4th Race [4th Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-09

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J e • 1 ! 1 i ■ ; I : ; I j ! I . ! I ! ; « j c j 6 « 6 « I J " 6 6 6 ! c 4-th RAPF 3-4 MI,e- Rennert Handicap. .t-year-olds. till n«Ut Xov. 6, lttU 1:11 5 128. FLAGSTAFF, ch. c. 3 109 By Broomstick— Inaugural, by Voter, ro«"ra.lner * K°e; ,°*.r H- P ***■»»■ Breeder. H. P. Whitney. fiQ-«l m,C° : 2iMaSt 13"10 12° 8 6 ",»«,l MpAtee 8 M.Twain. Wellfinder. SailingB. •? vT K°t ,.3"4 :2a8t *f 102 7 2 2« 2 L McAtee 7 Lion dOr. Reparation. Bellselaf 22122 f "aaJlS lliaSt « 122 7 23 23" A Schu gr23 Sallys Alley. Zev. TTII 65U8 Betel 51fMC «»hlt 21 115 1 5 6 3 A Rchugr 9 Curtis. Newmarket. Comi.xa c15«i ra°Ba 3 4 i:122.scodI3_10 ]15 7 9 9, 9„ A Johnson 12 Dunlin, tiosl.auk Zev 6*,J7 Saratoga 5 8 1:00 fast 2 114 6 2 1» V L McAtee 8 Pittston. tl Willi. Pettifosgei M°°rTRftArRT C« S 3t a „ 103 By Broomstick-Alster Cress, by Watercress. HOfiOl Pimiin °We,/r,,o3°WI,.er- Greente Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable M«! Pi "=«" 13 124 6 6 *-* Vi J McTagt 7 Wellfinder. .M.klwa.n. B.C.uard Si •""• Ro„ 31 ; 2HaS* »2 7 « 6"A Abel 7 Lion d-Or. Flagstaff. K-paration *?** JJ252!f! 23 105 2 2 4« 42 H Thomas 6 Fly by Dav. .ien.Tl.atel.er, VigU «2?2S£f! 61 108 3 3 2 3J L Penman 11 Oui Oui. Vigil. ITy |.v I.y rrann 222 r p ,le 61fl:20%fast 18 1116 6 « HC Lu| 14 C.vn. TtatekeV. Oap«y Vigil 55!«S ? ,C,° „iVfaSt 3 1=2 11 11 11 9" H Thomasll Sall.VsAliey. Martingale. MvOwn r5t»n I*""] :?faSt B M 5 4 3h 4 L Penman 7 Heeltaps, Carol. Sweetheart HM% UFe 3-4 1:14fast 21112 3 6 64 6»J L Penman 10 Martingale. Ambler, Vigil 222 521 61 f LOS.fast 33-10 U2 3 4 » 1 J L Penman T GoldenlSule. Comixa, Bet. Time. 2o-« JUre Ai U °faSt 3 109 2 3 2H H J Thomas 7 Carol. Vala.ler. New Hampsrire MtM Iure 6 f 1 :0X mud 2-5 115 2 1 1« 1» J Callahan 6 Sog.Aroon. Wil.lflower. O.Timer 658L Laurel 61 f 1 :07 fast 1115 1 2 2* 2 J Callahan 9 Better Times, My Own, Noel SrafJP.ENCE. ch c. 3 U7 By Sun Briar— Conference, by Rock Sand. r«n. J- L Smith- 0wner- W. S. Kilmer. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. n.nA lltT!UZ? 3-4 1:ll%fast 6 118 2 2 2« 2 A Johnson 3 Tall Timber. Wrangle 222 ?lleiCe. 3-*l:l-fa-st 11 1031 5 4 4 1 4 G W CarTi 7 Wilderness, BteKS, Champlain ■»«;,": Aflueuct 3-4 1:12%s!op 8 125 5 4 61 7* A Johnsonl2 Martingale. B.Lcncr, Goshawk 22222 Aqu M?uc5 f"8 59Vfcfast 10 125 2 1 1* 2 A Johnson 13 Coshawk, BudLerner. Ant. Bella r.o. q,ueduf- . c58 69%fast 30 114 1 1 1J Ink A Johnson 13 Cherry Pie. Bud Ierner. Zev 22222 emont ,Hst 59 fast 7-5 109 5 2 2 5J A Johnsonl* Newmket. St Vaft.ne. Margale 6,269 Belmor.t 41 f st 52%good 4 115 6 2 21 3"» A Johnson 14 The Kiss, Vigil. Soldier II. COMIXA. br. f, 3 104 By Colin— The Minx II., by Irish Lad. ,.o*r.ra,lneT- J- F Schorr- Owner, E. B. McLean. Breeder. E. B. McLean. 2221 J,."",1!00 3-4 l:12---,fast i 112 1 1 B* 4»|J Callahan 8 M.Twain. Wellfinder. SailingB. 