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7th RAPF ,-S i11*"- 4-year-old» and upward. Claiming. Sept. VL~ , 111! SUPER, b. g. 6 104 By Superman— Sister Jeanie, by Midlothian. i Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner. G. W. Foreman. Breeder. J. A. Buchanan. ] 69191 Bowie lm70y 1:50 slop 3 5 103 8 2 2* 2 0 Mein S Mira.le Man, Maize. Tieacey 69153 Howie 6J f 1 :21 fast 9 5 107 7 2 2J 21 G Mein 7 Forest Queen. Mom. King John 69075 Howie GJ f 1 :22r»salop 15 " Wi. 7 4 5» OJ I Ltnni-on 7 Spugs. Biff Bang. Camouflage 69042 Howie 6J f 1 :22fast 8 114 9 6 5J ::« J Dennison 9 T.leruvn, Camflage. Hillhou.-e 66881 Howie 1 1-16 1 :51?tfast 27-10 888 5 8 8 10" M SchwtzlO Doughnut. War Mask. Iluckv 66859 Howie 1 1 16 1 :49Vsfast 40 106 7 7 7 7" H Thomas It » Homme. JolmPJones. K Albt 66844 Bowie 1 1-16 l:515tfast 7 106 6 1 1» 3=J H Thomas 7 All Over. John P.Jones, Quecreek BRAVO, ch. c. 4 109 By Ballot— Tardy, by Lord Esterling. Trainer. W. V. Casey. Owner. W. V. Casey Breeder, J. H. Morris. 69172 Howie 1 1-8 1 :57%fast 6 102 1 1 1* ll A Abel I! Wylie. Joacjuina. Ijiey Kate 69133 Howie 1 1-16 1 :50%fast 15 106 7 5 61 7" H Shillb k 7 amflage. Joaquiua. O. Birthday 69061 Bowie 1 2-16 2:06 fast 30 107 4 1 1* 1and 8 Mel.ane 8 Nalural, Kttahe. Attorney Muir 69038 Howie 1 1 16 1 fl|M 8 107 5 1 41 ijA Abel 9 Ettalie, St. lierimm, Stanley 68657 Jefferson 1 2-16 _:01Sfast 8 107 9 1 Ill A Abel VI Stanley. Tom Cassidv, Buxom 68571 Jefferson 1 1-S . :55=Sfast 15 107 3 2 2i .* G Mein 12 Bin- Brush, CUateaugav. Corson 67714 F.Grnds 11-8 1:55 fast 15 101 7 7 Hied. F Sharpe 11 Lit.Aniinie. Enerinite. W. Prize 1 67583 ¥ Grnds 1 3 16 2:02Vsfast 8 105 4 4 and 9- G Mein 9 I.dHerbert, Maize P.ritishLiner i 67558 FGr nda 1 1.6 l:48-igood 8 104 4 3 3« I" F Sharpe 9 Huonec. Wylie. Amae 67483 ¥ Grnds 1 1-8 l:5:ihvy 10 106 2 2 2 2l F Sharpe 12 Lordllerhert. Satana. BrownBili JOHNNY OVERTON, blk. r « 104 By Celt— Sister Anna, by St. Georao. I Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. N. Freeman. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 68250 Jefferson I 2-16 2:02*fcfast 8 115 5 5 2a 1 L McDott 8 Light Wine. I.ord Herbert. Ace 68192 F Grnds 1 1-8 l:5*V»hvy 100 1 4 7 7 6J 5" H Fariand 9 I»evonite. H. Pardner. WarPrize 67203 FGr nda 1 1 16 1 :48?»Kood 15 106 11 10 7« 7" J Owens 12 Weonne. Gen.Corna, M.Rose II. t 67348 J.«tferson 1 3-16 2:U.Pfcfaat 18-5 1 » 12 9 21 H J Owens 12 St. Germain. Bermoiit. H.ltound I 67177 Jefferson 1 1-S l:59i%hvy 4 109 4 4 5= 4s B Smwod 0 Bravo, Attorn. Muir. Saganiuok 67112 Jefferson I 3-16 2:03 good 41 111 6 3 1 3; E Smwodll Light Wine, Secretary. Pit 66959 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 :AhJ ast 6 PJ3 3 9 5 2« J Owens 12 Riclieli-u. Amaze, Maize . 