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HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON. "W. Va.. Saturday. April 5. 1924. — One mih-.l First day. West Virginia J.x-key Clnb. Sprnu Meeting ,j 13 days Weather clear. Stewards, C. W. Hay and John 1 . Ir.-lmd. Judges, H. I Monroe. Homer J. Kline and K P. Dunne. Starter. J. T. Holtnian. Racing Secretary, Homer J. Kline. Racing starts at 2 30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. 7J 1QQ tO±oa FTR8T RACE — 1-2 Mile. April 25. 1923— 49%— A— 115. Purse *400. 2-year-oldt. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 1924.sh0; second, 0; third, 0. E*i. Od.l-t Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 77078»R.*1 Scth 110 |*| C Cross 411101 77910 Crystal Vennlel09 2» A Roach 2440 100 77342 May K_ 104 3i W Martin 1120-100 77316tP.«-nita 112 4* R Cost. Ho 11J h i 77971 Dora Ijitz 101 5 J 0 Atwell MM HI 7740« Prtoewa Seth 107 p O Knn.» ly Ml Ml 77910 Honest Mose 115 7b W Dunkson » 100 77758 Billy Skidd 110 V Q Dyson llOU-lui Donald* 113 9 W Taylor H10 100 fLifttcd in entries as Donita. Time. 49 » tnew track record. Track fast. $• mutnel* paid Red Beth. 0 20 straight, M place, 40 show; Crystal Venule. 3.00 place, 2 50 show; May K . .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Red Setk, 410 U» 100 straight. 130 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Crystal V.-nnie. 550 to KM place. 525 to 100 show, May K.. 155 to D» s:.ow Winner Mrs. C W. Churchs ch. g. by Seth — Cutaneous, by Farandole 1 trairieil by J. Mctiov-ern; br -.l by Mr. Ken jam in A. Jones. Went 10 post at 2:35. At i ost I minutes. Start ! good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights— Crystal Venue, 3; Hilly Skidd. 3. 7 10-uv CO Of! SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. I923_i: 12 —5—104. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: seoor.d, 0; third, 0. E|. O.l, Is Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 77840 M. Ibiurne 107 IJ ■ T Moore t* 1"» 77810 Miss Ktta 104 2» W Martin 7*0 100 77933 Mr Back 112 3J H Hay f Friendly FntzlOl 41 o Alwell 104O-liO j 77191* • h m. -nt OS . A Vilmorw t 75141 DsiMtata 1-0 I* T Donliam 1740 100 77» 53 K-nneaaw 115 7l N Burger IJM 100 7793:5 I .ris 113 S R Hirrtngtoii T 77391 Ruth S. 101 » J ivir.ora 1280 100 7«9I8 Kington 1 16 10« R c.,st.iIo KM -ion 71885 Voltage 115 U» W Primrose T , 77099 Wiso Cracker hrT 12 C 0 Mahney Jand0-1J0 Mutael field Tuns, 1:16%. Track fast, ! I • j I ■ j 1 • ; I : ! mntuels paid -Melbourne, field. .20 straight. 1 .80 place. .30 show; Miss Etta. 00 place. ; 00 show; Mr. Beck, field. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Melbourne, field, !0 to; 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; | Miss Etta. SO to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Mr. I . Beck, field. 15 to 100 show. j Winner I.. Oallos ch. g, 3. by Mont dOr II. — Dimity, by The Commoner trained by W. Foley; ; bred by Mr. Ceorge M. llendrie. Went to post at 3:10. At post S minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 77*40 Eunice R.iiley. 96; 77S-IO Black Ruler. 9«; 77840 Bob, 101; 77933 Mike Morrissey, 101. Overweights- M -lbourne. 1 pound; Miss Etta, 3; Doris, 1; Wise Cracker. 1. 7R901 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21, I 0-1UJ. 1923— 1:12%— 5— 104. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ard upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. 1*1. Odds 1 Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 75267 Lieut. PerklnsllS 1 W Smith 910-100 j 7« 832,Certain Point 111 2l S Cowan 2990 100 I 77995*M:illowmot 111 3J J Petrecca IMO-lOo I 77652 Kirklevington 122 4"» O Yeargin 560-100 75271 *flsM Devil 114 5l W Martin :.!-10O Ttttt — lllstltt 117 61 J Frederick 2210 Wt • 77632 Straight Shot 111 7» O AtW«0 4V..Vh0 1 77648«Ar. Alexanderll4 P IKennetly 820-100 i 77780 Bessie Hop* 106 9 ■ T Moore 14-100, Time. 1:16. Track fas*. j mutuels paid- lieutenant Perkins. 0.20 straight, . SO place. .30 show; Certain Point,. ; S20 place. 2.40 show; Mallowmot, 60 show. Equivalent Ixwking odds Lieutenant Perkins. 910 to 100 straight. 390 to 100 place, 265 to 100 show; Certain Point. 810 to 100 place, 520 to 100 show; Mallowmot. 230 to 100 show. Winner C. W. Fritz br. g. 7. by Ben Tro-vato— Chablis, by Artillery trained by G. W. Fritz: bred by Mr. O. 11. Chenaultl. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second aud third the same. Scratched— 77012 Mack Garner. 116; 77129 Dn-noon. 106; 78020 Gonwithim. 109; 77348 Edith K., Ill; 75300 Dancer. 122: 70922 Milton M.. 106. Overweight — Sttaight Shot. 5 pounds. 7 8909 FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. April 21. IOjUi 1923— 1:12%— 4—104. Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to 1 winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Hi. Odds ] j Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight j 77937*Theo 112 ll L Montgery T43O-100 | 77911 OU Sinner 122 2» C Cross 230-IOfl | 77972 Bbrrm Palmer 117 3 R Holloway 29.".0-K»! ; 77627 Rhln-g-oM 120 4 O Dyson 110-100 | 77344 Charles Henry 122 5* R Harrington 210 10o i 76229 Mount Hope 117 «» A Kroger OM-MQ 77915Trooper 122 7l ■ Boehm 020-100 | 77915 Tata* US Si C OMah/ey 2460-190 ; I 76229, 1.1 BkM 109 9* A Rodriguez f ! 77721 Foster Kmbry 117 lOh J Petr. cca SW-100 : 7. 292«Auntio Km 107 ll« J Dolin t 77972 Ardito 122 12 T Parring-a 5sS0 10O I iMutuel field. I Time, 1:14%. Track fast. mntuels paid. Theo. field. 0 00 straight. .80 . place, .40 show: Old Sinner. .60 place. .00. show: Barbara Palmer. .30 show. Eiuivalent Inxjking odds -Theo. field. 430 to 10i straight. 140 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Old j I Sinner. 80 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: Barbara Palmer. 365 to 100 show. j Winner- W. A. Baumgartners b. m. 5, by Theo.1 Cook Eiddis, by Dermis trained by J. McKeon; I bred by Mr. William Carth. I W.-nt to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-. ing. Scratched — 76973 Hewitt. 116; 77763 St. Paul. 111.: 770H4 I.ob Baker. 114. I ! I 7 89 ft FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. lOandVO 1923— 1:12%— 5— 104. Elks Purse. Purse 09. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. j Rl. dds| I Tnd. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. I I 77934Lor. Marc Ilia 110 11 C Cross ta-Mf ! 177975 Calcutta 115 2* A Vilmore ?,.10-10r- , 77433Topango 118 3» W Smith n 0-1 On 72563 Rovaline M 4* L Montfrery 4000-100 ! j TTtTlTrH— 115 5» H tllick sst-Mtl 78059 Eye Bright 115 6J .1 Petr-cea 2010-100 i i 78062 Star Cudgel 10S 7 B Holloway 211 -100 Time 1:14%. Track fast. j mutuels nai.l. I.orena Mareelli.i. .60 straight. .80 place. 70 show; Calcutta, .00 place, .20 show; Topango. .40 show. Eiuivalent b-wdsing odds Ixjrena Marerllia. -80 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 35 to 10 show; Cal eutta. 80 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Topin-o. 70 to 100 show. Winner- Jones Stock Farm Stables eh. f. 4. by Seth Cutaneous, by Fanndole trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Mr. P. i jam in A. Jones. W,vnt to post at 4:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wou driving; second and third the same. I 789ftd SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Oct. 13. 1923 1 I04U-X —138 4 103.i Purse 00. 3-vear- I olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5; third. 0. En.. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 77499-Widgeon 111 1* R Costel.o W -10 ■ 77844*IYed Kinney 111 2 L Montgery UN 100 1 77587 Great Iady 114 H C Cross sW-Mtl 77893 Tingling 119 4j W Dunkson 144100 77937 Mormon Elder III »• Dyson 6150-100 1 77714* Yorick 114 61 Q 1:50 100 77743 -*9way 114 7 J Petrecca Mi Mi 76639 Tawasentha 101 S1 S Cowan Mt-M 77806 Black Hackle 117 9» T Wayt S60-1J0 76153*llanlare«le UK 10 L Partingfn 54O0-101 1 Time. 1:41%. Track fast. mutuels paid Widgeon. 2 40 straight. .40 : pla.e. 4 1 show; Fred Kinney, 0.60 plaee. .10: I show: Ireat Ijidy. .4 show. I Equivalent booking odds Widgeon. 520 to 100 1 straight, 220 to 10" pla.e. 120 to 100 show: Fred I I Kinney. 430 to 100 place, 255 to 100 show; Great | Lidy. 120 to 100 show. I Winner S. Singers ch. g. 5, by Star Shoot -Wide j Dyes, by Hamburg trained by C Houbre; bred by Mr. M »ntfort Jones. Went to post at 5:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and blow. Won easily; second and third 1 driving. S.ratihe.l 77915?The Chamberlain, 109; 77243 1 Little Ed. 116. Overweight Black Hackle. 3 ponnds. 70 OAK SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles OcL . I I IO-.VO 13 1923_X46%— 5— 107. W. E. Dee-1 gaa Purse. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. I Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: ; third. 0. I Eq. Odds I 1 Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. . I 75334 Buckhom IT. Ill 1» W Martin 130 100. I I 77696*.lohn Moinlt 103 P J Eaton .: 10 l 77976-Dunibfounder 108 3 R Costello 220-100 77893 Jou Jou 15 1 C Cross 4J0 Ml ■ 77976Kent L. 112 -,l H Boehm 550-100 J I 78028 »Halu IM fi J Petrecca 720-100 Time. 1:49%. Track fast. mutuels paid Bu -kliorn II. 2 60 straight. . 00 plaee, .50 show; John Morrill, $».20 ptoec, ISAM show; iHimlifounder. 10 show. Epiivalent lv. .ki:ig - dds Buckhorn II., 1030 to 100 straight. 280 to 100 plaee. 75 to 100 show: John 1 Morrill, 110 to 101 plaee, 50 to 100 show; Duaib-founder. 55 to 100 show. Winner B. Crei elis b. g. 7. by Buekh rn Bertie V . I»y Sempromus trained by B. Creech; bred by I Mr. Hal Price Heaillevi. W- nt t« i» e.t at r..5t. At post 1 minute. Start I good and sl-jw. Won driving; se.-oud and third the : same. j Overweights— Jou Jou. 2 pounds; Hulu, 1.