untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-06


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TURFNEWS ™10YD FACTS!! m ™ m mm • ™ W W — m — — * BROADWAY AT 41ST STRKET NEW YORK CITY "The Ross Rule" fcr the week ending Fri- RIFTY PFNT IFTTFR TELEPHONE— BBTAST 6333 daF- APril «»» Saturdays results not known tllll vLIll LlLiI llili as this was written Saturday morning,* had eighteen plays. TWO DOLLAR OCCASIONAL YESTERDAYS „ «„ mr. player, attent.on: "SCHUYLER INYESTMENT l QJ| 3"* This is worth .50 to you. To introduce the FINISHED SECOND and best to make missing victory by a hair J% ¥ - new current daily we are going you this offer: Tear out this advertisement and -r-HE W% I |C| take it to our agent and you will get our .00 Oc- SfHITYI FR lNVFTilFNT, «Jwwl» Casional and 50-Cent letter for ONE DOLLAR. NOW, Since the opening of the Bowie meeting the inn 1*1117 A1II V rllle nad four Pla s ollt of wl,icn •*■•• * ae to show you how much we think of our .00 Oc- AIL lilC UHLl won- , Total plavs since Thanksgiving Pay, open- casional: If it does not run first or second, you get CAPE /YtllPQIt inp dllv of the wintcr season, 20s, out of _ __ , __,. „ OnlL. IsUUlWE which 164 have won. our Occasional FREE the next day. This offer goes _ T ,„„„n. following -the ross Two Investments th.s week: , . • RILE" with positive success and to reliable , M * D AM Cil P TOnAV ON bALt IUDAY, Only for Monday at BOWie. Tharsday: persons whose word is good a copy will be Sunday. MOON MAGIC .8.30- WON SSSIAWSULR. S."5, _ Saturday: Above are FACTS proved tnrough the back rFTI? OFT TV/ffll-I Invetment Finished Second Sane? toe RAC1NG FORM Addre88 re" I MJ M MaW. mi 1. 111 I m. M lg Turf investments arc among th safest in _ - _ * ** ■m ™ m 7 m sw — w the wor,d Yet without experienced knowl- | jk T Mk »J ,-, BAGLEY NEWS STAND Mdleijn™ J* lYv-rOi3 "*** hen a ship comes in what will happen to "w ■" w ™ asw ob*- it? This office knows the channel. Success- unni et- WOODWARD AND MONROE AVE. ful pilots for a number of years. KOOM ™" ... MAMiiMrMT When we advise an investment, a client 1*74 BROADWAY ~SV. YORK, *. Y. ■ ■ ■■■■ .w- r- «/i i-w IN FRONT OF BAGLEY MONUMENT knows tnat is lwked hy un,imited financial resources and beyond peradventurc. " — — — — ™— M~MMMM"M"MM™**MMMM— """""" Be prudent and subscribe for the next /Iff 1 1 1 Ifl B A VU/laVIfa wj a TTa/ITV CrillTVI CO El fiVH 1W00 "Schuyler Investment" IHAKLtj KAiMUND H Zjk WfC J | J ulyllu 1 LIjIY iLU I 1/ WHICH POSITIVELY STARTS S5. 00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY TUESDAY AT BOWIE. calvert munra Vnn paut dcat mc YOU CAN T BEAT ME £l BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET E_ l3 "?-2£25- ONE HUNDEREMDSdOLLARS "iSSJIu ISfSSi0!! IM AnV/AWPP FfiR EAPU Cl/CaJT winners circle. Ho one can beat them by doping AUVAWUL hUh tAUM tVtN I a»d guessing. Earle Building AMWAITWriMf AnnUUm/lilU The "Sclmyler Investments" are like Tou . must ft" J"""* ZmmSETSJZJml « „ x „„ j o* * HESULTS COUNT and the T?frtn Uroaaway flxir air at at f»9n#1 ona StrfPt oireet -sterling" . . »» npht on the rrounds. on silver— f4Ct th»t i hae rw*n 3 good wekners at T,1E stamp of distinction PMt three day" sh°"ld COBTi,,ce NEW YORK CITY THE NEXT " 25*25 lutLt1" YOU MUST WIN FIVE ctup HUNDRED ufTunncn haiiid DULLAK *"** " Noting was advUed yesterday, d.e to last SSRJ L lJ -SLg minnte developments as safety is the watch- q ThatChCP 10" WON "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT ,w°° WEEKLT-*500 DAIXY Golden Billows .!80- WON This office never g»esses or snbstltntes. TW TTWTTWT The abov* wiBners h»« sUrted us oa Th. reason we do the latest business of ■_ U LJ IN IN A 00 WINNING WEEK ~W ~~~ * * * * world is