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Daily Racing Form Handicaps JEFFERSON PARK. The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Jefferson Tart Xew Orleans, La,, March 10, 1921. 1 Hole Card, Little Jimmy, Honest Mose. 2 Arrowhead, Daydue, Carpenter. 3 Llewellyn, Lily M.t Isosceles. 4 Barracuda, Cenlimcnter, John Finn. 5 JOU JOU, Escarpolette, Three Square. C Water Girl, Atta Boy II., Dark Hill. J. L. Dempscy. IV Civ York Handicap. 1 Little Jimmy. Hole Card, Honest Mose, Black Dinah. 2 Arrowhead, Poor Sport, Daydue, Veni- zelos. 3 Isosceles. Tableau dHonneur, Llewellyn, Lily M. 4 CENTIMETER, Best Pal, Barracuda, Frankman. 5 Escarpolette, Jou Jou, Three Square, Theo. 5 Widgeon, Water Girl, Bowsprit, West-wood. Chicago Handicap. 1 Little Jimmy, Honest Mose, Hole Card, Huey. 2 Avispa, Daydue, Poor Sport, Times Up. 3 Llewellyn, Lily M., Isosceles, Tableau dHonneur. 4 CENTIMETER, Frankman, Best Pal, Barracuda. 5 Jou Jou, Escarpolette, Threo Square, Sim plicity. C Widgeon, Dark Hill, Little Ammie, Bowsprit. Observers Handicap. 1 Little Jimmy, Hole Card, Honest Mose, Huey. 2 Poor Sport, Arrowhead, Avispa, Daydue. 3 Llewellyn, Lily M., Isosceles, Tableau dHonneur. 4 CENTIMETER, Barracuda, Best Pal, Raffles. Escarpolette, Jou Jou, Sunny Ducrow, Three Square. 6 Water Girl, Bowsprit, Widgeon, Dark Hill. Conscnsns of Handicaps, 1 Little Jimmy, Hole Card, Honest Mose, Huey. 2 Arrowhead, Avispa, Poor Sport. Daydue. 3 Llewellyn, Isosceles, Lily M., Tableau dHonneur. 4 CENTIMETER, Barracuda, Best Pal, Frankman. 5 Jou Jou, Escarpolette, Three Square, Sim plicity. C Water Girl, Widgeon, Bowsprit, Dark Hill. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Oriental Tark HaTana, Cuba, Maxell 10. 1S24. 1 Irish Lace. Dextrose. May Baxter. 2 DR. CHARLES WELLS, Aunt Deda, Irish Dawn. 3 Gray Girl. Solomons Kilts, Okeechobee. 4 Glory of the Seas II., Humorist, The Girl. 5 Approval, Bruce Dudley. Squire Wiggins. 6 Riverside. Hillman C, Lottie Loraine. 7 Trafalgar, Glenlivet, Colossus. T. It Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 IRISH LACE, Great Waters, Dextrose, Glory. 2 Patsie S., Charles A. Byrne, Dr. Charles Wells, Aunt Deda. 3 Gray Girl, Phoebe, Solomons Kilts, Su zuki. 4 Humorist, Quiet, Similkameen Boy, Some Punkins. 5 Biddledee, Approval, Zapatos, Acosta. G Riverside, Lottie Loraine, Halu, Amelia S. 7 Feodor, Colossus, Glenlivet, Busy Bob. Chicago Handicap. 1 Dextrose, May Baxter, Irish Lace, Great Waters. 2 Dr. Charles Wells, Charles A. Byrne, Sea Board. Aunt Deda. 2 Gray Girl, Cloporte, Phoebe, Suzuki. 4 Lustre, Lady Delhi, Similkameen Boy, Some Punkins. 3 Approval, Squire Wiggins, Tomahoi, Za patos. C RIVERSIDE, Lottie Loraine, Hillm-n C., Amelia S. 7 Feodor, Glenlivet, Colossus, Trafalgar. Observer Handicap. 1 Irish Lace, May Baxter, Dextrose, Great AVaters. 