untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-09


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: I 0 | 7, • 0 , ■ ANNUAL SPRING OFFER FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF THE LOUISVILLE MEETING STARTING MAY 12 WE ARE GOING TO GIVE OUR J SATURDAY SPECIALS, May 12 SATURDAY SPECIALS, MAY 19, Derby Day I I t l MAY 17 SPECIALS, .00 MAY 18 SPECIALS, .00 E ALL FOR .00 Besides the above we are coin? to mail all suh-| scrlbers to this OFFER our selections for the t to KENTUCKY DERBY THREE DAYS Dl ADVANCE You will have to ret your subscription in at once if you do not want to miss our first Louisville Saturday Special. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Peach-46-18-99-41. 1 403, 22 WEST QULNCY ST.. - CHICAGO, ILL. I 1 5 0 5i ■0 ; I .7051 I; i j -* | 705 S W «■ PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS YESTERDAYS 00 SPECIAL SCRATCHED AT LAST MINUTE. i X Next hundred-dollar special goes THURSDAY and will be given free to all weekly clients. 0 FLAT PLAY ON MY ADVISED INVEST -% MENTS IN LAST TWO WEEKS Won Almost ,500 Usually one investment a day. Follow me and be successful. My advised investments will be at Louisville nert week. My Fee 0 Daily; 0 for Six Days. G.W.Hamilton j I . NO. 5 COLUMBl S CIRCLE I I ! NEW YORK CITY ■ I. [ . ib—i 72 " ig [0 ,-, 30 "■ 725 25 H 100 PER CENT HANDICAP Copyrighted. Fieure your ovn horses. 10D PER CENT HANDICAP will give you a percentage of winners that will 1 startle you. Enable you to mak: two or three plays ! a day, or the entire card. The way to make your t own selecti:ns intelhgently. Figure your own i winners. Details free. L. R. PATTEN Eock Box La Salle, N. Y. 715 g B 05 I LOUISVILLE RACES Col. J. J. SCHREINER I AMERICAS PREMIER CL0CKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker. CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU ? SYOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in ■ letter. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. TYLER HOTEL :: LOUISVILLE, KY. 50 PER CENT OH MORE WINNERS Our wire service is for 6 starters. We must 1 have 3 or more winners out of the 6 starters or we 6 j will return you your . THE TELEGRAPH HANDICAP Temple Court Bldg. Chicago, 111. • , l i .725 ]L .720 m 1S J° JJ 00 L5 720 :20 The Monthly Form Book ! containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during th» * month of APRIL. IS NOW ON SALE PKICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY I only be sent as registered mail, with an extra ! charge of ten cents for registration. Not re- sponsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. [ 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. . 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. . J I t I l E t to 1 CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS— AT at.t. NEWSSTANDS. TUESDAYS SPECIAL LONG SHOT: JIMMIE DAW ...70- WON MONDAYS SPECIAL LONG SHOT: BLUE BIRD ....70- WON SATURDAYS SPECIAL LONG SHOT. bo McMillan. 8.50- won Mind, we ESPECIALLY ADVISER you get down as they were OCT TO WIN. TODAY GETAWAY LONG SHOT Here is another "LIVE OXE" that we KNOW will be the ■ EDI IM OF A COI P today. If you want GETAWAY, then get the CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 Cents — at all Principal Newsstands. i X j I . I I ! ■ I. [ H BRADLEY GOTHAM BANK BUILDING No. 1819 Broadway New York City, N. Y. KENTUCKY INFORMATION EXCLUSIVELY My Next Horse Goes Today MONDAYS ONE-HORSE WIRE: Lieut. Colonel . .8.80- Won And the Bookies Were Murdered Again. SATURDAYS ONE-HORSE WIRE: Sun Brae .20- WON THURSDAY S ONE-HORSE WIRE: Jas. B. Brown 3.80- WON These were the only horses sent by message since Lexington meeting opened. My next horse goes Wednesday, May 9, which is my BIG GETAWAY SPECIAL and will be another old-fashioned hog killing. Will pay 10 tj 1. Art quickly. Rush your subscription. Terms lor Wednesdays one-horso wire 5 in advance. WIRE YOUR ORDER BY WESTERN UNION 1 ! t i I I ? MADE GOOD AGAIN/ 55 OUT OF 96 May 5, Sweetheart. 320-100 — ■ . won; Best Pal. 100-1C0. won. We f .a-ft don t tit in an tfflM guessing ys5fisandand4 em. sherj e! = ° f-..r. yj;: f-et C HpKuMf two ivc ones drit; from tracls V «J*7/ f°r only %. Mail §1 for two go- jf ~S ins Saturday. Guarantee cnt must win or next two free. S?e REPORTER cut today: all newsstands. 35c. Live ones at Lexington. Louisville. Jamaica Pimiico. Getaway good things. TODAY"? SPECIAL: Wire-Thuisday-It-Do-Put-Put THE TURF REPORTER Oldest Publication in Existence 22 W. Quincy Bt Estab. 1901. Chicago. 111. ■ 1 6 j J"!".- .11 I I ■ -—I l ■■ ■■ ■mi BRIGHT TOMORROW .90-?2 WON «a yesterdays Best. Remember, we cnly giv*- TWO A DAY. All it -..sts is 50 cents— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50 cents NATIONAL O. K. PCHLlSHIMi CO. 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. • ! * THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL IS NOW ON SALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. Y. I ! [ . . Annual Racing Torm for 1922 On Sale Is Now DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 141 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923050901/drf1923050901_11_5
Local Identifier: drf1923050901_11_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800