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0.00 FOR ONE WINNER 0.00 FOR SEVEN WINNERS M. CAMPBELL Schuyler Arms Hotel, 98th Street and Riverside Drive, New York City Absolutely One Horse a Day Saturdays Absolutely One Horse: JOHN FINN 5-1 WON "Mondays Absolutely One Horse must Win or You Receive Next Two Winners Free. You must get a winner for your money. Fridays Absolutely One Horse : P0PPYE : 4-1 WON Thursdays Absolutely One Horse: DUCKY 8-1 WON Wednesdays Absolutely One Horse : DUSTABOUT 7-1 WON Four Winners in a Row MONDAYS ONE HORSE SHOULD MAKE IT FIVE STRAIGHT ! I force money on my horseman friends. You are sure to get a run for your money. Even though a horseman myself, I take care of my friends just the same. You cant go wrong. Mondays Absolutely One Horse will be wired to all just as soon as I receive the name of it. I have to wait until my man arrives in town from the track, about 9 :30 a. m. New Orleans time. I will receive name of horse about 11 a. m. New York time and will immediately send all their telegram-so they will get it about noon Monday. Telegraph 0.00 for One Winner or 0.00 for Seven Winners. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y. YESTERDAYS "Harvey Transaction" PEQUOT Finished Second ATTENTION is drawn to the fact that this horse in his previous start was 20 to 1 and that the chart will show how well he was meant yesterday. Needless to say above was the only horse advised. Over the long-distance late last evening this office was notified that the next "HARVEY TRANSACTION" will start TUESDAY In order to receive preferred listing early subscription is necessary. Those who received either of the last four "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" will be given the preference for territory if their subscription ?100 is telegraphed before Monday night at 11 oclock. One Hundred Dollars Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. - TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM Starts yon off winning. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly . all win. Win big: money on a straight flat play. Stood the acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for seven years. This marrelous method stands out like a MAN O WAR over all. STONE IMAGE" 5-1 WON SUUIRE WIGGINS 4-1 WON BOY O BOY 5-1 WON MURPHY 7-1 WON POLVO 10-1 WON DUSTABOUT 8-1 WON DAYDUE 8-1 WON CRUZERN .S0- WON Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients, showing proof of what my system is doing-, sent you FREE. Stop losing and start winning right away. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as yon win. Facts regarding systems that will open your eyes, free. Write at once. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH ST. NEW YORK CITY FAIR GROUNDS One or two long shots weekly. Terms winnings of and 0.00 straight play. Remit .00 and correct address. Names of all horses sent hy mail; no telegrams. KENTUCKY TVHV GUIDE C13 JULIA ST. NEW ORLEANS, LA GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYS Fit EE CODE: Fair Grounds: Mainc-Pink-ltcd-Dark. Again We Won ! Yesterdays 0 Free Special: Rimquoi ...... 4-1 Won And once arain -ve surely sent the Laying Gentry on the run. Last Weeks "Winners: Bench Manager . . 8-1 Won Doctor Glen 4-1 Won j Pequot 30-1 Won and other winners in last -weeks book. Get the NEW ISSUE TODAY. Dont delav, and remember SPECIAL, at Fair Grounds, page 5, is the Chiefs best thing of the week.1 DO-T 3IISS IT. MONDAY ANOTHER 0 FREE SPECIAL Right from the CHIEF and he savs the LIMIT, and the LIMIT was the advice he got RIGHT from the FRONT. Dont fail to get this special MONDAY. Ask for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50 CENTS 3IAI LED TWO WEEKS, Address . 