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__ i 1 International Derby Winners of 1922 SY SALVATOn. Deibv. Place and Pate. Winner. Odds. Wt. Time. Value Australian Sydn« y. X. S. W.. Sept. 30 Rivoli 33-1 122 2:35%, .0r:. Cuban Havana. Hurt 91 Rebuke 7-1 110 •1:54% 15.170 ItiRli-h Fpsc.m. May 31 .Captain Cuttle 10-1 12« 2:34% 4.". 972 French Chantilly. June 11 Ramus 39-10 12S 2:32% 26.16S fl !■■!■■ Hamburg-Horn, June 25 Jlausfrcund 4S-10 128 2:35% 1.33S Hungarian Alag. June IK Uiv.-ik1.-I II SI 126 % liish IkC Currugli. June SI Spike Islam! 1-1 134 2:39% 21.220 Italian Rome. April 20 ftfetMBS da Forli 8%-5 126 2:39 4.16:5 rilwlj Ixmisvillo. Ky . May 13.-. JMnrvicli 2%-l 126 t2:04% 45.775 I-atonia Uitonia, Ky. July 1 Thibodaux 3%-2 126 2:33 14.625 New Zealand Canterbury. Nov. 9 1921 .Enthusiasm 4-1 117 2:42% 6.321 South African lohannesburg. DM. 27il921 Dignitary 1-2 126 2:35% 9.030 Victoiian Melbourne. Australia, Dee. 4 Wliittier 5-2 122 2:34 13.r 30 •1 IS miles, tl 1-4 miles. 1140,000 marks. The Derby season of 1923 is dawning and we will be in the thick of it almost before we can realize the fact. This being so, it I will be of interest to cast a retrospective j glance at the Derbies of last year. The I writer has. accordingly, after considerable, some of it difficult, research, colated the j facts concerning the most important Derbies decided in 1922 and presents their principal j results in the condensed tabulation given 1 above. This is, he believes, the first time that a table of this nature has ever been attempted, hence it is something of a novelty. Arranged in their alphabetical order, they circumnavigate the globe, taking us also to the under side of it, in Australasia and South Africa. Thirteen different Derbies are included, two of them New Zealand and South Africa were run late in 1921, but count in those countries as of the 1922 season. Had; it been possible, still others would have been. ] but complete details about the Austrian. Bel- I gian and one or two other European classics were unobtainable. The same was true of South America. Of events of this nature in North America, only the Kentucky and La-tonia Derbies are included from the 1". S. A., and the Cuban at Havana. The Canadian Derby was omitted from the fact that it is a race for Canadian-bred animals exclusively, hence of narrow scope. In addition, although not raced until the month of July, it is not at the orthodox Derby distance of a mile and a half, but at ten furlongs. Finally, it was won by a gelding, making the result of little interest to breeders. MANY DIFFERENT DISTANCES. Strictly speaking a "Derby" at less than the true Derby distance is not really a Derby. There is a certain anomalous aspect to the race. However, the Cuban Derby was included, though only of a mile and a furlong, because of its being run so early in the year, March 26. On this basis, the Kentucky Derby, despite its great prestige, is not a truly representative race. It is included because of its prestige, however. All other races quoted are at a mile and a half, except the German and Hungarian, which were each at 2,400 metres: a mile and a half being equal to 2,413 1-2 metres — there are 1.609 metres to the English mile. A word relative to the values given. They ha,ve been carefully calculated according to the rates of exchange for 1922 given by the "Annalist." of New York. In each instance the highest rate of the year was adopted. For instance, the pound sterling. English. fluctuated during 1922 between .f l 1-2 and .17 in value. The franc of