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116 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Published every "Wednesday and Saturday. Special rate mailed one month, nine issues, .00. New Issue Out Today Saturday Another Laurel Getaway Code Special Today: Murray-Garner-Lee-Sysonby-Happy Yesterdays Big Laurel Advertised Code Special: IDLE THOUGHTS... Won POST HASTE.... Won CHERRY TREE ...Won DAILY OCCASIONAL IN KENTUCKY: .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Thursdays Latonia Occasional: Golden Billows. . ..55- Won Another Latonia Occasional Goes Today Our advice to all U. T. N. followers: Dont Miss Todays Horse Again Out-of-town clients wire for todays occasional or 0 for one week; six occasional. Occasional every day in Kentucky. DAWSONS i DAILY WIRE i DAILY 0 WEEKLY j Again old man Dawson made good. Yes- . 1 terday I wired: MARSDALE . .1.80- Won , Old Man Dawson told all to go the limit, win only. Those who did sure got theirs. OLD MAN DAWSON SAYS: 0 FOR TODAY Here is a chance of a life time, Mr. Player. I assure you that you will not go wrong if , you get in touch with me today. Old Man Dawsons twenty years on the American turf puts him in a position to know the game Irom A to Z. Stop guessing let Old Man Dawson do your thinking. OLD MAN DAWSONS RECORD: THURSDAY I WISED: RUBY 5.10- Won WEDNESDAY I WIRED: TAN SON ..... .8.30- Won TUESDAY I WI3ED: COL GlLM0RE.3.70- Won MONDAY I WIRED: Golden Billows. .5.70- Won Wire money Western Union or Postal. Get in touch with me as early as possible; the earlier the better. a: DAWSON 6- NEW CHAMBERS ST. NEW YORK CITY GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents at All Newsstand! FREE CODES: v. - Latonia.: Maino-Rain-Black-Browa. Xaural: Michigan-Rock-Pink-Sea. i i j . 1 , HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-8 r NEW YORK, N. Y. - r YESTERDAYS SPECIAL "Harvey Transactions" WON Paid Over 10-1 "Was the only horse advised, again demonstrating that it pays to wait for "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" regardless of the terms. : SPECIAL "Harvey Transaction" ; TODAY TODAYS horse will again be a good price and believe will win in a gallop. To give all my HARVEY FOLLOWERS an opportunity to join me, as I expect to duplicate yesterdays success, the following terms, in spite of the heavy expense involved will prevail : . . Terms: 00 Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or j in person. NOTICE Subscriptions received after 3 :30 this afternoon will be returned. . The last two horses arranged as above won ; a 50 I flat play showed a profit of approximately ,550.00. "WARNING ! I have no agents or repre-I sentatiyes anywhere: Deal directly with this 5 office and avoid being imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 , KING BROWN I 23 DUANE ST., Room 509, NEW YORK CITY DAILY 0 WEEKLY " INSULATE. ....9.80- Won This is the horse I advised you players to get down on, and those that did are wearing a smile today. Dont make a mistake and overlook todays getaway special at Laurel. My record for the past few days speaks for itself. ... Thursdays Wire: GOLDEN RULE. 0.002 Won Wednesdays Wire: TAN SON. . . . . .8.30- Won Tuesdays Wire: CAVE WOMAN. 7-1 Won "Winning information is my specialty. "Wire or call. Hours 10 a; m. to 3 p. m; I LUCKY JERRY HARDING 101 West 42nd St. Suite 409. New York City. TERMS: 0 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY Not Best Because Biggest But Biggest Became Best. TODAYS ONE HORSE comes from lite same source. Knongh said. Expect limit price. " . . . Yesterdays one and only horse: "" " INSULATE . . . .9;80- Won Thursdays one and only horse: THE K0LL CALL 7.00- Won Wednesdays one and only horse : . OMEGA ........ .ljfc.40- Won Mondays one and only horse: -TEHRAH 1 . . . : .6.40- Won Wire Your Subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph r : ; Master Clocker s Weekly 25 Cents at All Newsstands Everywhere SEW ISSUE OUT TODAY., - DONT MISS IT! A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS ! Thats all you can Iiear litem sliout. Letters from everywhere are POURING IN every day PROCLAIMING THE MASTER CLOCKERS INFOR3IATION THE GREATEST ever offered to the public. And NO AVONDER! Here Is the Reason: LAST WEEKS WINNERS WINNERS WEEK BEFORE Cukamo ...... .6.30r 2nd Normal .2.60- Won Tan Son , . .8.30- Won Whetstone 9.10- Won Cho Cho 3.60- Won Colonel Gilmore $ 7.30- Won Fantoche 3.30- Won Chilhowee $ 7.70- Won Transom $ 9.70- Won Donges $ 6.10- Won Wellfinder $ 7.00- Won Sympathy 1.80- Won Sedgcfield ..... .