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71h DAC l 1-1 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. April 25, /111 nAOC li 21 1:42 4-5 y 103. ALAMEDA GIEL. b. f, 4 187 By Jim Gaffney— Sonia. bv Canard Trainer, 0. A. B.anchi. Owner. A. J. Merle. Breeder. 0. A. Bianchi. 69590 1-cxgton 1 1-16 1 :46Vast 7 105 6 5 5h 4» B Kenndj U Opulent. Lot Loraine. J.Fainnan 69501 I-exgton 1 1 15 1:50 slop 17-10 107 4 2 2» 2 B Kenndy 7 Klynhite. Cantilever, lx uiel»o 68458 Havana lm50y 1:4."-Vast 2-6 107 2 3 3» l1 J Brunner 6 Quanali, J.OVoiuiell, Yank. Boy 68179 Havana 1 1 :39 Vast 3 96 6 5 61 li J Callahan 7 DeBonero. Stonewall. O. Palmer 67953 Havana 1 1 :-»Vaandt 6 100 3 4 4s tJ J Callahan 5 Mallowmot, Fincastle. Blazonry 67795 Havana 3-4 l:l2Vast 20 109 6 6 6* 6 * W Lilley 7 SunBrae. Col. Chile. DiffntKve, 66599 latonia 1 1-16 1 : 46 Vast 48 105 10 10 102»10!» F Smith 11 Claymore. Loveliness, Twin. Blue 66::il latonia 1 1 16 1 46 Vast 12 109 4 6 4 4» B Kenndy 9 Pumps. Ferguson. Ixtuanaa 66064 I-atonia 1 1-16 l:53%hvy 41 106 3 2 1» l1 B Kenndy G Bob. Shea, Evelyn White, Randel NAPOO, ch. h, 5 107 By Martinet — La Gloria, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. E. D. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeder. Williams Bros. 69641 lxgton 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 23-10 106 3 3 U 21 J Corcornll Kremlin, LittleAnn. OlliePalmer C9532 l..xt,tor 3-4 1 :14M good 21 106 7 4 5 7» J Corcoran 12 D. of Peace. Gravson. M.Bodine 62109 Chunhill 3-4 1:13 fast 5 109 3 6 61 61 B Scheffel 11 Youneed. Ben Bolt, WdgThrgu 62006 Chun hill 61fl:l«Vast 13 109 7 4 61 4S1 B Scheffel 12 Marse John. Tacola, Orlova «1530 Imftmm 3-4 l:!5Vivy 3-2 107 5 2 ll l» B Scheffel 7 Anticipate, Col Taylor, OldChap 61451 l.exton 3 4 1:14 fast 24 110 5 2 61 Cl H E Jonesll Grayson. A.Alexander. Louis A. CANTILEVEE. ch. g. 7 107 By Hanbridge— My Salaame. by Hastings. Trainer, G. Bichardson. Owner. F. Peyton. Breeder. W. G. Hirsig. 69665 LexStM 1 1- 1 :•".!•. fast Sj lV5 1 2 4 4* F Sharpe 6 Cautious. BBSa Ialiner. Jetsam 69045 LaexBtoa 1 Mi 2 01Vast 5 105 5 1 21 :!! .1 Corcoran 0 Blueltird. Topmast. Bitoflirei n 69501 IjtXgtom 1 1 1G 1 H sl. p 5 115 7 4 3s l*| H Kin. 7 KlynAVhite. Alame laGirl. L.LoJ 68158 I S-M 2:0l,,imud 5 103 3 5 61 C-" F Shaipe T Mechanic. Repeater. Amaze 67862 1 IS l.good 10 10S I 10 M W* B Harv y 10 Ettahe. GCa-Ierna 67461 FCrnJs ] 2 1G 2:08Vjvy 12-5 109 3 2 21 2- F Shaipe ; Attorney, Sagamo. k. Escarptte TOPMAST, ch. g. 4 107 By Pennant— Golden Red. by All Gold. Trainer. W. M. Cain. Owner. W. M. Cain. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 69G45 LexgtMl 1 1 16 2:00Vast 23-10 1 7 6 4 35 21 W Rei.l • ItlneBird, Cantilever. B.ofGreen i ■MIS 1. xirtun lm70y l:44Vast 11 108 i 7 41 3* W Reid 8 Kklevgton. Nurture. C.Adams 69553 I.exfUon lm70y 1 4". Vast 14 107 4 2 3» 3» W Read ti Eve. White, Wal.Hall, O.lnlmer 68901 M.ibiie 1 1 :4.".! S 116 7 6 65 6" W Dkson 7 Masi. ian, I in. Booster. GraVMM 68S33 M.ibil ■ lm70y 2:dl hvy 6 110 4 4 4 4" W Reid 4 Magician. LastKfiort, Grassirec 68711 J.ffrs.n 1122::Vast 10 102 8 7 «4 3" W Reid 8 Sagamk. At lor.Muir. B.f Horn* BMM letters©* IIS l:" 12 108 11 9 71 5« W Reid 12 Irin-.o. Tex. Repeater 6K577 feffara N I MS l:4t%Caat 30 1 r, 10 8 Ill" W Reid 11 M.Robts, D.Sinker, Kirklevton C8493 .1. ff. r-...n 1 1-4 15$ fluw 7 103 7 5 71 72J B Harvey 9 Eltahe. King Tn.jan. Ballotcar 4i8411 J-ff. 1 1-2 2:37Vast 6 99 5 Lost rider J M jestir :» i.J.niei t. I/dlL; I,. 1 1, LlltWiBa 68207 Jefferson I i: 2:37 fast 3-2 Ml 5 2 25 3» I. McDott 5 Pit. Mountain Rose II.. Moodv 4.8110 Ki;.n:.s 11-8 1:55 fast 11-5 li« 5 4 1 1« B Harvey 8 Moody. Cph Cadornii J8074 I iCn. Is 1 1-10 1 "0 hvy 8 103 8 5 6* 5«1 B Harvey 12 I/.venne s. Execution. W. Cares 67917 KGrnds 1 IS 1 52Vast 20 105 2 5 ft* 6J R Doyle 9 S. Frank. T.McTaggart. Attoiny HULLO. -h. m. d 107 By Huon — Some Kid. by Boanerges. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner, W. L. Drake. Breeder. J. B. Eespess. 696!8 I. K*ct«a 1 1-16 1:48 fast 58 108 4 3 V ,".iv M Oarner 7 Blue Bird. Countess. Megan 69532 I-xgton 3-4 1 :14igood Sf l"7i S S 7 6 W Kelsay 12 1. of Peace. Grayson, M.Bodine 68818 Ha. ana 1 141 Vast 4 105 4 4 4 3SJB DHstftM 1 T.theMark. Gold. Tied. Ix t. Speed 68707 Havana 1 14 Vast 8 105 i 4 41 3J T Burns 8 Mar. Reig.l. Chile, Haz. 1 W. 68604 Havana 1 LlOfast o 100 5 2 2« 3* P C.roos B W.n.reo. Czar l..ui. Hazel W. 68518 IlBTMl 5 f 1 : »7 Vast 10 103 7 6 4J 3 1 P C.rooa ■ Tony Sue. I itatira 4 8114 Havana 5: i 1 :9-.mud 21 104 4 3 31 41 H 0 Carrie Moore, Ras. P., it Light 68307 Havana 51 f 1 OSVast 5 102 5 5 4» 1 S Banks 8 War Idol. Far East. Haran 68160 ll:n ana 3-4 1 .HVasc 31 110 2 4 41 4 E Ainl.rse | Haran. War Idol. Watereo LOUIE LOU, ch. g. 7 112 By Magazine — Grace Cole, by Ornament. Trainer. J. Simpson. Owner, M. Everton. Breeder. J .D. Carr and Bro. 69590 I ..