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I j j j ! 1 j 1 . 1 f I j The Daily Reporter Exclusive Track Information Tijuana, Maryland and Kentucky J. J. Homan, Tijuana Track Man. A. L. Whitehouse, Bowie. C. B. Shay, Kentucky. Turf Department, 246 West 39th St., Arena Bldg., New York City. .00 Daily Hours, 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. 0.00 Weekly TOD A Y! TOD A Y! Shonltl prove io le a ilay of Hays for tlie subscribers of The Jlaily Itcportcr. Our Pljnana track man In very enthusiastic about todays Also, we bavc the final O. Iv. from our connections anil our clocker reports this horse as working sensationally fast in private. This one is in very clever hands and has been sriven a very careful prep" for todays race. AVc feel even more confident of the result today than vce did of any of our recent winners. Also we expect this one to pay at least 5 to TODAY In fact, the price may exceed onr own expectations, lint we are very conservative. You owe to yourself to start today and not wait until tomorrow, because you may rejeret it as long: as you live if you miss this big: opportunity TODAY. The muliiel price in print will tell the story tomorrow morning. Subscribe at once and. start accumulating so as to be able to operate on a larger scale next week at Howie. air. AVhite-housc, who is now representing; us at Bowie, promises us even greater results at the coiuins meeting: than we obtained last year in Maryland. Yesterdays result not known at this writing;. Xante of horse will be published in tomorrows advertisement, rcg-ardless of whether it wins or loses. No racing; Monday. Sundays Horse: FOUL WEATHER 3-1 WON Saturdays Horse: ODD SETH 0-20- WON Fridays Horse: BE FRANK .00- WON Thursdays Horse : CONTUSION 7.00- WON "Wednesdays Horse: FRANK FOGARTY 9.80- WON Years of experience have tnugrbt us that you cannot beat the races, but that you can beat an occasional race, so why throw away your money trying; to beat the card? Confine your operations to one or two plays a day and follow reliable information. Better still, just back our big; horse every day and you should be a winner at the end of the week. AVire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegrraph. . - t 1 1 1 1 , , 5 I s ? S SCHUYLER FLOYD CAIiYEKT BUIIDTXG BROADAVAY AT 4 1ST STKEET New York City TELEPHONE UJIYAT C333 The result of yesterdays "Schuyler Investment" is unknown at the time of placing advertisement, as the investment was in a late race at Tijuana. The executives of this office have every assurance, howeer, that it will prove to be just another repetition of Schuyler success. WHY? The "Schuyler Investments" Claim the Position of Leadership Because They Safeguard the Speculations of Their Clients permitting their investments in only the choicest events and with the pledge of our entire financial reserves to protect them against danger and loss. With such methods pursued they constitute a bulwark which spells to prospective subscribers SAFETY FOR INVESTING THEIR SAVINGS The next "Schuyler Investment" takes place SATURDAY AT TIJUANA TERMS: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE BY TELEGRAPH To expedite transmitting information, telegraph your telephone number if any with subscription. Tlie "Schuyler Investments are llko "STEKLIXG" 0 SILVER THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION 0 ! f ; at 1. 1 WON AGAIN TUESDAY Another special scheduled to start Friday or Saturday. . Dont miss this ono and many others I -will have this spring- at Maryland. My connections feel confident of a successful spring campaign. Responsible people in a position to stick for at least six plays, dont hesitite. Bush your name and address once, enclosing- one. dollar, and I -will prepay first message to you. Positively NO telegrams sent collect. Terms: "Winnings of 0.00. J. E. "LUCKY" 11ALDAVIN 1303 Lexington Ave. NISW YORK CITY Phone: Lenox G110 HARVEY AMES Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. NEW YORK, N. Y. NOTICE! The day of starting of the last of the "Special 50 Matters" will not he announced. It is therefore ahsolutely necessary that this office hears immediately from those who are interested. The last horse advised was the "50 Special Matter" on Saturday, and won at odds over 9 to 1. Nothing has been advised since. As stated in the advertisement of Sunday, the outlook is equally promising for this coming event and should close the winter season in a blaze of glory. Immediate action is necessary. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 jar $ 149391493914939 1493914939 $ jm PREDETERMINED 2 TURF PROFITS . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally o known as "tasy for player hard for layer." Has stood the ACID TEST for f f mans years. Vt could not spend many thousand of dollars per annum adver-tisiiig; water as cough syrup and con- f V tlnue in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso-f xUy FREE. 100 page racing manual. review, sworn testimonsls. etc. Investi- gate today and make your Bookie obey. w Public Relations Manager f JBg S. E. ARTHUR SfiH BX 4" Jt. l Towson, Md. 149391493914939 hr ATTENTION I have completed and private arrangement -with a smart eastern owner and desire a reliable man to take up this proposition with me. Will identify myself fully. All correspondence strictly confidential. E. C. R. 817 FINDLEY STREET CENCINXATI, OHIO Subscribe for Daily Racing Form