2o-? uml1" 3-4 l:12 ,fast 3 105 2 2 1» 21 J Callahan 8 Gadfly. Heeltap*. Sun Quest 2222 22."" ?iJ:E 5ast 6 107 1 1 2iluk Ing M B.G«wi. N.H»|«*-e. Bevenge 2oo-- S eS.Ce 3"41:1:i fast 13-5 103 1 2 3 2« J Wallace t iol.Bule. N.llampsl, V. G. Night ««i.i °° 3-4 1:14Dslow 2 BBJ1 3 3nk |1 L McAtee 8 M.Twain. N.Hpshire, St. L.wce 22-a3- « o0",1" 3-4 1:14 fast 9 103 2 3 3= P. E Rummer S Fly by Day, Amusement, S.Bost 2J22 llm1CO 1 l:40%fast 8f 100 6 10 1011=F Weiner 14 Oui Oui. Gem. That.her, Solisa 22222 Plmllc,° . 3"4 l:»*fast 18 110 5 1 2= 4 J Callahan 8 Rigel. Cl.errv Pie. ScJisa 22222 TaUrP Ji M3 faSt 6 110 5 1 14 2 J CallahanlO C.ci,. Thatcher. Scribble. Pennon 22.aUre flf l.O.V.fat 6i 102 2 2 2 2" J Callahan 7 Heeltaps Woodland. Bef.Tin.es 2-o-« Ure 6J f 1 :0S"r,fast 3J 106 1 1 V 33 J Bowan 7 Moonraker. intitule. Bet.T.mes 6099 I.aure 3-4 l:135mud 31 109 1 6 8» 9"J G Walls 13 Wilderness. Dunlin. Scribble 2222? l?l£2. 51 f l:f.6»ifast 3 1081 5 2 1» 2» C Ponce 5 Transom, Prince Regent. Giarra 6o6. l H.leGce 5-8 1:01 fast 2 IIS 1 1 1 J 21 J Butwell 5 Carol, Mar.l.lanehe. PrceBegent FLAG OF TRTJCE br. c. 3 106 By Jim Gaffney-Maltha. by Ogden. ---- ?■*■■?■ H- McDamel. Owner, J. K. L. Boss. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 22S-1, lmUc,° 3-4 1:13*bs1ow 35 114 6 5 6»* 6*| C Turner 9 Lun.inist. Sweetheart. Frank G. 2225! aUrt! 3-4 LHfefast 9 109 6 7 7 7" C Turner f BllllMllt. Transom. Carol 2**** ood "e 3-4 1:13%fast 11-5 119 3 2 1» V C Turner t Ban. Bearer. Buckwheat. J.gstep riZle S,on.eht 3-4 1:16 good 11-10 m 6 2 2"k 2» C Turner 7Mag.Beed, S.sl . non. F Clayton 2o??? S?m t0," 3-4 l:14 5slow 1120 3 7 8 8" J H Burke 8 Canmore, Delusive, Ueeitapo 2o?i:, ..Wrth 6ifl:0;fast 6 118 6 4 6J TJ H J Burke 7 Arendal. Canmore. Donges 6.oo?i lndSOr Bifl°c fast 7 118 5 4 41 5 A Claver 5 Hopeless, Bueado. Heelt.-ns b3338 tortErie 5-S l:0Br,fast 33-10 113 4 4 » 1» C Turner 6 L.dvBoss. Pan. ages. W.l.lLifa 62914 Ham ton 6-8 1:02 good 17-10 115 2 3 1» la C Turner 8 Wi.dLife. SlyFox, Motl.e.Buuch SETTING SUN. ch. g. 3 113 By Olambala— Sunburst, by Banastar. Trainer, G. K. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder R. T. Wilson 2222 Siml° L£2*. l1££?* M 105 6 S * 55 A Abel ♦iB.n.ting. Exodus. Dinn.i Care J«o "dece lm70y l:43?sfast 13-10 112 1 1 V I" A Abel B Spot Cash, TheClown. Doughgan nV.J ow,e 11-16 1:51 slop 7 106 5 3 4 6«i A Abel 9 Bam... Fairlh.mtom. T. Wit. het ?U,i Ve 7"8 l:28-fast 17-10 115 6 1 1« 1» A Abel 7 The Clown. Puialia. Boor Sport o?r. Bowie 7 8 1 :27%fast 30 100 7 5 41 f A Abel 10 F. Phantom. Brmster, T.Witchet 08 8l Jefferson ll-Sl:57hvy 31 118 2 2 21 3* L Morris 13 Amole, Calcutta, Shamrock C8i20 Jefferson lm70y 1 :46V5fast 12-5 106 1 1 l» P| G Babin 7 Ix.uis A., Plucky. Jack Fairman C86L Jefferson 1 l:39fast 7 1001 4 5 4 3« J McCoy la.lk.Ktta Mavm.n.n, BlueNos 68492 Jefferson 3-4 l:15*4slow 12 98 6 6 6« 6«1 A Abel 8 HighCost. MvHeverie, T.Witchet 68113 F.Grnds 1 l:40Vifast 3 117 5 2 1» 2- L Morris 6 Eulalia. Blue.Nose. Coldencrest HEELTAPS, ch. f. 3 95 By Ultimus— Queen of the Water, by Waterboy. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder. W B. Miller. 