-xgton 1 1-16 lSfast 52f 105 8 11 10" 10- W Fronk It Opulent, L«4 I»raine. J.Fairman 1 C9501 I.exgton 1 1 1G IM slop 9 112 1 | 4» 4aJ D Connlly 7 EnWhite. Am. daGiil. Ctilever 65315 X.Kton 61 f 1 2.V„rast S9 10 117 6 3 T Rae 0 K. Cheatham. Old Red. Pierrot 64077 I.mUke GJ f 1 2,. 4-5 112 F.-ll.E 7 Old Pop, Beiiecia. Miss Kruier 44591 CewLakfl H f 1 SltEtaat 6 108 l*" R Holway 7 Shoreacus. Slip. Silver, Dr. Hail 64 199 Erie 3-4 120 BMMi 37 10 112 l4 K Hi.eman 9 Coombs. Oiistinale, Nurria i 64450 Erie 61 f 1 :23Vast 20 104 21 J 1evic • Dr. Hall. Old Pop. Neg 63785 M Hghts lmTOy 1 44 fast 10 111 4 4 6» r,» E Martin 7 Plum Blossom. Sil.-nce. Cacanilo 63660 M Heights 51fl.07good 34 113 11 10 10 10»i C Dithn nl2 PliiC.ierer, Batt.vil., guiii.V.,.M CRUDENAS, br. c. 3 97 By Cruxados— Ardcnes. by Amigo. Trainer, W. Jones. Owner. T. F. Maloney. Breeder. Anita M. Baldwin. C9179 Huntton 2-4 14 107 24 J Boll I Carnre. P.ol. Giles, Tatting 69113 Huntton 3-4 IF. Vast 7 Ml 4»: W Iancet 0 D.Idli.Me. MfCalCaa, OldBlue I 69295 Hunt ton 3-4 22 109 l W lancet B S|iods. List Brush. M. Tilghnuia i 69250 Hunt ton 1 llv.hvy 61 104 5" H Click I Jordan. Moores.jue. Duckboaid 69175 Huntton 51 f 1 OS-,! ast 1« 110 "*1 L Gray 7 Punleigh, Adventuress, E.Gallie 66109 Hthorr.-j 5 f 1:18 hvy 7 111 2 4 5*1 5%| C Dishmon 6 .Enrique, UreatLadj, Ferndcs 66010 Hlhorne 51 f l:ltS.hvy I 105 5 3 21 21 C Dishmon 7 O.ruout. Z.ipatos. Paula 65829 il th.rne 5 8 1:03 fast 8 111 2 2 24 1«C Dishmon 9 Paula. Zapnios. My Lorraine 65735 H thorite 5 8 102 fast 12 DB 5 3 3!l 4" C Dishmon 1 C. Enrique, Dr.Mc.Vhur. AuitaK. 65521 Lex ton F C LlOVast 23 104 Lost rider. J Owens 7 Antonia. Mammon, Marjor.Wood | 65297 Lextoo 51 f l:10Vbslow 21 109 2 6 5 a7 M Garner 11 Ormont, Dap. Dan, PaUiampsoo PEGGY C. b. m. 6 M 102 By Jim Gaffney— Housewife, by Hanover. Trainer, J. S. Ownbey. Owner, J. S. Ownbey. Breeders. Wiggins A Lyle. 69532 Loxgton 3-4 l:14fegoo l 48 1011? 12 12 12" T Brothers 1 2 D. of Peace. Grayson, M Bodine 65059 Thncliffe 1 l:44tlow 38 103 5 3 4 55l C Damellc S BeesWing. FairVirgnia. Verity 65015 Thncliffe 3-4 T.lislop 61 107 10 10 10 10= C Darnell. TO Hdoostan. DifntEyes. Marmite 64762 Dcv shir* 3-4 l:17hvy 6 113 1 5 8 7" W Lilley 8 Serbian. Brown Bill, Old Chap 64590 Devshire 3-4 112 fast 27 107 1 7 9i 7» A Pickens 12 S.Away, B.Allen. H.of tbeNorth 63168 Devshire lm70y 1:47 fa»t 18 109 6 S Cl 714 J Rowan 10 Oo L a , a. T.S. Not Pass. Stanlej 62604 latonia 1 1-16 1 :47Vaat 30 98 6 11 luj 10" C Ralls 12 lt«l I-egs. Damons. Nurture 02520 Latonia lrr.70y l:47Vlvy 9 100 1 4 41 3"- C Ralls 9 BaPceWhcel. Casey. YngAdant