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Monthly Form Book FOR FEBRUARY THE THEMONTHT Yj7j MONTHT Y j7j sj v j n nj ± j j jFORM ROOfCJ FORM ROOfC J PJJrJ MJ Jr J JjL jL jLissued issued on the first day of each month with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America now carries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training with firsts seconds thirds and track conditions desig ¬ nated By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the Monthly Form Book to instantly determine a horses abil ¬ ity to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired as shown in the following examples CALCUTTA ch c 3 by Colin Jamma by Delhi G R Allen X XJGS133H1 PG78h T 0 C75S4 = G7S17h G7901 JGS133H1 nGS191h TCS20G TCS20GFULL FULL MOON blk m 5 by Dick Finn ell Caller Ou by Odd ¬ fellow j McGinn X XlB7S33 e57iills KG7 40 ci7C3fl R57679S SG7S05 lB7S33 = G7933 h G7957h sUSOOOh JGSOS7 bGSlolm v v4i ° 4i li liBEST BEST PAL br h 6 by Helmet Padula by Laveno S N Holman ° 674Slh C76J7 G7774 G7901 aG70Gr PGS2SS PGS2SSMIDIAN MIDIAN b h G by Meridian Ve = eti Strome by Ben Strome J Pice fi74ril Ifi773 = 67G17 CG7G73 07802 IG7S9m 07802IG7S9m cn7 ° 31i tOSOOOm JGS020 = m bGS033h GS222 m cGSLMlh cGSLMlhN N K EEAL ch h 9 by Glorifier Puritan Girl by Yankee H T Palmer PalmerJ0774S J0774S jG79irm 679Slm ° G7997m ° GS011h 1081 9 GSlSGMi CS304 1GS3415 1GS3415QUECREEK QUECREEK b e 5 by Huon Jessie Woodson by Scorpion Summit Stable StableJGS079 JGS079 ° GS2o5 j6S272 ° GS311 JGS3541 ROISTERER ch 6 by Ethelbert Roranna by Rock SandC E Groves Grovesl7G7G3 X Xri J 17622 l7G7G3 577282 P 7SOS 16789nii 16789niiPGSOSS ri 7U30h ° 680i91i PGSOSS JGS12S 1GS303 ° GS31S 1GS3453 G8405 PGS4GS EDWARD GRAY blk c 3 by Von Tromp Bonsetta by Ma Masetto setto AV Daniel G7GS1 G7SS1 t TUSG GSiOI2 PG83233 SUN BRAE ch E 5 by Sund ridge Sweet Briar II by St Frusquin FrusquinJG74G8 W A McKinney JG74G8 JG74G8JG7934 G7C3r1 i G7795 JG7934 i CS234 Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the condition of the track is shown by the designa tions following the indax numbers as fellows s for slow sy for sloppy in for muddy and h for heavj When not otherwise designated fast or good track con ¬ ditions prevail S indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle races Fair mud runner X Good inud runner Superior mud runner Imported t Disqualified DisqualifiedIndex Index figures in italic face type EC25i h indicate stake race raceBefore Before esch race number in the index below an alphabetical sign is prefixed prefixedwhich which shows the distance at which the race so numbered has been run The key to these distances is given below 14 4 and 38 Mile A 1 Mile N 3 12 Furlongs B From 1 Mile 20 Yards to 1 Mile 12 2 Mile D 100 Yards O 4 12 Furlongs F 1 116 Miles P Pi8 58 i8 Mile G 1 18 Miles Q Qi 5 i 12 Furlongs H 1 316 1 14 and 1 516 Miles I 54 Mile J 1 12 and 1 38 Miles S 6 12 Furlongs 1 58 and 1 34 Miles 78 Mile 2 to 3 Miles 7 12 Furlongs 3 to 4 Miles In addition to the complete charts of all races run on North American tracks during1 the month comprehensively and correctly indexed the February book contains the following followingNEW NEW FEATURES FEATURESCalendar Calendar Table of March Racing Dates Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1 1923 Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1 1923 Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1 1923 Track Records for All Distances liie Price Remains Unchanged 109 109Single Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration Not responsible for books sent by mail without registration registrationDAILY DAILY RACING fORM PUBLISHING CO 441 Plymouth Court Chicago 111 157159 East Thirtysecond Street New York N Y 74 Exchange Street Buffalo N Y