St. Louis Racing Revival: Certain If Favorable Decision is Rendered in Case Now Pending Before Missouri Supreme Corut, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-25


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ST. LOUIS RACING REVIVAL Certain if Favorable Decision Is Rendered in Case Now Pending Before Missouri Supreme Corut. NEW ORLEANS, La., Jan. 24. W. T. Moore, a retired shoe manufacturer of St. Louis County, has been in the city for several days in conference with Joseph A. Murphy over the proposed revival of racing in St. Louis. Judge Murphy has insisted, as he has in Chicago, that there must be no racing on tolerance and that a construction of the present statutes be first secured. The question in Missouri is purely what constitutes the recording of a bet, as an ordinary bet on a horse race has never been made a crime. In the Circuit Court in St. Louis County Judge John McElhinney recently sustained a demurrer holding that a mere written offer to bet, which is accepted orally, is not the recording of a bet within the meaning of the statute. The casa is now in the Supreme Court and if the lower court is sustained the tentative organization of the best citizens of St. Louis, which has already been perfected, will be incorporated and an entire new plant built. The plans include eventually a great annual livestock and agricultural exposition under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce in connection with the racing.

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Local Identifier: drf1924012501_1_5
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