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J. E. MADDEN SUPREME Heads American Breeders for Seventh Year in Succession. H. P. Whitney, A. B. Hancock, Late H. T. Oxnard and A. Belmont Among the Leaders. J. E. Madden still reigns supreme as tho leading American breeder. For tho seventh year in succession horses bred at his famous Hamburg Place in Kentucky won more races and money on tho race tracks of this country. Canada, Cuba and Mexico than the produce of any other American breeding establishment. From 1917 to 1923, inclusive, these sturdy thoroughbreds of well-proven American and English blood lines have won a total of 2,380 races, a record probably unsurpassed anywhere. Tho year 1923 was indeed a glorious one for, J. E. Maddens Hamburg Place. Horses bred at that now worlds famous establishment in Kentucky collectively won 419 races, finished second in 3GG, third in 323 and accounted for ,G30 in stakes and purses. Surely there was gratification and pleasure for Mr. Madden akin to that shared by Messrs. Sinclair and Hildreth over the marvelous exploits of Zev, which first saw the light of day at Hamburg Place. Grey Lag was another star among the great array o Madden-brcd racers, numbering over 150, that took part in and were able to contribute in some measure to the wonderful results mentioned above. H. P. WHITNEYS FINE SHOWING. Fortunate indeed was Mr. Madden to havo the mighty Zev to uphold the reputation of Ilamburg Place in 1923. Had not the noted son of Tho Finn accomplished unheard of tilings in tho way of winning money, to Harry Payne Whitney instead of to Mr. Madden Avould have fallen the honor of leading the American breeders in so far as money won is concerned, though the Whitney-bred horses won less than half the number of races to the credit of the thoroughbreds bred at Hamburg Place. Harry Payne AVhitney is and has been one of tho largest and most successful of American breeders. Unlike Mr. Madden, who sells the majority of the horses ho breeds, Mr. AVhitney reserves the best of the produce of his noted New Jersey and Kentucky farms to carry his own silks. In the racing of 1923 Bunting, Rialto, Cherry Tree, Untidy, Spot Cash, Tryster, Damask, Exodus, Flagstaff, Gadfly, Transmute, Hullabaloo, Brainstorm. Revenge and a host of other AAhitney-bred horses raced to such good advantage for Mr. AVhitney and other owners that they finished first in 253 races, second in 272, third in 210, and took from the spoils of track warfare tho munificent sum of 5503.4G3. A. B. ILVNCOCK THIRD. Arthur B. Hancock is third cn the breeders list for 1923, horses bred by him winning ?3Gt,152, while those bred by the late Henry T. Oxnard accounted for 85,140, though those of the last mentioned won more races. Other American breeders figuring prominently in the racing history of 1923 were August Belmont, Edward R. Bradley, Richard T. AVilson, Nevada Stock Farm, Hal Price Headley, Himyar Stud, AAillis Sharpo Kilmer, Commander J. K.L. Ross, Benjamin A. Jones and Johnson N. Camden. Here are the records of the leading American breeders, showing the number of races won, seconds and thirds, together with the total amount of money earned during tho racing of 1923 by horses bred by them: Amount IJrccder. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. John H. Madden 419 3G0 323 1924.sh32,030 Harry Payne Whitney 253 272 210 r.03,4li:i Arthur Jl. Hancock 179 202 139 354.152 Henry T. Oxnard 241 233 232 2S5.H0 August Kelmont 114 130 115 234,552 Himyar Stud Ihil T. Chinn 95 70 CO 201,700 Edward It. liradley Ill 127 119 189.0SS Itichard T. Wilson 12S 147 131 103.S00 Nevada Stock Farm George Wingficld : 105 174 150 113,327 Hal Price Headley 114 110 100 140.392 Willis Sharpe Kilmer 79 72 74 129.!KM J. K. 1: Uoss 91 78 SS 110,510 ISenjaniin A. Jones 154 1SS 170 1U.4S5 Thomas C. McDowell ;.122 135 110 109,002 Kdward