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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 84 Kntorptl ns secondclass matter April 2 ISOfl at tin Hostoffice at Chicago Illinois under Act of March 3 1S79 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO COtil til PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 157159 EAST 52nd ST NEW YORK CITY N Y 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO N Y W J McMURRAY Publisher and General Manager Daily Durins Winter Months Monthsnilly nilly Kxropt Monday Italancc of the Year YearA A 1iiily Kcflection of the American Turf by Telegraph srnscKirTiON itv FIRSTCLASS MAIL MAILMay May to November inclusive 400 per month monthIccembcr Iccembcr to April inclusive 500 per month monthIAVAllLK IAVAllLK IN ADVANCE HACK NIMrEKS HY MAIL 13 CKNTS EACH TKIKIMIONK 20S7 IIAllKISON For business ami circulation purposes only This telephone mg no connection with the news nr editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate vilh them To he considered and answered all queries to Paily Kirii Form must he sent over the full name and with ° e addrss of writer The names uiil addresses arc subject to a local and foreign diroctorj test 67415 is first index of 1923