Winning Establishments of Last Year, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-25

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Winning Establishments of Last Year With the near approach of spring racing there will be much curiosity over the personnel of the different racing establishments. For the most part they will be composed of the same horses as last year with, of course, the addition of whatever two-year-olds that may belong to the various establishments. While some of the veterans will disappear, the greater part will return, and for that reason it is opportune to refresh our memories with their accomplishments of last year. For that reason Daily Racing Form here presents the following stables and their records for 1923: A. C. BOSTWICK. Horse. Col. and Ser. A. redSgree 1st. 2d. 3d. Worn Spot Cash b. g. 4 By Broomstick Payment 4 0 7,555 Shuffle Along . g. 4 By Luke McLuko Black Brocade. ....... . 8 3 1 13,550 Lc Marsouin b. g.10 By Tuerido Marie Louise III .". 5 3 1 7,630 Overmatch . ....b. g. 9 By Oversight Oinerca 2 2 5 5,430 Knighthood b. g. 4 By Thco. Cook Cowl C 1 0 4,735 Chuckle br. g. 5 By fiolden Maxim Gold of Ophir 4 2 1 4,700 The Trout ..b. g. 7 By Rapid Water Sandriugham ..................... . 2 . 0 2 3,570 Battersea eh. c. 4 By Mont dOr II. Sunflower . 4 0 1 3.150 Helen Cook .... b. f. 3 By Theo. Cook Helen Marie 2 7 2 2,655 Old Faithful b. g. 5 By Horron Smirr 2 0 2 2,450 Parthema b. f. 3 By Rapid Water Filigree 1 3 1 -2.250 Fairway g. 7 By Bryn Mawr Justly 1 1 2 1,770 Coolgardie br. g. 5 By Bryn Mawr Justly 1 0 1 1,675 Star Cloudy ... lb. g. 3 By Wrack Stellarina .-1- 2 3 1.5S0 Coonean br. jr. 5. By Bryn Mawr Toastrack v T2 1 4 2,02.0 Sea Talc b. m. S By Sea King Anecdote 10 0 1.S50 Lucky Button b. f. 5 By Sweep Buttonhole 1 3 3 1.310 Tassel b. f. 4 By Berrilldon Stake and Cap 2 1 1 1,270 Ten Buttons ..b. in. C By Ten Point Buttonhole 1- 0 0 700 Hellgatc b. or br. c. 4 By Friar Rock Swan Song ... 0, 0 2 SaO Dusk . br. c. 3 By Broomstick Capclla 0 0 1 150 Dr. Stevenson br. g. G By Ten Point Treason 0 0 0 Totals 22 50 33 33 0,350 R. T. WILSON. ITorse. Col. and Sex. A. redigree 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Wilderness ch. c. 3 By Campfire Genesta, by Broomstick 4 0 0 3,250 Forest Lore ch. c. 3 By Campfire Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely 6 4 4 7,950 Tall Timber b. c. 3 By Campfire Piry, by Peter Pan 4 1 0 7,671 Forest Flower b. .f. 2 By Campfire Monlrosa, by Plaudit 4 - 4 1 3,000 Ducky b. f. 2 By Thistleton The Loon, by Grebe 3 2 3 3,811 Tangerine b. g. 4 By Olambala Orange Lilly, by William the Third,... 1 3 3 2.SC6 Ducks and Drakes... b. g. 3 By Thistleton The Loon, by Grebe 2 2 2 2.CC3 Ormcsvale ch. o. 2 By Ormondale Madchen. by Knight of the Thistle... 110 1,450 Quick Time ch. f. 2 By Light Brigade Fantam Bala, by Olambala 1 1 .1 1.250 Broomfield ..b. c. 2 By Olambala Genesta, by Broomstick 0 13 1,050 Kunningwild eh. c. 2 By Olambala Sunburst, by Banastar 11 0 1,000 Wee Dear ch. f. 2 By Campfire Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely 10 0 900 Sedgefield .". .ch. li. 5 By Olambala Genesta, by Broomstick 0.2 0 000 Kiik Dress b. f, 2 By Olambala Kerr, by Uncommon... 110 523 Wampec b. c. 2 By Campfire Orange Lilly, by William the Third.... 