France reiehed its highest rate of exchange at 9.37 cents, but fell as low at times as 6.81 1-4. The lire of Italy ranged in value from 5.55 1-2 down to 3.83 1-1. The highest rate was invariably used in reckoning all stake values. Sums which were very imposing in Europe in currencies shrunk terribly in these computations. The worst cases, of course, were those of Germany and Hungary. The German Derby was worth 225,000 marks to the winrer. hut Um highest rate of exchange on the mark for 1922 was but .60 1-4 cents, so in our money Hausfreund won only J 1,356. In Hungary the depreciation caused an event worth 140.000 marks to decline to an amount;bl. to accurately estimate in American money. Iim OF thi: WINNERS. The breeding of these thirteen Derby win ners is given herewith in tabulated form, thus affording a conspectus of the various lines of blood that produced them in which resper-t the exhibit is unique and the firs of it-: kind ever assembled. Much space could be consumed in comments upon these pedigrees, but anything analytical must be eschewed. One or two brief comments will, however, be offered. The range of top-lines is very wide, there betas "° h?ss than nine different ones represented. Four different lines claim two winners each, viz: Bend Or line — Thilto-deaux I.atonia Derby and Eavendel II. Hungarian Derby — I.avendtl II.. it may be ■teattOMd, also won the Austrian Derby; Hampton line — Whlttier Victorian Derby and Enthusiasm New Zealand Derby; Carbine line— Spike Island Irish Derby and Dignitary South African Derby 1 ; Melton line — Mehzzo da Forli Italian Derby and Rivoli Australian Derby. It should be noted in passing, however, that Best Man, granelsire e.f Mduzzo da Forli. was of disputed paternity, his sire being either Melton or Ormonde. th * latter "preferred.* But if really by Ormonde, it would make a third count for the Bend Or line, and leave the Melton line with but one representative. The lines with hut one winner each are: Barcal-dine line. Captain Cuttle English Derby; Hermit line — Morvieh Kentucky Derby; Isonomy line — Hausfreund German Derby; Kins Tom line— Rebuke .Cuban Derby; St. Simon line — Ramus French Derby. In the female line there is almost as wide a diversity— in a way a still wider one. 1sing. for convenience, the Bruce Ix we numerals, we find three members of the No. 14 line; two each of the No. 2 and No. 5 families; and one each of the No. 1, No. 3, No. 4. No. 22, No. 23 and No. 27 families. But when we examine the three No. 14 horses, to-wit: Ramus French, Spike Island Ireland and Thibodeaux Eatonia, we find that we must go far back of anything shown by the tabulations to arrive at a common direct maternal ancestress — so far. that the community of No. 14 blood shared by them is really not worth mention. The same thing is true of the two No. 2 horses, Eavendel II. Hungary and Mel-ozzo da Forli Italy and the two No. 5 horses. Whittier Victorian and Rivoli Australian. The No. 1 family horse is Morvieh Kentucky; the No. 3 horse is Hausfreund Germany; the No. 4 horse is Dignitary South African; the No. 22 horse is Captain Cuttle England; the No. 21 horse is Rebuke Cuban; and the No. 27 horse, Enthusiasm New Zealand. The pedigree analyst will take pleasure in dissecting these genealogies and tracing the influences of various great progenitors, particularly such as Bend Or, St. Simon, Ison-omy, Barcaldine, Hermit, Hampton, etc. RIVOI.I— AUSTRALIAN DERBY. Bay colt, bred by Mr. J. H. S. Barnes; owned by Mr. I. H. Andrews; ridden by P. Brown, beating a field of ten. Master I