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TANFORAN PARK IS READY Grandstand Seating 5,000 and the Artistic Clubhouse Completed. rifty-SIx Owners Already on tho Grounds ; -with Fresh "Arrivals Daily ; States Till "Well. - SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 26. Tanforan is rapidly taking form of a modern and perfectly appointed race course. Construction work on the steel-framed grandstand that will seat 5,000 and the artistic clubhouse, built on English architectural lines, has been completed and all is in readiness with tho automobile parking section that will accommodate -2,000 machines. All the odds and ends are being attended to to open the gates for the first race one week from Saturday. Tho owners and trainers, who. have close to three hundred horses quartered at the plant, are more interested, however, in the remarkable mile track that is being used for the training operations. The new stabling quarters, starting at the first turn with section A and around the head of the homestretch, has also come in for much praise.. . . There are at present fifty-six owners represented with horses at the track and daily arrivals will add at least twenty-five more owners to the list and some 300 more thoroughbreds. These figures give an idea of the big meeting and racing that will bring back the horse to California. Horsemen from all over the country will have their colors on the track and the class of horses compares favorably with the metropolitan meetings. The nine stake events filled beyond expectations and the overnight entry races are assured to draw big fields, which will provide plenty of competition. There will be a stake feature every Saturday, with a program of six races daily starting at 2 p. m. There is a hustle and bustle at Tanforan early these mornings as the thoroughbreds are given their workouts and additional interest will be provided for the visitors this week when the starting gate is set up and schooling starts. : The following are the owners whose horses are at present quartered at Tanforan: Section A J. It. Clark, E. E. White, Hall and De Bolt and G. B. McNeil. Section B A. B. Spreekels and Thomas Fortune Ryan. Section C O. Drumheller, Bowler, J. M. Cooper, James Collins and Mrs. G. A. Polk. Section D Tri:Statc Stable, G. W. Atkinson and Brown Shasta Stock Farm Stable. Section E E. C. Buchanan, J. Gammon, F. Bick-nell, A. A. Baroni and Mrs. O. B. Irwin. Section F George Van Gorden, Bronx Stable and J. M. Coibin. Section G Brumbaugh, Andrian, B. V. Morris, Dan Dennison, Mrs. A. F. Day toil and O. W. Cahill. Section H II. M. Hollenbeck, M. Gray, Nancolas Bros, and Blander Bros. Section I M. Synfy, O. F. Hartwell. E. Griffin, North and Bowe, C. A. Hartwell and Meadowbrook Stable. - Section J Rudolph Spreekels and Mira Monte Stbck Farm Stable-Section K Colonel R: Ii. Baker and Frank J. Kclley. Section L J. W. Marchbank and J. H. Ree-Bctcr. - - , . . Section M Peltcr Bros., Ballinger, Kensinger, Eawkin and 1. H. Wells. Section N W. L. Stanficld, Howell, Cassity, Theos, Baumstark, W." Leeds and George Lyon.