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1 Tijuana Form Chart TUTANA. Hex., Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1924. 1 mile. Thirty-seventh day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weathsr clear. Stewards. Francis Nelson, J. W. Coffroth and L. J. Rose. Placing Judges, M. N. Macfarlan and J. S. Rothert, Starter. Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, M. N. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time 3:50. 7fifi9fi FIRST RACE 1-4 Mile. Jan, 5. 1924 232 118. Purso 00. 2-7ar-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net valuo to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, 7G474 Nellie A. 115 1J E Denny t26-100 76571 Bear Shot 115 2 II Long C60-100 Littlo Shasta 115 3 S ODonnell J930-103 76474 Moon Child 115 4 B Kennedy 740-100 76537 sMy Destiny 115 5 D Connelly 200-100 76474 Sequan 115 C P Martinez 940-100 76571 Shasta Rapids 115 7 W Pool t 76474 Little Bat 115 S J Aletcalf Wiltrude Woodll5 91 E Barnes t Solimcnto 115 10 G Mein 1270-100 tCoupled as A. A. Baroni entry; Shasta Farm Stable entry; JW. E. Appelgate entry. Time, 23. Track fast. mutuels paid, A. A. Baroni entry, .20 straight, .40 place, .G0 show; Bear Shot, .00 place, .60 show; Brown Shasta Farm Stable entry, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds A. A. Baroni entry, 2G0 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Bear Shot, 150 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Brown Sliasta Farm Stable entry, 190 to 100 show. Winner A. A. Baronis b. f, by Athcling II. Nellie B., by Sir Wilfred trained by B. Sebum; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Went to post at 1:55. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 7RR97 1 SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. May 20, 1920594107. Purse . 3-year-old3 and upward. Claiminj. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69082Sweep Up II. 115 1 R Carter 1340-10-3 70377Big Indian 107 21 S ODonnell 453-100 76117 Charmant 108 2 J Smith t 76517 Dell Evans 89 4l E OBrien 1310-101 76296 Col. Matt 105 5 K Erickson 400-100 7G198sLittIe Smile 107 6 J Maiben 710-100 7G598Last Girl 1C6 7 F Watrous t 75348 Miss Manage 113 81 E Denny 310-100 76004 Loudoun 109 9 D Connelly 9840-100 76498ICuba 103 10 T Rae t 763 1G Sir John Jr. Ill lll P Martinez t 76516 Malzavena 108 12 G Mein 16300-100 7G573 Rubber II. 1C5B. dn.J Hallmrk 8163-100 G35 Insuranco 99 Wheeled.J Wood UGO-100 fMutuel fieid. Time 1:01. Track fast, mutuels paid, Sweep Up II., field. .S0 straight, .80 place. .40 show; Big Indian. .S0 place, .40 show; Charmant, field, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Sweep Up II., field, 340 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Big Indian, 140 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Charmant. field, 70 to 100 show. Winner G. Stewarts b. g, 9. by Sweep White Plume, by Order trained by U. R. Stewart; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore. Went to post at 2:19. At post 1 minute. Start . good and slow for all but Insurance. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 7G517 Olympiad. 110; 7G573 Usher D., 1 107; 7C40S Roscoe Goose, 110; 7G572 Slippery Smile, 97. Overweights Last Girl, 3 pounds; Loudoun, 2; j Sir John Jr., 1; Insurance, 2. J 76628 THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. fib! 25. 13231:058122. Purse 1924.sh00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 20; second, 23; third, 0. Bq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7G224 Eminent 115 ti F Horn 910-100 7G540 Cassius 115 2 D Connelly T3Q0-103 76340 Niagara 110 3 F Cantrell t 73317Huon Pine 115 4? R Carter 60-100 76540 Hitrump 112 5 B Scheffel 2140-103 75731 Parvenu 1W 61 E Robbin3 2630-100 71801 Runpour lis 7s J Metcalf 1640-100 69376Jose Newell, no 3 E Denny 3060-100 tCoupled as W. C. Goodloe entry. Time, 1:07. Track fast. mutuels paid. Eminent, 0.80 straight. .40 place, .80 show; W. C. Goodloe entry, .00 place, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Eminent, 940 to 100 straight, 170 to 1QO place. 140 to 100 show; W. C. Goodloe entry, 50 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show. Winner Mrs. T. Hofflers ch. c, by The Manager Little Daughter, by Ogden trained by W. Coll; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 2:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweight Hitrump, 2 ponnds. 76629 luuo FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, i9iGl:ii3 110. Pursa 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7G577 Seths Alibi 113 1 R Doylo 4020-100 76317 Omega 104 2k g Lavino 110-100 76577 sOdd Seth 107 3i J Maiben 310-1CO 7G577Mis3 Nantura 106 4" W Gormley 1363-100 7G572BoF3 Man 107 5" K Erickson 26S0-1C0 7G2835BlacIc Shasta 106 6J S ODonnell 23C-100 76501 Ramo 101 7 O Clark 2290-100 Time, 1:14. Track fast. 52 mutuels paid, Seths Alibi, 2.40 straight, 3.80 place. .80 show; Omega, .00 place, .80 show; Odd Seth, .00 show. j J Equivalent booking odds Seths Alibi, 4020 to 100 straight, ."90 to 100 place, 240 to 100 show; Omega, 100 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Odd Seth, 50 to 100 show. Winner Mrs. F. R. Doyles ch. g, by Seth May Sutton, by Prince Eshcr trained by F. R. Doyle; bred by Mr. I. A. Jones. Went to post at 3:14. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 7GC03,Seths Memory. 103. 76 63 0 FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards, iuuuu Karch 10, 1923 1:42 6 113. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00; second, ?200; third, 00. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 76478 Tangcrine 113 1 E Legere 150-100 76544JCruzern 93 2J J Gerrity 320-100 76284 Curland 103 3 A Claver 120-100 Time, 1:44. Track fast. mutuels paid, Tanserinc, .00 straight, .40 place; Cruzern, .60 place; no show mutucla sold. Equivalent booking odds Tangerine, 150 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place; Cruzern, 30 to 100 place. Winner C. Buxtons b. g, 5, by Olambala Orange Lilly, by William the Third trained by C. Buxton; bred by Mr. R. T. Wilson. Went to post at 3:42. At post 1 minute. Start j good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 7G45G Lilt, 100; 7GG02 Be Frank. Overweights Cruzern, 3 pounds; Curland, 3. 7 iuuox 6 631 SIXTH RACE 1 MUe and 70 Yards. March 10, 1923 1:42 6 118. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Eq. Odd Ird. Horse. Wt.- Fin. Jockey. Straight. 76476Chippendalo 106 1 W Moller 1130-100 76476By Right 104 21 J Wood fWO-100 76599Donatello 103 3l S ODonnell t 76578 Cavcadour II. 114 4t P Hum 400-100 7GG03sMy Rose 101 5 G Lavine 450-100 76502 De Boncro 106 61 F Watrous 920-100 76480sViolet Blue 93 71 O Clark 540-100 76286sMissouri Boy 104 3l P Walk? 330-100 7G437Pce Direct 100 9 J Berg t fMutuel field. Time, 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid, Chippendale, 0.C0 straight, 0.00 place, 3.40 show; By Right, field, .40 place, .00 show; Donatello, field, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Chippendale, 1430 to ICO straight, 430 to 100 place, 370 to 100 show; By Right, field. 120 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Donatello. field. 100 to 100 show. Winner T. Polks ch. g, 3, by First Chip Kittio Piatt, by Longflight trained by John Kane; bred by Mr. S. Waring. Went to. post at 4:03. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driviug; second and third the same. Scratched 76522 Sportsman, 101; 7G497Tha Lamb, 1015; 7G4S0;Mary Jane Baker. 109; 76357 War Penny. 107; 70370. Scraps, 102; 76399 Hillsdale, 111; 7G53UHal Wright. Ill; 7G301 Yukon, 111. Overweights Douateilo, 2 pounds; Violet Blue, 4. 76 632 SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, . 1920 1:16 1:11 3 110. Pursa . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 60; second, 60; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7G342 Judge Pryor 110 1 E Barnes 320-100 76575Tha Almoner 112 2s P Martinez 210-1O 76481 Knighthood 10-1 3" F Steven3 t910-10O 76519 Marine Corps 113 4 W Boganowski t 76265Dr. Corbett 110 5l F Weiner 133-100 76544 Ruddy 115 6 B Kennedy t 76244 Bayonet 110 71 E Legere 1020-103 76500A1 Hotfoot 26 8 M" Frey t 76541 The Falconer 120 3 F Cantrell 9000-100 764003Capt. Clover 10S 10 A Neal 4490-100 filutuel field. Time, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paid, Judge Tryor, .40 straight, . CO place, .60 show; The Almoner, .00 place, .00 show, Knighthood, field, .00 show. Equivalent booking edds Judge Pryor, .20 to 100 straight, ISO to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; The Almoner, 100 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Knighthood, field, 50 to 100 show. Winner R. L. Bakers br. g, 6, by Vulcain Frances M., by Filigrane trained by G. Arvia; bred by Mr. S. K. Nichols. Went to post at 4:3G. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third " di iviug. Scratched 7G342:SunnyIand, 113; 7G437 LEffare, 110; 76519sDonbtful, 112. Cvcrweights Judge Piyor, 2 pounds. The Almoner, 76633 iuuuu EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. March a, 1923 1:44 3 116. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 90; second, 40; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 76578 Ever Bold 113 1 F Chiavetta 4CO-100 7G600 Hyanpom 110 2 O Clark ltO-100 7G402Croupier 105 32 S ODonnell 400-100 76604 Eelman 111 41 B Kennedy 610-100 705 18 Tula 100 5 J Wood 00-100 Timo, 1:47. Track fast. mntnels paid. Ever Bold. 0.00 straight, .20 place, .60 show; Hyanpom, .40 place, .40 show; Croupier, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Ever Bold, 400 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Hyanpom. 70 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Croupier, 50 to 100 show. Winner J. Daneris b. g, 5, by Hesperus Bella Mayes, by Borgia or Borghesi trained by M. Smith; bred by Mr. A. K. Macomber. Went to post at 4:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 764S0Dainty Lady, 101; 7057SIN-braska Lad, 111.