Ixrd Ronald Kildare... si,k 1 Violet Seottisl, Melrose... •*■•« a j ~ . I Violet **Z f St. Serf.... Jst- simon I m [Black Chat. j * roma J Chat Moss.. J Machealh ,a* Chatelaine _- I J f Marco j Barcaldine hi , g f Xell Gow... I Novitiate g = I Chelandry. • . J ""d"" £ I ■ j j Illuminata ■ * I [Symington.. j Ayrshire ■ [ Thrums Siphoma " [ Rosemount.. J Orvieto Rose Bower Rebuke — Cuban Derby. Black colt, bred in Kentucky by Messrs. ! J. D. Carr and Brother ; owned by T. Mona-han. U. S. A. ; ridden by W. Kelsay, beat-j ing a field of eight. a , ... __ [ Kl"S Ernest, j Krnestine , £ ■ King Erie...] j Parmesan 8 S I [yelone Typhoon S I K I ,_ I Hindoo m I Hanover- •■• Bourbon , * «_«- —. 1 i [Teas Over., , j J ,..Ile _t IS j King Alfonsc m „ JS lTea Rose... j r__umL ._ _, The Rover ~ f St" tien. j W ,,, s, Klitha □ * Meddler „, I f IVtnueh g 1*1 [Busybody... g,|„„„ W « I I I -:nriington ,~ H 1_ h Onondaga... j Slls:11, Ke.ule [faaiini....i , Sl,riI1!.L,ok [ Sister Me.nid Alme. •St. nation was by Kotherhill or The Rover, the latter preferred. i Captain Cuttle — English Derby. , Chestnut colt, bred and owned by Lord Woolavington ; ridden by S. Donoghue, beating ■ field of 29. » ,M-rco j Barcaldine S _ f MMllin lmij /Novitiate Co Vill.kins.. Hagioscope I l , Dinah * b 1 f Sanfoin j Springfield _ a [Tout Suite.. ] Si",da o a star j ■*■**• 1 I Meteor _ [Bona Vista. **_* °T H Cyllene I J ,s,a H a , I Is.-nomy £ 5 ! I Arcadia Bistant c I i •sllwr,• H- 3 [ •Nunthorpe. ."iibaIlo E £ Kmotion Matilda [Kmita i Ualopin W l Burgundy •Nuiithorpo was by Speeuluin or Camballo, the , latter preferred. Ramus — French Derby. Bay colt, owned by M. Marcel Boussac : I ridden by G. Stern, beating a held of 14. Vedette r naliehi Hyi:ig « f St. Simon. . . I I Dmscm a f _ I 1st. Angela i King i 1.111 ! S ! I j j Adeline I S I « I [Satiety I Isoiioiny . ■ [ Satirical I Wtfev 0 1 1 Chaff Wild Oats I ,0 "1 Olerrima f Isonomy Sterling g a [ Son o .Mine. 1 / lsola I.ella 5 : = [ Alibeeh Miisket.Maie 3 I B lis pej i- f Common J Thistle 2 [ taW/HI I Royal • Hampton [ Omladina . . . . [ i , : I Hansfreund — German Derby. Bay colt, bred and owned by the Weil Stud ; ridden by Tarras, beating a field of 11. , Isonomy [Isinglass.... j Deadk ck • I»uv.ers.... IWUl Crag 2 _ J l St- Ij0UVllln St. Reine w f B 1 r t 1 1 Hampton if, uaaas I Illumination ° „ j ! [I*d°ra sterling * "-1 _ , Cherry I [Dorothea.... I Uuf.ieBS 6 1 , „ ., 1 Knergy S RnCl1 Reveuse r Oazabat , . g I Mandrake S J j [Clementine., j Pvr.,|P E ? j r_ _. J Calopin g L* _ [Fiilmen Kightning * , X , S i Hegemonies. Tho ,.alluer w I * u*» [ Albambra — - . . . [ Salisbury •St. I»iiTaine was by Carnage or Wolfs Crag, the latter preferred. Spike Island — Irish Derby. Bay colt, bred and owned by Major G. Doder ; ridden by G. Archibald, beating a field of 11. f Toxophilite « f Muskec -j Daug. of W. 8 q [Carbine [ Australian - r"g [The Mersey j Knowsley . I B / Clemonee 0 1 S Maid of [Minting j Ixird Byon £ [ tlie Mist.. Mint Sauce [ Warble j RKj laik Q-s Cot urn ix 2 "_ [St. Simon. . . I iiilopin o De.mond.... I BAbbesse- | St. Angela J g [ de Jouarre j Trappist a Festive H - C Gallinule. . . . j Isonomy S ►, I Pretty Polly ] f Moorhen £• n Admiration.. Saraband so o s . . a Gaze Melozzo da Forli — Italian Derby. Bay colt, bred and owned by Sig. F. Teslo ; ridden by F. Regoli, beating a field of seven. [ Master ~ [Melton J Kildare 2 g [*BestMan... | Violet * — I I Melrose • f g J [ Wedlwk j Wenloek 3 I 5 1 / Cybele j i S I [St. Simon.. Calopin M I [ Signorina . . . J Star of /St. Angola gj [ Iortici I Hoir-at-Iiw fa Verbena [Carbine Musket p I [ Spearmint. . . Maid of The Mersey - I the Mint., j Minting g I a Warble N £ I [ Flying Fox., i Ormo 2 I Madree i Vampire ! [Maskery.... link a I Lena •Best Man was by Ormonde or Melton, the latter preferred. I.avendel II. — Hungarian Derby. Bay colt, owned by Herr K. Dreher ; ridden by Adams, beating a field of four. Or. . . . f Doneaster Bend J Rouge Rose Tiger Lily.. Macaroni 3 S -j I Polly Agnes " f£ j [ St. Simon. .. j Calopin d I I St.Windeline | St. Angela . I "3 Queen of [ Springfield » o the Spring ] Queen of r J W I the Hills fj" [Morgan J Springfield [Pardon | [ Morgiana _ a [ retroleuse. . . i 1etor 5=1 [ Rod Flag iz; a 1 I Boter _ a Zsupan British M [ Bussero | [ Queen 1 [ Bussi I Doneaster Banter Jlorrich — Kentucky Derby. Brown colt, bred by Mr. A. B. Spreckels ; owned by Mr. B. Block ; ridden by A. Johnson, beating a field of eight. [ Friars [ Hermit [ Voter Balsam ... Flower of Dorset g [Mavourneen. I Barcaldine _ r_ Gaydene C f ". Himyar w| 9 Running [Domino Mannie 0 . 3 [ Stream J [ Gray .35 I Dancing [ Isonomy J [ Water ] Pretty J I Uanee h j Deceiver o u [ Puryear D. . /Ada D. j» ! _ [ Dr. Leggo. ..J Watertress « LR [Sevens Folly 2 K Ayrshire a j [ Solitaire II. [ Solesky [ Georgia Girl | Flambeau [Georgia VL.fGoula Thibodoauv — I.atonia Derbj-. Chestnut colt, bred by Mr. C. C. Patrick ; owned by Mr. W. Perkins ; ridden by K. Pool, beating a field of two. Bend Or [Ormonde.... | Iyi!r ARnes [Scottish gj [Goldfinch... Ckttt 5 « [Thistle j Thp r%-—t CfS I Safety .11 , Tradueer o - [Sir Modred.. i____m js 1 Pat Mal.oy oj [ Lucania [Schoolgirl... 5 Glonhiine ►a •! Balsam [Voter I Mavourneen B I fl 1 J Himvar B ll [ Electioneer- • [Quesal | Queen Ban 11 g , j Hanover W H m [Holstein.... j AllnaGray 1 • J The [Artemisia... I 1 Commoner I Arlme [ Armiel 14 Enthusiasm — "ew Zealand Derby. Bay filly, bred by Mr. J. G. Johnson ; owned by Mr. T. A. Duncan ; ridden by M. Carter, beating a field of four. f Royal Han.pton f Forfarshire. . -J Hampton. . Irineess • [ St. Elisabeth i St. Simon SrSl 1 Ksa •-a [Cyllene j Bona Vista I 3 [ Tanacea I Arcadia . J Sj I Quintessence j St. FrusTuin ■° j Margarine J [Martagon... j Bend Or ra [ Martian 1 Tiger Lily m [ Ottcrden i Shoon Eo j _ • Spring Morn 6 - f rersimmon. . j St. Simon E LS [ Pcrolina J [ Perdita II. 5 m Sterling M [La Carolina ; Cl.eiry [ Duchess Dignitary — South African Derby. Bay colt, bred and owned by Mr. H. Nourse ; ridden by J. Simpson, beating a field of nine. f Toxophilite . Mare by W. Musket 1 „ ,_ .. Augtraliaii • J Carbine ■ | Knowsley 2 fo j I-The Mersey riemence " « 1 __. ,__ _ . 1 Calopin „ . ■ t Mrs. But- [St. Simon., j st Angela .. [ terwick... • Miss 1 SeottishChief •° j I Middle wick | Viok.t hi , ... .. j Iord Lyon 5 , /Ml,ltlnK---- I Mint Suuce j r„- MinorForfeit v •. 1 Scottish H ** [ Maibaum Chief fc fi I r o , Maypole I SusPender • • j 2 - Muncaster I o. w tt UP...J 5 O Stuck Icarterleas Hautesse... . ] Anhiduc Whittier — Victorian Derby. Brown colt, bred by Mr. L. K. S. McKin-non ; owned by Mr. B. Chaff cy ; l idden by P. Brown, beating a field of ten. . f Hampton r f i Atill!in,a Traquair.... flllifhnU Chelandry... nimninata I Pilgrun s iS1„„mv Madam Progress.. J Robinson ,.,|Kramage Crusoe C L Ma,JcaP c.iovanna "S St. Simon mi . ■ Electric fl f r „.,, BiU of I i"ht I [B *»dU Portland.. jritMllnTl _ E IS 1 lShe Steppe E " —-.. •, Bougc Crolx- I "■■*■ Aeneta £ L*Taffrail.... j Wallace [Heloise f Emmie •Taffrail was by Positano or Rouge Croix, the tatter preferred.