Answers to Queries, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-27

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ANSWERS TO QUERIES J. K., St. Louis. Mo. Yes. If they dont let us know. S. S., Louisville, Ky. Your query -was answered in Daily Racing Form of October 24. C. A. G.. Chicago, 111. It would be a draw; the inference being that Bustem must go or no bet. E. K., Chicago, 111. As published in the chart of the race, a straight wager on Altawood would have called for payment at the rate of G5 to 100. F. M., Chicago, 111. The payoff prices were correctly printed and are those that were posted at the track. The 1G0 to 100 was what Altawood would have paid had there been no dead heat. E. L. B., Chicago, III. The dead heat was for first place only, and the dead heaters took the place money and place bets; just as if one had beaten the other. F. B. M., Washington, D. C. Through legislation in part and court decision in part, betting on racing has been made lawful by book-making of a sort, or by mutuels, as the case may be, in New York, Maryland, Kentucky. Louisiana, Nevada, Nebraska. M. W., Lexington, Ky. There, is no apparent reason why you should not be paid. The purse was taken away from French Canadian the day after the race, but wagers on the race were not affected and ftood as tho horses finished. H. J; W., Nashville, Tenn., will take notice. , J. D. J., Cincinnati, O. Prince Ahmed waa pix years older than Pan Zarcta. which "precluded their having many opportunities, to clash. Their only meeting in a race seems to have been at Hamilton, July 28, when he was nine years old and she but three. He finished last and she was" third to Sir Blaise and Sun Queen. S. J. W. Omaha, Nebv , Jn case of dead heats in ibopkmaking, the mo nejV wagered on the dead heaters is added together and divided equally between the backer and layer, i Thus if horse A was at 10 to 1 a 0 bet would call for, 10, of which the. backer would take ! 5 and the bookmaker 51 If horse B was at, 5 to 1, a Q wager would call for 0, which would be similarly divided.

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