due to of TAKES PLACE IN AN Its kind in the years jast a» I promised. Every one knows that n,, fol- fair dealings, with the best elements. lOO West 36th St. New York City h wers averaged 00 a week, winning on a 0 flat play durinp the fall, last year. Af F| 17 A vUlAni M rl Ju*t keep your eyes open and sec what fire-works //II m JJ ULU-rAOIllUriLLl Co off all next week. "Harvey Transaction mm - "°°"r ,IH I0 see me monday 10" I oMU I A I bUWIL Connections think this horse a real good thing. " f11AIIAIl A117 A Special "good thing." One that should pay a I I llUlf II I I If lllf CATITDHAV — — smashing price and shculd just roll in. NOT A | I IIWII IKK I W ijAlUAllnl WILD GUESS, bat real information on doings that ■ If If I If 111 % If If SATURDAY DUNN WIRED ALL SUBSCRIBERS: very few are in on. addii io Royal Charlie .6.30- WON Every One Can Be With Me The same source which rupplied the two Al KIL iZ Ky fee is within reach of all players 00 da-ly or f*°.00 for six days. Just rush alon* a Western "HarTfT Transactions at Bowie, , preceding mrrrrriinf? HarTey l ransacnons »v rtuwi «IK «i-*and FRIDAY DUNN WIRED ALL SUBSCRIBERS: Union or Postal money order and you will receive the first WOX, and the second finished a telegram Monday morning. Third after getting off in a tangle the odds lnp DA 117 IT 5 TfS Capt. UOStlQSn 1.90- WON Save time and possible deUy hy suhscribing for were 48 to 2 and over |14 to show, will A I DUYflL mUm * woek and y°u »•* me«»»r« *«? «»«y ««» day. Jand*M.L. OPEKLHO DAY DUNN WIRED ALL SUB- Only one horse Monday. Positivelv ONLY ONE, supply tomorrow s matter. and this on8 will snre tickle the loDg boys .——, SCRIBERS: Men j TUt y,u all to WTK BIG M0KEY. NOW Attention is directed to the fact that the TERMSl BIFF BANG . . . ..30- WON Playm™ y™ ™" ™ " W° °f last "Harvey Transaction- above described jyai 8trictly confidential. ous starts at odds ranging to 60 to 1. ■ FIVE •ww a»w*iVam»w HUNDRED wauuumv DOLLARS "Mor.days horse worked three h quarters in 1:17. CHAS. RAYMOND ROOM 33S, 206 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITT t-xpect b to 1. odds expected again tomorrow, IN ADVANCE Long are Wire yonr subacription Western Union or Postal , and no attention shonld be paid to past per- HMnnHMHavumMn foimances as was the case above stated. e egTap ■ F*S»V From Yr lll• PrrBTll"* Money and plenty of it co.pied with the best The «Schuy|er Investments" are *°-°° wmar-w.0. daily ■TiLLirii.ririrri of connection, I, behind every "Harvey I JJ. flJf ft- "/ tJJ»»«- 1 ransaction" and is responsible for their |je "Sterling" Oil Silver charge unless it shows an average profit of •rlnrltv at least 10 * dav on tD« W scale of play. superiority. For particuiars mail this ad. with your name The Otamp Ot Distinction and address to J. X. WILLIS. === ===== 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach. Fla. Telegraph 100 early a. all "Harvey ================== TransacUons are limited to territory. ORIGINAL THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM — Positively no service to anyone tomorrow 111 t 1117 ma7TT O afWT A STEAIGHT FLAT BET 0NL WON ss .288 Get Book on =ylo nnw containing r«lc =«o.l for nnlcss subi-rription for the aboie is received. M K fl 111 K Uf II VI 1 1| on a 120 straight flat bet from spring, 1922. at ",xt "" k : 35c ;,t :,:i newsstands. M;,,i.,; .1 r. . t 3 rilillllV If lLjUll " K.at.chy. New Ycra. T,Ua and New «"■" « ?1 »gB£ 5, g™ Orleans. A new and original method of arrange- STANDARD TURF GUIDE Telephones I 27 WEST FAYETTE ST. RITTLEMOSER BLDG. ment and selection. Not aa index system. Easily 403- 22 We,t *ui*cy Street Chicago, 111. J BALTIMORE, MD. played in books without obtaining odds or results — /v 1 OKQ1 