66913 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:54?fcfast 7 106 7 8 52 4i J Owens 9 Magician. Hope. Amaze , BOLSTER, ch. g. 8 109 By Marco— Fermia. by Persimmon. i Trainer. E. E. Watson. Owner E. E. Watson. Bred in England by Sir i. Robinson 68722 Jefferaon 1 3-16 2:02«fcfast 41 115 10 5 3« 1» G Manganl2 Bonfire. Jai-obina. Bright Traah I 68637 Jefferson lm70y 1 :46%faat 41 114 9 5 51 :,| G ManganlJ Execution, l.lazourv Adventure 67968 F.Grnda 1 2-16 2KlVifaat 31 105 2 7 41 2» G Mangan 13 Aee. Bill and Coo. Buxom 4 67S83 F Gruda 1 1-8 l:iand%t*»t 16-5 103 7 6 4 21 L McDottL? Canneneita. Ailliro. Handfull C7692 FGr nda lniTUy l:46Vfcfaat 80 108 7 7 2» 2 E Martin 1 T.MeTaggt, Handfull. B..-udoo I C1S09 H.deG co 1 1 -16 1 50J4xood Ll U 109 9 i 6» 5* C Rob sonH Roaeatc. IrouBoy. VanityDrest I SERBIAN, ch. g. 7 109 By Ivan the Terrible — Arline. by The Commoner. Trainer, J. Hennessey. Owner, J. Phillips. Breeder, C. C. Patrick. 69155 Bowie lm70y 1 :49V4fast 22 108 1 3 31 3»1 E Smwod fi Tingling. Citation. St. Germain 69077 Howie lm70y l:51Salop 5 108 7 7 7 710 S McLane 7 MainRosell.. Satana. Hillhouae 68901 Mobile 1 l:45fcfast 10 117 3 5 61 55 R Bolton 7 Magician, Fin. Rooster. Grayson 68835 Mobile Ab 61 f l:32%hvy 7-5 117 2 1 I« 1» R Bolton 7 Hutchison. Tok. March. Jacobina 68453 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :54Hhvy 13-5 115 3 2 4 5" L Morris 8 G.Daugherty. VivnCuba, Buxom 68136 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :50.slov 4 116 2 1 2« 2l L Lyke T Attorney, Execution. ServiceStar 68008 F.Grnds 1 1 16 l:47%fast 30 112 7 7 7 7" J D Mney 7 Wiuconne. T.Perutn. Devcnito ARDITO. ch. h. 6 104 By His Majesty— Early Rosa, by Star Shoot. Trainer, E. C. Lucas. Owner, E. Marmonget. Breeder. G. A. Cochran. 69013 Mobile 1 1:.,4 hvy 11-6 111 6 5 4» 4«1 R Rico » Herald. LittlePatsy. HarvtKing 68985 Mobile 1 1:53 hvy 7-5 117 2 1 1« 1 R Rice 7 BrnBill. Grandee. SpeclarGirl 68956 Mobile lmTOy l:49ifast 7 114 1 2 2s 23 R Rice S Flypaper. Brit. Liner. VivaCuba 68879 Mobile 1 1:49 good 4* 111 7 7 7 7« R 7 Herald. Exhorter. Jacobean 68841 Mobil- lmTOy l:".s%slow 7 1131 4 3 Z* 21 R Rice B Magician, liar. King. T.McTagt 68834 Mobile Ab 8j f 1 :32*shvy 5 117 S 6 6l 5»j R Rice . Mary G.. Amaze, irayson 68719 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:03fast 10 115 2 3 1" 8* F Murphy 11 OldChap. Harvest Kiug. J.Feld 68097 Jefferson 3-4 1 .15cslow 18-5 115 7 10 10» S E Iool !2 Staop. Runnyol. Twopair AUSTRAL, b. g, 8 109 By Dalhousie — Australia, by Montana. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. A. Swe=ke. Breeder. Miss M. C. F. Chatterly. 69215 Bowie 1 1-4 2:14i.