Claiming Rule Changes: Recommended by Special Committee of Jockey Club, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-05


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CLAIMING RULE CHANGES ■ ♦— . Recommended by Special Committee of Jockey Club. ♦ Selling Race Retained, bnt Beaten Horses Are Liable to Claim by Anyone at Entered Price — Other Important Revisions. « , NEW YORK. N. Y.. April 4.— The special committee of the Jockey Club, composed of H. K. Knapp. Joseph E. Widener, A. H. Morris and J. E. Davis, delegated to draft changes in the selling race rules, has completed its work and the result of its labors is now in the hands of the stewards of the Jockey Club. In accordance with the law creating the State Racing Commission the proposed rules must be submitted for the approval of that body, after which they will become a part of the regulations of the Jockey Club. As in the past there will be both selling and claiming races. In the former the winner will be offered at auction and the surplus bids shall as formerly be added to the race fund for distribution to horsemen. In selling races the beaten horses shall be liable to claim by anyone except the owner for the entered price. Horses claimed out of a selling race shall not be eligible to race in the name or interest of the former owner for sixty days. CLAIMING RACE RULES. In claiming races every horse may be claimed by anyone except its owner for its entered price. The claims must be filed by post time and the horse so claimed shall become the property of the claimant whether he comes out of the race sound or unsound, alive or dead. A3 in selling races horses claimed shall not be allowed to race in the name or interest of the former owner for sixty days after the date of claim. Where more than one claim is filed the ownership of the horse shall be determined by lot in the presence of the steward. Rule 11:; has been changed so that an individual in the forfeit list shall not have the right to claim any horse. There are other minor changes recommended, but the following are material and should go a long way toward correcting abuses which have caused dissatisfaction in connection with selling races for some time. RULE OX SELLING RACES. Rule 171. Every horse except the winner may be claimed by anyone except its owner or any person acting in his interest for its entered price, and if more than one person should enter claim for the same horse the disposition of the horse shall be decided by lot in the presencee of one of the stewards. Any horse so claimed shall not be eligible to start in any race in the name or interest of the former owner for sixty racing days after date of claim, nor, unless repurchased, shall it remain under the management of the former owner or trainer for a like period. Rule 175. Every horse may be claimed by anyone except its owner for its entered price. Rule 176A. Every claim must be in writing and filed with the secretary or clerk of the course accompanied by the amount of the claim, in cash, unless guaranteed by the association, by post time and shall be deposited in a locked box provided for purpose. If more than one person should enter a claim for the same horse the disposition of the horse shall be decided by h t in the presence of one of the stewards, and the person so determined to have the right of claim become the owner of the horse whether it be alive or dead, sound or un- ; sound. Any horse so claimed shall not be 1 eligible to start in any race in the name or interest of the former owner for sixty racing days after the date of claim, nor shall it, unless repurchased, remain under the management of the former owner or trainer for a like period. 176B. The secretary shall not open the bids Mr inform an owner that a claim has been made until after the race is run. 177A. No person shall claim more than ; one horse. 177B. Each horse shall run for the account of the person in whose name it starts. , 178. When a claim has been lodged with , the secretary or clerk of the course it is , irrevocable, and is at the risk of the claimant. 1 18"». Any person who shall attempt to prevent another person from bidding on the 1 winner of a selling 1 ace or from claiming any horse in such race or in a claiming race, or any owners running in selling or claiming races who may make an agreement for the protection or claiming of each others horses, may be fined or suspended by the stewards or ruled off by the stewards of the Jockey Club. -— ■ ■ «

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