OCOO ocqq C7AQ Circle ZandVI, iVdand, 6W6 ana ZVS 5 00 DAILy— 0.00 WEEKLY race by race. Average from two to three plays ... . .... . I daily. Small capital required. The finest system WOnderfUl W Hilling SySieiTI J*$ 149391493914939 $ $ $ $ % J* WON AGAIN!! WON AGAIN!! °™ dBVUd f°r tb6 empl°yed m" F°r fuU P" A mt. conservative method, woerein success i, w w w»»v address: ticulars rfr *PV assured. Can be played at or awav from the track JbP PREDETERMINED! «- -*r-- THF ADMIRAI COMPANY -wT iUS".: :eTtSv «• TURF PRflFrPJ A SW66DStdk6S . .30- WON ****• iil/lUlIVfill l/l/lfll rill 1 flat play. Stood the acid test with wonderful soc- •» . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally V» | Fridays only horse: 306 STEWART BLDG. BALTIMORE, MD. jfy system gives many good-priced winners. Be- known as "easy for player — hard for _., _ cent winners: . «• t*-tr rf d 0 llinil — ===================================== — — —— — — — .— »!*«.- h.s sd the acid test fr TliePeruvian . . 0.00- WON «* many years. We could not spend many « __ _ , . . . . _, __ Phenol .JU-1 _rt.mM Worthman 2 00 thousand, of dollars per annum ad»er- Thursdays only horse: Vnc|-a.rsl0tT O ArllTlCAafl Plow Wnn £r°ntU™°n " !?I ?!» £avl°Wa .V6 " •» t.sing nairr a, cough Syrup-and con- » MIIMDni nT OQ QO cO UCfA CSieiflaY S MfM 113? If 00 War Wfam«r flt.g ■»«■ . g"** llnur in bus.ncss. Sold on Installment _ ,,w,""x HUMdOLUT . . $/10.0U-$/: w ww » WUN jf _ „ . _, / Occidenta ■ »-*°-W Lantt 511CO-J2 •* *» » „ Al Hotfoot 00 2nd Fort ChurchUl payment, paid from your profits. Abso- FOR GRADE A . »27.80 • lately KREt. lOO page racing manual. «» Maryland iaformation, only, as usual. am* mwmWa«U« Small payment down, balance as you win. Fact-, ** review, sworn teatimonala. etc. Invest! -p« 4 lUXCJT 1JN K U1CIY1A 11UW that will j|% TOR AY 9H TO 1 regarding systems open your eyes. FREE. • gate today and make yonr Bookie obey. "• LU IU I-"IUUHI-"fcU IU I Write: Public Relations Manager » DON T MISS WHITE FOK 1AKTIC I LARS. WATSON COBNELL mm 8. E. ARTIIIR -.,-- R. J. M. 341 West 45th St., Room 201, New York City n/Min«u»« I aha £Sf Box 40 it. r. Towson. Md. W MONDAYS LONG SHOT HO Nassau St., Room 615, New York City ____=____________== «!•? $ $ t1493914939$ t Agr Specially prepared for this race and the spot j p • v V « »••##• «*v vr/M TTlir TT •~r wjated for n you Beed money you won,t be dii VOLUML II. OF . appointed. Remit by Western Union or Postal Tele- RCTAII Q r.. n . 0 .i BS- fSnafSf ckl1 at office Hoa" uciniLa Anniia, Racing form for 1923 Big Bowie special i Y0n *b*~ -r~**- -- - •*-» -"--« » «"7w -m xntthVy" of O * system players will be sent w.thout charje or T ™ o a Subscribe and stop losing and get in touch with my NCjW ON SALE Expecting something EX£RA good next Thursday, my clients who are reaping a golden harvest, obligation. Those interested in system play will ?icDVostidnohiS"nanOUldJnW.;nr:mU w£ r.infg0e?tnt0genu, " iUeU ° ** " » thei d"nt* t0 »ddre" DA,LY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. rungs of «.00 after horse win*. Write quick f or j 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. tins EXTRA SPECIAL and o.her good ones to j | MART N 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET NEW YORK. N Y. follow. anl/CDTIOC IM DnPIMP CODMI mniiiiia 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TOKOHTO. ONT. SUPERIOR 6ERYICE, Box 133. Daytan, Ohio. AUYLfi I lot 111 nAUIllUI rUnlVI 53 EAST 34TH ST. NEW YORK CITY 306-307 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LA.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040601/drf1924040601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924040601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800