332 Plymouth Court CHICAGO, ILL. DETItOIT For Sale Only at Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafavette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square. GIBRALTAR SYSTEM STRONGEST OF THEM ALL 54 Per Cent Winners in December Does it work in winter? We leave it to you. A large per cent of our selections ran first or second. "Why pay to 00 daily for wire service. Save . that money! Place a finger on a live one every day for the rest of your life at the small cost of huyingr the SAFEST "ONE BEST" SYSTEM EVER DEVISED. Writs for particulars and proof. System is on fil9 with Daily Racine Form. Gibraltar News Service P. O. BOX 563 CLEVELAND, OHIO No Tips No Propositions FIRST 2 WIRES FREE We Rack Our Brains For Your Benefit Information that others could not furnish you we will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE. Just send your name and address. The System of Systems PUBLISHERS K003f 443 WEBSTER BLDG. CHICAGO SECOND THOUGHTS 2J-1 WON was yesterdays Best. If you want WINNERS ask your newsdealer for the O. K. .C0 DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER . 411 Baltimore Building Chicago, I1L lO-l PARLAY 10-1 A AVJ-J. ;AV BY MAIL Gpes January 28 Dont Miss It KltOSTY HOY ;;o-t Won PAUL MICOU 10-1 Won IlEVEUWYCIv x Won WE6SIE B O-l Won FMZVT STONE ;i AVon IDLE THOUGHTS -l Won I Were all Riven GALLOPS WEEKLY renders 210-211. j Now, on .Innuary 2S. we will have another special mail parlay which will t he a TWO-HOUSE "AVIX" parlay anil will he mailed in all snhscribcrs. Our price for this information Is only , ami we believe that the parlay SH0ULD WIN AND PAY AT LEAST 10-1 In fact, so sure arc we that we will have two winners at fair olls. that, if 1 the parlay wc mail yiui does not prove a winner ami PAY lO-l at least, we will mail you, ABSOLUTELY EHEE, GALLOPS WEEKLY for four weeks and j iallops resrnlar Monday mail specials for Monday, Fcbrnnry 4, Ill ICE. J Act quickly to ;?et your subscription to us in time. Dont miss this special parlay. Send today and say for your SPECIAL 10-1 PARLAY BY MAIL." GALLOPS 219 S. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL- TERMS 0.00 WEEKLY; .00 DALLY ESTABLISHED 1005 New York Turf Exchange j Suite 002-10, 1410 Broadway New York City J Saturdays Hip; Special Saturdays PAUL MICOU 6-1 WON Monday wc will have information from the same connection and have the utmost confidence in their ability tf produce winners. In fact, the coming weeks indication points to excellent resnlts. "Wire ns at once for Mondays information. Terms, J20.00 for one weeks service; or .00 for one day. Send correct address, please. j j FACTS!!! LAST WEEK IIP 10 FRIDAY Jan. IStli Saturdays results not known, as this was -written Saturday morning "THE ROSS RULE" selected play on thirteen horses, of which ten WON. Total since Thanksgiving Day. the opening of the winter season, THE RULE selected S7 plays, of which 72 won. The Key, perfected only last week, including the scale of investments in judgment, makes it perfect. "The Ross Rule" requires no one after purchase excepting capital and a reliable bookmaker, neither of which I furnish. I have followed "The Ross Rule" with positive success personally and those who can satisfy me as to their reliability can have a copy. The terms are: 5 in advance and 5 additional out of earnings within thirty days after play has started on same. Above are facts proven through back charts of the Racing Form. The weekly progress of "The Ross Rule" will appear in these columns. C. A. ROSS Room 615, 1674 Broadway New York, N. Y. ! Carl Carpenter I 50 TRINITY BUFFALO,-X. T. j 0 "WEEKLY Reliable Winning Information Only one or two transactions daily. LAST "WE EK A FLAT FLAY OF 0.00 AVOX -00 START TODAY AVith an Experienced Information Getter. "Wire your subscription toy Western Union or Postal. Propositions not considered. IF YOU WERE OFFERED an opportunity to invest one or two thousand dollars with the assuranca of making1 at least ten times this amount with all risk practically eliminated WOULD YOU agree to give mo half of your profits? This proposition can withstand tho most rigid investigation. The details will convince any practical business man. Private interview arranged with responsible paities only. Application must state amount willing t3 invest as well as references. No time can be lost. Write or wire at once. Communications held in strictest confidence. E. B. Care of Western Union BROADWAY AND 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY MARION. VIRGINIA, Jan. 17. 