0 11 330 Onca ch. f. 2 By Sea Sick Onconta, by Maintcrion 0 0 0 Totals 1G 29 24 IS 9,238 WINFREY BROTHERS. Horse. Col. and Sex. A. rcdigreo 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Camouflage .... b. g. 7 By Star Shoot Busy Maid, by Meddler 9 3 4 $ S.905 Pastoral Swain b. g. 7 By Colin Elegance, by Orme 0 5 5 8,900 Lady Boss ch. f. 3 By Manager Wailc Viola Guild, by Masetto 7 2 4 7,300 Trevelyan ....... .ch. g.- 4 By Trcvisco Starry Light, by Star Shoot 4 1 0 4.271 Mom ch. f. 4 By Rock View Compensate, by Compute 4 3 4 4.21:0 Serv itor b. jr. 6 By Whisk Broom II. Martha II., by Dandic Dinmoni. . . 4 3 3 3.700 Felicitous c. 3 By Ultimatum Felicitation, by Delhi 3 2 2 3.1C0 Attorney b. g. 0 By Streplion Haversack, by Martinet 2 1 1 1,700 Insulate f. 3 By Black Jester Electric Fuse, by Henry the First... 112 1,5ft Current Events br. g. 5 By Wrack Votes, by Voter 1 2 0 855 Totals 10 41 23 25 4.5S1 A. E. ALEXANDRA. Horse. Col. and Sex. A. rcdigrec 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Clansman b. c. 4 Uncle Katrine, by Disguise 8 2 5 $ 9,80j Care Free ch. g. 5 Colin Domino Noire, by Kingston 8 3 2 5,183 j j Mercury g. 5 Vulcain Rose of Pink, by Pink Coat 4 4 4 4,270 .Sling ch. g. 1 Pebbles Militant, by Ballot G 1 2 3,655 G-jr.iiita b. f. 4 Anmer Iimpinea, by Marta Santa 4 1 2 3,575 Irish Kiss b. g. 8 Orpimcnt Soligcna, by Soliman .... 4 0 2 3,200 Belle Isle b. f. 2 Bezant Good Shot, by Martimas 4 7 3 3,180 Star Realm ....... ch. g. 7 Star Shoot Continental, by Yankee 3 2 2 2.950 Doughnut br. g. 4 Sweep Fascination, by Buck Massie 4 0 0 2c59 Bon Jour ; in. 7 Von Tromp Jourdain, by Watercress 3 0 2 2,175 j Sir Leonid ch. g. 3 Leonid Rosiris, by Joe Carey 2 2 2 1,:63 El Jesmar b. g. 4 Inferno Frou Frou, by Meddler 1 1 1 030 1 Prince Hamlet . . . .br. c. 2 King James Disillusion, by Chilton 0 1 1 350 Yorkist b. g. 8 Yorkshire Lad Lady Kilmarnock, by Kilmarnock 0 0 2 300 Carmandale b. g. G Meridian Daruma, by Solitaire II 0 0 0 250 Misar b. c. 4 Dick Welles Milky Way, by Star Shoot 0 1 0 123 Spugs b. g. 5 Charles Edward Shoo Fly, by Meddler 0 0 1 100 Overtake b. g. 4 Horron Carreno, by Lally 0 0 0 Totals IS .... ? --51 23 31 3,783 Fourth money. J. R. SKINKER. Horse. Col. and Sex. A. redigree 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Fannie Bean br. f. 4 By Zeus Mascal, by Sain 6 10 3 $ 7.S95 Poor Sport .b. g. 3 By Delhi Play Fair, by Fair Play G 10 4 7.090 Ed. Rickenbacher. .ch. g. 6 By The Manager Caution, by Planudcs 5 0 1 3,755 Duke John b. h. 7 By Ivan the Terrible Lassie, by Knight Errant 3 4 3 3.1G0 Brilliance ch. t. 3 By North Star HI. Bayberry Candle, by Cunard 2 5 4 3,075 Majority b. c. 3 By Ballot Cintrclla, by Bryn Mawr 2 2 2 2,246 Slippery Elm b. g. 10 By Bannoekburn Schwalbe, by Sain 1 5 1 1,800 Fusee ch. f. 4 By Fair Play Ferment, by Octagon 2 0 2 1.625 Fort Bliss b. g. S By Dick Welles Espcro, by Sir Dixon 2 0 2 1,533 Gallivant b. g. 5 By Garry Herrmann Lady Galette, by Lord Edward II 2 0 2 1,430 Hillsdale br. g. 4 By Mont dOr II. Lady Hillington, by Garry Herrmann 1 0 2 1,040 Double Cross ch. g. 4 By Superman Olevia, by Ornus 0 0 3 260 Tropical Water c. 2 By Rapid Water Maria C, by Yankee Gun 0 1 0 250 Fear b. f. 2 By Transvaal Ilaria, by Star Shoot 0 1 0 200 Alex H. ..