Bowie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-05


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i : I 1 1 I I , Bowie Form Chart BOWIE. MD.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4. 1923. Trincc George Park 1 mile. Third day. Southern Maryland Agricultural and F;iir Association. Spring Meeting of IS days. Weather clear. Stewards. George Brown. Jr.. Baker Waters and Herman Conkling. Judges. J. II. Anderson. G. T. Miller and E. Tribe. Starter. Marshall Cassidy. Baling Secretary. Joseph Mclennan. Racing starts at 2:15 p. ro. Chicago time 1:15 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following tl:e distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. £2Q/tRf5 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 4. 1921— 48%— 2— 114. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Dt/VUU Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % - % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kkjuiv. Odds Strt HTHA J. BlJA w 105 3 2 2 » l2 1 * A Abel E K Bryson YM 100 69033* VANITY BAG v 103 7 4 3* 31 2J G Mein P Powers 276.", «0 68*265 JlLIA M. w HI CO 41 4* 33 J Dennison F Foley 7...V. 1h 69033 STAR TDO.EI, w 113 11 I1 ?i 4- H Lunsfd Audley Farm Stable H -100 FLEET PRINCESS w 102 5 3 6l 6! a1 H Stmts Kenton Stable 610-100 68510*GOLI MARK w 110 2 7 7= 6s « ■ Martz G Peterson 5420-100 MARY AGNES wb 112 4 8 8 72 7l ■ Parke S L Burch H4; 170 VENUS w 11| 8 6 6: 9J 81 C Lang J A Buchanan |MMM CONNIE M. w 107 10 9 S3 S; 9* S Mcl.ane K Smart 1 68*81 CLEVER SETH w 110 9 10 10 10 10 G Fields B A Jones _ 471i-10O t Coupled in betting as J. A. Buchanan and K. Smart entry. Time. 49. Track fast. mntuels paid. A. J. Buja. .00 straight. .40 place. .50 show; Vanity Bag. 9 30 place. .00 show: Julia M.. 2.20 show. Equivalent booking odds A. J. Bnja. 130 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 25 to 100 »how : Vanity Bag. ?*65 tn 100 place. 3S0 to 100 show: Jnlij M.. 1010 to 100 show. Winner— B. c. by Vulcain — Personal, by Kinley Mack Uraiued by G. R. Bryson: bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 2:15. At post 2 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. A. J. BlJA. off forwardly. followed in close pursuit of the leader to the stretch turn, frcm where he meed into the lead, but was under hard riding to maintain his advantage to the end. AITY BAG, close up from the start, finished with a belated rush and would have won in a few more strides. JULIA M. steadily improved her position and was running gamely at the end. STAK CfTPGBL set tie- e.irly pace and showed speed for three-eighths before tiring. FLEET PRINCESS grem. but snowed s| eed. Ac last three ;;t the start began very slowly. Overweights — Vanity Bag, 1 pound: Star Cudgel, 1: Goldmark, 5: Venus. 3/S- gmfkKZr? SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. 1917—1:19—4—112. Purse ,200. Ocf vfO * 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiuiv. Odds Strt f.9035*POOR SPORT wu IH 1 2 3" 4s 2 Q H Shiliick J R Skinker 2SC-100 60618 WATER GIRL wallO 6 1 2J 2 33 2"* C Lang J H Stotler 9..-HK •MM* FELICITOUS wb 110 2 6 l1 l4 1» 3; E SnVwod C P Winfrey 41.-100 68779*BELPHRIZONIA WB 112 I 3 4° 3" 4 41 W Pool A Swenke 225-!00 68782* LADY MYRA w 111 4 4 V 5s Is 515 G Mein | Louis 4.0-100 C8593*BrDDCGIE wis 104 3 5 6 6 6 6 A Abel J Arthur 7715-100 PROTOCOL w 1C9 7 7 Pulled up. S McLane S Rosa K45-100 Time. 24. 48 4. 1:14«5. 1:2145. Track fast. mntuels paid. Teor Sport, .00 sUaight. .70 place. .50 show: Water Girl, .50 place, .20 siiow: Felicitous. .70 slniw. Equivalent booking odds— Poor Sport. 2M to 100 straight. 135 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Water Girl. 325 to 100 place. 160 to 100 show: Felicitous. 