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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES MONDAY, JANUARY 21 i Past performances of liorses entered in ZUondaj-.s races at the Fair Grounds will appear in Moiidajs edition. The figures under the heading "Rec." in tbo entries below show the best time of et.cb horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, r.o matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. Siiperior mud runner. XGml mini runner. :!:Iair mud i miner. M Maidens. "Approiitic tilluwaiice. bKlHkurB. First Raco 3-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2-year-old. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 1922 34 2 114. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. 76769 Fuo US :35 117. .725 76769 Parole II 118 :37f. 112.. 720 76809 Roekcmar 110 :37m 114.. 715 76700 Kumonin ,118 :37?5 112. .715 76646 Ila Lester 115 :39 107.. 710 76809 Kittv French 115 :37m 109.. 710 76809 Catherine Douglas. 115 :38m 115.. 705 76700 Dean II US :38M.h 110. .700 76809 Bui bet li 115 :3Sm 107.. 700 Dan E". Stewart... 110 Mary Maud Carr. . 107 Red Seth 105 Fannie de Coursy. . 114..... Flavia Ill Second Race 3-4 Mile. Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track- record: Feb. 9, 191S l:ll,i 6 116. 76734 Antonia 105 1:12 4 102X725 76095 Avispa 101 l:12,i 5 109.. 720 74770 Stone Age 102 1:13 4 103X715 71029 Rapid Day 105 1:11 S 102:-:715 766141 Tin; Franciscan ...105 1:1314 5 102.. 715 76365 Mock Orange 98 1:13 102X715 76615 Stamp 102 1:13 5 10GX710 76614 Froth 99 1:14 Vs 4 112X705 76614 Mnn on 112 1:14 O 10ISX705 76770 Fifty-Fifty 1C9 1:12 5 102.. 703 76389 Miss Em 112 1:15 4 102 X 700 73115 Hello Pardncr 107 1:15 7 102X700 76213 Toddv Toast M..113 l:21b 4 100.. 700 76525 Pell Mell M 101 1:1816s 10 97.. 700 Third Race 3-4 Mile. Princess Purse. Tiirse ,000. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances Track record: Feb. 9, 19181:11140116. 74664 Privilege 104.. 725 76881 Mah Jong 10C 1:121s 101.. 720 76S38 Devil Girl 112 1:13 104X715 76838 Julia M 101 1:13 104X715 76811 Miss Fortune 94 1:13 104.. 710 76608 Flying Fur 104 1:13 104.. 705. 76735 Royal Purple M .115 l:16s 100. .700 Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles. j Peerless Purse. Turse ,200. 4-year-olds. Allowances. I Track record: Jan. IS, 19221:44167110. 76682 O. HENRY 103 1:40 10SX750 76616 Roseate II 108 1:48 10S..740 76736 Sulisi 118 1:47 103.. 735 76683 Soggarth Aroon ...100 1:47 108X730 76704 Raffles 104 1:51 10SXT30 Fifth Race 1 Mile. Old Hickory Pmse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 1, 1918 1:3716 3114. 76648 Thorndals 113X750 76881 King ONeill II... 103.. 745 76838 Paynian 100 1:42 102 X 740 76860 Deronda 109X735 76881 Gee 103.. 735 76406 Herbertus 99.. 730 7681P Henry M. Deitz... 102 X725 Sixth Rase 1 3-16 Miles. Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 27, 1904 1:5S 5 107. 75472 Link? 4 99X725 76840 Huonec 100 2:004 102x720 7C840 bCondolier 106 2:01 5 111x715 76883 Pequot 101 2:01 4 110x715 76774 Rupee . 4 KUX7i5 76611 I!aladin 9 100.. 710 76774 Irish Pat 4 115.. 705 76883 bThe Archer 7 11OX70O 76840 Escarpoletto 103 2:001s 7 109 X 700 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tra -k reco:d: March 14, 190S 1:5116 3 122. 76611 Tody ...103 1:54 G 102X725 76814 bRolster 105 1:47 9 112X720 76782 Scare Crow 105 2:01h 4 108X715 76861 Att:i Boy II 110 1:51 7 107X715 76611 Lucidus 104 1:33 4 110. .715 76862 Rork 4 110X715 76841 bClean Gone 108 1:45 8 112X710 76842 bTrooper 113 1:45 9 110X710 76842 bDrummond 102 1:5716 8 103X705 75802 Nancy Winct 4 105.. 705 76842 Lively 109 1:53 10 1OSX70O 76861 Yorick 103 1:53 4 10SX7C0 76837 Gold Mount 4 105x700 76862 bSoviet M 8G 1:50 4 101.. 700