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HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING Broadway at 52d Street NEW YORK, X. T. "Harvey Transactions" TODAY! Early subscription is necessary to avoid oversubscription. Terms: 00 Payable, strictly in advance, by telegraph or in person. This service is only made possibie through hearty cooperation and prompt compliance with terms. Bad racing luck at times, over which no one exercises any control, is our only enemy. Tuesdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION" at eight to one finished second, paying three to one to place. No excuses, no apologies. Special Notice ! "HARVEY TRANSACTION" consists strictly of one horse. By dealing direct with this office, unnecessary regrets are avoided. I employ no agents or representatives anywhere. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 WORLDS PREMIER CLOCKER Turf Reporters chief clocker 45 f years on job; past 19 with Reporter, rfSfifirt sending Daily One Horse direct from pMjBlBEqa track, averaging a high, percentage dSv f winners yearly. Where else can you get even close to that I All -we charge for this service is 0 A WEEK J and "we send you a copy of a system. If you never deviate from it you should every week on service pull up -winner. Here is record of Daily One Horso wire service from opening of Lexington to close of Latonia: 20 WINNERS 7 SECONDS 6 THIRDS 3 LOSERS. Did you ever in your whole life see such, a remarkable record! SPECIAL SERVICES Each Saturday two XX Specials wired you for , or, if you prefer two by mail for Monday, also . . Special must win, or following free. If you fail to get new Reporter, ON SALE NOW. ONLY 35c or mailed plain envelopes 3 weeks, , you will never forgive yourself, as there are over 150 fastest workouts and horses at top form. THE TURF REPORTER. Originator and Oldest Publication in Existence. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, 111. Heres the best. Costs no more than the rest. Why fool around with fly-by-night concerns ; here one day, gone week later. Know who you arc deal- : ing with. We are absolutely reliable. ; ! CHARLES RAYMOND COMMISSIONER .00 DAILY 0.00 "WEEKLY Yesterday My Special: FERGUSON 7.80- Won I handle one horse every day. I know when the horse is ready. Today Another Special Goes 10 to 1 Is Expected I am a representative for a large Kentucky outfit. See me today. You cant go wrong. I will steer you right and let you know when the big boys are down. Wire money "Western Union or Postal. Would advise a weeks subscription or 5.00 for the Louisville meeting. Charles Raymond 2503 Pitkin Avenue BROOKLYN, X. Y. 1 GREAT JAZ .30. WON PUMPS .30- WON WERE LAST SATURDAYS XX SPECIALS SEND IN AT ONCE FOR NEXT SATURDAYS TWO LIVE ONES CORINTH .60- WON WAS YESTERDAYS CODE SPECIAL. Get NEW BOOK on sale now, for code for all noxt week 35c at all newsstands. BLUE STONE .00- WON WAS YESTERDAYS DAILY. Torms for this service .00 for 6 days. Why not deal with an OLD AND RELIABLE FIRM? Send in your subscription at once. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: March-Pear-15-11-34-23. 403, 22 W. aUINCY ST. CHICAGO. ILL. : Marshalls Turf Bureau I 106 PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY P FOLLOW AN EXPERT YESTERDAY WE WIRED: POST HASTE.... .60- Won Starting the Louisville mscting in grand style. TODAY A PROBABLE 15 to 1 SHOT WINNER Wo aro entering subscriptions for the Louisville ; meeting 0. Terms, daily, 0 weekly. Wire Western Union or Postal. GARS CHIEF OI1SERVER 25 Cent3 at All Newsstands. TODAYS FREE CODES: Louisville Vermont-Black-Snow-Whito Pimlico Virginia-Light-Black-White : I ADVERTISE IN RACING F0RM I ESTABLISHED 1917 George Allen UNITY BUILDING No. 101 West 42nd St. New York City Wednesdays Kentucky One Horse: Post Haste .60- Won 0 pays for six big winners. 0 pays for one big winner. Yon must get a winner for your money, as a loser Is not counted against your subscription. Todays horse should win at a price or next winner free. This horse conies from the same smart people that wired me the following good-priced winners at Latonia: Crayon 4.40- Won Muldraugh .60- Won Anonymous 9.80- Won Jimmie Daw.. . .3.90- Won Wise Counsellor.. .1 0- Won Sun Spot 4.70- Won Enrico 1.50- Won And numerous other good-priced horses that won. Subscribe today. Go with a winning combination end be a winner. Wire 0 for G days winners; or 0 for one big winner. J . : ; ! J. BURNS 212 WEST 72ND ST. NEW YORK CITY My horses on file in advance with DAILY RACING FORM. MY HORSE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7: FERGUSON 8.70- WON No information sent out Monday or Tuesday. MY HORSE SATURDAY, NOV. 3: GREAT JAZ .90- WON No information sent out Friday, Nov. 2. MY HORSE THURSDAY, NOV. 1: COLORED BOY .49- WON These were the only horses sent out by mo since I started operations at the Kentucky tracks, as I send ONE HORSE A DAY ONLY. Never more. My operations in the past have been at tha eastern tracks, wksre I have had a very successful season. TODAYS HORSE SHOULD PAY 10 TO 1. TERMS 0 DAILY. Out-of-town clients wire subscriptions by Western Union. City clients call. ALBERT BANKS has the most reliable information on three or four horses every week. If you are willing to telegraph the winnings of a five -dollar straight play the day after the race, write or wire for Thursdays Special ALBERT BANKS NO. 411 TEMPLE ST. NEW HAVEN, CONN. 1 Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. It should show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your name and address, to J. K. WILLIS 943 Windsor St. Cincinnati, 0. " ACTUAL RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNT Tho Guarantee System won on a 0 play Week ending November 3. NEW YORK WON 1G.00. MARYLAND WON 89.00. KENTUCKY AVON 66.50. For further details address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM No. 601 Cathedral Baltimore, Md. : 14906149061490614906149061490614906 $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS .$ 5 The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on $ $ installment payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FREE, 73-page manual and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. $ $ Public relations manager $ 5 S. E. ARTHUR $ $ Bor 40, R. F. Towson, Md. $ 14906149061490614906149061490614906 I P NO. 116 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMIWEEKLY. " PRICE .00. PRICE .00. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. BIG CODE SPECIAL TODAY: Empire - City-Springs-Dead -Won Daily Occasional Daily, 0 Weekly ; : I VOLUME I. OF Annual Racing Form for 1923 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO, 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 59 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, 0NT.