69610 Pimlico 3-4 1:12%fast 17 110 1 1 3» 3! J Rowan 8 Gadflv. Comixa. SunQuest 695*8 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 62 105 5 6 7 7» H Callhan 7 T. Timber. Oeatawk, Martingale 69270 H.deGce 3-4 1 :12/5fast 7 110 3 4 31 3» J Rowan B Sallys Alley. Scribble. Henna 69243 H.deGce 61 f 1 :10Vsmud 13 10813 1 1-t 3.1 J Rowan 10 F.bvDav. Gold Rule Fo.eMU.re 66815 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 13 112 4 3 32 5«1 E Smwodll Best Ix.ve, Fly by Dav Felside 66800 Bowie 61 f l:20%fast 9 111 9 8 73 HP* K Smw odl* Gen. Thatcher Osprey* Vigil 66661 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%slow 3 120 1 3 3! 4i J Butwell 9 Luminist. Sweetheart. Frank G. 66489 Laurel 61 f 1:09 fast 4 101 1 2 2= 1» B MariVlli T Carol, Sweetheart. Moonraker 66350 Laurel 51 f 1 :07?! fast 21 110 1 1 i B B Marielli 7 Comixa. Woodland. BetteiTimea 66252 Laurel 3-4 1:13%fast 9 110 2 1 1J 651 J McTagt 1 Itluemont, Transom. Carol 66005 Laurel 61 f 1:08 fast 6-6 11312 1 1« lJ J Butwell 0 Valador, Crochet, Frank G. WRANGLE, ch. c, 3 98 By Seth— Meddling Hannah, by Bedeck. Trainer, F. Farrar. Owner, F. Farrar. Breeder. B. A. Jones. C9692 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 31-10 125 6 1 I 1] r Kummer 7 Felicitous. Perhaps Boor Sport 69607 Pimlico 3-4 1 :11 %ffcst 16 110 3 3 3 3» J McCoy 3 Tall Timber. Sunference 63200 Devshire 61 f 1 :06.fast 11 110 5 6 6» 3J J Metcalf 1 Oak wood, Donges Eliz Jewell 63081 Devshire 5-8 L01*sfast 3J 112 7 6 3« 1 J Wallace 12 Bustem, Radiant Curland 619*7 Woodbine 6-8 1:00fast 3-5 112 6 6 6 6" W Warfn 6 P.ucado. Mt Ito -e. HonevsJewel 61735 Pimlico 6-8 LOOfast 13-10 112 6 3 3* 21 C Lang I St. Valentine. Hucado Pravus 61615 Pimlico 41 f 54 fast 1-2 115 2 4 31 21 A Johnson 4 St. Valentine, Faith W Jolly 61486 Pimlico 41 f 53%fast 4 112 2 6 2» 2* A Johnson 7 Frank G.. Carol. Mark Twain 61412 H.deGce 41 t 547tfast 18 11C 2 6 61 41 T Rice 7 Woodland. TrueKlier. TallTimber LILT. b. f. 3 105 By Spacish Prince II.— M lody, by Meddler. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner. J. K. L. Boss. Breeder, J. K. L. Ross. 69243 H.deGce 51fl:10%mud 9 107 4 3 5 7=1 A Claver 10 Flv bvDav. Gold. Rule Heeltaps 66622 Pimlico 3-4 1 :12%fast 12 111 16 9 8«1 C Turner 11 Bloss. Time. Rigel Whirlwind 66353 Laurel 61 f l:07«ifast 3-6 107 2 2 21 3 C Turner 8 Sweetheart Bueado GoldenRule 65959 Laurel 3-4 l:13Vsmud 8 114 3 1 1 541 C Turner 13 Wilderness. Dunlin Scribble 65771 Laurel 3-4 1 :13Vsfast 4 101 2 1 V 2* P Walls 8 Rialto, Carol, Valador 65582 Woodne 1 1:41 fast 3-5 110 6 1 1« 21 C Turner I Bilsmar. V.Iatr:;!.- Dotfhgan 65499 Woodne 1 1:39 fast 6-5 92 4 1 1» 3»J P Walls 7 Wake Cp Roulette Estero 64799 B.Bnnets 51 f 1 :06-5fast 1-3 113 3 1 2» 21 C Turner ■ *TTvlffll B Clavton Vespra 64408 Windsor 51 f l:0r %fast 19-10 112 1 1 1» l» C Turner 12 Tycoon. Bar ■ III I-.dv "..ss 63908 Ham ton 51 f LOSVislop 6-6 114 1 1 V 1»1 H J Burke 6 Lady Boss Bueado Old Top

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923050901/drf1923050901_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1923050901_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800