 3 3 21 2 C Rails 9 MarnZorrn Piuana JParmcr JParmcrlOf 07072 Tijuana 5S 102 fast lOf 112 4 5 5s 3s II Zander 11 Fondllope NebrLad Isphain 07510 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3110 10 112 C 3 3 Gl C Rails 11 Full Moon Klhis Red Man GEORGE MUEIILEBACH b E 7 110 110Trainer By McGee Stolen Moments by Hinrstes HinrstesHanale Trainer J Manale Owner J Hanale Breeder C W Moore 08753 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 100 00 108 3 3 7J 7 J G Rose 9 SheDcvil WaltcrDant ColMatt 08585 Tijuana 1 l421 l421ifast ifast 31 103 4 2 2l 3s F Stevens 10 Walter Dant Car Peace Flas FlasIS 08008 Tijuana 1 141 slow IS 10S S 8 G1 5 i E Pctzoldt 8 WalterDant DoubleVan Lsiriat LsiriatID 08437 Tijuana ImOy l45 fast ID WJndse9f 11310 9 10J 11 A Claver 13 NcbrLad HarRudiler WJndse 0838 Tijuana 1 l42fast 9f 108 4 7 51 5J G Rose 11 ColMatt Nebraskal Nebraskalid id Yukon 08129 Tijuana 1 18 l53 ifast 5 110 3 3 11 Il E Petzoldt 9 AI Wick JudsoDaviil Montona 08050 Tijuana 6 10J 3 4 3l 3 F Stevens 8 Itww It Inriat Olympiad 08020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 110 4 4 4s 3 = 1 W Pool 7 Vera Rita Midian Tom Roach 67 92 7 Tijuana Im70y l32hvy 17 113 677 = 7 = D Hurn 11 HorIcrcli NhSliuic Pltaguiict CICELY KAY b m 6 113 By Robert Kay Siss Loe by Oddfellow Trainer J L Crawford Owner R Parton Breedir W S P vns vnslOf 08072 Tijuana 1 l41fast lOf 10G 2 5 8 Sl L Armsts S 15n eze Cliarlcy Roy Theresa 08 1 4 Tijuana 51 f lCSV fast 27 108 3 5 5s 41 W Martin 12 Xorf itId Nixim Meiry I ss 08222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 5 111 1 5 4 = t 61 T Wilson 12 Itaisy StlinCcntleman Midian 08199 Tijuana 51 f l10 imud 31 113 3 3 2K 231 T Wilson S Full Moon Don Jose Caunzel 08051 Tijuana 51 f 114 hvy 8 113 1 4 4 41 T Wilson 11 CMaster O Homes d T Roach 07999 Tijuana 5S l03mud 15 114 2 3 2J 2 T Wilson 7 Careen Don Jose Velvet 07 J1 1 Tijuana 5S 104 mud 22 1H 3 2 2J 11 T Wilson 14 You But Car I Gentry EVALYN 1IARRIGAW ch m 7 113 By Harrisan Vancena by Batten Trainer W Leeds Owner W Leeds Breeder F C Marmet C8773 Tijuana llh mi p Serembal2 Charmt MidnMBell PrVnllenry 08710 Tijuana 34 l14fast Cf US S 6 61 7T T Wilson 12 OllieWood Delancey EWilliams 08072 Tijuana 1 l41fast 10J 111 4 7 fii 6 J Maben S Breeze Charley Boy Theresa TheresaTOy 08137 Tijuana ImTOy TOy l451ifast 9f 111 G 7 S 8 F Weiner 13 NibrIid HarKuddcr WJudse 08383 Tijuana 1 l4fast 9f 106 S S 3J 7 E OBrien 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon 08171 Tijuana 31 llShvy 53 115 2 6 7 7J H Long 12 Philander SIIedron Lewis B B70y 08019 Tijuana Im70y 70y l53mud 15 111 2 5 3 = i G1 C Rails 7 Lewis 1 Cabin Creek Rhymer 07997 Tijuana Im70y TOy RhymerTOy l531tmud 10 111 5 7 7J 7 = M Anclson 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benecia Benecia1S 07950 Tijuana 1 1S S 202 ihvy 7 110 4 3 4 = 1 4J R Flynn S 1onzi Ray Ixnvis B Railbird BAISY b m 5 5Trainer 113 By Reformation Hiss Roberts by General Roberts Robertsrgan Trainer V Gargan rgan Owner W Garcan Breeder G M Van Garden 08710 Tijuana 34 l14vifast l14vifast08GIO 50 116 10 10 101 S W Garanl2 OllieWocd Dclancoy EWilliams 08GIO Tijuana 1 144 slow slowf83Gl 19 113 G 7 6l 6 J W Garjjan 7 Poaiher TCraven Tawasentha f83Gl Tijuana 34 Ii4 lI4i l141ifast fast SO 113 9 11 II1 11 W Gargan 12 Amkassin SiiulMvv I MTow f8204 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 22 111 9 998 = S31 W Gargan 9 KmWiliiams Kimono JkUdi JkUdiG 08222 Tijuana 61 f lllmud C 111 S 8 6l IJ W Garganl2 SoiiGenfman Midian Rafferty 08105 Tijuana 1 l43rfist 9 111 2 7 31 3l W Gargan 9 DoiiJosc MissEmaG Figurafn 08021 Tijuana 34119 mud 5 114 4 a 45i W Gargan S DonIose Jackledi FickleFancy 07713 Tijuana 24 l14 fast 5 116 6 G 8 = J 7 J W Garsan 9 VanWellcs CabrCrk Poacher 07337 Tijuana 1 143 fast 11 lir 1 1RED 3 3 H W Garfjanll Ollie Wood Argento Trinket RED MAN ch g 9 115 115Trainer By Ate Frank Alma Gardls by Rancocas Trainer A White Owner K Vhite Sieeder J F Newman 08713 Tijuana 34 l14fast 8 108 2 3 41 4i R Flynn S PriPeat Siielliyve Syncopatn 08505 Tijuana 5i f 110 mud 13f 113 2 4 3 = 1 1 = 1 C Thpson 11 Joe Tax Nog Stanley 11 08204 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 9 110 S S 9 9U E Dugan 9 KmWiliiams Kimono Jklxai 08198 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 14 115 5 4 3s 1 = 1 C Thpson 7 Pueblo Rosa Atkin Midian MidianT3 07998 Tijuana Im70y 134 mud mudC7927 T3 115 7 6 4i 35 H Dugan S Pltascnct CabCrcek Railbird C7927 Tijuana Im70y l32hvy 12 115 3 4 4S 5 = C Thpson 11 HorLsrili NliShoro Pllasinu 07890 Tijuana 51 f l09 = imud imudC7800 31f 113 176 6JJ C Rails S Corncutler XShore EvoBnsht C7800 Tijuana 5i f 1OS fast 11 115 3 4 3 3 = P Martinez S Philauder Ella Waldo SU acres

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032001/drf1923032001_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1923032001_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800