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YOU CANT BLAME IOWA LEXINGTON Ky March 2t A bank in Iowa sent to the Fayette National Bank in this city a draft for 750 with the statement that one of its patrons desired to be pur ¬ chased for his account any one or more of the horscs numbered 10 11 12 and IS in the II H Hewitt sale No 10 was Grass Maid for which 11 F Coppage paid 2500 No 11 was Kindred knocked down to Danny Stewart for the account of E J AVall of Chicago for 2500 No 12 was Lucky Hun fur which H F Coppagf paid 2100 and No 15 was Metric which Mose Goldblatt got after very spirited bidding for 8 COO That 750 wvnt back to Iowa