$ -6.40- Won Lady Boss 0.70- Won Winner Take All $ 6.60- Won Shuffle Along .$ 4.30- Won Lord Baltimore LT $ 4.00- Won Metric . . $ 5.10- Won Mock Orange $ 9.00- 2nd Homestretch .-. 15-1 Won Colored Boy ?28.40" Won Soggarth Aroon .... .0.30- Won I Ask You! I Ask You! Is it any wonder that EVEKYWERE they are JUST I" KAN TIC to get a COPY of ths WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKES1 If you want. a. COPY of THIS WEEKS yon had hotter hustle right now to your newsdealer, or else get SHUT OUT. BUSH EIGHT MOW AHD GET THE WEEKLY "MASTER CLOCKER." Fcr salo at your newsdealers, and remember: TODAY- A Grand Special FREE Yes sir, MY GRAND ?5 SPECIAL FREE to all that get my DAILY MASTER CLOCKER. Under NO CONSIDERATION pass vp this chance. Go right to your newsdealer and ASK for the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER ?1, MAILED a WEEKS, ?0. ADDRESS : MASTER CLOCKER, Snite 310. US3 South Dearborn Street. Chicago, 111. AND WHATEVER YOU DO dont miss this SPECIAL WHICH I GIVE FREE TODAY for I KNOW SOMETHING thats all. AND SOME PRICE! Detroit For Sale Triangle Newsstand, Grisvrold and Lafayette Streets; Family Theater News, Cadillac. Square, and All Other Cities. j I 5 I ,- THE MIRACLE SYSTEM Fully Copyrighted and Protected. . gjv Is Your Investment an Orphan ? febi fSjprT FACT TALK NO. 1311 - GllPw 7Fjand. . TEX MILLION DOLLARS, it is estimated, was lost in the WjSSfar United States in unsound Turf Speculation in 1922.- Numerous and3i 5K5u53 Systems "bought are now worth no more than the ."naper uprn v2jfCP gU which they are printed. They are OltrilANS: Very likely ygapr these Systems, Guaranteed Specials, Coup Horses, were pic- VrfY tured by the promoter who sold them as certain stepping stones to wealth. But they were found to be MYTHICAL In a Position to PROPOSITIONS and, as is often the case, the promoter or . Prove Onr tipster has moved on to no cne knows where. These victims ?ena JJotn could have saved their hard-earned money by a -THOROUGH Sides of Claims and AND EXHAUSTIVE INVESTIGATION by FOLLOWING THE Your Dollar Statements. COMMON, ORDINARY, EVERY DAY HORSE SENSE, for I " whether or not an investment is SAFE depends largely :upon tl Company back of it. Write today for complete prospectus of the Miracle System. Our Crystallized Racing Manual, containing 73 pages of the most enlightening and valuable turf data ever published. . vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn lesults and statistics, result charts, the 21 famous Walter Success Maxims, and a review of the best known Systems published will be sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. For once you receive something worth while. Postals are ignored. All inquiries treated in absolute and implicit confidence. r.s.A. I SM- PvWALTERandCO maLm I CUBA Stamped O. K. by the Racing World. MEXICO " CANADA S. E. ARTHUR, Public Relations Mgr. AUSTRALIA Private Lock: Box 40-F t t Towson, Md. I " Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of I at least 10 a day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your name and address, to J. K. WILLIS 943 Windsor St. , Cincinnati, 0. Saperier Advance lnforaation 3pg Filed With This Paper Day Before. SATURDAYS CODE: Beef-Poich-Shao-Axmy-Chest., t lip Strictly confidential no wires. Buy your form and get our REAL inside information. Writa for particulars. rrM. FRANK J. MADDEN, Mgr. 407 Clinton St.. Brooklyn, U. Y. ADVERTISE IN "RACING FORM I Tan Son, 8.20,won. Just a sample of what you get in the STANDARD. All it costs is 35i at all newsstands. Mailed direct ..5 copies for .00 Todays Form Special: Juae-Grape-22-83-30-66. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. 111. FILED IN ADVANCE WITH THIS PAPER. NATIONAL TURF NEWS. Service discontinued until further notice. All subscribers will be notified when we resume ssrvice. INDIAN TRAIL, .30-, WON WAS YESTERDAYS BEST. I FULL-UARD AT LATONIA. U Dont fail to .get todays SHEET. . daily at all newsstands." Mailed .direct C days for .03. 1 NATIONAL O: K, RACING LETTER , , I 411 Bytimoro Bjgsy ChicagbIll. I