2 DR. CHARLES WELLS, Confederacy Bird Shot, Aunt Deda. 3 Cloporte, Gray Girl, Solomons Kilts, Su zuki. 4 Lady Delhi, Humorist, Glory of the Sea H., Some Punkins. 5 Superior, Zapatos, Approval, Biddledee. 6 Riverside, Lottie Loraine, Hillman C, Halu. 7 Trafalgar, Colossus, Crestwood Boy, Feo dor. Conscnsns of Handicaps. 1 Irish Lace, Dextrose, May Baxter, Great AVaters. 2 Dr. Charles Wells, Pats:e S., Charles A. Byrne, Aunt Deda. 3 Gray Girl, Cloporte, Solomons Kilts, Su zuki. 4 Glory of the Seas II., Humorist, Lustre, Lady Delhi, u Approval, Biddledee, Superior, Zapatos. C RIVERSIDE, Lottie Loraine, Hillman C, Halu. 7 Trafalgar, Feodor, Glenlivet, Colossus, TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Tijnana, arcxico, Maroli 10, 1824. 1 Frances Arictoria, Super Lady, Pacifist 2 Athanna, Emden, Rosa Atkin. 3 Lucky Dollar, Lamstedt, Mary Contrary. 4 HOBEY BAKER. Madson, Sample. 5 AVild Thoughts, Bobby Allen, Finis Glori- osus. 6 Mollie R., Whiff, Settee. 7 Lady Lillian, Zealot, Fair Orient. S Doctor Corbett, The Araucanian, Coeur de Lion. 9 Frank Fogarty, El Roble, H. AAarren. G. XV. Schilling. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Intake, Super Lady, Miss Alessi, Guinea Girl. 2 Lady Moore, Blanche Meyers, Lady AVin- frey, Lemon Seth. 3 ATanloo, Seba, Boomerang, Lamstedt. 4 Hobey Baker, Sample, Poor Puss, Har- telle. 5 Caveat Emptor, Joe Tag, Mountaineer, Fiesta. 6 Whiff, Mollie R., Seths Memory, Settee. 7 FAIR ORIENT, Lady Lillian. Zealot, Man- nikin II. 8 The Araucanian, Doctor Corbett, Coeur de Lion, Wild Heather. 9 Frank Fogarty, Fayelle, Sportsman, Fly- cast. Chicago Handicap. 1 Frances Victoria, Pacifist, Intake, Super Lady. 2 Athanna, Rosa Atkin, ATiew, Lady Moore. 3 Seba, Vanloo, Dell Evans, Bam Dollar. 4 Hobey Baker, Au Revoir, Sample, Madson. 5 AVild Thoughts, Caveat Emptor, Bobby Al len, Fiesta. 6 Cypreme, Whiff, Settee, Taxation. 7 Fair Orient, Lady Lillian, Zealot. Salvo. 8 THE ARAUCANIAN, Coeur de Lion, AVild Heather, Doctor Corbett 9 Brian Kent, Roisterer, Frank Fogarty, Penwell. Observers Handicap. 7 Frances Victoria, Super Lady, Pacifist, Intake. 2 Lady Moore, Athanna, Emden, Rosa Atkin. 3 Vanloo, Seba, Boomerang, Lamstedt 4 HOBEY BAKER, Sample, Poor Puss, Temptress. 5 Caveat Emptor, Wild Thoughts, Bobby Al len, Fiesta. G Whiff, Mollie R., Cypreme, Settee. 7 -Fair Orient, Lady Lillian, Mannikin II . Zealot 8 Doctor Corbett, Wild Hether, The Arau canian, Coeur de Lion. 9 Frank Fogarty, Brian Kent, Fayelle, Rois terer. Consensus ol Handicaps. .1 Frances Victoria, Intake, Super Ladv. Pacifist 2 Athanna, Lady Moore, Rosa Atkin, Emden 3 Aanloo, Lucky Dollar, Seba, Lamstedt 4 HOBEY BAKER, Sample, Madson, Poor Puss. 5 Wild Thoughts, Caveat Emptor, Bobby Allen, Fiesta. 6 Whiff, Mollie R., Cypreme, Settee. 7 Fair Orient, Lady Lillian, Zealot, Manni kin II. 8 The Auracanian, Doctor Corbett, Coeur de Lion, AVild Heather. 9 Frank Fogarty, Brian Kcnt.Fayelle Rois terer.