untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-06


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Don,t Miss These San Francisco Turf Reporter 442 SANS0ME ST- SAN francisco, cal. I C/nY 7 9 Wnn BERRETTA 10-1 Won "T R" letter number five won— dom BUSY BOB .. ". . . . *. ! . 4-5 Won ; ™"- »™E» SIRX f" 0UT _._. . _ Enroll at once. T. B.. Ll.ltH! »1H. C A kl nMnltLLIl . . O I w | Wi-nirc RESULTS from the i sue of April 5 fV ivii-w 1 1 n M iii.niiiL.ii FATHER .... 3-1 « i W0n w.v.. »t Tijua a. We will operate on all of the EAST ehn TRACKS hegi uin w:h lhe ope-lnR of the End SIMPLICITY. U-l, 5-1. 5-2. 2nd: were o lr Bowie meeting a .d all interested lol.owers are laturday Wire Speeds March lSth. 22nd and 29th. ur;jPi to START at onrc and do NOT MISS ONE We expect to hive SINGLE ISSUE C~ THE SAN FRANCISCO TURF r:po3Ter the winning brand of turf TiTm TWO pvptja tAlKA nnnn UUUD nivCQ UWJlia information tor none better. NEXT SATURDAY, APRIL 12th MAY PR0SFER pMiw MISS FRYER * 2 C0-S2 WON Pot Tlnir J t "Rnwip nvrnTr uet-avTay ai cowie Jjay plow steel 80-12 won which will be wired to all subscribers early Sattir- MART BUNCH 1 69- WON day morning. Oar j.rica tor these two for next STROLLER $ 9.40-52 WON Etturdav is only and bof.i must win. or at l3ast LAVINIA % 3 80-S2 WON one of the two must win at odds of 2-1 or better. ! POSTILLION $ 4.00-S2 WON cr we will wire you our Specials for Saturday. I Apnl 19th. FREE. OPPORTUNITY BECKONS YCU. DO NOT LET SEND tZ AND HAVE US WIRE YOU THE HER PASS BY. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SAN TWO FOR NEXT SATURDAY Addresa FRANCISCO TURF REPORTER TODAY, con ain- niA||i/ or-l/ICIAI ne; the beat Turf Information in th? cou try. KAUIIMb ntVltW TODAY for nrTEEN CENTS. SEND FOR A SAM U7 TEMPLE COURT BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. PLE. 1 1 LOSE ,000.00 I J If the Horse Which Starts at Bowie Thursday, April 1 0 does n-t win. I am so sure of the r.-Milt on Thursday, aa confident of an easy winner at a good priic. that I am spending .K0.H1 for advertisements in every turf journal of prominence in the Initcd States, requesting men who want real informal i n f the very highest ch.ss to join me and let me prove to them that gilt -edged information really exists, and that I have it. 1 believe there aie men win. not only want in-ide information. I lit lire willing to pay for it. when ihev KNOW it is reliable. I KNOW the infoi inat i n 1 fnmi-h is good. lu tact, I Ihink 1 c;in s.ifely say. it is the very 1m-s| oliiiiiinible. and 1 am s]«iuiijig my nioiiey to convince you f this. I dont expect t. make any money fri m Thursdays winner imy terms f . r thix horse are t.o low, but I do expect to make plenty on lhe winners which 1 will have after the above mentioned play, and after you learn I deliver what 1 claim to hae. Kvory upriiij; .-it Howie tlierc is a liorwe or two which lia» improved! no uiiM-h over their form off the previous year, that the "wl»e" hoy* «n«l those on the inside are enahleil to get an excellent prlee the first time he wins. li:e to the puhlie heiiiK Imioraiit »ff the great improvement an«l thorough fitness off the particular horse. O la Thursday the horse I am advertising will fit the above description in every wa . with workouts that are . amazing, and showing a desire and disposition to run which was lacking last year. The horse will, with one or more stifi works, or an "f:i»" race to tighten ••him" up. he able to run awtaj with case from anything which will he eligible to race with ••him" on Thursday. TERMS: Tn order to slow, eonvinee and prove to you lluit I am fully justified in this large outlay for I | advertising. I am making my terms s.. low that any man will have tl pportunity to get this good j winner ;.t a song. 1 dont want a dime of your mi ney until after this horse lias won. and then only the winnings of a JO M bet wired to me the day after this horse wins, together with a promise fiom you to t t ten dollars for me on my second winner, the "get away good thing." which g. es the last day at Howie I Saturday, the 12tln. I ii.lerstand clearly, as no other pro|M -atttaaa Will ha given any attention. If on will bet J..1.0O for M Thursdav and wire me the results of same Fii. lay which will partly defray my advertising aspaaaa, and on Saturday bet 0.00 f . r me on my second winner, provided ji.u f et 1 convinced from the results of Thursdays play that 1 know something. Now if you are as game as I am. come on. prove it by wiring me immediately your willingneM I to comply linestlj and failhfully with the above teuns. All horses will tie filed with this paper, j and all others in which my adertiaemeut is running before noon on the day of their races. No information will be released to anyone in Baltimore or Washington, in order to protect 0UI price at the track. EARL S. PORTER Suite 215, Evans Building WASHINGTON, D. C. i i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040601/drf1924040601_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924040601_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800