135 to 100 show. Winner — It. g. by Delhi— Play Fair, by Fair Play trained by W. A. Burttsehell; bred by Messrs. J. I. Carr and Bro. Went to post at 2:46. At post 3 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BOOK SPORT, hard ridden to keep up in the early running, saved ground when entering th* stretch and. finishing gamely, took the lead and. oiitfinishing WATER GIRL, won drawing clear. The latter raced in nearest pursuit of the leader in the early running, but came wide when entering the stretch and b st ground, then closed up gamely :ind was pressing the leader hard at the end. FBLI- criXHS dwelt at the start, but set a fast pace for the first five-eighths and tired badly in the stretch drive. BKLIH RIZON1A was a forward contender for a half mile and had no mishaps. LADY MYRA raced poorly. PROTOCOL was caught in the webbing at the start and was practically left. Overweights — Water Girl, 2 pounds. QQarT V THIRD RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21. 1916— 1:26%— 4— 116. Purse ,200. 4-yeai-»lds OlJvF*3o «u:d upward. Clr-ming. Net value to winner 00; second. C0: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U M 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 66868-MIZAR wn 4 103 5 4 21 3 V -- 1= G Mein J M Collins 9»O-100 «6833*Z 1"AVE w B 9 105 2 t 1* 1 I" l1 2- H Shiliick M Hackett Mt-M •MM**C. J. IR GMI1J-: wr 6 110 7 8 4 2» 3 S- 3" E Smwod M ■ Matthews 13T.-100 668I9*LAD S 1XVE w IE I I t P 5J 4J 4- H Stutts W J Kramer 13,0 100 08739 *LCCY KATE w 5 105 6 9 9 9 9 6: 5 S Mclane R J Miles 1065 100 ,0882 DR. C. WELLES w B I 110 4 7 3h 4= 4J 8s 6 D Stirling W J Murray 2585 100 68701 TINGLING w 5 112 8 2 7J 6J 6- 73 T* C Lang E K Boson Eft-Mi 68739*D1ANA w 0 103i 1 6 5 7- " 5 8« A Roach M J Rei.l 3730 100 08763KlRTLi: wb 4 M t a $• V* *» I 9 R Costello ■ C Steiner 11405-MO Time. 2425, 4.8%. 1:14*5. 1:28%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Mizar. 1.00 straight. 0.40 place. 10 show. Zouave. 4. SO place, 70 show; Charles .1. Craigmile. .60 show. K |Uiv:ilent booking odds Mizar. J150 to 100 straight. 420 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show: Zonave, 040 to 100 place. 1*5 to 100 show: Charles J. Craigmile. M to 100 show. Winner--B. c. by Dick Welles— Milky Way, by Star Shoot trained by J. Beamish; bred b Mr. Jerome It. Respessl. Went to post at 3:10. At post 2 uiiuutes. Start good and slow. Won ea i!j; second aa«l third driv« inc. MTZAR. prominent from the start, passed ZOTAVE after ■ mild drive through tlie stretch and was going away at the finish. ZOlAAE slowed his usual speed in the early running and. setting a good pnec. had :n mishaps. CHARLES J. CHAU.Mll.K legmi a trifle slowly anil immediately raced into a forward position, hut tired in the last eighth when tailed on for a final effort. I ADS LOT! could never improve his position. LUCY KATK lacked early speed, Lut closed a big gap in the final quarter. TINGLING ran I had race. Serat. -hod MM John Morrill. Hi; CT773 Hoboy Baker, 110; 09042 Miracle Man, 103. Overweights Diana. 3.. pounds. £»Q/;rQ FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21. 1916— 1:26%— 4— 11C. Purse ,200. 4 -year-olds 0?j"i3lL/ ard upward. Claiming. Net value to wiener 00; second, 00; third, 00. j | ! Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt j 66814 FOREST QCEEN w 4 104 7 1 24 24 ll 14 1« B Romelli J M Hubbel ;640-100 68493ST nilNAKl wk 5 107 8 3 4= 3= 3 2 24 G M. in H Acker 215-100 Milt *JOSH KRANT w 4 10T 1 4 34 4» 4 3s 34 H Shillick H P Gardner 4405-100 69034 DAY l.U.l.Y w ~ 105 2 6 7s 54 5» 4J 4s W Tool J P Phillips 265 101 687591 nil.MTK MAN wtillO 5 2 1* l| 2l 51 5s R Costello A Swenke 390-100 08701 I "MAY ROBERTS w 6 107 3 5 54 64 6= 6s 6 S Hd4M AV Newman 435-100 68759*DE1.HI MAID wb 4 102 4 8 64 74 7» 7* 7* H StutUs W J Kramer 2615 100 67793DIYKUSITY wb 4 99 6 7 8 8 S 8 8 E Beach AV H Chambers 14950-100 Disqualified for foul and placed last. Time. 24%, 48%. 