Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-20


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA TUESDAY MARCH 20 20IVEATIIEIl IVEATIIEIl CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Bee in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on othar than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 Stipuriur mini runner X Gooil mini runner J Fair mini runner M Maidens iprentic nllcnvniice l llllnkerH llllnkerHFirst First Race 12 Mile MilePurse Purse 503 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Track record May 12 1910 47 2 123 123Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHanG8665 G8665 Virginia Holland 107 50 107 725 725G87091 G87091 Setlis Flower 107 507 110 720 72068791s 68791s Wiki Jack 113X715 113X715C870S C870S Odd Selh Ill MSii 115 711 68791 A Lester US 43 US 710 68665 Lady Xelma 110 49Hi 110 705 68791 Mollie U 107 700 700Halefull Halefull 115 Second Race 58 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upwaid Maidens MaidensClaiming Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 68712 Cedric 105 l03r l03fm 3 1C3725 68774 Scraps 108 103 3 KW720 686053 Contriot 115 103 5 III 715 68712 Ilutri1 4 111X715 68631 Dr Cunard 104 103 103G8712 5 111 710 G8712 Mae Scth 92 lOCm 3 101 710 60298 Regular Girl 1 3 105 705 GS170 Uopon Jr 4 111 705 68793 Silverton 4 108 700 GS482 Uunike 113 104 l041i l041iG5190 7 10S700 G5190 Skookum Maude Harvey 3 105 Tuttle Girl 7 113 Third Race 58 Mile Purse 600 3yearolds and upvard Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 637721 Tcnnilee 109 102 5 10S725 687105 Mr Kruter 113 l02Ji 7 10 720 67036 Gadling G 113X715 67615s Sweep Up II 113 101 3 8 113X715 68166 Josenia Ill 102 7 111X715 63711 Pokey Jane 110 102 i 111X710 63243 Ulack Prince 105 l04Mi 113X710 68710 Olive D 109 1013 10 100X705 68624 Napan 7 113 701 68379 llermoFa Negra 93 103 4 105 700 68339 blland Sweep 113 104 r 1 Oli x 7 00 68195 Sky Lmk M 112 l05ti 4 107 700 63773 Alice Richmond M 105 103 5 111 700 68585 bVeterau 7 1 10X700 Fourth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 4xearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 17 1916 135 3 05 68621 Joe Campbell 4 109 725 68731 WooWay 0 111 720 63752 bltelle Flower 92 144 5 111X71 63751 Trinket 10S 144 S 113 710 68GS2 Meteor 110 145 4 109 710 68730 Clearfield 113 147 s 113 705 63729 bMlKs Frauland 10G l45 i 4 107X700 107X70010G 68731 Malzavena M 10G 144 4 107 700 Fifth Race 34 Mile Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 68710 Stylish Miss 110116 3 98 7 ° 5 68716 Carl Roberts 110 113 11368793J 10 115X720 iG8730 68793J Virge Ill l14 = i 9 113X715 G8730 bMidian 103 113 G 113i7ii 68753 Tom Craven 93 113 4 10S715 68794 July Fly 110 114 9 10SX715 68730 bRaf forty 115114 68731 bF G Corley 113 114 7 115X710 68716 Nizam 114 ll i G 115X710 68753 bGeorge Muehlebachl09 114 7 110X705 68672 Cicely Kay 9S 114 = 5 G 11 3X705 63716 Kvalyn IInriganl04 114 7 113X700 C871G Baisy 104 110 5 113X700 68713 bRed Man 109 114 114Sixth 9 115X700 FurlongsPur Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs Pur c 1000 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Claiming Track record Feb 25 1923 105 S 122 63488 Coca Cola 110 100 100C37765 T 105X725 C37765 Coffield Ill 100 7 109 720 68777 Jack Bauer 04 lOf VS 3 9S7K 03777 bBrilliant Ray 104 106 4 112X715 68777 Joella J 101 l0 i = f 3 99X710 68673 Hazel Dale 110 1OG 10 100X700 100X700Claiming Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Purse 700 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Claiming Track record March 27 1921 152 5 117 63797 bJohnny Dundee 4 102X725 68797 bKair Orient OrientG88095 110 152 10 111X720 G88095 blilack Thong 107 15 7 103X715 68732 bMannikin II 113 155 G 100X710 63736 Yukon G 112X705 68797 bltoisterer C 111X703 Eighth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 11 1923 144 3 11 5 5C8715 C8715 POWKR 3 92X725 92X725CS715 CS715 Frank Fogarty 110 147 5 114X715 114X715G873G G873G Ulack Ketty 99jl45 4 10U710 68797 Woodie Montgom Montgomerr err 1015 147 10 107X710 68796 lSiindial II 107140 7 109 705 705CS715 CS715 Pill Head Ill 140 7 114x705 68689 ISlossom House 104 147 4 10SX 0J 0JNinth Ninth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 1910 111 3 110 6S7742 Kl Iloblc 109 114 68684 Col Snider 112 114 G8651 bMay Maulsby 101 113 68733 No Wonder 113 114 G8588J bit 1M5 114 C87945 Dclancey 114 113 63716 Emma Williams WilliamsC8G85 103 114 C8G85 Nonsuit 110 114 6S794 Fond Hope 110 115 6S565 Kimono 97 114 GS5GO Pokey IS 10G 113 68793 bCubi 94 114 6S7931 Nog 111 114K OS754 bLewis U 115 114

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032001/drf1923032001_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032001_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800