*8lop 31-10 106 8 I 5» 5*1 C I ang 8 I.ucyKate. Smarty, Anniversary 69154 Howie 1 1-1 2:40%fast I 99 6 6 4» 3"» R Costello 0 Attorney Muir. Warlike, Dr. Rae 69134 Howie 1 1-8 1 :59fast 46 100 9 9 9 C"J K Costello 9 Day Lilly. Tom Cassidy, L.Kate 69091 Bowie lmTOy l:5l7sslow 14 102 5 6 5 5* R Costello ." Tingling. Ashland. King Trojan 68073 FVGrnds 1 1-1U 1 :50%hvy 5 112 9 9 6« 6»J H J Burkel2 Bally bell. Buxom. Fornovo 67841 F.Grnds 1 12 240Shvy 9-10 103 7 5 61 57 J Ponce 7 Dr. Rae. Bneville, HwdRnund 67813 F.Grnda 1 1-S l:57smud 8 107 8 7 32 21 J Ponce 9 Demos. SaniFrauk, W.ids.sLast SERVICE STAR. b. g. 6 104 By Star Shoot— Phew, by Bowling Brook. Trainer, A. S. Woodliffe. Owner. A. S. Woodliffe. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 69171 Bowie lmTOy 1:49 fast 23 102 6 7 P 6" W DupMs 9 Tulsa. Smarty. The Limb 69137 Howie lm70yl:50 fast 4 108 3 8 4 4«1 J McCov 9 Zouave, Smarty. The Foreigner .9046 Bowie 1 1-16 l:.".2%fast 31 -10 112 6 2 2s 2 J McCoy 7 Moodv. Warlike. Radical 69034 Bowie 61fl:22%fast 58 110 6 9 51 4U J McCoy 13 Helen Atkin. Day Lilly. Runnyol 68514 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :49Stasi 20 110 8 8 8l 7» J McCoy 9 1 rimn. H.Pardner. O. Birthday 68245 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14=sfast 8 112 5 5 3"k Tsl B Harvey 10 M. Winks, C Taylor. W. Pennant 68209 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55%fast 15 If! 4 2 7* 711 J Owens S MnKosell.. Lit.Amraie. Natuial 68136 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50aislow 15 1!3 3 4 4* 41! J Owens 7 Attorney. Serbian. Execution KELTOI. ch. f. 4 99 By Celt— Marathon II. , bv Tiruiu. Trainer, C. L. Mackey. Owner, C. L. Mackey. Breeder, C. T. Grayson. 68555 Havana 1 1-S l:55fast 10 103 3 8 8 S" F Horn 8 Carrure, Bounce. Indian Chant 68431 Havana 1 3-10 2:02*sfast 4 101 1 6 R 5" H Glick i Bounce. Grandson. Ferrnm 68309 Havana 1 1:43 fast 7 101 9 5 11 Is B Scheffel 9 Bread Line. King B.. Drapery 68178. Havana lm50y 1 :45%fast 20 103 9 7 51 4«1 D Prible 9 Stcrickot. M Rankin. GeorgeW. 67995 Havana 1 l:40Ssfasi 15 1021 3 7 7 7« T Burns 7 A. Legion. Ly Frakes. I.yHeart C7923 Havana lm50y 1:44 fast 10 103 9 9 9 9" T Burns 9 Roseate. Assumptn. DntyLady JOAQUINA. br. m. 5 107 By Garry Herrmann — Joannina. by Voter. Trainer, J. Bauer. Owner, J. Bauer. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 69172 Bowie 1 1-8 l:57sfast 4 5 101 5 3 3» 3»i H Shilliek « Bravo. Wylie. Uicy Kate 69133 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50*ifast 27-10 102 5 6 3- 21 H Stutts 7 Camflage. . Birthday. Tingling 69103 Howie 64 f l:21 *fast 7f 105 10 9 4- 33J H Stutts 12 Camfiage. T.Peruvn. For. Queen 69034 Bowie 6i f l:22?,fast 6 105 7 6 Tl 7" F Smith 13 Helen Atkin. DayLilly. Ruunyol 64341 Windsor 1 1-16 |j89*jjiaat 4 111 7 8 4» 31 J Rowan 11 Gem. Flnzey. Sea Court C3838 K worth 1 1-8 1:53 fast 14-5 105 5 2 2* 11 E Smwod S Dark Hill. June Fly. Comme CI 63798 Kworth 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 108 10 7 6* 6i F Wilson 11 Red Legs. Gem. Marse John