- ch. h. 6 By Ballot Bronzewing, by Stalwart 0 1 0 200 Dark Horse b. g. 5 By Ballot Incognita, by Disguise 0 0 1 100 Bucado br. g. 3 By Honeywood Bells, by Leonid 0 0 0 Totals 17 --32 39 30 5,681 W. PERKINS. norse. "Col. and Sex. A. rcdigrec 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Fantoche ch. h. G By Fitz Herbert Fresnay 4 3 7 $ 6,540 Honor Mau b. g. 8 By The Manager lima 3 4 1 3.S00 Translate blk. g. 8 By Transvaal Eustis 3 2 4 3,650 Lugs b. g. 5 By Bulsc Frineess Thoope . 3 2 0 3,500 Miss Meise b. f. 4 By Ormondale Margaret Meise 2 3 3 " . 3,100 Battle Bent b. g. 3 By Magnet Dorothy II 2 2 2 2,40a Ed Pendleton b. g. 4 By Light Brigade Santa Susanna ,. 2 1 0 2,319 Major Chilton b. g. 4 By Horron Carreno 1 2 4 1,750 Earl Pool ch. c. 3 By. Delhi Bonnie Carrie 1 "l 1 1,433 Tight br. c. 3 By Dick Finell AVisher 1 0 1 1,275 Boots and Shoes... ch. c. 3 By Boots and Saddle Wishing Ring 1 0 3 1,125 Charlotte B b. f. 3 By Ambassador IV. Tread Lightly ...-.. 12 1 850 OKelly b. g. 4 By McGee Sanfara 1 0 0 700 Tomtella ch. c. 3 By Tony Bonero Yankee Lady 1 1 0 610 Paris Maid ...b. m. 8 By Transvaal Maid Militant 0 2 1 518 Delhimar ch. g. 5 By Delhi Marion Rose II 1 0 1 4S0 Devil Girl b. f. 3 By Spanish Prince II. Little Levil 0 1 0 2GG Holly Boy .1. g. 3 By Thco. Cook Ilollybusli 0 0 3 230 Ilekab br. g. 5 By Dick Finnell Sandringham Belle 0 1 0 200 Bright Lady .ch. f. 3 By Uncle Maggie Quince 0 0 1 75 Uadio b. g. G By The Manager Clara Louise 0 0 0 Totals 21 ... 27 27 33 1,901 J. A. PARSON. Horse. Col. and Sex. A. redigree 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Carrie Moore b.m. S By McGee Dutch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman 10 10 S $ 5,315 Lucy Kate ch.m. 6 B Uncle Royal Lady, by Royal Flush III ..8 6 2 h,090 Huron II b. g. S By Sweeper Zuna, by Hamburg . . 5 3 5 2,790 Chief Sponsor ch. g. 6 By Hearts of Oak Widow AVUe, by Bassstlaw 4 3 2 2,650 Delhimar ch. g. 5 By Delhi Marion Rose II., by Bearcatchcr 4 1 3 2,390 Susiana ch. f. 4 By Rock View Slellata, by Star Shoot 3 5 2 2,155 Sirocco br. g. 9 By Sir Geoffrey Helium, by Sundridge 4 11 1,910 Mannchen b. g.10 By Olambala Madchen, by Knight .f the Thistle 4 0 4 1,625 Spring Vale 7 By Free Lanec Mescal, by Cactus II 2 4 2 1,295 Rog ch. g. 9 By Blues Royal Nettie II., by Gymnast 1 3 1 800 Lottie Loraine b. f. 5 By Horron Ethelburg II., by Hapsburg 1 2 3 775 The Pirate blk. g. 7 By Von Tromi Dally, by Gigantcum 12 1 725 Plielan blk. g. 6 By Ixionid ZitI, by Saia 2 0 0 700 Elizabeth Jewell . ...b. f. 4 By Rock View Sumptuous, by Fatherless 12 1 700 doom ch.m. 7 By Blues Royal Lady, by Royal Flush III 1 0 0 450 Sedan b. g.10 By Jim Gaffney Kitty Belle Brooks, by Clifford 1 0 0 375 Short Stop b. g. 9 By Garry Herrmann Little Nell, by Ccdarstrome. . . . 0 1 2 250 Hercules ch. g. 7 By Zeus Black Silk, by Ornament 0 1 0 225 Loch Leven b.m. 0 By Meclick Dona Hamilton, by Donald A 1 0 0 225 Shifty 6 By Honeywood Thrifty, by Ogden 0 2 0 200 Duly Fashion ch. g.10 By Rcy del Shasta Queen of Fasaion, by Maxnic 0 1 0 100 Veidi Loon b.m. 7 By Marathon Bonnie Eloise, by Clifford 0 10 75 Scissors br. g. 4 By Black Jester Star EmeraTd, by Sunstar 0 0 1 50 Our Maid b.m. 7 By Uncle Busy Edith, by Yankee 0 0 1 25 Iat Hampton b. g. 4 By Pataud Nancy Hogan, y Handsel 0 0 0 Totals 23 53 IS 39 ,SQZ

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Local Identifier: drf1924032501_12_3
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