Ceurian 107 104 107 102,231 Johnson N. Camden SO 73 07 101, 0S3 IXlward V. Simms 79 74 C3 91.400 S. IC. Nichols 43 51 43 92,100 John Sanford 05 97 S3 S9.5S4 ISelair Stud Wm. Woodward i3 77 C5 S0.S52 Thomas M. Murphy., 85 00 93 83,503 W. IS. Miller 72 71 00 S3.01U John I. Carr and liro 01 70 05 S2.945 Charles W. Moore 109 1 03 90 S2,27ti Greentrcc Stahle 30 41 23 7S.3S0 Jerome It. Itespess 97 81 82 78,240 Thomas Piatt 90 73 St 70,370 Williams llros 110 S7 S9 71,541 If. IJpzier Dnlany 19 5 11 71.OS0 George Ij. I.lackford 9S 91 100 08,203 Phillip M. Walker 42 4 1 4 3 04,011 Walter M. Jeffords 13 15 13 03.237 George J. Long SO 90 73 02.3S2 John H. Itossetter 53 53 01 00.500 George I. AVidencr,.. 03 47 47 00,179 Adolph 15. Spreckels .-. 77 00 88 00,022 Samuel lEoss 40 40 35 59, 055 A. K. Macoiuber 07 75 03 55,033 Continued on twclftl. page. J. E. MADDEN SUPREME Continued from first page. Amonnt. Breeder. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Morris and Walden 45 51 56 55.613 iHeadley and Miller 54 59 G7 55,237 J. Temple Gwathmey 4 30 36 53.SS3 H. H. Hewitt 49 33 32 49.343 R. H. Anderson 35 30 32 49,511 J. 0. and G. II. Kecne 43 46 43 47.789 James Butler 50 S3 53 47.481 G. W. J. Bissell 52 82 G2 46,953 Short Grass Stud Farm 37 30 32 45 249 M. E. Johnston 16 2 2 44,780 William Garth 54 6G 60 44,079 Mrs. L. A. Livingston 61 54 S3 42,631 Joseph E. Widener 24 29 30 42,551 John H. Louchheim 26 44 36 39,213 W. P.. Coe 53 51 47 37.975 White and Garnett 44 34 47 36.783 Richard F. Carman 57 64 47 36,601 Joseph E. Seagram 33 34 33 33,010 Kenneth D. Alexander 39 23 37 34,921 Gallaher Bros 28 29 26 34,897 D. W. Scott. 3G 43 51 33,493 FOREIGN BREEDERS. There was a decided falling off in the number of races won by foreign-bred horses in this country during 1923. English-bred hcrscs won 215 races, whereas in 1922 they accounted for 2G6 ; in 1921, 279 ; in 1920, 243. French-bred horses won 201, nearly on a par with the record of 1922, when the total was 207. In 1922 they won 2G5, and in 1920, 252. This general decline is explained by the fact that during and since the great Worlds War the heavy importations, from England and France were, for the most part, for breeding purposes, though quite a number of these English and French horses were raced here before being assigned to stud duty. Gradually these horses are disappearing from the activities of the race track and consequently did not figure as prominently in the racing of 1923 as they did during the four previous years. Here is the record of foreign breeders in this country from 1917 to 1923, inclusive : Foreign Bre2der3. Breeder. 1917. 1918. 1919. 3920. 1921. 1922.1923. English ...188 264 25G 343 279 260 213 French 110 33 G4 252 263 207 201 Irish 26 9 13 8 14 3 3 The following tabulation discloses the number of races and money won by horses bred in England, France and Ireland and raced in this country last year. In cases whero American breeders names appear it has reference to horses bred by them abroad but raced here. Here are the figures: England. Amount Breeder. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. English Breeders other than listed 151 153 1GS 34,603 Lord Bosebery 9 6 1 74,170 John Sanford 23- 13 IS 24,103 August Belmont 14 17 15 21,780 John B. Joel 12 17 6 9,433 George D. Widener C 3 1 9,303 Trance. Amount Breeder. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. French breeders other than listed 94 93 112 4,833 John Sanford 2t 33 17 31,433 M. de St. Alary 9 30 4 23,l25 Clarence IV. Mackay 20 17 18 22,797 Vicomte de Fontarce 13 2 8 13,690 Count J. de Brcttes-Thurin. . 3 0 0 15,000 AugusfTJelmont 37 30 38 14,595 William K. Vanderbilt 10 5 1 13,855 Thomas Hitcheock 11 8 2 11.3G5 Ireland. Amount Breeder. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. B. B. Trench 1 1 o $ 1,800 .7. J. Malier 1 1 3. C50 T. Nolan 1 0 1 540