1924. MR. HORSE PLAYER: I have just returned to the farm here, where I will remain until the races open this sprinj. I have been out to Tijuara for some time and stopped off at New Orleans fcr a few days. My .pals at these tracks wire me anything that is exceptionally sood and I will wire you if you will agree to send me the winnings of a five-dollar straight play after the horse wins. Beinj a member of the Odom family, which has given to the turf jockeys, owners and trainers, and havirj myself been associated with the game for 26 years. I am in a position to obtain information that should prove profitable to you. I oxpect to have ono or two a week for you and am making you this low offer until you are convinced that this information is right. Writo or wire your address and we will hejin business. Yours truly, address ARCH B. ODOM MARION, VA. 1493914939149391493914939$ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS 5 I The JllKACIii: SYSTEM is nationally known 5 $ ns "easy for player haul fir layer." Sold on ? $ installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FlEE 73-page luminal and review. $ Investigate tuday and make Jour bookie obey. $ $ 1ubKc relations manager j $ S. E. A Unit It J $ Box 40, It. F. Towson, Md. 5 149391493914939149391493914939$ "ANONYMOUS" Secret Information ONE HORSE DAILY I made it G straight, and will make it 7 Monday. Yesterday I wired all clients: PAUL MICOU 6-1 Won demonstrating to everyone that it pays to do business with AN EXPERIENCED HORSEMAN. My record justifies the nosition I have taken. Do net be skeptical because I cannot d"vcl;e my identity, suffice to say I am in a position to be in en ALL TRACK SECRETS. This is not tips, but REAL INFORMATION, for BUSINESS MEN, that appreciate only the best. What has been accomplished: Friday I wired all clients: DERQNDA 7-1 Won Thursday I wired all clients: DUCKY 8-1 Won Wednesday I wired all clients: DUSTABOUT ........7-1 Won Tuesday I wired all clients: PAUL MICOU 8-1 Won Monday I wired all clients: DAYDUE 7-1 Won With even regularity I have delivered WINNERS and -consider any price a GOOD ONE. I do not claim to givo 20-1 and 30-1 shots, but placs you in the "kow," when stables are trying hard to WIN. Terms: Daily 0 Weekly entitles you to ONE HORSE a day or G for the week. All money must be wired via Western Union or Postal money order transfer, along with your correct address. Interested readers, desiring my service, should hasten decision for I may be forced to discontinue subscriptions. NOTE All communications must be addressed to my New York representative MR. A. SHILLING 597 GATES AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. 116 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI - WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 On sale out of town leading newsstands. Mailed anywhere .00 monthly. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. MONDAYS BIG CODE SPECIAL: 17-25-4-31-WINNER. Saturdays Code Special: RUNQUOI. 4-1 WON. Below winner written up on sheet: KING ONEILL II 6-1 WON j You must follow horses written up on sheet besides codo special. DAILY OCCASIONAL .00 DAILY. 0.00 WEEKLY. 00 SPECIAL MONDAY FREE TO ALL CLIENTS. City clients- call. Out-of-town wire weekly; .03 daily. Flat Play Made ,052 I November and December on 0 basis. Send by reentered mail for our GOOD LUCK OCCASIONAL I FEATURE. No firrtlior payments. Clear and simple. Average price of winners in last two months was ?4.l."i-. riav may be a made anywhere. G. N. SERVICE 1 P. O. BOX 563 CLEVELAND. OHIO Col. J. J. SCHREINER HOTEL DE SOTO, NEW ORLEANS. LA. AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO W03K FOR YOU ?15 FOR ANY TEN DAYS Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Pay From Your Profits I The Master Key System of playing the race I will be mailed you for one weeks trial. It I should show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale iif pin v. FOR PARTICULARS mail this nd, with your n: ;unl inlilres.i to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Streot Miami Beach, ria. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM