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Latest Training Operations 19 NEW ORLEANS. La., Jan. 19. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIIl G HOUNDS. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 0- Burbeth 37 Millie G 37 8-Bit o Iloney ..37 10-Miss Checkers 37 10-Confluente 37 16-Privilege 37 Channel 37 15-Randall s Royal36 Cupbearer 37 17-IUchard V. ...38 12-Effort 37 491 -Six Pence 39 10-Euo 37 M-Spanish Name 37 1- Fausto 39 Stamp Dale ...36 lMIuey 38 17-Shamrock 37 IC-Houri 30-s Son of Fortune371s lG-Jackson 3S 15-St. Gerard ....38 17-JCumonin 37 C-Setha Dream .36 Kitty French 37 Trieger 37 12-Master Billie ..36 Tango 37 Master Blue ..3Sand Tony Griffith 38 Modernalist ..39 15-Wonff Bolt 38 Half Mile. 1 15-ATispa .50 17-Baby T.ane ....52 tlG-Attractive 53 121-John Joseph ,,.50 9- Barney Google 49 494-Midniglit Stories51 11-Lcvoy 51 18-Mawreoron 51 18-Boot Black 52 460-Sizzle 55 263-Blanc Seing ..53 17-Svay 57 13- By Golly 52 15-Tony Beau 54 3-Certain 55 lS-Tlie leopard ..49 9-Double T 52 17-Tliornhedge ...50 14- Fehrah 51 10-Tovton Itose ..50 15- InTictus 51 492-Theo 52 13- Jas. F. OHaraSO 1-Viennese 52 259-John Hoshor ..52i Five -Eighths Mile. 14- Benigna 1:03 13-Mavourneen .1:10 13-Bes. I.eightonl:05 12-Monsoon ....1:03 13-BelIc K 1:04 18-Xorseland ...1:03 18-ChIef Curry 1:02 C-landowdy ...1:03 10- Dunlo 1:0C 13-ScourKeman .1:05 17- Feigned Zeal 1:04 18-Troutwick ...1:03 8- F.tlse Alarm 1:01 13-Tom Cassidy 1:10 9- Helen North 1:05 IG-Tomtella 1:03 1-Isaman 1:01 15-Tlie HaiTk ...1:00 18- IbosccIcs ....1:02 9-Tr. Official .1:0S 13-Jono 1:04 13-Toddys Toastl:0G 14- Knot Grass ..1:05 12-AVaywassamo 1:01 10-Lady Marian 1:01 , Continued on twelfth page. Latest Workouts Continued from ninth page. Three -Quarters Mile, 11-Bye Bye 1:17 14-Hcnry J 1:38 16-Brilliaut Castl:lS 13-Leontes l:ls 11-onineU 1:18 9-Last One 1:1! 10- Balsam Lake 1:17 35-Miss Em 1:18 IG-Brobkdale ...1:18 10-Miss Meise ..1:17 16-Buck Pond ..1:18 38-Quinham 1:19 33- Conway 1:18 14-Quiek Time 1:18 491-Col. Taylor .1:19 18-Uustem 1:16 11- Chaperoue ...1:17 17-Italco 1:19 460-Dicks Dhterl:19 S-San Jacinto .1:17 9-Dustproof ...1:16 l.J-Selim 1:18 7- Easter Bonnetl:17 16-Solisa 1:17 14-Edward Gray 1:13 12-Tody 1:19 14- Flying Fur ..1:18 13-Watch Charml:17 13- Gordon Shaw 1:17 10-WHliain A. ..1:16 18-Honor Man ..1:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 9-B. Manager 1:32 lS-Muskallongc .1:30 15- Boy O Boy 1:32 17-Itoyal Crown 1:33 9-Mclntosh ....1:30 5-Tister 1:30 O.10 Mile. 16- Bleys Toncyl:48 17-Lucidus 1:44 17- Baladin 1:51 IG-Links 1:48 12- Barrister 1:45 34-Llefrcllyn ...1:45 14- Bigger Still 1:48 18-Milton M. ...1:43 10-D. and Drakesl:48 38-Iiadio 1:44 18- Fire Boy ...1:43 IG-Itoseatc II. 1:44 34-Goldfield 1:40 IG-Swcepy 1:43 15- llerbcrtus ...1:15 1G-S. of Pleasurel:4S 3-Hry M. Deitzl:4G 14-Widgeon ....1:43 491-High Speed .1:45 . 16-Waukcag 1:49 12-Irish Pat 1:46 Stampdale and Master Billie raced from the barrier. Fuo and Bit o Honey worked on even terms. Barney Google worked well from the barrier. Isaman ran well. Chief Curry is training well. Honor Man is nearing racing condition. Miss Meise was under restraint. Rustem could have worked faster. Muskallonge did his work well. Radio looks and acts good. Fire Boy was not fully extended. Roseate II. was never better. Sands of Pleasure had an easy gallop. JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mil. Compact 37 484-Super 33 491-Sympathy 33 493-Vcnus 39 Half Mils. 12-Better Times .50 10-Wise Cracker .52 lS-Scths Flower .51 Five -Eighths Mile. 9-Assume 1:01 11-Overtakc ..... 1:04ft 9-Galantman ..1:03 10-Tuseo!n .....1:03 Three -Quarters Mile.. 12-Exchange ...1:21 17-Itaffles 1:22 8- Fannie Bean 1:23. 18-St. Michael .1:20 7-Froth. ..1:21 16-St. Donard ..1:21 Ono Mile. 173-ricdniont .....1:31. lD-Pimlicb .......1:5S