1:14%. 1:28%. Track fast. mutuols paid. Forest Queen. 14 SO straight, 2.50 place. . 30 show; St. Donard. .40 place. 90 show: Day Ully. .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds — Forest Queen, 5040 to 100 straight. 102." o 100 place, 205 to 100 show; St. Donard. 120 lo 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Day Ully. 30 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Then. Cook— Kings Oak. by King James trained by J. M. Hubbel, bred by Mr. William Garth. Went to post at 340. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. NOR QCEEN raced under slight restraint until on the last turn, where she came wide, but rushed into the lead and drew away in the final eighth and won eased up. ST. DONARD had a clear course fur tl ntire rate aud finished gumcly. JOSEPH KRANT moved up rapidly on the stretch turn on the outside of the leaders, but swerved in and interfered with DAY EH.I.Y. for which he was disqualified. DAY LILLY was outpaced for a half mile, but slipped through next to the rail when entering the stretch and finished gamely, but met with repeated interference and was compelled to pull up in the last strides. MINlTE MAN set a fast early pace, but tired badly after passing the eighth post. MAY ROBERTS ran poorly and can do much better. Scratched 6»034 Helen Atkin. 107: ti90343Rnnnyol. 108; 69034 Joaquina, 105; 68115 Citation, 98. Overweights Forest Queen, 1 pound; Delhi Maid. 2: Diversity. 1. fiQnf%A FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10, 1919— 1:45%— 4— 107. Bennine; Purse. Ut/vOU Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second. 50; third. 25; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt A k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88156-COPPKR PmHrTI wb 5 114 1 1 3» 3* 1* 1* 1 = E Smllwd H Etchison 150-100 69037 Top SERGEANT wb 5 105 5 4 1= 14 2» 2* 21 G Mein G E Hall 1205-100 69037 RAMA wb 5 110 3 3 44 44 3* 3= 34 R Romelli C A Coyle 1000-100 66859 ROCLEAC wb 6 117 6 6 6 6 54 5» 41 E Scobie Audley Farm Stable 1200-100 67591 i MASTER HAND wu 4 109 2 2 2J 2and 4" 4» 5" J Brunner W R Coe 215-100 69037 SAD I.E A. EOOTSwn 4 108 4 3 54 54 6 6 6 J McCoy L Liobling 955-100 Time. 24*,;. 49%. 1:13*4. 1:42*4. 1:47*4. Track fast. mutnels paid. Copper Drmop. .00 straight, .10 place, .00 show; Top Sergeant. .10 place. .20 show; Rama. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Copper Demon, 150 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Top Sergeant. 205 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Rama. 70 to 100 show. Winner — B. h. by Ormondale- Lady Bedford, by Ogden trained by 0. B. Akers; bred by Mr. John E. Madden! Went to post at 114. At post 1 ■*— tc. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. COPPER DEMON followed the leaders under restraint until rounding the far turn, then moved up qnlokly when called on and. after ■ mild drive, passed TOP SERGEANT in the final eighth and won essing up. TOP SERGEANT fop-cd wide on the first turn, but raced into the lead and. setting a good pace. resjK.nded gamely when challenged, but could not keep pace with the winner. RAMA came MM in the final quarter. ROll.EAC saved ground on the turns, but ran as if not ready. MASTER HAND saved ground "ti the first turn and took the lead briefly, but tired badly when called on in the stretch. SARDI I AND ISOOTS tried to run out ou the first turn and lost much ground. Overweights Master Hand, 1 pound. OQAP-1 SIXTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Nov. 24, 1921—2:04—3—109. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds OJvFO JL and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt1; % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69038RRAAO wb 4 107 G 4 14 Is ll 1* 1* S MeLane W V Casey 2950-100 69039 • •NATURAE, w 5 102 3 2 5» 3* 3 2* 2* H Shillick J J Lyons 510-100 69038 ETTA HE wb I 110 S 6 2* 5» 24 3 3» E Marts R Iewis 555-100 69038*. ATTORNEY MlIR w 8 107 2 7 7» 7* 6= 5" 41 A Abel Q C Milton 1390-100 69038SAGAMOOK wb 5 107 4 5 6* 2* 5" 4= 54 G Mein J A Coburn 155-100 69039 KING TROJAN WB7 112 1 1 3 4 4" 7* 7= 65 C Lang C Morton 820-100 68250DR. RAE wb 7 110 7 S 8 8 8 8 75 M Schwtz B E Chapman 1180-100 ■MM* STANLEY w .". 112 5 3 41 6* 44 6A 8 ] Wallace V T Miller 1425-100 Time. 26. 52%, 1:18%. 1:46%. 2:06. Track fast. mutnels paid. Bravo. 1.00 straight, 0 20 place, 2.20 show; Natural, 90 place, .00 show; Etta he. 20 show. Equivalent hooking odds — Bravo. 2950 to 100 straight. 910 to 100 place, 510 to 100 show; Natural, 195 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Ettahe. 110 to 100 show. Winner ch. c, by Ballot — Tardy, by Ixird Esterling trained by W. V. Casey; bred by Mr. J. H. Morris I. AVer.t to pest at 4:46. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third driving. RE.AAO tot k the lead quickly and. setting a good pa--e, won all the way and outfinished NATURAL. The latter raced under slight restraint until entering the stretch, then closed up gamely to the final twenty yards, where she tired. ETTAHE began slowly and was forced to race wide all the way and tired, tart held the others safe at the end. ATTORNEY MlIR finished well. SAGAMOOK had no mishaps STANLEY quit badly in the final quarter. Scratched MMPtai assidy. 107. Overweights Ettahe. 3 pounds; Dr. Rae, 3. £JCitf"|f2 0 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile ard 70 Yards. April 10. 1919—1:45% 4 107. Purse ,200. Jcr"vJ 3-year-olds and upwandid. Claiming. Net value to wianer 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69039WHO CARES w 6 104 3 1 1 1* 1» 1= 1» A Abel F Farrar 210-100 69038 ASHLAND wr 4 110 6 4 2 2l 2* 2= 2 E Smwod J Brown 7-JO-100 69038 ST GERMAIN w G 110 5 6 54 4* 3* 34 34 H Stutts V Holman 2G5-100 MMSTffl" .MENDER w 4 101 7 3 44 5=4 ",* 4 4* H Shillick J Nechamkin 835-100 69034*KK7.1AH wb 10 95 2 2 34 31 4» 54 54 R Costello W A Gassor 3495-100 69039 SCOTT" H CHIEF w 5 110 1 7 G4 6= 6= 6: 64 G Babin C A Applegate 3530-100 69046AIASTIC wn 4 Ki3 4377777 t; Mein S Louis 475-100 Time. 26%. 52%. 1:16%, 1:45%, 1:50%. Track fast. . mntucls paid. Who Cares, .20 straight. .20 place. .90 show; Ashland, .30 place. .60 show; St tlermain. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds- Who Cares. 210 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Ashland, 240 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; St. Oermain. 35 to 100 show. Winner — Br. g. by Wrack — Lizzie H., by Eolus trained by F. Farrar; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock Went to post at 5:12. At post 1 minute. Start gocd and slow. Won easily: second and third driv Jug. WHO CARES took the lead at once and, setting a good pa -e, easily won all the way. ASHLAND 1 meed in nearest pursuit of the winner throughout and made a game fini.-h. but tired in the final eighth. KT. GERMAIN rao-d next to the rail in the early tunning, but was brought wide into the stretch and I lost ground. THE CIOCKMENDER was ridden wide en the turns and not persevered with when beaten. KE7.IAH showed speed for three-quarters. MYSTIC was never prominent and can do much better wheu 1 fit to race. Scratched 68742 Buxom, 105; 69038 Scotch Verdict. 105. Overweights Who Cares. 1 pound. The Cloekmender, 1; Mystic. 3.

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