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A Entries and Past Performances ™ m HAVRE DE GRACE MONDAY, APRIL 16 Fj at at WEATHEIl CLOUDY: TRACK HEAVY. 6* 681 6! The figures under the heading *Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where iccord was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. = J Raring starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior niml runner. X Good mini runner. $: Fair mud runner. M Muideus. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 1-2 Mile. Torse ,241.8::. 2-year olds. Maidens. Colts and ! Geldings. Special Weights. Track record: April 29, 1918 — 17—2—112. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. Uproar 116 Modest 116 Broonifiold 116 Star Cloudy 116 Neptune 116 Runchicf 116 69071 Juiiiliuni 113 :51% 116.. 700 Fair Break 116 Colonel West 116 Uncertain 116 Beau Nash 116 Mm Hill ii6 l»r. Mayer 116 Chief Clerk 116 Donaghec 116 Irish Bachelor .... 116 Sligo 116 Impossible 116 Bramton 116 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Turse J1.211.S2. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 27, 1919 1:11— 3— 128. 66877 Candy 113 1:16% 5 10S..725 68642 »Acovta 109 1:13% 4 10SX720 68208 Paul Micou 109 1:13% 4 108.-; 719 68916 1url 112 1:121s 6 113. .71.". 69189* Feodor 109 1:14 6 10SX715 68430 Perhaps 106 1:11% 5 113X715 67944 btopy right 117 1:13,5 6 108x71.". 69210 Sultan US 1:14--, 3 108x71:. 66875 LStar Realm Ill 1:15% 7 108*715 68925 •Medusa 102 1:14-, 8 103X710 66877 Venal Joy 112 1:14% 6 108. .710 69214 Lads Ix ve 108 1:12% 7 103X710 63887 Staunch 10". 1:14 5. .98X710 68327 Pietrus 112 1:13 4 10S. .710 69210 l.IIobcy Raker 118 1:13 6 118X70". 69166 •bSatana 110 l:13«f, 6 103X70.". 69087 bJosephine C 9.". 1:14% 3 90X70". 69191 Ticacey 100 1:1.".% 7 108X700 66787 Rodanzky Mi 1:18 5 103X700 69058 *bDiana 106 1:11% 6 97*701/ Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tiptop Purse. Purse ,241.8:;. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: April 16, 1921—1:05,-3 — 108. 66622 Lilt 112 1:00% 107X7.".0 67402 Marionette 109 1:06% 103 74.", 66878 Fly by Kay 112 l:09h 107X745 66353 Golden Rule 113 1:06% 106. .745 6! 65817 Lady Boss 115 1:07 107X740 6 63062 Runference 119.. 740 6 67591* bBIuc Hawk 115 1:08 1080740 ,• 66815 Heeltaps 110 1:06 107x740 ft 66871= Forest Pore 117 1:06% 106.7:;". g 64366 Autumn Bells 106x735 69131 Soggarth Aroou ...10R1:08% 108x735 P 66851 bDaniel 107 1:06% 112x730 65440 Mark Twain 115 1:07 106.. 730 • 66835 Ethel Clayton 103 1:07% 103X725 61 69105 Resting Time 103 1:07% 103.. 725 61 C Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 6 Eleventh Running- Harford Handicap. ,000 Added. ; 3-year-olds and upward. 6 Track record: Sept. 27, 1919— 1:11%— 3—128 6 66718* EXTERMINATOR 133 1:13% 8 1320850 6 65872 Carmandale 118 1:10% 6 111x840 _ * 66691s Hildur 124 1:11% 6 111x840 66817 Careful 106 1:11% 6 115X840 66803 Kioto 109 1:12% 6 95x840 ■ 63239 bladv Baltimore ...110 1:12% 4 109x840 J 66649 bChamplain 115 1:11% 4 110X835 ■ 68369 bCentimeter 117 1:11% 6 107x835 ■ 691683 Rrookholt 112 1:11% 6 105X83.". ■ 69104- bBroomster 108 1:12% 4 110.835 ■ 66880 Blazes 105 1 :11% 6 104 X 835 « 65720 Southern Cross ...116 1:12% 4 112X830 * 68168* New Hampshire ...1101:14 8 101x830 ■ 69169 Rockminister 1211:12% 4 116XS25 P 66851 bDaniel 114 1:13 3 97x820 66677* bDinna Care 122 1:11% 6 110.800 6: 65306 Rubien 98 1:13 5 100. .800 6 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. c Chester Purse. g Purse ,541.82 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances, p, Track record: Sept. 25, 1915—1:42% — 4— 119 6 66866 bDexterous 4 105X750 6 68533 Irish Kiss Ill 1:42% 8 114x745 6 69170 lPrmis Kemble ..106 1:45% 4 110X74", C 69105* Kulalia 104 1:50s 3 93x745 66880 Paul Jones 110 1:45% 6 1140740 C 69212=" l.Tippity Witchet ..119 1:44% 8 1160740 6 69212 I. Biff Bang 107 1:44 6 104x735 6 66830- bPreani of Allah ..103 1:49% 4 97x735 6 69170= bRou lea u 105 1:42% 6 114x725 6 6 Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 6 Purse ,241.82. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. g Track record: Sept. 27, 1919-1:50—5—126. a 6 69141 bMountain Rose II. 102 1:54% 10 114:725 69193= Tingling 106 1 :58%s 5 109X720 S 69134 Day Lilly 95 1:59% 6 104X715 69171 *l Tuisa 1011:54 6 100*715 6 69154 bAttorney Muir ...106 1:54% 8 109X715 6 69141= bEttahe 117 1:55 8 114x710 C 69171 Little Ammie 99 1:55 4 106x710 6 69157:»bMoody 110 1:53% 6 111x705 • 68921 Bounce 113 1:55% 4 109x700 6 6 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. g Turse ,241.82. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming, g Track record: Sept. 27, 1919—1:50 — 5 — 126. g 69191 = *bSuper Ill 1 :56%s 6 104X725 69172 bltravo 107 1:56% 4 109x720 6 68250 •Johnny Overton ..105 1:52% 6 104X715 6 68722 bBolster 102 1:54 8 109X715 6 69155* Serbian 103 1:54% 7 109X715 6 69013 bArdito 6 104x710 6 69215 bAustral 1111:53% 8 109x710 . 69171 •bScrvice Star 115 1:57m 6 104x710 6 68555 •bKeltoi 103 1:58% 4 99x700 6 | 69172 bJoaquina 105 1:53 6 107x700 K